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Oral /Presentation

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Oral /Presentation
Message de chlcorp posté le 03-12-2017 à 11:38:14 (S | E | F)
Hello everybody,
Here's a text that I will read next Monday to accompany a presentation about HIV/AIDS;feel free to tell me what you think about it, especially for the use of logic connectors,
Thanks for any reply

This slide is depicting the different stages of HIV infection,
The first stage is an acute infection with flu-like symptoms occurring within the first 2 to 4 weeks after infection, the HIV is mainly targeting T CD4 Lymphocytes, anti-HIV antibodies start to be progressively secreted as a response, and remain at a high rate thereafter.
The new HIV infection results in a downfall of viremia and leads to a second asymptomatic phase, a clinical latency, which lasts up to decades for some patients.
The destruction of T CD4s by HIV will incur on the long run a major immune deficiency. AIDS is declared when the CD4 cell count falls under 200 cells per cubic millimeters.
Therefore, opportunistic infections and cancers develop. Those diseases are the actual cause of death of AIDS patients.

This World Health Organization map illustrates the Prevalence of HIV among adults aged 15 to 49 in 2016.
Africa is the first victim of HIV, with a raging HIV prevalence of 4.2 percent, which could be explained by poverty, the lack of education about sexual protection.
After Africa comes the two Americas with a 0.5 prevalence then Europe with a 0.4 percent prevalence.
South-East Asia 0,3 percent, and finally Western Pacific and Eastern Mediterranean a lower 0.1 percent.

HIV is transmissible sexually, which means that sexual intercourse, unprotected vaginal or anal penetration have an high risk to transmit the infection. We can say the same about oral sex even though it is lot lower, except if the genitals are bloody or semen is absorbed by the sexual partner.
Another main mode of HIV transmission is blood, which means that blood donation between a seropositive and a healthy person can lead to an infection, fortunately, this phenomenon almost disappeared, at least in industrialized countries. It goes also without saying that the exchange of needles or syringes between drug users can also lead to transmission.
Moreover, HIV can also be transmitted from mother to child, either during pregnancy, by blood, or during labour, by blood or vaginal secretions and finally by breastfeeding, the maternal milk can contain the virus. Fortunately, thanks to an adapted medical follow up, a seropositive mother can give birth to an uncontaminated child.
We can also safely assert that HIV cannot be transmitted by air or water, not by some body fluids like saliva sweat, tears. Hence why closed mouth kissing is okay. HIV is a human exclusive disease, so it cannot be transmitted by pets or insects.
Sharing toilets, food or drinks is also risk-free.
Even though HIV is very dangerous disease, our knowledge about the disease and medical progress can make it possible for seropositives to get on with their lives, so they should not be discriminated or ostracized for it.
main source : Lien internet

Thank you for your attention,

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-12-2017 12:49

Réponse : Oral /Presentation de gerondif, postée le 03-12-2017 à 15:01:28 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu, suggestions en vert
This slide is depicting the different stages of HIV infection,
The first stage is an acute infection with flu-like symptoms occurring within the first 2 to 4 weeks after infection, the HIV is mainly targeting T CD4 Lymphocytes, anti-HIV antibodies start to be progressively secreted as a response, and remain at a high rate thereafter.
The new HIV infection results in a downfall of viremia and leads to a second asymptomatic phase, a clinical latency, which lasts up to decades (j'aurais dit which can last decades) for some patients.
The destruction of T CD4s by HIV will incur on the long run a major immune deficiency. AIDS is declared when the CD4 cell count falls under 200 cells per cubic millimeters (singulier, millimetre en anglais, millemeter en américain).
Therefore, opportunistic infections and cancers develop. Those diseases are the actual cause of death of (for) AIDS patients.

