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Notion/lieux et formes de pouvoir

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Notion/lieux et formes de pouvoir
Message de carl778 posté le 17-03-2018 à 15:45:26 (S | E | F)

Voilà ma notion, pouvez-vous m'aider s'il vous plait à la corriger ?
Merci pour vos réponses.

The notion I'm going to deal with is locations and forms of power. To begin, a power is an official capacity to exercise control, authority. It can also be force exerted or capable of being exerted by a person, group or nation over others. There are different kinds of power: media, legal, political, economic, cultural… A location can be defined as determined portion of space; it can be a place just around you like your house, your city etc. or the country, continent. To illustrate the notion, I have chosen to talk about gun culture in America because in most States in America it's legal to bear arms as a method of self defence as it is written in US Constitution since 1789 (seventeen eighty nine). We way wonder to what extent the American population approves the arms legislation?

Firstly, I would like to explain why some people are for weapons. As previously said, the Second Amendment of US Constitution says: “As a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shale not be infringed”. This means that American citizens are allowed to own and carry guns to protect themselves and others. Several associations are for weapons, like NRA (National Rifle Association). This is is an American nonprofits organization which advocates for gun rights and was funded in 1871 (eighteen seventy one). NRA has 5 million active members ! Also, this association supports financially politicians agree with carrying firearm. The new president, Donald Trump promised to protect this Amendment, is it a coincidence? Likewise the Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist organization is in favour guns. The guns are demonstrated daily on TV and movie screen, a simulator allow to learn how to kill and the ease to buy guns puts pressure on the population. That’s why we talk about a powerful arms lobby. Currently, there are 250 (two hundred fifty) million firearms in circulation.

But, the gun ownership is not approved by all. For example, the Moms Demand Action organisation creates posters for raise awareness among American population to gun laws. In one poster, a boy is holding Kinder egg and a girl is holding machine gun, what is the thing banned in America to protect them ? The Kinder egg!!! It must mean that Kinder egg are more dangerous than machine gun. Also, the firearms are not always used wisely. Like a massacre at Columbine High School, where two students not accepted by the “popular” kids killed twelve students and a teacher. This massacre caused a great stir in the United States and created a social psychosis about terrorism, gun control laws, the availability of firearms, safety in schools and the impact of video games, music and movies. Many films, books and music have staged or inspired the Columbine massacre, including Bowling for Columbine documentary. Recently, a gun battle took place in Virginia Tech University killing more 30 (thirty) people. (The shooter, a student of South Korean English, took his own life. A court declared him "mentally ill" in December 2005 and said he was "an imminent danger to himself and others")

Finally, I think that Donald Trump must limit the right to carry firearms in order to reduce violence. A background check should be done before any weapons purchase. Personally, I would not want to have a gun because it does not protect us, just destroys families.

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-03-2018 17:07

Réponse : Notion/lieux et formes de pouvoir de dsmith, postée le 17-03-2018 à 16:14:20 (S | E)

The notion I'm going to deal with is locations and forms of power. To begin, a power is an official capacity to exercise control, authority. It can also be (article indefini) force exerted or capable of being exerted by a person, group or nation over others. There are different kinds of power: media, legal, political, economic, cultural… A location can be defined as article indefini determined portion of space; it can be a place just around you like your house, your city etc. or the country, continent. To illustrate the notion, I have chosen to talk about gun culture in America because in most States in America it's legal to bear arms as a method of self defence as it is written in article defini US Constitution since 1789 (seventeen eighty nine). We way (may?) wonder to what extent the American population approves (approves of) the arms legislation (mieux laws allowing people to own guns)?

Firstly, I would like to explain why some people are for weapons. As previously said, the Second Amendment of definite article) US Constitution says: “As a well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shale (misspelled) not be infringed”. This means that American citizens are allowed to own and carry guns to protect themselves and others. Several associations are for weapons, like (definite article) NRA (National Rifle Association). This is is an American nonprofits (singular) organization which advocates for gun rights and was funded (misspelled - fund = money) in 1871 (eighteen seventy one). The NRA has 5 million active members ! Also, this association supports financially politicians (mot pour qui ici) agree with carrying firearm (plural). The new president, Donald Trump promised to protect this Amendment, is it a coincidence? Likewise the Ku Klux Klan, a white supremacist organization is in favour (favour is followed by "of") guns. The guns are demonstrated daily on TV and movie screen (TV and movie screens or TV and the movie screen), a simulator allow (wrong conjugation...allows who??? allows you, allows one, allows someone, allows kids) to learn how to kill and the ease to buy (ease of + -ing guns puts pressure on the population. That’s why we talk about a powerful arms lobby. Currently, there are 250 (two hundred fifty) million firearms in circulation.

But, the gun ownership is not approved by all. For example, the Moms Demand Action organisation creates posters for (to...not "for") raise awareness among American population to (the american population about gun laws. or "among Americans about gun laws) gun laws. In one poster, a boy is holding a Kinder egg and a girl is holding a machine gun, what is the thing banned in America to protect them ? The Kinder egg!!! It must mean that Kinder egg (plural-eggs) are more dangerous than machine gun (plural - guns). Also, the firearms are not always used wisely. Like a (article defini) massacre at Columbine High School, where two students not accepted by the “popular” kids killed twelve students and a teacher. This massacre caused a great stir in the United States and created a social psychosis about terrorism, gun control laws, the availability of firearms, safety in schools and the impact of video games, music and movies. Many films, books and music have staged or inspired (??? have been created inspired by...???) the Columbine massacre, including (article defini) Bowling for Columbine documentary. Recently, a gun battle took place in (at) Virginia Tech University killing more (more than) 30 (thirty) people. (The shooter, a student of South Korean English (??), took his own life. A court declared him "mentally ill" in December 2005 and said he was "an imminent danger to himself and others")

Finally, I think that Donald Trump must limit the right to carry firearms in order to reduce violence. A background check should be done before any weapons purchase. Personally, I would not want to have a gun because it does not protect us, just destroys families.

Très bien!

Ce n'est pas Donald Trump qui peux changer les lois. Peut être tu dois dire "I think the American Congress and President Trump must..."

Il faut que le Congress passent un loi et que le président le signe.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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