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Rack Your Brains and Help/13

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Rack Your Brains and Help/13
Message de here4u posté le 29-12-2017 à 22:58:24 (S | E | F)
Hello, Dear Friends!

J’espère que vous passez tous de plaisantes « vacances » de fin d’année, et vous présente, avec un peu d’avance, mes vœux très sincères pour une excellente année 2018.

Malgré la période, mon pauvre étudiant a bien des soucis … En dépit de tous nos efforts, il n'a guère progressé … et a encore besoin de vous. Il veut à nouveau nous écrire quelques lignes au sujet d’une autre tradition de la période. J’ai vraiment besoin de vous pour m’aider à le corriger …
L’autre exercice vous donnera presque totale liberté d’écrire quelques lignes sur ce que vous voudrez (en respectant la variété de structures et vocabulaire demandée.)
Cet exercice est un Il sera corrigé en ligne le dimanche 14 janvier 2018.

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you! In the following text, there are many, many mistakes to correct...
The new year resolution ist a tradition who ist very commune in anglo saxons countrys : you’ve resolved changing a undesired trait or behaviour of yor karakter or improving the life.
Acording comunely cited statistic, only 8 pour cent of people actuely keep new year resolution. When this resolutions are to ambitious, you strugle changing yor habits, but becoming discouraged when you fail and ultimatly giving up all together. So instead doing difficult resolutions that year, why not increasing yor chances for the sucess at aproching yor gols like a “reset”, what mean a long term change. Like it said : « Small at small, the bird does his nest ».

II) Using a different verb or structure for each sentence (I need FULL SENTENCES), write 6 resolutions for the coming year. (Total number of words = 200 max. words.)

... and, of course, I give you THE FORCE...

Modifié par lucile83 le 30-12-2017 07:23

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/13 de magie8, postée le 04-01-2018 à 00:12:45 (S | E)
Bonjour ,
ready to correct thank you

The new year resolution ist a tradition who ist very commune in anglo-saxons countries: you've resolved changing a undesired trait or behaviour of yor karakter or improving the life.
Acording communely cited statitic, only 8 pour cent of people actuely keep new year resolution.When this resolutions are to ambitious, you strugle changing for habits, but becoming discouraged when you fail and ultimatly giving up all together.So instead doing difficult resolutions that year, why not increasing yor chances for the sucess at aproching yor gols like a "reset",what mean a long term change.Like it said:"small at small, the bird does his nest."

The New YearS resolution IS a tradition WHICH IS very COMMON in Anglo-Saxons countrIES :You have resolved TO changE AN UNDESIRABLE trait or behaviour of YOUR PERSONNALITY or improving YOUR life.
aCcording TO commONly cited statiSticS,only 8 pEr cent of people actuAly keep New Year resolution.When those resolutions are tOo ambitious you struGgle changing yoUr habits but becoming discouraged when you fail and ultimatEly giving up all together.So instead OF MAKING difficult resolutions thIS year, why not TO increase yoUr chances OF (cancel the) success BY aPproching yoUr PURPOSE like"a reset",this meanS (cancel a) long term change AS THE SAYING GOES"STEP BY STEP". ( est-ce utile de rajouter les oiseaux? est-ce que cela ne ferait-il pas trop typiquement romantique français ? )

j' espère qu'en voulant corriger je n'ai pas fait plus de fautes que votre sympathique étudiant?
J essaie de travailler sur la suite de votre programme vraiment performant merci beaucoup

II) write 6 résolutions for New Years ready to correct thank you
My resolutions
- First ,to stop smoking
- second,I have to lose some weight , for that the only one way is:eat less, it will be difficult!
- Now , I am going to spend less money, keeping some savings for the future .I would like to go on a cruise in the Pacifique
- So, it is important that I call my mother more often , she is lonely and I am thinking of her every day , but time passes so quikly .
- and what do you think about improving my English language it will be a good idea! will not ?
- One resolution is missing , what else ? I know , I take the resolution to walk 0ne hour a day in the forest it will be good for my health.You do not think so ? 155 signes avec la ponctuation

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/13 de here4u, postée le 04-01-2018 à 09:12:56 (S | E)
Hello !
I didn't say what was obvious for me (but is never in Learners' minds...) I've asked you to use different verbs or constructions, but I didn't insist on the necessary full sentences enough... Please, do not only list your resolutions, but include them all into full sentences.

