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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de sabine18 posté le 09-11-2017 à 15:25:17 (S | E | F)
Je prépare une licence pro en vente d'assurance de personnes, et j'ai un oral d'anglais.
J'aimerais donc trouver quelqu’un qui accepterait de corriger le texte que j'ai préparé.
Merci beaucoup.

The inflence of youtubers on buying behavior.
I. Introduction :
The topic I am about ..mal placé to discuss today is the influence of youtubers on the buying behavior of their subscribers.
A youtubeuse is a woman who hosted a channel in the videos plateform Youtube by publishing videos of them online. Their videos generally concern fashion and beauty.
The beauty youtubers in which we will be interested here, makes us discover, allows subscibers to discover cosmetic products.

II. Brands
Brands to cosmetic products are quickly realized the advantages of suck a tool. They proposes thus partenerships at youtubers. The goal is to improve sales.
Certain youtubeuses, thanks their opinion can do or undo the reputation brand. Partenerships can change product image opposite their clients.
On top of that, work with youtubers enables a brand to reach out to their customers by creating a meeting for example.

III. Communication
Today, Youtubeuses are more powerful than the big websites feminine. This is a major revolution in the world of communication. They have a media impact huge because they are active in social networks the most popular, like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, that brings them still closer to their subscribers.
By sharing their ideas, their interest and their emotions, youtubeuses are revealed. They admit their subscribers in their private lives, they create with their subcribers a intimate relationship. Social networks make exchange possible thanks to the comments below photos and videos but also thanks to meet-up.

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-11-2017 15:48

Réponse : Correction/assurance de laure95, postée le 09-11-2017 à 16:10:30 (S | E)
The inflence (il manque une lettre) of youtubers on buying behavior .
I. Introduction :
The topic I am about to discuss today is the influence of youtubers on the buying behavior of their subscribers.
A youtubeuse is a woman who hosted a channel in the videos (singulier)plateform Youtube (ordre des mots)by publishing videos of them online. Their videos generally concern fashion and beauty.
The beauty youtubers in which we will be interested (préposition)here, makes us discover, allows subscibers to discover cosmetic products.

II. Brands
Brands to cosmetic products are quickly realized (temps)the advantages of suck a tool. They proposes (faute de conjugaison) thus partenerships at youtubers. The goal is to improve sales.
Certain youtubeuses, thanks (préposition)their opinion can do or undo the reputation (marque de la possession)brand. Partenerships can change (article)product image opposite their clients.
On top of that, work (gérondif)with youtubers enables a brand to reach out to their customers by creating a meeting for example.

III. Communication
Today, Youtubeuses are more powerful than the big websites feminine (ordre des mots). This is a major revolution in the world of communication. They have a media impact huge (pas à la bonne place) because they are active in social networks the most popular (ordre des mots), like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, that brings them still closer to their subscribers.
By sharing their ideas, their interest and their emotions, youtubeuses are revealed. They admit their subscribers in their private lives, they create with their subcribers a (a+ mot commençant par une consonne) intimate relationship. Social networks make exchange possible thanks to the comments below photos and videos but also thanks to meet-up.

Réponse : Correction/assurance de lucile83, postée le 10-11-2017 à 08:19:32 (S | E)
Erreurs en bleu
The inflence of youtubers on buying behavior. behaviour
I. Introduction :
The topic I am about to discuss today is the influence of youtubers on the buying behaviour of their subscribers.
A youtubeuse is a woman who hosted a channel in the videos plateform Youtube by publishing videos of them online. Their videos generally concern fashion and beauty.
The beauty youtubers in which we will be interested here, makes us discover, allows subscibers to discover cosmetic products.

II. Brands
Brands to cosmetic products are quickly realized the advantages of suck a tool. They proposes thus partenerships at youtubers. The goal is to improve sales.
Certain youtubeuses, thanks ... their opinion can do or undo the reputation brand. Partenerships can change product image opposite their clients.what do you mean?
On top of that, work with youtubers enables a brand to reach out to their customers by creating a meeting for example.

III. Communication
Today, Youtubeuses are more powerful than the big websites feminine. This is a major revolution in the world of communication. They have a media impact huge...mal placé because they are active in social networks the most popular...mal placé, like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, that brings them still closer to their subscribers.
By sharing their ideas, their interest and their emotions, youtubeuses are revealed. They admit their subscribers in their private lives, they create with their subcribers a intimate relationship. Social networks make exchange possible thanks to the comments below photos and videos but also thanks to meet-up.

Réponse : Correction/assurance de sabine18, postée le 11-11-2017 à 17:10:58 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup à vous deux pour vos corrections, je vais essayer de corriger tout ça.

Réponse : Correction/assurance de sabine18, postée le 11-11-2017 à 19:01:51 (S | E)
Voila ma correction, merci à vous.

The influence of youtubers on buying behavior.

I. Introduction :
The topic I am to discuss about today is the influence of youtubers on the buying behavior of their subscribers.
A youtuber is a woman who hosted a channel in videos Youtube plateform by publishing videos of them online. Their videos generally concern fashion and beauty.
The beauty youtubers in which we will be interested here, makes us discover, allows subscibers to discover cosmetic products.

II. Brands
Brands to cosmetic products have quickly realize the advantages of such a tool. They propose thus partenerships at youtubers. The goal is to improve sales.
Certain youtubers, thanks to their opinion can do or undo the reputation brand. Partenership can change product image opposite their clients (=Ces partenariats peuvent donc modifier l'image d'un de ses produits vis-à-vie de sa clientèle.)
On top of that, (to work ?) with youtubers enables a brand to reach out to their customers by creating a meeting for example.

III. Communication
Today, Youtubers are more powerful than the big feminine websites. This is a major revolution in the world of communication. They have a huge media impact because they are active in most popular social networks, like Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat, that brings them still closer to their subscribers.
By sharing their ideas, their interest and their emotions, youtubers are revealed. They admit their subscribers in their private lives, they create with their subcribers an intimate relationship. Social networks make exchange possible thanks to the comments below photos and videos but also thanks to meet-up (ou meeting?)


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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