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The missing vowels/251

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The missing vowels/251
Message de marit64 posté le 07-03-2018 à 22:51:21 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in all the sentences.

1- A mischievous child. ..... (p m) 1

2- To push with something pointed; to poke. ..... (r p d) 1

3- Violent anger. ..... (t w h r) 1

4- Suffering from concussion. ..... (s s n d c c) 3

5- The crime of setting fire to (a building etc) on purpose. ..... (r s n) 2

6- In a state of disorder; crazy. ..... (w h r) 4

7- To feel a great desire; to long. ..... (n y r) 2

8- The main points (of an argument etc). ..... (t g s) 1

9- A type of small mouse-like animal with a long pointed nose. ..... (r s w h) 1

10- Requiring much effort or work from a person. ..... (n x t g c) 3

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/251 de daisy50, postée le 08-03-2018 à 00:20:39 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Here is my work :

1- A mischievous child. ..... (p m) 1 imp

2- To push with something pointed; to poke. ..... (r p d) 1 prod

3- Violent anger. ..... (t w h r) 1 wrath

4- Suffering from concussion. ..... (s s n d c c) 3 concussed

5- The crime of setting fire to (a building etc) on purpose. ..... (r s n) 2 arson

6- In a state of disorder; crazy. ..... (w h r) 4 haywire

7- To feel a great desire; to long. ..... (n y r) 2 yearn

8- The main points (of an argument etc). ..... (t g s) 1 gist

9- A type of small mouse-like animal with a long pointed nose. ..... (r s w h) 1 shrew

10- Requiring much effort or work from a person. ..... (n x t g c) 3 exacting

Le numéro 6 m'a donné beaucoup de fil à retordre! Ouf! faut croire que la nuit a du bon...

Many thanks Marit. Have a nice week. See you later!

Bonjour à tous vos adeptes!

Réponse : The missing vowels/251 de afarodj, postée le 08-03-2018 à 18:48:54 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit . Thank you for this new good exercice.
Hi everybody .

Here is my try. Have a nice week

1- A mischievous child. ..... (p m) 1 .- Imp.- Diablotin.

2- To push with something pointed; to poke. ..... (r p d) 1 .- Prod.- Aiguillonner

3- Violent anger. ..... (t w h r) 1 .- Wrath.- Courroux.

4- Suffering from concussion. ..... (s s n d c c) 3 .- Concussed.- Commotionné.

5- The crime of setting fire to (a building etc) on purpose. ..... (r s n) 2 .- Arson.-Incendie criminel.

6- In a state of disorder; crazy. ..... (w h r) 4 .- Haywire.- Détraqué.

7- To feel a great desire; to long. ..... (n y r) 2 .- Yearn.-Aspirer.

8- The main points (of an argument etc). ..... (t g s) 1 .- Gist.- Substance/ Fond d'argument.

9- A type of small mouse-like animal with a long pointed nose. ..... (r s w h) 1 .- Shrew.- Musaraigne.

10- Requiring much effort or work from a person. ..... (n x t g c) 3 .- Exacting.- Astreignant.

Réponse : The missing vowels/251 de chocolatcitron, postée le 10-03-2018 à 01:55:50 (S | E)
The missing vowels/251
Hello my dear Marit, and thank a lot for your great exercise !
Hi Everybody, specially to « la fidèle équipe! »

Here is my work :

1- A mischievous child. (p m) 1 imp = diablotin, lutin farfadet, coquin.
2- To push with something pointed; to poke. (r p d) 1 prod = donner un petit coup avec son doigt, un bâton, piquer.
3- Violent anger. (t w h r) 1 wrath = courroux, ire, colère, rage.
4- Suffering from concussion. (s s n d c c) 3 concussed = commotionné, secoué violemment.
5- The crime of setting fire to (a building etc) on purpose. (r s n) 2 arson = incendie volontaire donc criminel..
6- In a state of disorder; crazy. (w h r) 4 haywire = détraqué.
7- To feel a great desire; to long. (n y r) 2 yearn = mourir d'envie, avoir très envie de...

