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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de linda321 posté le 13-01-2018 à 13:05:58 (S | E | F)
Bonjour !
Je vous contacte pour savoir si quelqu'un aurait la foi gentillesse de me donner un petit coup de pouce sur un texte d'anglais que je dois résumer ! Voici le résumé du texte...

The text that I decided to summarize is about a man and his testimony about immigration. In this short text, the man tells us different stories that he witnessed since he knows the Estrada: a family of poor peasants who are generous, kind, poor and illiterate with whom he spent a lot of time. During 30 years, the man has the opportunity to discover the impacts of immigration on the families when certain of their member has to go away in order to leave misery. In fact, the man has seen a lot of children grow up, leave the country and never return. Basically the persons who didn’t tried to return in Mexico from the USA, was afraid by the risk of lose their freedom because of border issues with the US government… Furthermore, the narrator explains that the immigration and these border problems create a lot of tensions in the couple which are separated by the distance. The two partners can’t know if their companion have engaged a new relation with another person and per consequent the two persons are depressed and live in the doubt (peut-on utiliser cette expression en anglais vivre dans le doute?).

There was the case of Pedro who has left Mexico for the USA and Rosa who tried to catch up with his husband. Unfortunately, Rosa didn’t have the chance to cross the frontier. When she tried to go in United States with fake papers, she was captured and kept in jail during eight months without giving a sign of life.

In this text, the narrator explains also the language barrier generated by the immigration by explaining different situation facing Pedro and his family (different situations auxquelles pedro et sa famille font face). For instance, the relation between Pedro who wasn’t able to speak English and his boss who wasn’t able to speak Spanish. Or even the relation between the different members of the family which has been formed during these years, indeed the grandparents and the grandchildren encountered some difficulties in order to communicate because of this language barrier which is due to the different the lifestyles that they have.

The narrator finish in concluding that the immigration his a big problem for honest persons like the Estradas. He explains that the persons can’t live the life they want because of the political issues between the two countries….

J'ai réalisé ce résumé d'un texte et je voulais savoir les principales erreurs que j'ai commise dans ce dernier. Serait-il possible de souligner les erreurs et de m'expliquer leur nature pour que je puisse les corriger et ainsi en apprendre plus ?

Merci d'avance pour votre aide !
Cordialement, Linda.

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-01-2018 19:27

Réponse : Aide/résumé de laure95, postée le 13-01-2018 à 15:11:47 (S | E)
- he witnessed (present perfect avec since)since he knows (mettre au preterit)the Estrada (mettre au pluriel)
- During 30 years, the man has (mettre au passé car tu utilises un marqueur de temps passé)the opportunity
- the impacts of immigration on the families when (pas le bon mot ici)certain (pluriel) of their member has (mettre au passé)to go away in order to leave (j'utiliserai plutôt le verbe "fuir")misery.
- a lot of children grow up, leave the (mettre un possessif à la place de the)country and never return.
- the persons who didn’t tried (faute de conjugaison)to return in Mexico from the USA, was (faute de conjugaison) afraid
- by the risk of lose (of + gérondif) their freedom
- because of (the) border issues with the US government…
- the immigration and these border problems create (j'utiliserai plutôt le present perfect) a lot of tensions in the couple which are(faute de conjugaison) separated by the distance.
- their companion have (faute de conjugaison) engaged a new relation
- per consequent: ?
- the two persons are depressed and live in the (pas de the)doubt

- Rosa who tried to catch up with his (pas le bon possessif: tu parles de son mari à elle) husband.
- When she tried to go in (article) United States
- the language barrier generated by the immigration by (pas utile + répétitif) explaining different situation (pluriel)
- facing Pedro and his family (different situations auxquelles pedro et sa famille font face): mal construit.
- this language barrier which is due to the different the (pas de the) lifestyles that (pas obligatoire) they have.

-The narrator finish (faute de conjugaison) in (pas obligatoire)concluding that the immigration his (orthographe) a big
- He explains that the (pas de the) persons can’t live the (mettre un possesif à la place de the)life they want

People s'utilise plus que "persons".


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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