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/13 de taiji43, postée le 04-01-2018 à 17:37:42 (S | E)

ready to be corrected
The New Year resolution IS a tradition WHICH IS very USUAL in Anglo Saxons COUNTRIES : you’ve DETERMINED to CHANGE AN UNDESIRABLE trait OF behaviour of YOUR CHARACTER or IMPROVING YOUR life.


When THESE resolutions are TOO ambitious, WHEN you STRUGGLE IN ORDER TO CHANGE YOUR habits, YOU LOSE HEART.(se décourager), AND when you ULTIMATELY fail, YOU GIVE UP all YOUR RESOLUTIONS afterwards

(après coup).

So instead OF MAKING difficult resolutions THIS year, why not TO INCREASE YOUR chances OF SUCCESS BY APPROACHING YOUR GOALS like a “reset”, WHICH MEANS a long term change. Like it said : « LITTLE BY LITTLE
OR STEP BY STEP, the bird does his nest »

III) Using a different verb or structure for each sentence, write 6 resolutions for the coming year. (Total number of words = 200 max. words.)

1)I have to Listen to people before answering too quickly which should ease, approve the quality of mutual understanding . (19)

2)It will be reasonable to think a little bit longer before acting which could avoid redoing what I have already made (22)

3) This promise is not my cup of tea: Spending a little more time on my homework in order to satisfy somebody who can be a bit of a stickler (29)

.4) Urgent: resuming my English listening in order to improve my understanding and my vocabulary
My best bet would be to establish a schedule with: days and duration ( 27)

5), I am used to listening to English reduced -speed texts, (the underbridged tests are too fast for me and I have often postponed this activity)…So my challenge is : keep on trying (31)

Resuming my vocabulary list: That is to say; I have to establish a list of 50 new words. (18)
I learn theses words one by one . (Each word is in a sentence). Two days later, I may try to remember them (24) . The forgotten words will be written once again and learnt once again. Then, new interrogation, I will write the forgotten words. And so on… (24)
TOTAL :192 mots

Thank you dear Here4U for the correction

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-01-2018 22:27
Bug couleur réparé

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/13 de alpiem, postée le 05-01-2018 à 17:08:07 (S | E)
I) Please, help my student! He really needs you! In the following text, there are many, many mistakes to correct...
The new year resolution ist a tradition who ist very commune in anglo saxons countrys : you've resolved changing a undesired trait or behaviour of yor karakter or improving the life.
Acording comunely cited statistic, only 8 pour cent of people actuely keep new year resolution. When this resolutions are to ambitious, you strugle changing yor habits, but becoming discouraged when you fail and ultimatly giving up all together. So instead doing difficult resolutions that year, why not increasing yor chances for the sucess at aproching yor gols like a ?reset?, what mean a long term change. Like it said : « Small at small, the bird does his nest ».
The new year's resolutions IS a tradition which is COMMONPLACE in Anglo-saxon countries: You have resolved to change
an undesired trait of behaviour of yoUR CHARACTER SO AS TO IMPROVE life.
ACCording to communely cited statistics, only EIGHT PER CENT of people actually keep new year's resolutions. When those
resolutions are TOO MUCH ambitious, you will struggle changing your habit, but becoming discouraged when you fail,you will
ultimately give up ALLTOGETHER. So,instead of doing difficult résolutions THIS year,why not INCREASE your chances OF

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/13 de djim21, postée le 06-01-2018 à 13:25:04 (S | E)
Hello Here4u,
I have done your exercice about the resolutions like an extremist !
Have a nice week end.
Ready for correction