This World Health Organization map illustrates the Prevalence of HIV among adults aged 15 to 49 in 2016.
Africa is the first victim of HIV, with a raging HIV prevalence of 4.2 percent, which could (can irait aussi, il y a peu de doutes sur les raisons de l'hécatombe) be explained by poverty and the lack of education about sexual protection.
After Africa comes the two Americas (le verbe devait être au pluriel, sujet pluriel, j'aurais dit North end South America)with a 0.5 prevalence then Europe with a 0.4 percent prevalence.
South-East Asia 0,3 (0.3 prononcé o point three) percent, and finally Western Pacific and Eastern Mediterranean (manque le mot pays derrière l'adjectif mediterranean) a lower 0.1 percent.

HIV is transmissible sexually, which means that sexual intercourse, unprotected vaginal or anal penetration have an high risk to transmit the infection. We can say the same about oral sex even though it is lot lower, except if the genitals are bloody or semen is absorbed by the sexual partner.
Another main mode of HIV transmission is blood, which means that blood donation between a seropositive and a healthy person can lead to an infection, fortunately, this phenomenon almost disappeared, at least in industrialized countries. It goes also without saying that the exchange of needles or syringes between drug users can also lead to transmission.
Moreover, HIV can also be transmitted from mother to child, either during pregnancy, by blood, or during labour, by blood or vaginal secretions and finally by breastfeeding, the maternal milk can contain the virus. Fortunately, thanks to an adapted medical follow up, a seropositive mother can give birth to an uncontaminated child.
We can also safely assert that HIV cannot be transmitted by air or water, not(maladroit, soit or by, soit reprendre avec neither can it be tranmitted by) by some( à supprimer) body fluids like saliva sweat or tears. Hence why (This is the reason why) closed mouth kissing is okay. HIV is a human exclusive disease (maladroit , HIV is exclusively a human disease), so it cannot be transmitted by pets or insects.
Sharing toilets, food or drinks is also risk-free.
Even though HIV is a very dangerous disease, our knowledge about the disease and medical progress can make it possible(can et make it possible sont redondants) for seropositives to get on with their lives, so they should not be discriminated against or ostracized for it.

Réponse : Oral /Presentation de chlcorp, postée le 03-12-2017 à 16:26:49 (S | E)
Thank you for your intervention

This slide is depicting the different stages of HIV infection,
The first stage is an acute infection with flu-like symptoms occurring within the first 2 to 4 weeks after infection, the HIV is mainly targeting T CD4 Lymphocytes, anti-HIV antibodies start to be progressively secreted as a response, and remain at a high rate thereafter.
The new HIV infection results in a downfall of viremia and leads to a second asymptomatic phase, a clinical latency, which lasts up to decades for some patients.
The destruction of T CD4s by HIV will incur on the long run a major immune deficiency. AIDS is declared when the CD4 cell count falls under 200 cells per cubic millimeter.
Therefore, opportunistic infections and cancers develop. Those diseases are the actual cause of death for AIDS patients.

This World Health Organization map illustrates the Prevalence of HIV among adults aged 15 to 49 in 2016.
Africa is the first victim of HIV, with a raging HIV prevalence of 4.2 percent, which can be explained by poverty and the lack of education about sexual protection.
After Africa come North and South America with a 0.5 prevalence then Europe with a 0.4 percent prevalence.
South-East Asia 0.3 percent, and finally Western Pacific and Eastern Mediterranean countries with a lower 0.1 percent.

HIV is transmissible sexually, which means that sexual intercourse, unprotected vaginal or anal penetration have an high risk to transmit the infection. We can say the same about oral sex even though it is lot lower, except if the genitals are bloody or semen is absorbed by the sexual partner.
Another main mode of HIV transmission is blood, which means that blood donation between a seropositive and a healthy person can lead to an infection, fortunately, this phenomenon almost disappeared, at least in industrialized countries. It goes also without saying that the exchange of needles or syringes between drug users can also lead to transmission.
Moreover, HIV can also be transmitted from mother to child, either during pregnancy, by blood, or during labor, by blood or vaginal secretions and finally by breastfeeding, the maternal milk can contain the virus. Fortunately, thanks to an adapted medical follow up, a seropositive mother can give birth to an uncontaminated child.
We can also safely assert that HIV cannot be transmitted by air or water, neither can it be transmitted by those following body fluids : saliva sweat, tears. Thus closed mouth kissing is okay. HIV is exclusively a human disease, so it cannot be transmitted by pets or insects.
The sharing of toilets, food or drinks is also risk-free.

