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Oral/places and forms of power

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Oral/places and forms of power
Message de djoey304 posté le 07-03-2018 à 13:10:38 (S | E | F)
je suis actuellement en term S et j'aimerais avoir votre avis sur ma synthèse pour mon oral, et m'indiquer s'il y a des fautes,
merci beaucoup

Hello, today I will talk about the notion of places and forms of power. First of all, I will give a definition of this notion: power is the ability to control people, it is a force exercised or likely to be exercised. It can be exercised by justice, government, the media, new technologies. "Places" could be important buildings or institutions that represent some form of power or a symbol of power. As we have seen, there are many forms of power and different places to exercise these powers. In class, we have studied several documents on this notion, and I will talk about the wearing of weapons, because there are different opinions on this one, but also of the United States because it is the place which has a turbulent history.
We may wonder to what extent Is gun culture responsible for gun violence in the US?
To try to answer this question I would use three documents: "audio Trump / Obama", "Gun sales soar in US", "A brief history of the US". In the beginning, we will see the history of the United States, then we will see the principles of the carrying of arms, then to finish with the debates of carrying arms in the United States.

I/ -We watched in class a cartoon telling the facts of the United States, it's a South Park cartoon in bowling for Columbine by Mickael Moore. This cartoon explains that gun-culture is based on the notion of FEAR, in the US, through different historical event as the first pilgrims or the meeting with the americans, the independance, the witches of Salem, slavery and the Triangular Trade, the end of slavery (= Emancipation Proclamation), or the segregation with the KKK to the NRA and to finish gated communication.

II/ -The Second Amendment to the US Constitution gives americans the right to bear arms, and roughly one third of all americans are exercising that right. Gun sales have been booming ever since Barack Obama's appearance on the presidential campaign trail. Government officials was a 50 percent increase in requests for reviews between November 2007 and november 2008. Obama's record of supporting gun-control measures gave gun sales another boost after his election november 4th, and sales have continued to rise in early days of his presidency. With the gun-trade expositions in the US who as between 2.000 ans 10.000 persons attending this typical gun show. The gun shows represent a gold mine for the purchaser. Gun control a divisive issue, the assault weapon ban is seen as a reasonable compromise by gun-control advocates whereas pro-gun americans believe that : you are either for or against gun control. While the second amendment to the constitution guarantees americans the right to bear arms, the fundamental disagreement remains what kind of arms americans may bear and what the government's role should be in maintaining public safety in a country that's very fond of its guns.

III/ -The president Obama speak to journalist during his press conference, he regrets the fact that it is too easy to get a gun and that shooting are widespread. The compares violence in the US to violence in other developed countries and concludes by saying they should tackle this problem collectively. But Donald Trump uses it for his candidacy : Donald Trump as a candidate to the presidential election, received the endorsement of the NRA. He has been a member of the NRA for a long time and he feels honored. He explains that he will protect the second amendment while H.Clinton wants abolish it. All the end, he announces that the pulls are in his favour.

To conclude, the gun culture is very present in the US. There are many people killed during the day in the USA. But some people say isn't the gun culture responsible for all this.

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-03-2018 09:03

Réponse : Oral/places and forms of power de here4u, postée le 07-03-2018 à 19:16:13 (S | E)
Hello !

Hello, today I will talk about the notion of places and forms of power. First of all, I will give a definition of this notion: power is the ability to control people, it is a force exercised or likely to be exercised. It can be exercised by justice, government, the media, new technologies. "Places" could be important buildings or institutions that represent some form of power or a symbol of power. As we have seen, there are many forms of power and different places to exercise these powers. In class, we have studied several documents on this notion, and I will talk about the wearing of weapons, because there are different opinions on this one, but also of the United States because it is the place which has a turbulent history.
We may wonder= indirect interrogative! to what extent Is = direct interrogativegun culture responsible for gun violence in the US?= direct inerrogative!
To try to answer this question I would use three documents: "audio Trump/ Obama"(explain better ... a conversation between..;???), "Gun sales soar in US", "A brief history of the US". In the beginning,? (announced as N°3!) we will see the history of the United States, then we will see the principles of the(very clumsy expression!) carrying of arms, then to finish with the debates= clumsy) of carrying arms in the United States.

