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Checking/video transcription 2

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Checking/video transcription 2
Message de brettdallen posté le 05-03-2018 à 15:09:56 (S | E | F)
Hello again,
Here's the final part of the video which gets me into trouble. If you could take a look at it and spot the (many) mistakes, I would appreciate a lot.
Lien internet

Tony Blair (former Labour Party Primer Minister) (2005) : '...(is) some treated with relative leniency, others, as in the Norfolk case, with considerable severity.' (Then mingling with the crowd in the street).'I'll tell you what I like. I like (what/one) I (know?)

Emma Sterling : 'He's gone from very posh and heightened RP to this trilled R 'severity' . There's (a) nasal (trail?) (trouward??) (which) is really dated now, and then and there's A /eɪ / on the end instead of E /ɪ / (/siverit eɪ/). And to almost towards Cockney : '(I'll) Tell you what I like.'

George Osborne (MP, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Ministre des Finances) : 'For too long we've had a system where people who did the right thing, who get up in the morning, and work hard, felt penalized for it.'

Emma Sterling : 'Out of all of them, that's the most painful.'

Interviewer : 'why he ?'

Emma Sterling : 'We've...he's dropping his H :'We've (h)ad.' And, and the first, the first David Beckham I didn't love but it was authentic. That feels inauthentic to me.'

Steven Smith : 'As one of our vocally madeover politicians almost put it, it's all about elocution, elocution, elocution.'

Newscaster : 'Steve Smith, that's all in it, bye !'

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-03-2018 22:00

Réponse : Checking/video transcription 2 de gerondif, postée le 10-03-2018 à 18:18:23 (S | E)
Tony Blair (former Labour Party Primer Minister) (2005) : 'There's(instead of there're) some treated with relative leniency, others, as in the Norfolk case, with considerable severity.' (Then mingling with the crowd in the street).'I'll tell you what I'd like. I'd like one of those, actually(but the 'd might well be swallowed)

Emma Sterling : 'He's gone from very posh and heightened RP to this trilled R 'severity' . There's (a) nasal (trail?) (trouward??)(I don't get it either) (which) is really dated now, and then and there's A /eɪ / on the end instead of E /ɪ / (/siverit eɪ/). And to almost towards Cockney : '(I'll) Tell you what I like.'

George Osborne (MP, Chancellor of the Exchequer, Ministre des Finances) : 'For too long we've had a system where people who did the right thing, who get up in the morning, and work hard, felt penalized for it.'

Emma Sterling : 'Out of all of them, that's the most painful.'

Interviewer : 'why he ?'

Emma Sterling : 'We've...he's dropping his H :'We've (h)ad.' And, and the first, the first David Beckham I didn't love but it was authentic. That feels inauthentic to me.'

Steven Smith : 'As one of our vocally madeover politicians almost put it, it's all about elocution, elocution, elocution.'

Newscaster : 'Steve Smith, that's all in it, bye !'


Réponse : Checking/video transcription 2 de brettdallen, postée le 10-03-2018 à 19:30:45 (S | E)
Thanks Gerondif,

You've done a good job. There are still tricky passages, but I'll try to get them done. Thank you for your help. And keep up with the good work!



Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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