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you! In the following text, there are many, many mistakes to correct...
The new year resolution ist a tradition who ist very commune in anglo saxons countrys : you’ve resolved changing a undesired trait or behaviour of yor karakter or improving the life.
Acording comunely cited statistic, only 8 pour cent of people actuely keep new year resolution. When this resolutions are to ambitious, you strugle changing yor habits, but becoming discouraged when you fail and ultimatly giving up all together. So instead doing difficult resolutions that year, why not increasing yor chances for the sucess at aproching yor gols like a “reset”, what mean a long term change. Like it said : « Small at small, the bird does his nest ».

The new year RESOLUTIONS ARE a tradition WHICH IS very COMMON in ANGLO-SAXON COUNTRIES : you’ve resolved TO CHANGE AN UNDESIRABLE trait or behaviour of YOUR CHARACTER or TO IMPROVE YOUR life. ACCORDING TO A COMMONLY cited statistic, only 8 PER cent of people ACTUALLY keep THEIR new year RESOLUTIONS. When THESE resolutions are TOO ambitious, you STRUGGLE WITH changing YOUR habits, but YOU BECOME discouraged when you fail and ULTIMATELY you GIVE up all together. So, instead OF doing difficult resolutions THIS year, why not INCREASE YOUR chances OF success BY APPROACHING YOUR GOALS like a « reset », WHICH MEANS a long term change. AS THEY SAY : « SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE. »

II) Using a different verb or structure for each sentence (I need FULL SENTENCES), write 6 resolutions for the coming year. (Total number of words = 200 max. words.)

1) I’m going to think at our ill planet.
2) No kill insects in order to make birds eat more.
3) I’ll communicate with my family and my friends by telepathy.
4) From now, my trips will be made by teleportation.
5) My diet will contain neither vegetable or meat.
6) I have to convince everybody to do like me.

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/13 de joe39, postée le 09-01-2018 à 11:04:49 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u,
Here I’m with my try to help your student,
ready to be corrected.

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you! In the following text, there are many, many mistakes to correct...
The new year resolution ist a tradition who ist very commune in anglo saxons countrys : you’ve resolved changing a undesired trait or behaviour of yor karakter or improving the life.
Acording comunely cited statistic, only 8 pour cent of people actuely keep new year resolution. When this resolutions are to ambitious, you strugle changing yor habits, but becoming discouraged when you fail and ultimatly giving up all together. So instead doing difficult resolutions that year, why not increasing yor chances for the sucess at aproching yor gols like a “reset”, what mean a long term change. Like it said : « Small at small, the bird does his nest ».

The NEW YEAR’S resolution IS a tradition, WHICH IS MOST COMMON in ANGLO- SAXON COUNTRIES: you RESOLVE TO CHANGE AN undesired trait or behaviour of your
keep NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS. When THESE resolutions are TOO ambitious, you STRUGGLE TO CHANGE YOUR habits, but YOU GET discouraged when you fail and ULTIMATELY YOU GIVE up EVERYTHING. So instead OF PUTTING difficult resolutions INTO PRACTICE , why don’t INCREASE your chances of BEING SUCCESSFUL at APPROACHING YOUR GOALS BY SOMETHING like a “reset”, THAT IS BY a long term
change PROGRAM. AS IT’S said: LITTLE BY LITTLE, the bird BUILDS ITS nest. (also SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE- referred to Aesop’s fable – The Hare and the Tortoise – re -proposed by Antoine de La Fontaine ).