I/ -We watched in class a cartoon= word order telling the facts of the United States, it's a South Park cartoon in bowling for Columbine by Mickael Moore. This cartoon explains that gun-culture is based on the notion of FEAR, in the US, through different historical event as the first pilgrims(They weren't an "event"!!) or the meeting with the americans(which ones? not clear...), the independance, the witches of Salem, slavery and the Triangular Trade, the end of slavery (= Emancipation Proclamation), or the segregation with the KKK to the NRA and to finish gated communication.

II/ -The Second Amendment to the US Constitution gives americans the right to bear arms, and roughly one third of all americans are exercising that right. Gun sales have been booming ever since Barack Obama's appearance on the presidential campaign trail. Government officials was a 50 percent increase in requests for reviews between November 2007 and november 2008. Obama's record of supporting gun-control measures gave gun sales another boost after his election november 4th(word order), and sales have continued to rise in early days of his presidency. With the gun-trade expositions in the US who as between 2.000 ans 10.000 persons attending this typical gun show. The gun shows represent a gold mine for the purchaserS. Gun control a divisive issue, the assault weapon ban is seen as a reasonable compromise by gun-control advocates whereas pro-gun americans believe that : you are either for or against gun control. While the second amendment to the constitution guarantees americans the right to bear arms,(repetition!) the fundamental disagreement remains what kind of arms americans may bear and what the government's role should be in maintaining public safety in a country that's very fond of its guns.

III/ -The president Obama speak to journalist during his press conference, he regrets the fact that it is too easy to get a gun and that shootingS are widespread. The compares(He? Who does?) violence in the US to violence in other developed countries and concludes by saying they should tackle this problem collectively. But Donald Trump uses it for his candidacy : Donald Trump as a candidate to the presidential election, received the endorsement of the NRA. He has been a member of the NRA for a long time and he feels honored. He explains that he will protect the second amendment while H.Clinton wants XX abolish it. All the end, he announces that the pulls are in his favour.

To conclude, the gun culture is very present in the US. There are many people killed during the day?? in the USA. But some people say isn't the gun culture responsible for all this.

Réponse : Oral/places and forms of power de djoey304, postée le 07-03-2018 à 19:37:11 (S | E)
Bonjour, quelqu'un pourrait-il m'aider à corriger car je ne sais pas trop quoi changer.. Merci d'avance

Modifié par lucile83 le 08-03-2018 09:05

Réponse : Oral/places and forms of power de gerold, postée le 07-03-2018 à 22:50:41 (S | E)

Il est surprenant que vous soyez incapable de corriger quoi que ce soit dans votre texte. Je vais essayer quand même de vous donner quelques indices. Certains passages sont incompréhensibles.

.... As we have seen, there are many forms of power and different places to exercise these powers. In class, we have studied several documents on this notion, and I will talk about the wearing of weapons, because there are different opinions on this one (subject?), but also of the United States because it is the place which has a turbulent history.
We may wonder= indirect interrogative! to what extent Is = direct interrogativegun culture responsible for gun violence in the US?= direct inerrogative! (vous mélangez interrogative directe et indirecte, la différence est dans la place du verbe, un exemple simple: style direct: Where is he? style indirect: I wonder where he is (pas de "?").
To try to answer this question I would (le futur serait mieux) use three documents: "audio Trump/ Obama"(explain better ... a conversation between..;???), "Gun sales soar in US", "A brief history of the US". In the beginning,? (announced as N°3!) we will see the history of the United States, then we will see the principles of the(very clumsy expression!) carrying of arms, then to finish with the debates= clumsy) of carrying arms in the United States.