Even though HIV is very dangerous disease, our knowledge about the disease and medical progress make it possible for seropositives to get on with their lives, so they should not be discriminated against or ostracized for it.

Réponse : Oral /Presentation de gerondif, postée le 03-12-2017 à 17:14:56 (S | E)
This slide is depicting the different stages of an HIV infection,
The first stage is an acute infection with flu-like symptoms occurring within the first 2 to 4 weeks after infection, the HIV is mainly targeting T CD4 Lymphocytes, anti-HIV antibodies start to be progressively secreted as a response, and remain at a high rate thereafter.
The new HIV infection results in a downfall of viremia and leads to a second asymptomatic phase, a clinical latency, which lasts up to je ne crois pas que up to, jusqu'à, aille derrière le verbe durer.) decades for some patients.
The destruction of T CD4s by HIV will incur on the long run a major immune deficiency. AIDS is declared when the CD4 cell count falls under 200 cells per cubic millimeter.
Therefore, opportunistic infections and cancers develop. Those diseases are the actual cause of death for AIDS patients.

This World Health Organization map illustrates the Prevalence of HIV among adults aged 15 to 49 in 2016.
Africa is the first victim of HIV, with a raging HIV prevalence of 4.2 percent, which can be explained by poverty and the lack of education about sexual protection.
After Africa come North and South America with an(devant un son voyelle) 0.5 prevalence then Europe with an 0.4 percent prevalence.
South-East Asia 0.3 percent, and finally Western Pacific and Eastern Mediterranean countries with a lower 0.1 percent.
HIV is transmissible sexually, which means that sexual intercourse, unprotected vaginal or anal penetration have an high risk to transmit the infection. We can say the same about oral sex even though it is lot lower, except if the genitals are bloody or semen is absorbed by the sexual partner.

Another main mode of HIV transmission is blood, which means that blood donation between a seropositive and a healthy person can lead to an infection, fortunately, this phenomenon almost(il faudrait appliquer ce almost à un adverbe comme completely, sinon,le sens peut apparaître bizarre) disappeared, at least in industrialized countries. It goes also without saying that the exchange of needles or syringes between drug users can also lead to transmission.

Attention au sens de almost et de nearly:
I almost killed him: je regrette d'avoir manqué ma cible.
I nearly killed my daughter while reversing : je suis content de l'avoir ratée
I almost disappeared while investigating the mafia's secret activities: je suis content que ça n'ait pas eu lieu)

Moreover, HIV can also be transmitted from mother to child, either during pregnancy, by blood, or during labor(ok mais orthographe américaine), by blood or vaginal secretions and finally by breastfeeding, the maternal milk can contain the virus. Fortunately, thanks to an adapted medical follow up, a seropositive mother can give birth to an uncontaminated child.
We can also safely assert that HIV cannot be transmitted by air or water, neither can it be transmitted by those following body fluids : saliva sweat, tears. Thus (très littéraire, presque incongru ici) closed mouth kissing is okay. HIV is exclusively a human disease, so it cannot be transmitted by pets or insects.
The sharing of toilets, food or drinks is also risk-free.

Even though HIV is a very dangerous disease, our knowledge about the disease and medical progress make it possible for seropositives (est-ce que l'adjectif a valeur de nom en anglais? le dictionnaire en ligne ouvert par double click sur le mot ne le donne que comme adjectif)) to get on with their lives, so they should not be discriminated against or ostracized for it.


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