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Dialogue/ futur

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Dialogue/ futur
Message de juju2111 posté le 18-03-2018 à 10:02:59 (S | E | F)
demain je dois rendre mon dialogue d'anglais sur "Imagine the future" j'ai commencé mais j'ai l'impression d'avoir fait beaucoup de fautes (je l'ai fait seule avec mon dictionnaire).
Pourriez-vous m'aider à me corriger s'il vous plait?
Merci d'avance

Voilà le début:
J : Hello and welcome to the CNN’s channel ! Here is the lastest international news for the 21th century ! Indeed today is fridat 31 st december 2099, so before to pass to a new century we wanted to summarized what did it happen during the last 99 years . This evening the news healines will talk about Japan’s eradication, an other topical issue source of conflicts nowadays : the sixth continent made of waste, then we will come on to the second part, the main political event of the XXI century. Finally we will bring up (to) the March colonisation. Let’s begin our first topic : Japan’s eradication. Let’s join our correspondent reports in live from Asia, she will enlighten us about this event.
E : yes Marie I’m in Asia as well. The disaster has still left its mark on the inhabitants. Indeed, recall that twenty years ago an american atomic bomb which was meant for the North Corea has accidently touched Japan. This huge mistake had bring about Japans entire destruction and has made millions of victims.
J : Thank you Sarah for this little recap of this terrible event cross during this century. Let’s talk about the 6th continent of waste through the intermediary of our correspondent reports on the ground.
E : Yes I’m actually on the biggest mountain of waste that the world has never known. Indeed, this continent made of wastes is now as big as China and scientifics’ previsions had planned that this continent will continue to grow up and will attein the size of Russia in 2150.
J : Do we have any solution to fight against this disaster ? Are we condam to death by choking under our own wastes ?

Modifié par lucile83 le 18-03-2018 11:29

Réponse : Dialogue/ futur de juju2111, postée le 18-03-2018 à 16:25:04 (S | E)
J'ai également fait la suite:
E : This last century, a lot of scientifists had created clever machine able to recycle our waste or still to cleanse the sea. Moreover, these machines are only useful to destroy some kilos of wastes not several millions of tonnes of dishes ! Moreover, each day science is making progress and in 50 years, we will be probably able to recyclate about 70% of our dishes. But it’s very far to be enough.

J : Thank you for this very interesting recap. Despite these progress, Earth is each day a little more polluate and the number of humans who live here constantly increase : about 10 billion today. This need of space has lead to March colonisation, 15 years ago. 600 people had accepted to take a part of this experience. But what did they begin ? Let’s see the report in picture.

E : See like inhabitable and inaccessible in the past, March is now become the lastest hope of humanity’s survival. It is also the opportunity for humanity to start all over again, with a healthy planet and not to reproduce the past errors. Waste, pollution and industries do not exist on March. Here is a photo of a village Martian. His inhabitants say themselves very happy and proud to participate in the construction of a New World, purer and more environment-friendly.

J :Thank you very much for this report , I hope that the Martians will keep being also respectful with the nature. Let us speak now about the main progress in politics of the century: a woman was elected at the head of Europe, the most powerful country of the world! Let us receive her on the TV set: welcome Mrs President, we are very happy to have you among us this evening.

E: Hello and thank you for your invitation.

J: Mrs president, you are at the head of most world major power today.

E: Indeed.

J: It has been now 12 years that you are president. How do you explain this popularity?

E: Before being a president I was already very known because I participated in the biggest reality TV shows and I won twice Secret Story! I think that it is my intelligence which seduced the European people.

J: Let us speak now about your reforms. What did you make for the European people?

E: Well … I deleted the law which make school compulsory because it hindered the freedom of the European young people. Why going to school if they prefer to watch during all day at the TV?