II) Using a different verb or structure for each sentence, write 6 resolutions for the coming year. (Total number of words = 200 max. words.)
Resolution of a teenager student:
I must abstain from making caricatures during the history lesson. 10
Resolution of a headmaster:
As the number of maths teachers in our college is seriously depleted, I have to recruit new ones, so as to maintain the institution at the cutting edge of education in the city. 33
Resolution of a politician:
As in 2017 , some parliamentary accident put me in the limelight more than I would have liked, I want to keep a low profile in 2018, in order to have approved the bill against the tax evasion within a short time.41
Resolution of a very strict company manager:
Opting for a quiet life is always the best policy, so I will turn a blind eye towards the harmless trifles committed now and then by some employees. 28
Resolution of a workaholic yuppie:
I’ve had enough of the frenetic routine of my activity in 2017. This year I’d rather take a month off on the Caribbean, being lured of the beautiful beaches, sunshine and lay-back, enjoyable lifestyle typical of those islands. 40
Resolution of a football club’s president:
Trying to win the Championship with these players is a goal that can never be achieved. Therefore, my New Year’s resolution is to start a campaign on the transfer market, thus allowing our team to be really competitive. 38
Total words 190. Introductions not included.

I thank you very much and wish you a great week.
So long

Modifié par joe39 le 14-01-2018 10:50

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/13 de icare29, postée le 09-01-2018 à 23:42:31 (S | E)
Hello Here4u ,and all hard workers here is my work , OK FOR CORRECTION .

New Year resolution ist a tradition who ist very commune in anglo saxons countrys : you've resolved changing a undesired trait or behaviour of yor karakter or improving the life.
Acording comunely cited statistic, only 8 pour cent of people actuely keep new year resolution. When this resolutions are to ambitious, you strugle changing yor habits, but becoming discouraged when you fail and ultimatly giving up all together. So instead doing difficult resolutions that year, why not increasing yor chances for the sucess at aproching yor gols like a ?reset?, what mean a long term change. Like it said : « Small at small, the bird does his nest ».

New Year's resolutions are traditional in Anglo -Saxon countries : you are resolved to change a undesirable trait of your behaviour or your character and to improve your life .
According to statistics usually cited , only 8 percent of people actually keep New Year's résolutions .
When these résolutions are too ambitious , you must struggle to change your habits, you can become discouraged when you fail and at the end you give up altogether .
So , instead of making difficult résolutions this year, why not increase your chances by defining your goals like a restart, which means a long -term change.
As it said "step by step one goes far "..

Yes ,I think to myself what a wonderful world we could have....

If the drivers could drive more carefully ....
if the students were more attentive in classrooms ....
if the children respected more their parents and their teachers ....
if hospitals were less saturated ....
if the ancient were better taken care in hospice ....
if each of us could eat in his hunger every day....

But ,I am only a little poor creature lost in the vast world and I am afraid I can't do anything but live with hope ....

Thank you very much for your correction
I wish you an happy day

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/13 de tereda, postée le 10-01-2018 à 20:52:51 (S | E)
hello dear HERE4U and all my colleagues

I) Please, help my student!
The NEW YEAR resolution Is a tradition which Is very COMMON in Anglo-saxon COUNTRIES : you’ve resolved TO CHANGE AN UNDESIRABLE trait or behavior of YOUR CHARACTER FOR improving the life.
ACCording COMMONLY cited statistic, only 8 PERCENT of people ACTUALLY keep New Year resolution. When thESE resolutions are TOO ambitious, you STRUGGLE changing YOUR habits, but becoming discouraged when you fail and ULTIMATELY giving up all together. So instead doing difficult resolutions THIS year, why not increasing YOUR chances for the success at APPROACHING your goals like a “reset”, what meanS a long term change. As THEY SAY : « LITTLE BY LITTLE the bird makes its nest".

II) Using a different verb or structure for each sentence (I need FULL SENTENCES), write 6 resolutions for the coming year
1. I wish to be able to keep calm and harmony in my life whatever it arrives. 16
2. Sending all my wishes for peace and happiness in all the world for all people, all minorities, all animals and for a best protection of mother nature. 27
2. I wish to improve my knowledge in English in reading and speaking more often, the last book I've read is : "Just a little run around the World", by an exceptional woman, Rosie Swale POPE. I recommend it.. 37
4. But also, I would want to improve my practice of watercolor painting, and for that I need to "work" every day, I need to go to my lessons each week, and practise as often as possible. 36
5. Finally, I do hope to return to INDIA at the end of this year, after putting some money by side....... that is not an easy task ! 26
16+27+37+36+26 = 142

I hope everything will come true .....
Thank you so much.

