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Politics/school uniform

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Politics/school uniform
Message de noemie1310 posté le 28-11-2017 à 16:20:01 (S | E | F)
pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger mes fautes dans l'exposé suivant svp s'il vous plait?

In the UK There is no legislation about school uniform. In Northern Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales and the Republic of Ireland School uniform policy is determined by individual schools.
Although the wear of the school uniform is not legally mandatory the great majority of state schools in the UK require it. In these schools, students wear an identical set of clothes. Often that extends to the style of hair that is allowed and what backpack and shoes students must wear, so that all children are looking the same.
Pb: Should the wear of the school uniform be mandatory in every school in the UK?
I/ Why are schools so obsessed with all children looking the same?
Teachers argue that requiring everyone to wear the same uniform leads to advantageous outcomes including improved academic performance and attendance. Educators who are pro school uniforms believe that uniforms contribute positively to students' behavior.
- Firstly, they believe that when students wear uniforms, they feel more professional and behave accordingly.
- On the other hand, pro uniforms teachers presume true that requiring students to wear uniforms helps having a working environment where students can concentrate, which isn’t the case when students can choose their clothes by themselves. Teenage girls, they say, do not always make the best choices about how much of their body needs to be covered up in order not to provide a distraction to those around them.
- Last but not least, many educators are convinced that students can become distracted by fashion trends. Therefore, according to them, when all students are dressed in uniforms, there is less focus on fashion in the classroom and more focus on learning.
II/ What are the students’ arguments in favour of the wear of a school uniform?
When you type the words “school uniform” in YouTube’s search bare you are going to find out a lot of videos of students delivering pro uniform speeches. Let’s talk about Caroline Malher and Amelia Sporsen’s feelings about the wear of school uniform.
- Actually, when Caroline was in high school she didn’t like to wear a school uniform. Therefore, when she left high school she first thought “It is so great, I don’t have to wear uniforms anymore”, but then, as time went on, she realized how school uniforms were beneficial and she started wanting uniforms. Why? Because as soon as people don’t need to wear a uniform they start comparing themselves with the others: “whose clothes are better, whose clothes are worst?” and Caroline couldn’t figure out what to wear anymore. The purpose of requiring all students to wear a school uniform is to have all students dressed the same and that way everyone feels equal. Here is the reason why according to Caroline, uniforms should be initiated in all different types of schools.
- Just as Caroline did, when Amelia was in high school she didn’t like to wear a uniform, she thought it was the ugliest thing in the all world. But, as she grew older she realized the purpose of uniforms. The first argument she holds is that it creates a calmer morning for students. Indeed, according to her students should not be having to worry and stress about what they are going to look like when they should be worrying about their studies.
Furthermore, people may argue that uniforms take away students’ ability to express themselves, but Amelia highlights the fact that students can express themselves in many other ways including art, music and writing.

III / What are the arguments held against the school uniform?
Lena Corner wrote an article which tackle the issue of the politics of the school uniform. This article was published in The Independent on August 30th 2011.
In this clipping Lena Corner holds many arguments against the wear of school uniform.
- First, she stresses out that such clothes are very expansive, which is a real issue for families earning a low amount of money. She suggests that it tends to increase the gap between social classes.
- Secondly, she discloses the reason why 98% of schools in the UK require children to have a school uniform. In 1987, corporal punishment was banned in all state school, which meant that one of the tools teachers used to discipline children disappeared. Since beating children is prohibited teachers have felt they were missing authority over pupils. So, uniforms were required because teachers consider that wearing uniform is a mark of respect and they feel they succeeded in installing discipline in the children.
- Additionally, uniforms are not comfortable at all for students. Indeed, even in high summer they get a detention if they take off their pants to replace it for example by a short.
Writing this article Lena Corner hopes people will realize how problematic it is to require students to wear school uniforms and she expects to put an end to what she considers as a stupid trend.

