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Texte/démocratie animale (1)

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Texte/démocratie animale
Message de seira posté le 17-12-2017 à 22:47:38
Bonsoir à tous,
J'ai une synthèse à apprendre et à réciter pour vendredi. J'aimerais bien si possible être corrigé.

Firstly, it's important to ask : What is democracy ? Democracy is word that can be defined a system of gouvernement in wich the majority preference las prevail over the spirit of one single leader. Today in our world the democracy is the most popular political system. But in the animal world they are an unconscious voting process in group behaviour of certain spicies. Animal instinct make it possible for there comunity to take daily decision acording to the group's desires. For certain scientific majority preference in animal society has an edge over the despotism. It's an analisi derived from an important matematical system who drive researcher to expplain that. For exmple Buffalo individuals decide where go by pointing in their prefered direction. The group takes the awrage and heads that way. But this inconscious process it's incomparable with the human democracy. In efectly this process is not the result of a revolution and no deer counts vote or chuck ballot. Finallay we can says that the democracy in the animal world it's the most popular and eficace system even if it's not like to human system.

Que pensez-vous du texte en soi ? Ne le trouvez-vous pas un peu redondant ?
Merci pour vos réponses.

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-12-2017 08:54

Modifié par lucile83 le 21-12-2017 13:42
Sujet fermé suite à insultes envers un correcteur.

Réponse : Texte/démocratie animale de seira, postée le 18-12-2017 à 22:07:45
Personne ?

Réponse : Texte/démocratie animale de here4u, postée le 18-12-2017 à 23:14:38
Hello !

Firstly, it's important to ask : What is democracy ? Democracy is A word that can be defined a system of gouvernement in wich the majority preference las prevail over the spirit of one single leader. Today in our world the democracy is the most popular political system. But in the animal world they are an unconscious voting process in group behaviour of certain spicies. Animal instinct make it possible for there comunity to take daily decision acording to the group's desires. For certain scientific majority preference in animal society has an edge over the despotism (Sorry! I couldn't understand...). It's an analisi derived from an important matematical system who drive researcher to expplain that. For exmple Buffalo individuals decide where TO go by pointing in their prefered direction. The group takes the awrage and heads that way. But this inconscious process it's incomparable with the human democracy. In efectly this process is not the result of a revolution and no deer counts vote or chuck X ballot. Finallay we can says that the democracy in the animal world it's the most popular and eficace system even if it's not like to human system.

Réponse : Texte/démocratie animale de seira, postée le 19-12-2017 à 21:17:29
Merci de m'avoir corrigé je me rend compte que mon texte est très mauvais mais cela fait deux heures que j'essaye de le corriger et je ne vois pas ce que je pourrais mettre à la place de ce que tu à surligner.
Merci d'avance

Réponse : Texte/démocratie animale de seira, postée le 19-12-2017 à 21:20:55
has an edge over signifie l'emporte sur
Certains scientifique affirme qu'au sein de la société animal c'est la préférence majoritaire qui l'emporte sur le despotisme.
Ce qui veut dire que la démocratie est le système privilégier dans le monde animal.

Réponse : Texte/démocratie animale de seira, postée le 19-12-2017 à 21:23:33
Mon texte est si pourris que ça ? En plus il est à réciter pour vendredi; c'est pas possible.
Je suis désolé j'essaye vraiment d'y arriver mais je n'arrive pas à le corriger.

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-12-2017 22:28

Réponse : Texte/démocratie animale de lucile83, postée le 19-12-2017 à 22:32:21
Nous ne faisons pas le travail à la place des membres. Aidez-vous d'un dictionnaire ou de plusieurs, pas d'un traducteur en ligne.
Vérifiez chaque mot !

Réponse : Texte/démocratie animale de seira, postée le 20-12-2017 à 09:55:56
Firstly it's important to ask : What is democracy ? Democracy is A word that can be defined a system of gouvernment in wich the majority preferences las prevail over the spirit of one single leader. Today in our world democracy is the moste popular politicak system. But in the animal world these is sometimes a form of democracy. In deed it may seen an uncouscious voting process in the group behaviour of certain species. Animal instinct makes it possible for their community to take daily decision according to the group's desires. The scientifics say that, majority preferences has an edge over the despotism in animal society. It's an analysis derived from an important matematical system who drive researcher to explain that. For exemple Buffalo individuals decide where to go by pointing in their prefered direction. The group takes overage and heads that way. But this uncouscious process it's incomparable with the human democracy. In deed this process is not the result of a revolution and no deer count's vote or checks ballot.

Merci beaucoup de votre aide ! Le texte est il juste a présent ou y a t'il encore quelque fautes ?

Réponse : Texte/démocratie animale de gerondif, postée le 20-12-2017 à 12:59:37
en partant d'un texte français et en le traduisant à l'arrache avec une orthographe approximative, il reste encore quelques fautes en effet. Vous écrivez des mots qui n'existent pas en anglais, je les mets en bleu:
Firstly it's important to ask : What is democracy ? Democracy is A word that can be defined a system of gouvernment in wich the majority preferences las(c'est has mal écrit ou une influence espagnole?) prevail over the spirit of one single leader. Today in our world democracy is the moste popular politicak system. But in the animal world these is sometimes a form of democracy. In deed it may seen an uncouscious voting process in the group behaviour of certain species. Animal instinct makes it possible for their community to take daily decision according to the group's desires. The scientifics say that, majority preferences has an edge over the despotism in animal society. It's an analysis derived from an important matematical system who drive researcher to explain that. For exemple Buffalo individuals decide where to go by pointing in their prefered direction. The group takes overage and heads that way. But this uncouscious process it's incomparable with the human democracy. In deed this process is not the result of a revolution and no deer count's vote or checks ballot.
Mais je ne doute pas que vous ayez mis deux heures à faire cela, c'est dur de plaquer de l'anglais sur du français.

erreurs en bleu, suggestions en vert
Firstly it's important to ask : What is democracy ? Democracy is A(minuscule) word that can be defined as a system of gouvernment (écrit en français)in wich(manque un h) the majority preferences las(à supprimer) prevail(à mettre au présent d’habitude) over the spirit of one single leader. Today in our world(virgule) democracy is the moste(sans e) popular politicak(dernière lettre fausse c'est un l) system. But in the animal world(virgule) these is sometimes a form of democracy. In deed(en un seul mot) it may seenconfusion entre see saw seen et to seem, sembler) an uncouscious (orthographe) voting process in the group behaviour of certain species. Animal instinct makes it possible for their community to take daily decision(pluriel) according to the group's desires. The scientifics (scientific est un adjectif, a scientist est un chercheur)say that(ôter la virgule), majority preferences has an edge over the(ôter) despotism in animal society. It's an analysis derived from an important matematical system who(who a comme antécédent un humain, ici, ce sera that ou which) drive(le s du présent!!) researcher(pluriel) to explain that. For exemple(écrit en français) Buffalo individuals decide where to go by pointing in their prefered direction(maladroit by turning where they would like to go). The group takes overage(ce mot n'existe pas ; average, la moyenne ?? ) and heads that way. But this uncouscious process it's(is) incomparable with the(à supprimer) human democracy. In deed(en un seul mot) this process is not the result of a revolution and no deer count's(le s du présent simple s'attache au verbe) vote(pluriel) or checks ballot(pluriel).

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