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/13 de chocolatcitron, postée le 11-01-2018 à 21:07:17 (S | E)
Rack Your Brains and Help/13 Here4u
Hello, my dear Here4u! Thank you very much, I love it!

Here is my work:
I) Please, help my student! He really needs you! In the following text, there are many, many mistakes to correct...
NEW YEAR'S resolutions ARE a tradition who IS very COMMON in ANGLO-SAXON COUNTRIES: you’RE resolved TO CHANGE AN UNDESIRABLE trait or behaviour of YOUR CHARACTER or TO IMPROVE the life.
IN ACCORD WITH THE COMMONLY cited STATISTICS, only 8 PER cent people ACTUALLY keep NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTIONS. When THESE resolutions are TOO ambitious, you STRUGGLE WITH changing YOUR habits, but BECOME discouraged when you fail and ULTIMATELY GIVE up all together. So instead OF MAKING difficult resolutions THIS year, why not INCREASE YOUR chances for the SUCCESS AS YOUR GOALS APPROACHE like a “reset”, THAT MEANS IN THE long term CHANGES. AS IS said : « SLOW AND STEADY WINS THE RACE ».

2) Using a different verb or structure for each sentence, write 6 resolutions for the coming year. (Total number of words = 200 max. words.)
Why should I change anything in my life to struggle against myself ?
I live as I do: I don't let people tell me what will be better to do, eat, drink, wear on, live, ... in my own life !
So if I feel better at night than in the morning, it's undoubtely because my brain is built like that... why should I sleep at night, as the others do ?
In fact, I sleep when I need it, just like animals do...: our societies obliged us to have a such behaviour, to comform people, but my freedom is stronger than what our societies want me to do or to make!
I took the resolution to improve myself at English language, more than three years ago, just for my friends,... and I've been working for every day to succeed in: I'll go on !
I just want to live free and without any negative point, friend, thing: just being surrounding by positive waves, people who share what I love, and of course to have time for my cats and for doing all what I love..., nothing else : sorry, for your six resolutions, I'm not a perfect woman, enjoy yourselves! 200 words.

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/13 de maxwell, postée le 12-01-2018 à 21:05:18 (S | E)

Hello Here4U
What a BRILLIANT IDEA to make us think about our 6 most important resolutions! I confess I only wanted to make one or two this year

I) Please, help my student!
The [N]ew [Y]ear'S resolution IS a tradition WHICH IS very COMMON in ENGLISH-SPEAKING COUNTRIES : you RESOLVE TO CHANGE AN undesired trait or behaviour of YOUR CHARACTER or TO IMPROVE YOUR life.
ACCORDING TO COMMONLY cited STATISTICS, only 8 PERCENT of people ACTUALLY keep THEIR [N]ew [Y]ear'S resolution. When THESE resolutions are TOO ambitious, you STRUGGLE TO CHANGE YOUR habits, AND THEN YOU BECOME discouraged when you fail and FINALLY, YOU GIVE up ALTOGETHER. So[,] instead OF MAKING difficult resolutions THIS year, why not INCREASE YOUR chances OF SUCCESS IN REACHING YOUR GOALS like a “reset” BUTTON, WHICH MEANS a long[-]term change. AS SOMEONE said : « LITTLE BY LITTLE, the bird BUILDS ITS nest ».

II) Using a different verb or structure for each sentence, write 6 resolutions for the coming year. (Total number of words = 200 max. words.)

149 words.

