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How do you understand this advertizing ?
Message de publicitaire posté le 20-10-2005 à 21:02:10 (S | E | F | I)

I am french and I have to admit that my english is not very good. As told me a lot of Amercian people :"I speak english like a mexican frog !"
So, could you help me to translate this advertizing slogan :
I thing this slogan can be interpreted in serveral ways so could you give me yours
Thanks a lot
Thanks for your help
Edité par bridg le 20-10-2005 21:13

Réponse: How do you understand this advertizing ? de ourimba, postée le 20-10-2005 à 22:11:06 (S | E)
As with many marketing slogans it really doesn't mean anything on it's own. Can you give us some context for how it is used? If I had to guess I would say:

The advertising that protects you

The product being sold is "advertising"
The thing being protected is the person "buying the advertising".

It's hard to know from just the slogan alone.

Réponse: How do you understand this advertizing ? de publicitaire, postée le 21-10-2005 à 01:16:37 (S | E)
In fact, it is a new medium which is a new sort of packaging.

This packaging will protect "value" object for consumers and it will be printed.

So now that you know the product, do you understand better the sense ?

Réponse: How do you understand this advertizing ? de ourimba, postée le 21-10-2005 à 05:50:47 (S | E)
I think so. If it's a type of packaging that protects the object within, and if the packaging can be used to display a message, then the packaging itself is the advertising medium, and since it protects the object it wraps, it is indeed "The Protective Advertising".

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