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Oral/ idée de progrès

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Oral/ idée de progrès
Message de sliverniall posté le 11-03-2018 à 14:37:34 (S | E | F)
je n'ai pas encore terminé mon oral d'anglais sur l'idée de progrès mais je voudrais bien s'il vous plait que vous me disiez si ce que j'ai fait est bien et s'il faut que je corrige des choses.
Merci pour vos réponses.

Today, I am going to deal with the notion of idea of progress which refers to an improvement, a development or a change like a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. To illustrate this notion, I intend to speak about new technologies like robotics or also social networks. This leads me to wonder how technological progress changes our world and what are the dangers? First of all, I will explain that technology and robots are a great help. Then, I will reflect on the fact that we became dependent of the assistance.
To begin with, technology and robots are a great help. Indeed, we live with technology everyday like Internet, social networks or also video games. Robots are more and more present in our society. For example Mark O’Connell in his article speaks about a programmer Bill Duvall who decided either increase artificial intelligence capacities but take advantages of technologies to improve human’s capacities.
To illustrate also this idea I would refer to a text taken from Robbie in which a couple, M and Mrs Weston, reprimand about the robot which is the childminder of their daughter. In this text the author refers to a robotic law which says that a robot cannot detract of human being.
Robots have qualities and defaults but they allow a great progress in many domains.
In addition to this, human being is more and more dependant of this assistance. In fact, new technologies like social networks or Internet have shown that teenagers can be confronted by cyber-harassment. Indeed,
To conclude, we can say that artificial intelligence progress is a danger for the society because the scientists are afraid that the machines too smart exceed humans but the advances technological have allowed making progress medical advance and so on. We have to pay attention how we use technology carefully and who use it because technology has a great power.

Modifié par lucile83 le 11-03-2018 15:26

Réponse : Oral/ idée de progrès de dsmith, postée le 11-03-2018 à 23:00:50 (S | E)

Today, I am going to deal with the notion of idea of progress which refers to an improvement, a development or a change like a technical, scientific or social advance which contributes to making the world a better place. To illustrate this notion, I intend to speak about new technologies like robotics or (pas "and" ici?) also social networks. This leads me to wonder how technological progress changes our world and what are the dangers? First of all, I will explain that technology and robots are a great help. Then, I will reflect on the fact that we became dependent of (dependent on...) the (peut être mieux "their" si tu parles des robots ou "on the assistance of technology") assistance.
To begin with, technology and robots are a great help. Indeed, we live with technology everyday like Internet, social networks or (je dirais "and") also video games. Robots are more and more present in our society. For example Mark O’Connell in his article speaks about a programmer Bill Duvall who decided either (?? he decided to either do x or to do y... ?? He decided to x but also to do y ??) increase artificial intelligence capacities but take advantages of technologies to improve human’s capacities.
To illustrate also this idea I would refer to a text taken from Robbie in which a couple, M and Mrs Weston, reprimand about (you reprimand/punish someone...not "reprimand about") the robot which is the childminder of their daughter. In this text the author refers to a robotic law which says that a robot cannot detract of (je ne comprends pas) human being.
Robots have qualities and defaults but they allow a "for" great progress in many domains.
In addition to this, human being is (change to plural) more and more dependant of "on" this assistance. In fact, new technologies like social networks or Internet have shown that teenagers can be confronted by cyber-harassment. Indeed,
To conclude, we can say that artificial intelligence progress (mieux "progress in artificial...) is a danger for the society because the scientists are afraid that the machines (verbe ici) too smart exceed humans but the advances technological (adjectif avant) have allowed making progress medical advance (refais ça) and so on. We have to pay attention how we use technology carefully and who use (pas correct pour who...singulier) it because technology has a great power.

Excellent. Congratulations!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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