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Definition/Myth and Hero

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Definition/Myth and Hero
Message de ana2628 posté le 27-12-2017 à 17:05:07 (S | E | F)
I take my baccalaureate this year and I have to define those words : Myth and Hero.
Could you tell me if there are grammatical, spelling or punctuation mistakes ?
Thanks a lot

I am going to talk about the notion of Myths and heroes. First of all I would like to give a definition of :
Myth : In its best-known definition, a myth is a legendary recite featuring fictitious characters (god, demigod, heroes, natural elements) in an allegorical way. However, to me, a myth is more complex than that. It is a story which allows man to answer to his most existential questions like “where we come from?” “Why do we exist?” … With answers, it may allows us to live with more serenity. Then, myths provide to explain many things : good and evil, the origin of man but particularly his own nature. So, myth is instructive. With those answers, it can guide us and that allows to know how we should behave in our daily life.

Heroes : In myths, we find precisely heroes. To me, a hero is a person who has to goal to save someone or a population from a danger, from evil in general. Thus, he wishes to help someone as he can in order to give a better world fairer. Heroes stories are essential to us. Indeed, we can as of childhood build us from those heroes who become as a life model to adopt. Then, based on those heroes, we build ourselves a personal model which allows us to act in the best possible way. Heroes are often perceived as fictional, but they can be real too

Edited by lucile83 on 27-12-2017 17:37

Réponse : Definition/Myth and Hero de laure95, postée le 04-01-2018 à 10:59:51 (S | E)
- It is a story which allows man to answer to (enlever to)his most existential questions
- With answers: mal dit.
- it may allows: may + infinitif.
- So, (mettre un article)myth is instructive.
- With those answers: mal dit.

- a person who has to goal (mal dit)to save someone or a population from a danger, from (pas besoin de répéter from) evil
- a better world fairer: ordre des mots.
- Heroes stories: dans un nom composé, seul le deuxième mot se met au pluriel.
- Indeed, we can as of childhood build us: ?


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