Réponse : Politics/school uniform de gerondif, postée le 30-11-2017 à 18:49:23 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, suggestions en vert
In the UK There is no legislation about school uniform. In Northern Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales and (also in , pour répondre à la question de gerold ci-dessous)the Republic of Ireland(virgule) School uniform policy is determined by individual schools.
Although the wear of the (wearing a school uniform me paraît plus fluide) school uniform is not legally mandatory (virgule) the great majority of state schools in the UK require it. In these schools, students wear an identical set of clothes. Often that extends to the style of hair that is allowed and what backpack and shoes students must wear, so that all children are looking the same (look alike, look the same).
Pb: Should the wear of the school uniform be mandatory in every school in the UK?
I/ Why are schools so obsessed with all children looking the same?
Teachers argue that requiring everyone to wear the same uniform leads to advantageous outcomes including improved academic performance and attendance. Educators who are pro school uniforms believe that uniforms contribute positively to students' behavior.
- Firstly, they believe that when students wear uniforms, they feel more professional and behave accordingly.
- On the other hand, pro uniforms teachers presume true (take it for granted that) that requiring students to wear uniforms helps having a working environment where students can concentrate, which isn’t the case when students can choose their clothes by themselves. Teenage girls, they say, do not always make the best choices about how much of their body needs to be covered up in order not to provide a distraction to those around them.
- Last but not least, many educators are convinced that students can become distracted by fashion trends. Therefore, according to them, when all students are dressed in uniforms, there is less focus on fashion in the classroom and more focus on learning.
II/ What are the students’ arguments in favour of the wear of a school uniform?
When you type the words “school uniform” in YouTube’s search bare you are going to (you will find out me paraît plus habituel)find out a lot of videos of students delivering pro uniform speeches. Let’s talk about Caroline Malher and Amelia Sporsen’s feelings about the wear of school uniform.
- Actually, when Caroline was in high school she didn’t like to wear a school uniform. Therefore, when she left high school she first thought “It is so great, I don’t have to wear uniforms anymore”, but then, as time went on, she realized how school uniforms were beneficial and she started wanting uniforms. Why? Because as soon as people don’t need to wear a uniform they start comparing themselves with the others: “whose clothes are better, whose clothes are worst?” and Caroline couldn’t figure out what to wear anymore. The purpose of requiring all students to wear a school uniform is to have all students dressed the same and that way everyone feels equal. Here is (That's the reason why reprend ce qui précède) the reason why(virgule) according to Caroline, uniforms should be initiated in all different types of schools.
- Just as Caroline did, when Amelia was in high school she didn’t like to wear a uniform, she thought it was the ugliest thing in the all world(supprimez all, ou alors dites in the whole world). But, as she grew older(virgule) she realized (j'aurais mis realized that... ou understood + nom) the purpose of uniforms. The first argument she holds is that it creates a calmer morning for students. Indeed, according to her(virgule) students should not be having(mettez la base verbale) to worry and stress about what they are going to look like when they should be worrying about their studies.
Furthermore, people may argue that uniforms take away students’ ability to express themselves, but Amelia highlights the fact that students can express themselves in many other ways including art, music and writing.

III / What are the arguments held against the school uniform?
Lena Corner wrote an article which tackle(le s du présent!) the issue of the politics (politics ou policy ??) of the school uniform. This article was published in The Independent on August 30th 2011.
In this clipping Lena Corner holds many arguments against the wear of school uniform.
- First, she stresses out that such clothes are very expansive(confusion entre expansive et expensive), which is a real issue for families earning a low amount of money. She suggests that it tends to increase the gap between social classes.
- Secondly, she discloses the reason why 98% of schools in the UK require children to have a school uniform. In 1987, corporal punishment was banned in all state schools, which meant that one of the tools teachers used to discipline children disappeared. Since beating children is prohibited(virgule) teachers have felt they were missing authority over pupils. So, uniforms were required because teachers consider that wearing uniform is a mark of respect and they feel they (have) succeeded in installing discipline in the children.
- Additionally, uniforms are not comfortable at all for students. Indeed, even in high summer they get a detention if they take off their pants to replace it for example by a short(tout ce qui est sous la ceinture et où vous passez les jambes dans deux orifices séparés est pluriel: pants, briefs, knickers, trousers, overalls, shorts...).
Writing this article Lena Corner hopes people will realize how problematic it is to require students to wear school uniforms and she expects to put an end to what she considers as a stupid trend.

Réponse : Politics/school uniform de gerold, postée le 01-12-2017 à 09:24:42 (S | E)
In the UK there is no legislation about school uniform. In Northern Ireland, England, Scotland, Wales and the Republic of Ireland School uniform policy is determined by individual schools.
En lisant ces deux phrases, je me demande si vous croyez que la République d'Irlande fait partie du Royaume-Uni. Vous devriez peut-être reformuler votre texte pour éviter de donner cette impression.


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