I/ -We watched in class a cartoon= word order telling the facts of the United States, it's a South Park cartoon in bowling for Columbine by Michael Moore. This cartoon explains that gun-culture is based on the notion of FEAR, in the US, through different historical event (pluriel) as (l'arrivée des ...) the first pilgrims(They weren't an "event"!!) or the meeting with the americans(which ones? not clear...), the independance, the witches of Salem, slavery and the Triangular Trade, the end of slavery (= Emancipation Proclamation), or the segregation with the KKK to the NRA and to finish (finally) gated communication (vous voulez parler sans doute des communautés fermées, cette version moderne des villes fortifiées du moyen-âge, ce n'est pas "communication" mais un mot voisin)

II/ -The Second Amendment to the US Constitution gives americans the right to bear arms, and roughly one third of all americans are exercising that right. Gun sales have been booming ever since Barack Obama's appearance on the presidential campaign trail. Government officials was a 50 percent increase in requests for reviews between November 2007 and november 2008. Obama's record of supporting gun-control measures gave gun sales another boost after his election november 4th(word order), and sales have continued to rise in early days of his presidency. With the gun-trade expositions in the US who (pourquoi "who"?)as between 2.000 ans (faute de frappe) 10.000 persons attending this typical gun show (il manque un verbe) . The gun shows represent a gold mine for the purchaserS. Gun control (le verbe manque) a divisive issue, the assault weapon ban is seen as a reasonable compromise by gun-control advocates whereas pro-gun americans believe that : you are either for or against gun control. While the second amendment to the constitution guarantees americans the right to bear arms,(repetition!) the fundamental disagreement remains what kind of arms americans may bear and what the government's role should be in maintaining public safety in a country that's very fond of its guns.

III/ -The president Obama (pas "the" car il y a un nom propre) speak (faute de conjugaison) to journalist (un seul journaliste?)during his press conference, he regrets the fact that it is too easy to get a gun and that shootingS are widespread. The compares(He? Who does?) violence in the US to violence in other developed countries and concludes by saying they (qui est "they"?) should tackle this problem collectively. But Donald Trump uses it for his candidacy : Donald Trump as a candidate to the presidential election, received the endorsement of the NRA. He has been a member of the NRA for a long time and he feels honored. He explains that he will protect the second amendment while H.Clinton wants XX (il manque un petit mot) abolish it. All (c'est all qui ne va pas, vous confondez avec un autre mot) the end, he announces that the pulls (les sondages, ce n'est pas pulls, mais un mot qui lui ressemble) are in his favour.

To conclude, the gun culture is very present in the US. There are many people killed during the day (il ne sont pas tués dans la journée, mais chaque jour) in the USA. But some people say isn't (le verbe n'est pas à la bonne place) the gun culture responsible for all this.

Réponse : Oral/places and forms of power de djoey304, postée le 08-03-2018 à 15:06:21 (S | E)
Bonjour, c'est mieux comme ça non? merci d evotre aide en tout cas ça m'aide beaucoup ;)

Hello, today I will talking about the notion of places and forms of power. First of all, I will give a definition of this notion: power is the ability to control people, it is a force exercised or likely to be exercised. It can be exercised by justice, government, the media, new technologies. "Places" could be important buildings or institutions that represent some form of power or a symbol of power. As we have seen, there are many forms of power and different places to exercise these powers. In class, we have studied several documents on this notion, and I will talking about the wearing of weapons, because there are different opinions on this, but also of the United States because it is the place which has a turbulent history.
We may wonder to what extent Is gun culture responsible for gun violence in the US
To try to answer this question I will use three documents: "audio Trump / Obama", "Gun sales soar in US", "A brief history of the US". In the beginning, we will see the history of the United States, then we will see the principles of the carrying of arms, then to finish with the debates of carrying arms in the United States.

I/ -We watched in class a cartoon telling the facts of the United States, it's a South Park cartoon in bowling for Columbine by Michael Moore. This cartoon explains that gun-culture is based on the notion of FEAR, in the US, through through different historical events like the arrival of the first pilgrims or the meeting with the americans, the independance, the witches of Salem, slavery and the Triangular Trade, the end of slavery (= Emancipation Proclamation), or the segregation with the KKK the NRA and finally gated communication.

II/ -The Second Amendment to the US Constitution gives americans the right to bear arms, and roughly one third of all americans are exercising that right. Gun sales have been booming ever since Barack Obama's appearance on the presidential campaign trail. Government officials was a 50 percent increase in requests for reviews between November 2007 and november 2008. Obama's record of supporting gun-control measures gave gun sales another boost after his election november 4th, and sales have continued to rise in early days of his presidency. With the gun-trade expositions in the US as between 2.000 and 10.000 persons attending these typical gun show. The gun shows represent a gold mine for the purchasers. Gun control is a divisive issue, the assault weapon ban is seen as a reasonable compromise by gun-control advocates whereas pro-gun americans believe that : you are either for or against gun control. While the second amendment to the constitution guarantees americans the right to bear arms, the fundamental disagreement remains what kind of arms americans may bear and what the government's role should be in maintaining public safety in a country that's very fond of its guns.

