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Correction/lettre motivation

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Correction/lettre motivation
Message de luca06 posté le 15-01-2018 à 20:21:49 (S | E | F)
je dois rédiger une lettre de motivation en anglais que je dois rendre dans 2 jours, et je redoute vraiment de faire des fautes d'orthographe, de grammaire ou de syntaxe, qui pourraient compromettre mon projet d'étude.
Merci de votre aide

Subject: Candidature for an academic year at the University of National Economy and World xxx - ERASMUS Program

Dear Sir or Madam,
Second year student in X license at X of X, my project is to perform a third year in xxx as part of the ERASMUS program at the University of the National Economy and Word.
Having stayed twice in xxx, I noticed that the younger generation of xxx speak English very well. That's why the ERASMUS program is a real opportunity for me to perfect my English and to acquire the skills of a life experience, including an open mind on other cultures or other modes. of life and new forms of teaching.
As requested, I obtained the list of English courses given by UNWE and, in collaboration with Mr. X, I established a correspondence between the teachings of X and those of UNWE to establish the study program attached. My project is integrated in 2019 the Master in international finance provided by X. Succeed in this year of License 3 in xxx for me a definite advantage for the pursuit of my studies and be selected Master.
Yours faithfully

Modifié par lucile83 le 15-01-2018 22:02

Réponse : Correction/lettre motivation de ekotik, postée le 16-01-2018 à 05:20:46 (S | E)
Dear Sir or Madam,

I am a second year student in ____, and I hold a license of ___ at ___. As part of the ERASMUS program here at the University of the National Economy and Word, I have to complete my third year in _____.
I have previously stayed twice in _____. During my stays there, I noticed that the younger generation of ___ speaks English very well. That is why I consider the ERASMUS program to be a wonderful opportunity for me to perfect my English and to learn some important life skills. I look forward to becoming acquainted with other cultures and lifestyles as well as learning new forms of teaching.
As requested, I obtained the list of English courses offered at UNWE. In collaboration with Mr. ____, I established a correspondence between the English instruction offered at ____ versus instruction given at UNWE to create the attached study program.
I assumed here that these are courses that you have not yet taken. If you did take them and are trying to get transfer credit, this would need to be rephrased.
My project is integrated into the Master's of International Finance program provided by ____. I am part of the 2019 cohort. My success in the 3rd licensure year will give me a definite advantage for the pursuit of my studies and achievement of a master's degree.

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-01-2018 07:30
Correction toute faite non souhaitée et mp envoyé.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Thèmes généraux, jeux


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