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The missing vowels/250

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The missing vowels/250
Message de marit64 posté le 28-02-2018 à 23:05:23 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This time, I'm giving you the number of vowels in all of the sentences.

1- To change (a decision): to make (a law etc) no longer valid. ..... (k v r) 3

2- To tread heavily (on). ..... (p t m r l) 2

3- To send away in disgrace (a person from a school etc). ..... (p l x) 2

4- Very salty water. ..... (r n b) 2

5- The poison-tooth of a snake. ..... (n g f) 1

6- A kind of large wasp. ..... (t h r n) 2

7- To wrap or bind. ..... (t w h s) 2

8- Merciful or punishing only lightly. ..... (n t l n) 3

9- An arrangement of straps etc round the muzzle of an animal to prevent it from biting. (l z m z) 2

10- A building in which pigs are kept. ..... (g p t s) 2

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/250 de flowermusic, postée le 28-02-2018 à 23:39:21 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

Salut la fine équipe

1- To change (a decision): to make (a law etc) no longer valid. ..... (k v r) 3 revoke

2- To tread heavily (on). ..... (p t m r l) 2 trample

3- To send away in disgrace (a person from a school etc). ..... (p l x) 2 expel

4- Very salty water. ..... (r n b) 2 brine

5- The poison-tooth of a snake. ..... (n g f) 1 fang

6- A kind of large wasp. ..... (t h r n) 2 hornet

7- To wrap or bind. ..... (t w h s) 2 swathe

8- Merciful or punishing only lightly. ..... (n t l n) 3 lenient

9- An arrangement of straps etc round the muzzle of an animal to prevent it from biting. (l z m z) 2 muzzle

10- A building in which pigs are kept. ..... (g p t s) 2 pigsty

Have a sweet sweet week

Réponse : The missing vowels/250 de chocolatcitron, postée le 01-03-2018 à 00:35:15 (S | E)
The missing vowels-250
Message de marit64 posté le 28-02-2018 à 23:05:23
Hello my dear Marit, thanks a lot for your very interesting exercise !
Hi everybody, specially to Flowermusic who is the winner ! !

Here is my work:
1- To change (a decision): to make (a law etc) no longer valid. (k v r) 3 revoke = abroger.
2- To tread heavily (on). (p t m r l) 2 trample = piétiner.
3- To send away in disgrace (a person from a school etc). (p l x) 2 expel = expulser.
4- Very salty water. (r n b) 2 brine = saumure.
5- The poison-tooth of a snake. (n g f) 1 fang = crochet du serpent.
6- A kind of large wasp. (t h r n) 2 hornet = frelon.
7- To wrap or bind. (t w h s) 2 swathe = envelopper, emmailloter.
8- Merciful or punishing only lightly. ..... (n t l n) 3 lenient = indulgent, clément.

9- An arrangement of straps etc round the muzzle of an animal to prevent it from biting. (l z m z) 2 muzzle = muselière.
10- A building in which pigs are kept. ..... (g p t s) 2 pigsty = porcherie.

Have a sweet week!
Snow ' s fallen in my garden, and all around the area, then it's already gone away, but it's cold, less than in Canada !
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels/250 de daisy50, postée le 01-03-2018 à 11:40:44 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Here is my try :

1- To change (a decision): to make (a law etc) no longer valid. ..... (k v r) 3 revoke

2- To tread heavily (on). ..... (p t m r l) 2 trample

3- To send away in disgrace (a person from a school etc). ..... (p l x) 2 expel

4- Very salty water. ..... (r n b) 2 brine

5- The poison-tooth of a snake. ..... (n g f) 1 fang

6- A kind of large wasp. ..... (t h r n) 2 hornet

7- To wrap or bind. ..... (t w h s) 2 swathe

8- Merciful or punishing only lightly. ..... (n t l n) 3 lenient

9- An arrangement of straps etc round the muzzle of an animal to prevent it from biting. (l z m z) 2 muzzle

10- A building in which pigs are kept. ..... (g p t s) 2 pigsty

Thanks again Marit for all these new words.