III/ - President Obama spoke to journalist during his press conference, he regrets the fact that it is too easy to get a gun and that shootings are widespread. he compares violence in the US to violence in other developed countries and concludes by saying they should tackle this problem collectively. But Donald Trump uses it for his candidacy : Donald Trump as a candidate to the presidential election, received the endorsement of the NRA. He has been a member of the NRA for a long time and he feels honored. He explains that he will protect the second amendment while H.Clinton wants her abolish it. At the end, he announces that he polls are in his favour.

To conclude, the gun culture is very present in the US. There are many people killed each day in the USA. But some people said the gun culture isn’t responsible for all this.

Réponse : Oral/places and forms of power de gerold, postée le 10-03-2018 à 14:43:07 (S | E)

Hello, today I will talking (faute de conjugaison) about the notion of places and forms of power. First of all, I will give a definition of this notion: power is the ability to control people, it is a force exercised or likely to be exercised. It can be exercised by justice, government, the media, new technologies. "Places" could be important buildings or institutions that represent some form of power or a symbol of power. As we have seen, there are many forms of power and different places to exercise these powers. In class, we have studied several documents on this notion, and I will talking (idem) about the wearing of weapons, because there are different opinions on this, but also of the United States because it is the place which has a turbulent history (suggestion: a place with a turbulent history)
We may wonder to what extent Is (pas au bon endroit, et pas de majuscule) gun culture responsible for gun violence in the US
To try to answer this question I will use three documents: "audio Trump / Obama", "Gun sales soar in US", "A brief history of the US". In the beginning, we will see the history of the United States, then we will see the principles of the carrying of arms, then to finish with the debates of carrying arms in the United States.

I/ -We watched in class a cartoon telling the facts of the United States, it's a South Park cartoon in bowling for Columbine by Michael Moore. This cartoon explains that gun-culture is based on the notion of FEAR, in the US, through through different historical events like the arrival of the first pilgrims or the meeting with the Americans, the independance, the witches of Salem, slavery and the Triangular Trade, the end of slavery (= Emancipation Proclamation), or the segregation with the KKK, the NRA and finally gated communication (communautés pas communication).

II/ -The Second Amendment to the US Constitution gives (article) Americans the right to bear arms, and roughly one third of all Americans are exercising that right. Gun sales have been booming ever since Barack Obama's appearance on the presidential campaign trail. Government officials was ??? a 50 percent increase in requests for reviews between November 2007 and november 2008. Obama's record of supporting gun-control measures gave gun sales another boost after his election november 4th, and sales have continued to rise in early days of his presidency. With the gun-trade expositions in the US as between 2.000 and 10.000 persons attending these typical gun show (il y a "these"). The gun shows represent a gold mine for the purchasers. Gun control is a divisive issue, the assault weapon ban is seen as a reasonable compromise by gun-control advocates whereas pro-gun americans believe that : (enlever) you are either for or against gun control. While the second amendment to the constitution guarantees americans the right to bear arms, the fundamental disagreement remains what kind of arms americans may bear and what the government's role should be in maintaining public safety in a country that's very fond of its guns.

III/ - President Obama spoke to journalist (pluriel) during his press conference, he regrets the fact that it is too easy to get a gun and that shootings are widespread. He compares violence in the US to violence in other developed countries and concludes by saying they (pas clair, qui est "they"?)should tackle this problem collectively. But Donald Trump uses it for his candidacy : Donald Trump as a candidate to the presidential election, received the endorsement of the NRA. He has been a member of the NRA for a long time and he feels honored. He explains that he will protect the second amendment while H.Clinton wants her abolish it. At the end, he announces that he (faute de fraoppe?) polls are in his favour.

To conclude, the gun culture is very present in the US. There are many people killed each day in the USA. But some people said (pourquoi le prétérit?) the gun culture isn’t responsible for all this.


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