1. I commit to carry on giving my best on each English exercise that Here4U will propose in the coming year. (20)
2. I'm trying to get some exercise on a daily basis. I really need to develop my muscles and I want to start practising immediately. (25)
3. I've decided to turn over a new leaf and spend less time on buying unnecessary stuff on the internet this year, and instead, do household chores more often. (29)
4. I've promised myself I'm going to spend more time on reading, especially in English. I'm thinking about subscribing English magazines as well. (25)
5. I'm considering eating more diversified food next year. I've got to give up that terrible habit of eating the same food week after week. (26)
6. And last but not least, my resolution is to be part of the eight percent of people who keep their New Year's resolution. (24)

Réponse : Rack Your Brains and Help/13 de here4u, postée le 14-01-2018 à 23:26:37 (S | E)
Hello, dear Friends and co-workers!

Voici la correction de cet exercice que vous avez fait, comme toujours, avec beaucoup d’enthousiasme et de sérieux.
Vous avez corrigé beaucoup de fautes de mon élève. Bravo ! Il en avait fait une vraie collection !
Vous avez ensuite, visiblement, apprécié de pouvoir rédiger librement, et vous l’avez très bien fait, en respectant les consignes. Alors, essayons de nous y retrouver dans ce charabia ...

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you! In the following text, there are many, many mistakes to correct...
The new year resolution ist a tradition who ist very commune in anglo saxons countrys : you’ve resolved changing a undesired trait or behaviour of yor karakter or improving the life.
Acording comunely cited statistic, only 8 pour cent of people actuely keep new year resolution. When this resolutions are to ambitious, you strugle changing yor habits, becoming discouraged when you fail and ultimatly giving up alltogether. So instead of doing difficult resolutions that year, why not increasing yor chances for the sucess by aproching yor gols as a “reset”, what mean a long term change. Like it said: « Small at small, the bird does his nest ».

A New Year's resolution is a tradition which is very common in Anglo-Saxon countries: you resolve to change an undesired trait or behaviour of your character or to improve your life.
According to commonly cited statistics, only 8 percent of people actually keep their New Year’s resolutions. When these resolutions are too ambitious, we/you struggle to change our/your habits, become discouraged when we/you fail and ultimately give up altogether. So instead of making hard-line/ demanding resolutions this year, why not increase our/your chances for long-term success, approaching your goal as a « reset », which means a lasting change. As it is said : « slow and steady wins the race ».

- une résolution de Nouvel An = a New Year’s resolution.
- Anglo-Saxon countries : ne pas oublier les majuscules, indispensables et le pluriel : a country => countries.
- to resolve to do something= être déterminé à faire quelque chose. To resolve…. to change…. to improve…
- la vie = life (sans article).
- Selon = according to...
- to make a resolution = > to keep a resolution=> to break a resolution.
- give up altogether…
- instead of + ing = au lieu de …
- Why + infinitif sans to ? / Why not + infinitif sans to ? (ni - ing, bien sûr !)
- « a reset »= machine remise en marche => redémarrage à zéro.
- To last = durer.
- « Small at small, the bird does his nest » était la (très mauvaise) adaptation de « petit à petit, l’oiseau fait son nid » (little by little ; to make a nest ; l’oiseau mis au pluriel de généralité et repris en « their »). Il fallait, bien sûr, trouver l’équivalent anglais.
- "slow and steady wins the race"= lentement et régulièrement, et l’on gagne la course ! (Qui va lentement va surement !)

Bien retenir : ne pas « traduire » les mots, mais exprimer l’idée !
II) : Vos résolutions : Merci de ne pas avoir « recopié » (ni même de ne pas vous êtes vraiment inspirés des listes de « résolutions » publiées sur Internet.) Vous avez bien compris que cela n’avait aucun intérêt et qu’avoir de « vraies » corrections pour des résolutions fausses ou pas, peu importe, était pour vous et moi bien plus rentable et intéressant.
Vous avez la Sagesse que n’ont pas encore les élèves ! Merci, chers amis et bravo pour votre bel enthousiasme et bravo aussi de si bien cultiver vos compétences en langue pour l’exprimer !

Le N° 14 est en ligne... Il vous attend !


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