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Message de annecyfille posté le 2004-05-08 18:50:22 (S | E | F | I)
Salut, j'ai 20 ans, je vais attaquer un BTS vente et production touristique et je cherche un correspondant(e) anglais ou un français(e) qui a un bon niveau d'anglais pour dialoguer et pour m'aider à m'améliorer en anglais.

Edité par bridg le 21-11-2004 10:50

Réponse: Hello Annecyfille de choubidouou, postée le 2004-05-08 20:02:27 (S | E)
Hello Annecyfille,

i've just read your profile and i saw that you're new on this website since yesterday. So, you mustn't know that when you create a new topic on the forum called "English only", you have to write your message in English and not in French. But that's okay, because you're new ;o)
If you want to write messages in French you can do it on the "forum principal" (i'm not sure about its name).
Anyway, if you want to chat in English with me sometimes, feel free to send me private messages and i would answer to you as quick as possible. I'm almost (!!!) 21 and i'm in the 2nd year of a university of English.
I hope to hear from you soon.
Bye bye.

Réponse: reponse de minokeli00, postée le 2004-05-15 07:27:37 (S | E)
hi Annecy i'm Narindra, before let me introduce myself i'm 22 years old, work at the office, i finished my studies 3 years ago,leave in Madagasca'r.Sorry i'm not very good in english but fluency in french,so if you want to be my friend you can writte to me in this adress "", we can talk about everything that we want. So see you on the next letter.
bey, Narindra

Réponse: re de pascal1972, postée le 2004-05-18 13:07:51 (S | E)
Hi I'm Pascal, I'm a new member like you. You can give me you email adress if you want and I'll send you back a message. I'm looking for penfriend to speak english too.

Réponse: re de warda84, postée le 2004-06-13 23:33:54 (S | E)
Hello,I study English in the university ,if you wont I'll be happy to help you .Bay

Réponse: re to warda87 de virginia, postée le 2004-06-14 10:40:32 (S | E)
*wAnt... But much more interesting... "Bay" at the end of your message:
- A wide opening along a coast, part of the sea or of a large lake enclosed in a curve of the land.
- A tree like the laurel, whose sweet-smelling leaves can be used in cooking.
- Any of the parts into which a large room or building is divided down the sides by walls, shelves, etc.
- A side track at a railway station.
- The long deep cry of a hound (a large hunting dog).

It's quite funny to end a message with this word... What should we understand?? ;-) I'm teasing you.


Réponse: re de gizm0, postée le 2004-06-14 10:43:40 (S | E)
have a look in the correspondant section

Réponse: re de chrisg, postée le 2004-06-15 11:25:52 (S | E)
once more ...



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