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Checking/video transcription 1

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Checking/video transcription 1
Message de brettdallen posté le 05-03-2018 à 15:06:01 (S | E | F)
Hello everyone,
I haven't posted anything for quite a while, and working on British regional accents I found some tricky passages in a video. If you could take a look at my script and make suggestions, that would be lovely.
Lien internet

Historically, Received Pronunciation, or BBC English , as it used to be called, signified a higher social class than a local accent. That's why Margaret Thatcher moved from Lincolnshire to sounding like the Duchess of Devonshire. Now, of course, the moment a privileged public school boy like Tony Blair gets to Downing Street, he wants to talk like that (slightly Cockney accent, not so posh).
Steven Smith, an émigré northerner (humour) reports :

Steven Smith : 'Elocution', 'articulate', 'social mobility'.

(Song from the film 'Shall We Dance', with Fred Astaire) 'You say either /iː ð ə /, I say /aɪ ð ə/, you say neither /n iː ð ə/, I say /n aɪ ð ə/.'

Steven Smith :' High spirits at the BBC deportment (comportement, tenue, maintien) college. Did you spot Fiona Bruce  (British journalist)? 'Manners maketh (old English man)', they say, and woman, but what about speech ? Well, people with no shortage of time on their hands reckon David Beckham is talking posher now.'

Reporter : 'David, are you happy to go to Real Madrid ?'

David Beckham : 'Yeah'.

Steven Smith : 'Let's see for ourselves.'

David Beckham : 'Well, we played well and they played well, we could beat (th)em, you know, 'cause we knew we've (wi:vz) a better team so, er...we done that and we come back from the one-nil deficit the characters,er.. you know, shown through.' (an interview done in his early career).
It's a special moment, special moment for, for the country, special moment for the...for Sven (coach) and the team, and a special moment for myself to be involved in this. (interview done much later).

(Fred Astaire's song 'Let's call the whole thing off') : 'Oh let's call the whole thing off'.

Steven Smith : 'This programme's worthless if it isn't an analytical tool, so we turned to Emma Sterling, director of the London Speech Workshop.

Emma Sterling : 'somethin'', instead of 'something', and Ts on the end or...or consonants on the end of the words. That makes a big difference. And he's opening his mouth more and, all in all, I think he sounds much better in the second clip.

David Beckham : 'It's been excitin(g), it's been honourin(g),'s been touchin(g).'

Emma Sterling : 'The impression he makes has changed an awful lot and that's, that's the key thing and obviously, it's pretty obvious that that's his purpose in doing work voice which I'm fairly sure he has done is to actually change the impression he makes.

Steven Smith : Let's look at how some other great voices of these islands have changed and what that might tell us

Mick Jagger (The Rolling Stones' singer) : 'I nearly went over the edge and I sort of was down the floor and about ten people on top of me and looking down on this crowd which was so seething underneath. (interview in his early career)
Interviewer : 'What would be your favourite spot in the UK ?'

Mick Jagger : 'The Scilly islands (or Isles of Scilly, in Cornwall) looks absolutely lovely, doesn't it ? I mean what (bake your honey) further west than that ?

Peter York (Commentator, author) : 'My strong suspicion is that, well I don't know for sure (what), that in private Sir Mick Jagger sounds not unlike our Blessed Prime Minister or, you know, somebody like that.

Steven Smith : 'The travelling preacher of social observation on the Rolling Stones frontman Mick Jagger.'

Peter York : 'But he is obliged his public persona to maintain something of the sort of Mockney (combination of Mock and Cockney) nasal whine (voix criarde) that he developed as a suburban London middle-class boy, you know, who've gone to the LSE (London School of Economics). He developed that in order to be a pop star.

Prince Harry : 'Especially for myself and my brother, you know, I ain't never going to find someone who's going to jump the position I would...that I would hold. (It's as) simple as that.

Peter York : 'I think the way Prince Harry sounds is today's sort of sloane/slower sound which is more knocked back than a a previous cohort of...of sounds and from his...his class. And, and I think there's also the requirement to be one of the lads.

Voice coach : 'It's a lowering, not a raising.'

Margaret Thatcher (frormer Prime Minister) : 'Enough is enough'

Voice coach : 'Not it's a younish.'

Margaret Thatcher : 'Enough is enough.'

Voice coach : 'That's it !'

Margaret Thatcher : '...Say to the government of the day : Enough is enough !'

Steven Smith : 'On the eve of her funeral we have to mention Baroness Thatcher and her voice coaching. Now what did she say was her greatest achievement ? Oh yes, New Labour !'

(end of part 1)

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-03-2018 22:01

Réponse : Checking/video transcription 1 de gerondif, postée le 10-03-2018 à 17:55:59 (S | E)
that's his purpose in doing work voice voice work
that he developed as a suburban London middle-class boy, you know, who've gone to the LSE probably who's gone

Réponse : Checking/video transcription 1 de bluestar, postée le 10-03-2018 à 20:25:44 (S | E)

Mick Jagger seems to be saying "what better holiday further west than that"? ...rather than what is in your text..

Réponse : Checking/video transcription 1 de brettdallen, postée le 12-03-2018 à 13:31:52 (S | E)
Hello Bluestar,

Thanks for your help. The passage you've corrected definitely makes more sense but I've got a problem here: I can't hear that at all (and it's sort of annoying to me: am I that bad?)

Thanks anyway.

Réponse : Checking/video transcription 1 de bluestar, postée le 12-03-2018 à 14:20:02 (S | E)
hello brettdallen...

It's probably Jagger's London accent that is causing difficulty for you..I suppose that I'm slightly more familiar with it, through an accident of geography...I assume you are a native French speaker.

Réponse : Checking/video transcription 1 de gerondif, postée le 12-03-2018 à 14:52:49 (S | E)
That's (was) why Margaret Thatcher
No, you're not that hopeless, I've been listening to that Mick Jagger spot dozens of times in repetition.
Could it be : why bake your hide any further west than that ? (Not too elegant a phrase but still, meaning to sun tan ??)

Réponse : Checking/video transcription 1 de dsmith, postée le 12-03-2018 à 16:43:38 (S | E)

Here is what I hear Mick J. saying..."what bake, you can't get any further west than that"

Personally I hear him about to say something starting with Bake...he stops and says "you can't get any further west than that". "Bake" makes no sense here. So either he made a mistake or he is saying a word I don't understand. But I clearly hear "you can't get any further..."

Sloane Style = look at this link Lien internet

I had never heard that term before.

Prince Harry
"Especially from myself and my brother, um you ain't never going to appoint someone who's going to jump the position they would ...that they would hold. (It's as) simple as that.

I hear "from" it could possibly be "for"

Réponse : Checking/video transcription 1 de traviskidd, postée le 12-03-2018 à 19:06:55 (S | E)
I think MJ is saying "What better -- you can't get any further west than that." But I'm not sure
See you.

Réponse : Checking/video transcription 1 de brettdallen, postée le 21-03-2018 à 11:40:14 (S | E)
Hello and thank you all for your good job,

Eventually, no one's pretty sure of what these people said in these tricky passages. It's sort of comforting for me and it means it's sometimes really difficult to have a definite idea of what people say, either because of their accents or because of their indistinct elocution.



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