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Correction/ review book

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Correction/ review book
Message de leene59 posté le 23-08-2017 à 22:23:29 (S | E | F)
Pour la rentrée, je dois rendre une "review" sur un livre en anglais, et j'ai peur que pour ma première note de l'année, je me trompe et que je récolte une mauvaise note dès le départ.
C'est pourquoi j'aimerais savoir si ce texte vous semble correct, et si non, merci de corriger les erreurs

Love and the city is a collection of two short stories based on love relationships. The first one, named Changing People is written by Sophie Kinsella, and the second one, The Bamboo Confessions, is written by Lauren Weisberger. The two stories begin in New York.

Sarah is a twenty-four-year-old girl who were in a car crash in Peru a couple of years before. After the accident, she had several injuries and a plastic surgeon had to cure her. Then she met David, they began to date but after three years of relationship, she cheated on him.
Two years later, she lives with Fizz, her best friend and flat mate. Fizz has always crazy ideas, and this time, she wants to be a designer. She begs Sarah for being her assistant because she wants to be “professional” in front of her first customer, Arabella. They go on a little meeting to visit the apartment which needs to be renovated and Sarah sees a painting. A very special painting because it reminds her of her ex-boyfriend : she helped him to choose it when they were in love. Then, more and more clues make Sarah think that the Arabella’s actual boyfriend is David, her ex-boyfriend. She tries to avoid the couple but one day Fizz has an emergency and she asks Sarah to put up wallpaper in the apartment…
Changing People was a good story, but I had the impression that there was a lack of character and story development. For instance, Sarah’s past was very unclear. Everything is unclear, we don’t know how the car crash happened, why she cheated on her loving boyfriend, why her best friend doesn’t know anything about David, etc.
Moreover, the end was too simple and the conclusion of the story wasn’t credible. I think that her story was a little bland.

The bamboo confessions is a story about a girl, Katie, who decides to go on a trip to Vietnam alone. She flies during two days and she arrives in Hanoi, where she meets the group of eight people that are going to accompany her during the trip. The group is composed of one leader, Claire, a little bit severe and directive. There are also two girls from Dublin (they are best friends), one British guy, one Roman couple, and two-middle-aged women from Melbourne.
Katie quickly becomes friend with the British guy, Stephen. He tells her that his girlfriend broke with him a couple of weeks before and he wanted to take a break, and Katie explains that she’s having some trouble with her boyfriend and she thought it might be good to get away for a few weeks and do some thinking. They begin to criticize the whole trip and they decide to check into a decent hotel, just for one night, because the hotel they’re supposed to sleep in is quite miserable, such as the beds, the showers, and the meals. Stephen insists on the fact that he’s not suggesting anything by it, he just wants to enjoy the moment, such as good friends in separate beds.
Then, they make friends with the two girls from Dublin, and they move away from the rest of the group. The trip begins to turn into a quest of herself, a way to make really good friends and to escape from the reality. But, one thing led to another, and Katie realizes a lot of things about herself and her life in New York with her boyfriend.

The Bamboo Confessions is my favourite story of the book. I think Vietnam is a beautiful country and, through the book, I visited a little bit of this awesome part of the world. I think that everyone can depress and feel overwhelmed and, sometimes, we need to take a break and take hindsight, to see the world differently, to open our eyes about our way of living, and ask himself if our life is good enough, such as Katie did.
Unfortunately, this story ends too sharply. I’d like to know more about Katie’s thoughts and what happened after her return. Is she still with her boyfriend or she broke with him? Is she in love with Stephen? Because they were very close friends, and I do believe they were attracted by each other.
As a final word, I found that Lauren Weisberger’s story was more credible and concrete than Sophie Kinsella’s.

Merci infiniment d'avance, bonne journée

Modifié par lucile83 le 23-08-2017 22:32


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