8- The main points (of an argument etc). (t g s) 1 gist = substance, essence d'un concept.

9- A type of small mouse-like animal with a long pointed nose. (r s w h) 1 shrew = musaraigne.
10- Requiring much effort or work from a person. (n x t g c) 3 exacting = contraignant, astreignant.

Have a sweet, very sweet week!
See you soon !

Réponse : The missing vowels/251 de peticha, postée le 10-03-2018 à 02:01:46 (S | E)
The missing vowels/251
Message de marit64 posté le 07-03-2018 à 22:51:21 (S | E | F)

Hello dear marit, thank you very much for your new exercise, and marking.
Hi everybody!

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.
The number of vowels is given in all the sentences.

Here is my try:
1- A mischievous child. ..... (p m) 1 imp: coquin.

2- To push with something pointed; to poke. ..... (r p d) 1  prod: pousser avec quelque chose de pointu.

3- Violent anger. ..... (t w h r) 1 wrath: ire, courroux, rage.

4- Suffering from concussion. ..... (s s n d c c) 3 concussed: commotionné.

5- The crime of setting fire to (a building etc) on purpose. ..... (r s n) 2 arson: incendie volontaire.

6- In a state of disorder; crazy. ..... (w h r) 4 haywire: détraqué.

7- To feel a great desire; to long. ..... (n y r) 2 yearn:désirer ardemment.

8- The main points (of an argument etc). ..... (t g s) 1 gist: essence d'une idée.

9- A type of small mouse-like animal with a long pointed nose. ..... (r s w h) 1 shrew: musaraigne.

10- Requiring much effort or work from a person. ..... (n x t g c) 3 exacting: contraignant.

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/251 de flowermusic, postée le 14-03-2018 à 06:54:25 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

Salut à la fine équipe

1- A mischievous child. ..... (p m) 1 imp

2- To push with something pointed; to poke. ..... (r p d) 1 prod

3- Violent anger. ..... (t w h r) 1 wrath

4- Suffering from concussion. ..... (s s n d c c) 3 concussed

5- The crime of setting fire to (a building etc) on purpose. ..... (r s n) 2 arson

6- In a state of disorder; crazy. ..... (w h r) 4 haywire

7- To feel a great desire; to long. ..... (n y r) 2 yearn

8- The main points (of an argument etc). ..... (t g s) 1 gist

9- A type of small mouse-like animal with a long pointed nose. ..... (r s w h) 1 shrew

10- Requiring much effort or work from a person. ..... (n x t g c) 3 exacting

See you soon

Réponse : The missing vowels/251 de sanna6, postée le 14-03-2018 à 22:14:06 (S | E)
Hello Marit hello everybody

I thank you very much for this new Missing Vowels Marit

I'm sorry, I am very late !

I post my try but I haven't found some words

1- A mischievous child. ..... (p m) 1 Imp - Diablotin

2- To push with something pointed; to poke. ..... (r p d) 1 To prod - Piquer

3- Violent anger. ..... (t w h r) 1 Wrath - rage / colère

4- Suffering from concussion. ..... (s s n d c c) 3 concussed - Commotionné

5- The crime of setting fire to (a building etc) on purpose. ..... (r s n) 2 Arson - Incendie volontaire

6- In a state of disorder; crazy. ..... (w h r) 4 Haywire - Détraqué

7- To feel a great desire; to long. ..... (n y r) 2 To yearn - Languir

8- The main points (of an argument etc). ..... (t g s) 1

9- A type of small mouse-like animal with a long pointed nose. ..... (r s w h) 1 Shrew - Musaraigne

10- Requiring much effort or work from a person. ..... (n x t g c) 3 Exacting - Rigueur

Hope a nice week for everyone!

Modifié par sanna6 le 19-03-2018 21:34

Modifié par sanna6 le 20-03-2018 20:54


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