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Notion/ Idea of Progress

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Notion/ Idea of Progress
Message de emmachkl posté le 06-02-2018 à 10:09:26 (S | E | F)
pourriez-vous corriger les fautes pour mon oral blanc d'anglais svp s'il vous plait?
Merci pour votre aide.

NOTION 1 – Idea of progress
I'm going to talk about the idea of progress. First of all, I would like to give a definition of this notion : the idea of progress can be defined as an improvement, a development or a change technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to make the world better. This year in class we studied several documents about the first humanoid robot.
In order to illustrate this notion, I have chosen to talk about the science in our society, and attempt to answer the question : how science can change our society?

So the first document I have chosen is an audio recording from the web site : breakingnewsenglish. It's about the new reform in UK : britain said yes to 3 parent babies. It will be the first country in the world to create babies from the DNA of 3 different people. There was a vote at the Britain's parliament where three hundred eighty two lawmakers voted yes and one hundred twenty eight voted against. The idea behind this innovation is to stop deseases neing passed from a mother to her newborn baby. Doctors say that as many as one hundred fifty babies a year could be born using the technique. The technique is quite simple, it combines the DNA of the two parents who want a healthy baby can have one. But this technique is criticized because some people says that the technique could be dangerous, they say it would open the door to the genetic modification of children and « designer babies » in the future.

The idea of progress is present in the field of medicine but we can also find it in the field of the science and technology, in order to illustrate this, I'm going to talk about something recent ; I mean Sophia the robot.
Sophia is a social humanoid robot developed in Honk Kong by the company Hanson Robotics.
According to an article entitled Humanoid posted on the web site on October 31st 2017. She was unveiled at a press conference in the capital Riyadh where she did an interview. But subsequently, lots of criticism : indeed, she adressed the audience in English without the customary headscarf and traditional cloak which Saudi women have to wear in public. She has been made a citizen of Saudi and have more rights than the local women.
The goal of this new innovation is to develop artificial intelligent. Moreover, it's a strategic idea to make Sophia citizen : Saudi Arabia wants to be the first in the field of the technologic innovation.

In conclusion, science has a power in our society because it can changes life of people but it can also make a society evoluates even if there is always consequences from innovation because it can't make everyone agree or things can evoluates in whatever field but always have bad sides because an innovation can never be « perfect »

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-02-2018 10:11

Réponse : Notion/ Idea of Progress de laure95, postée le 06-02-2018 à 10:43:58 (S | E)
- I have chosen to talk about the (enlever "the") science in our society
- how science can change our society?: ordre des mots.

- britain (majuscule)said yes (mal dit)to 3 parent babies.
- There was a vote at the(enlever "th") Britain's parliament w
- here three hundred (il manque une préposition) eighty two lawmakers voted yes and one hundred (préposition)twenty eight
- deseases neing: orthographe des deux mots.
- as many as one hundred (préposition)fifty babies a year could be born using the (mettre "this" à la place de "the")
- it combines the DNA of the two parents who want a healthy baby can have one: ?
- some people says that: faute de conjugaison.

- of the science and technology: enlever "the".
- She was unveiled at a press conference in the capital (enlever "the capital") Riyadh where she did (pas le bon verbe ici)an interview.
- than the local women: enlever "th".
- artificial intelligent: ?
- to make Sophia (mettre un article) citizen : Saudi Arabia wants to be the first in the field of the t(enlever "the")echnologic innovation.

- it can changes: can + infinitif.
- it can also make a society evoluates (mettre à l'infinitif)even if there is always consequences (there are + pluriel)
- things can évoluâtes

Réponse : Notion/ Idea of Progress de emmachkl, postée le 06-02-2018 à 12:03:07 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour ton aide!


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