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Correction / IELTS

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction / IELTS
Message de khaladrim posté le 21-11-2017 à 20:23:35 (S | E | F)
Etant en école d'ingénieur, je me prépare un faire un double cursus en université anglaise. Sauf que je dois d'abord passer l'IELTS. Du coup, je me permets de poster ici mon écrit pour voir ce qui ne va pas/est faux. Merci !

Exercice 1
Ecrire une lettre a un ami qui va garder la maison et notre animal pendant notre absence:
Dear friend,
First, I want to thank you for your help about my house. I have to leave in dire situation because of my work and I have just found you available. I am not enjoy to fly to a dry-striken area, in Africa, but I must take a plan this tuesday. Don't panic, you will not have a lot of work and if you have a problem, you will be able to call me on my personal phone.
So, let's talk about your chores, my friend. You will not be alone in my house, there will be my cat Jim ! He is very independant and a little afraid of new people. Thus, you will not exchange many things with it. Though, the more it can eat, and the happier it will be. In this case, don't forget to fill up its food. In spite of his kindness, it may scratch carpet and even more walls when he is in a weird situation, as my journey and be alone. So, be present one hour, even if you don't see it, and everything will be alright.
After feeding my cat, could you take care of the poperty of my house ? I don't know reasons, but there are much dust when I can't clean all. Don't worry, I have a handsman who can help you and cut my garden for example. Moreover, a man could come and fill the mailbox. Check if I have any troubles with my bill, and call me if you guess it is.
Finally, I have already warn my neighbourhood, they will not call the police because of a thief will be robbing my home. And I will be back in one week. hoping to see you for my return, we will go to the pub and I will pay the bill !
See you soon my friend.
(>150 words)

Exercice 2
Discuter des avantages d'étudier à la maison ou à l'école
Education is high in everyone's agenda. We can address the issue of learning at home, or school.
One of the most argument to study at home, is the accessibility. Actually, with the increasing of internet people of any background can be provided for studies. There is no need of tuition fees and so enquiring for a grant, or complaining about time schedule. In this context, we can agree people think using this possibility for their children.
Then, there is a drawback that wa have to expose : sociability. Although a home-training is more available for families, the fact of globalisation set to be social. We will argue and face other people during our carreer, personal life, thus we have to be using speak with a lot of people. For example, in my HighSchool we have association and means of expression. These means allow us to profit of different perspetives and learn how to lead people.
To conclude, both possibilities have their advantages and drawbacks. In this case, we have to discuss potentiality for each child. We are all different, and so everyone would be pro or con.
...250 words

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-11-2017 21:52


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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