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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de memory posté le 10-03-2018 à 12:11:58 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous !
Voici un texte que j'ai pas mal travaillé, j'aimerais de l'aide pour déceler les fautes ou les phrases dont la construction laisse à désirer !
Merci d'avance !

We will show you the identity card of Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, then some important places and monuments of the city.
Copenhagen comes from the Danish name "Kobenhavn", which literally means "the port of traders". Indeed, Copenhagen is near the Baltic Sea, and is located on the island of Seeland facing the Øresund Strait between Denmark and Sweden. The capital is also connected to Sweden by the Øresund bridge. Thus its geographical position gives to the capital an oceanic climate, ranging from -24 to 33°C during the year, with an average temperature of 9°C.
Copenhagen is located in the Copenhagen-Hovedstaden region, divided into 10 districts with a total area of 86 km2. The region has a population of 1,900,000 inhabitants and the commune of Copenhagen has 560,000 inhabitants.
The official language is Danish, but English is also widely spoken. The official currency is the Danish krone.
Founded in the 10th century by the Vikings, Copenhagen was originally a fishermen's village fortified in 1167. Copenhagen became the capital of the Danish Kingdom in the 15th century, then one of the largest cities in northern Europe in the 17th century. The capital was rebuilt many times after the plague and fires, and after many wars involving Denmark.
So, the city is built with different well-known districts. The historic district of Vesterbro was a strategic district during the wars and had to be rebuilt many times. Christiania is a freely self-managed district with its own currency and a large agricultural area, where the sale of cannabis is permitted.
In Denmark and especially in its capital, there are many typical meals of the country. For example, Olben, which is a marinated ribs meal, or smorrebrod, which is the national meal of the south: it's a rye bread sandwich covered with every conceivable food, such as eel or beetroot. Aero pancakes are also known, very thick and honeyed, and wienerbrod, almond and spicy pastries.
Finally, Copenhagen is a city that can be visited by bike, with 100km of bike paths. You can go shopping, to work or to school by bike. Moreover, most monuments and important places in Copenhagen are accessible by bike.

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-03-2018 12:44

Réponse : Correction/Copenhague de gerondif, postée le 10-03-2018 à 16:08:45 (S | E)
j'aurais juste dit:
So, the city is built with (divided into) different well-known districts.

Aero pancakes are also known, very thick and honeyed, me parait maladroit. well-known plutôt que known tout seul , et very thick and honeyed sont un peu perdus en fin de phrase. Peut-être mettre well-known sur le sujet: You will also find those well-known aero pancakes, which are very thick and with a generous layer of honey...
almond and spicy pastries me gène un peu parce que almond est un ingrédient et spicy un goût , une impression, ils ne sont pas sur le même plan, comme quand on dit il arriva en retard et en taxi....

Réponse : Correction/Copenhague de memory, postée le 10-03-2018 à 22:28:27 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup ! J'ai tout corrigé.
L'erreur vient de mes recherches dans le dictionnaire, je ne voulais pas dire épicé mais avec des épices. J'ai donc mis "You will also find those well-known aero pancakes, which are very thick and with a generous layer of honey, and wienerbrod, almond and spices pastries" qui donne "des pâtisseries d'amande et d'épices".
Bonne soirée et merci encore

Réponse : Correction/Copenhague de gerondif, postée le 10-03-2018 à 22:45:59 (S | E)
Le problème est que dans un nom composé, la partie adjectivale est au singulier:
a brush for your teeth is a toothbrush.
a box for your letters is a letter-box.
Alors, spicies grince un peu dans a spicies pastry.

Essayez plutôt:
and wienerbrod, delicious pastries crammed with almonds and spicies.
Le dictionnaire en ligne donne cram-full with, plein de , rempli de, que je ne connaissais pas.
Me revient le verbe to brim with, déborder de :
and wienerbrod, delicious pastries brimming with almonds and spicies. (nombreux exemples chez linguee pour brimming with)
Il y aurait aussi stuffed with, bourrées de, mais comme stuff a aussi un sens disons grossier, j'ai un peu peur de dire:
and wienerbrod, delicious pastries stuffed with almonds and spicies.

Réponse : Correction/Copenhague de traviskidd, postée le 10-03-2018 à 23:03:23 (S | E)

What gerondif said, plus:

identity card --> overview

the port of traders --> Traders' Port
So, ... --> As a result, ...
gives to the capital
there are many meals typical of the country --> Danish delicacies abound

But good job overall!
See you.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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