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My interests/B1

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My interests/B1
Message de martinm posté le 09-03-2018 à 11:38:46 (S | E | F)
Est-ce que quelqu’un pourrait m’aider à corriger ce texte en anglais s’il vous plait ? C’est pour un niveau B1
Merci pour vos réponses.

Life without an interest is like food without the salt. That’s why I have many interests, my interests are gauged by how much time I spend in each of them, the most important are: developing projects that include electronic, mechanical and programming, reading, and going to the gym, in order.

Since I was a kid, I used to create my own toys to play with my friends. I think now I replace creating toy to develop projects. When I’m on vacations I like traveling, but I also like to work on a new project. For example, last vacation, I did a CNC machine, maybe for someone, it’s not fun but I loved to do it.

The second-most done activity is reading books. When I was a kid, I didn’t like reading any books, but now there is no day that I don’t read, I like reading about autobiographies of successful people like Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, José Martinez, Mark Zuckerberg, I find their lives and their ways of thinking incredible.

Another hobby is going to the gym, I go 3 times a week. I find the exercising regularly to be a satisfying relaxation.

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-03-2018 14:42

Réponse : My interests/B1 de gerondif, postée le 09-03-2018 à 15:31:04 (S | E)
erreurs en bleu
Life without an interest is like food without the(supprimer) salt. That’s why I have many interests, my interests are gauged by (un peu technique! De toutes façons, votre texte sonne sonne du français traduit) how much time I spend in( soit on + ing, soit ing direct) each of them, the most important are: developing projects that include electronic, mechanical (sont des adjectifs, la sciences c'est mechanics, electronics, physics) and programming, reading, and going to the gym, in order.

Since I was a kid, I used to create (1) derrière since, on emploie un present perfect. 2) vous confondez : I am used to creating my own toys, je suis habitué à... et I used to create my own toys, à l'époque, je faisais ça mais c'est fini maintenant) my own toys to play with my friends. I think now I replace creating toy(pluriel) to(remplacer par "par", un double click sur replace donne une construction en with + gérondif)) develop projects. When I’m on vacations(singulier) I like traveling, but I also like to work on a new project. For example, (introduire correctement ce complément de temps)last vacation, I did(to do, c'est effectuer, to make, c'est fabriquer. Je fabrique un exercice comme prof, I am making an exercise, vous le faites comme elève I am doing an exercise) a CNC machine, maybe for someone, it’s not fun but I loved to do(love + ing) it.

The second-most done (tiret mal placé) activity is reading books. When I was a kid, I didn’t like reading any books, but now there is no day that(fat très français traduit) I don’t read, I like reading about(en trop) autobiographies of successful people like Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, José Martinez, Mark Zuckerberg, I find their lives and their ways of thinking incredible.

Another hobby is going to the gym, I go 3 (en lettres) times a week. I find the(supprimer) exercising regularly to be a satisfying relaxation.

Réponse : My interests/B1 de laure95, postée le 09-03-2018 à 15:31:16 (S | E)
Life without an interest is like food without the (pas de the)salt.
- developing projects that include electronic (orthographe), mechanical (mettre le nom)and programming, reading
- Since I was a kid, I used (since + present perfect)to create my own toys
- I think now I replace (présent be +-ing) creating toy (pluriel) to develop projects.
- When I’m on vacations (singulier)I like traveling, but I also like to work (like + géronfdif) on a new project.
- For example, (il manque des mots)last vacation, I did (pas le bon verbe "faire") a CNC machine

- now there is no day that (pas le bon mot ici)I don’t read, I like reading about (enlever "aboout") autobiographies

- Another hobby is going to the gym, I go (there) 3 times a week.
- I find the exercising regularly (mal dit)to be a satisfying relaxation.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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