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Correction/ Oral

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ Oral
Message de richardcoeu posté le 01-12-2017 à 23:22:44 (S | E | F)
dans le cadre d'un petit oral que je dois rendre bientôt, j'aurais aimé avoir une éventuelle correction de mes travaux afin de si possible corriger les erreurs.
Merci beaucoup

After a journey of twenty (20) years outer space, Cassini has discovered many things which are going to be very important for our future The 15 of October one nineteen ninety seven began the launch from earth of TITAN IV.. Beyond 7 years spent in outer space Cassini arrived on its orbit insertion around Saturn. One of the goal of Cassini, was to send a probe call Huygens on Titan, a moon of Saturn. This was done the 14 of January two thousand and five after 1,658 million of km with Huygens became the farest manmade object to touch a floor in our Solar system. Then the 10 of September two thousand and seven, Cassini flew above Iapetus which make part of the icy moons of Saturn. Furth more, the 8 of July two thousands and nine, Cassini enter in the atmosphere of Saturn VI (titan) and confirm a liquid presence on its surface. Moreover, the 15 of October, two thousand and fifteenth, Cassini discovered some jets of ice and gas at the surface of the moon Enceladus. These last discoveries show that a life is possible with some ingredients.
But the 26 of April 2017, Cassini ha one last assignment “The Grand Final” This was a brand-new adventure for Cassini. It had to carry out 22 dives between Saturn and his rings to know more about Saturn. Cassini had to see Saturn like never before. Because of a predictable lack of fuel, Cassini did the last dive into Saturn’s atmosphere to disintegrate itself

Modifié par lucile83 le 02-12-2017 00:45

Réponse : Correction/ Oral de laure95, postée le 02-12-2017 à 10:37:36 (S | E)
- important for our future (mettre un point)(préposition) The (pas à l'écrit)15 of (pas à l'écrit)October one nineteen ninety seven (écrire en chiffres)
- One of the goal of Cassini,(enlever la virgule) was to send
- This (this ne s'emploie pas au passé) was done the (pas de the) 14 of (pas de of) January two thousand and five (en chiffres) after 1,658 million of km (pluriel) with Huygens became the farest (orthographe) manmade (mettre un tiret entre les 2 mots)object to touch a floor in our Solar system.
- Then the 10 of September two thousand and seven (voir plus haut), Cassini flew above Iapetus which make (passé)part of the
- Furth more: ?
- the 8 of July two thousands and nine,
- Cassini enter (passé) in (pas de "in")the atmosphere of Saturn VI (titan) and confirm (passé) a liquid presence
- the 15 of October, two thousand and fifteenth,
- the moon Enceladus: ordre des mots.
- These (these ne s'emploie pas au passé)last discoveries show (présent perfect) that a (pas de "a")life is possible with some ingrédients .
- the 26 of April
- Cassini ha one last assignment
- This was


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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