Today the weather is sunny and less cold than these last weeks. Hope it lasts! See you soon!

Bonjour à toutes et tous!

Réponse : The missing vowels/250 de afarodj, postée le 01-03-2018 à 17:32:53 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit . Thank you for this new good exercice.
Hi everybody .

Here is my try. Have a nice week

1- To change (a decision): to make (a law etc) no longer valid. ..... (k v r) 3 .- Revoke.- Annuler

2- To tread heavily (on). ..... (p t m r l) 2 .- Trample.- Piétiner- Fouler au pied.

3- To send away in disgrace (a person from a school etc). ..... (p l x) 2 .- Expel.- Expulser.

4- Very salty water. ..... (r n b) 2 .-Briny.- Saumâtre.

5- The poison-tooth of a snake. ..... (n g f) 1 .-Fang.- Crochet.

6- A kind of large wasp. ..... (t h r n) 2 .-Hornet.- Frelon.

7- To wrap or bind. ..... (t w h s) 2 .-Swathe.- Emmailloter.

8- Merciful or punishing only lightly. ..... (n t l n) 3 .-Lenient.-Indulgent.

9- An arrangement of straps etc round the muzzle of an animal to prevent it from biting. (l z m z) 2 .- Muzzle.-Muselière.

10- A building in which pigs are kept. ..... (g p t s) 2 .-Pigsty.- Porcherie.

Réponse : The missing vowels/250 de peticha, postée le 02-03-2018 à 23:51:02 (S | E)
The missing vowels-250
Message de marit64 posté le 28-02-2018 à 23:05:23 (S | E | F)
Hello dear marit, and everybody!

Here is my try:
1- To change (a decision): to make (a law etc) no longer valid. ..... (k v r) 3 revoke: abroger.

2- To tread heavily (on). ..... (p t m r l) 2 trample: piétiner.

3- To send away in disgrace (a person from a school etc). ..... (p l x) 2 expel : expulser, renvoyer.

4- Very salty water. ..... (r n b) 2 brine: saumure.

5- The poison-tooth of a snake. ..... (n g f) 1 fang : crochet (du serpent)

6- A kind of large wasp. ..... (t h r n) 2 hornet: frelon.

7- To wrap or bind. ..... (t w h s) 2 swathe: envelopper.

8- Merciful or punishing only lightly. ..... (n t l n) 3 lenient: clément.

9- An arrangement of straps etc round the muzzle of an animal to prevent it from biting. (l z m z) 2
muzzle : muselière.
10- A building in which pigs are kept. ..... (g p t s) 2 pigsty: porcherie.

Good luck and have fun!
Thank you, marit, it was funny to run after « the missing vowels »...
Have a great week, everybody!
Cold days have gone, to day was sunny and very windy, but not as cold as the last days were ! Spring is coming... !
So long.

Réponse : The missing vowels/250 de sanna6, postée le 07-03-2018 à 06:50:02 (S | E)
Hello Marit Hello Everyone

Thank you Marit for this new Missing Vowels

This is my try.

1- To change (a decision): to make (a law etc) no longer valid. ..... (k v r) 3 To revoke - Abroger

2- To tread heavily (on). ..... (p t m r l) 2 To trample - Piétiner

3- To send away in disgrace (a person from a school etc). ..... (p l x) 2 To expel - Renvoyer

4- Very salty water. ..... (r n b) 2 Brine - Saumure

5- The poison-tooth of a snake. ..... (n g f) 1 Fang - Dent de requin

6- A kind of large wasp. ..... (t h r n) 2 Hornet - Frelon

7- To wrap or bind. ..... (t w h s) 2 To swathe - Envelopper

8- Merciful or punishing only lightly. ..... (n t l n) 3 Lenient - Indulgent

9- An arrangement of straps etc round the muzzle of an animal to prevent it from biting. (l z m z) 2 Muzzle - Muselière

10- A building in which pigs are kept. ..... (g p t s) 2 Pigsty - Porcherie

Have a nice week everybody

Modifié par sanna6 le 12-03-2018 20:58


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