Réponse : Dialogue/ futur de dsmith, postée le 18-03-2018 à 16:38:27 (S | E)

Voilà le début:
J : Hello and welcome to the CNN’s channel ! Here is the lastest international news for the 21th century ! Indeed today is fridat (misspelled) the 31 st of december (les mois commencent avec un majuscule toujours) 2099, so before to pass (-ing) before going, before cooking, before sleeping...) to a new century we wanted to summarized (pas le participe passé - infinitive) what did it happen (mauvais conjugation...passé simple marche ici) during the last 99 years . This evening the news healines (misspelled) will talk about Japan’s eradication, an other (un seul mot pas d'espace) topical issue and source of conflicts (mettre au singulier) nowadays: the sixth continent made of waste, then we will come on to the second part, the main political event of the XXI century. Finally we will bring up (to) the March colonisation (je ne comprends pas). Let’s begin our first topic : Japan’s eradication. Let’s join our correspondent reports in live (who + present continuous) from Asia, she will enlighten us about this event.
E : yes Marie I’m in Asia as well. The disaster has still left its mark on the inhabitants. Indeed, recall that twenty years ago an american atomic bomb which was meant for the North Corea (Korea) has accidently touched Japan. This huge mistake had bring (passé simple ici) about Japans (possessive 's) entire destruction and has made (and left ou and created) millions of victims.
J : Thank you Sarah for this little recap of this terrible event cross during ??? (which marked this) this century. Let’s talk about the 6th continent of waste through the intermediary of our correspondent who reports on the ground.
E : Yes I’m actually on the biggest mountain of waste that the world has never known. Indeed, this continent made of wastes (innombrable alor pas de s) is now as big as China and scientifics’ (pas la traduction de scientifiques) previsions had planned that this continent will continue to grow up (cela veut dire plus haut...peut être grow larger and will attein (misspelled) the size of Russia in 2150.
J : Do we have any solution (pluriel) to fight against this disaster ? Are we condam (il faut le participe passé) to death by choking under our own wastes (singulier -innombrable)?

Lien internet

Dans le sens que tu l'utilises "waste" is uncountable.

She is reporting live now from Asia.

Réponse : Dialogue/ futur de dsmith, postée le 18-03-2018 à 17:02:21 (S | E)
E : This last century, a lot of scientifists had created a clever machine able to recycle our waste or (and) still (even) to cleanse the sea. Moreover, these machines are only useful to destroy some kilos of wastes not several millions of tonnes of dishes! Moreover, each day science is making progress and in 50 years, we will be probably (inverser) able to recyclate (misspelled) about 70% of our dishes. But it’s very far to be enough. (a refaire) (dishes?? plats?)

J : Thank you for this very interesting recap. Despite these (singulier) progress, Earth is each day a little more polluate and the number of humans who live here constantly increase (faute de conjugation) : about 10 billion today. This need of for space has lead to March ??? colonisation, 15 years ago. 600 people had accepted to take a part of this experience. But what did they begin ? Let’s see the report in pictures. (to take part in something...)

E : See like ?? inhabitable and inaccessible in the past, March (ahh Mars? la planete?) is utilise "form of to have" now become the lastest hope of humanity’s survival. It is also the opportunity for humanity to start all over again, with a healthy planet and not to reproduce the past errors. Waste, pollution and industries do not exist on March. Here is a photo of a village Martian (adjectif avant le nom). His inhabitants say themselves (pas reflexif ici..say they are...very happy and proud to participate in the construction of a New World, purer and more environment-friendly. more friendly to the environment ou more environmentally friendly.

J :Thank you very much for this report , I hope that the Martians will keep being also? (pas besoin de ce mot) respectful with (of) the nature. Let us speak now about the main progress in politics of the century: a woman was elected at the head of Europe, the most powerful country of the world! Let us receive her on the TV set: welcome Mrs President, we are very happy to have you among us this evening.

E: Hello and thank you for your invitation.

J: Mrs president, you are at the head of the world's most world major power today.

E: Indeed.

J: It has been now 12 years that you are president. How do you explain this popularity?

E: Before being a president I was already very known because I participated in the biggest reality TV shows and I won twice Secret Story! I think that it is my intelligence which seduced the European people.

J: Let us speak now about your reforms. What did you make (do) for the European people?

E: Well … I deleted (mieux "eliminated") the law which make (mauvaise conjugation) school compulsory because it hindered the freedom of the European young people. Why going (pas -ing) to school if they prefer to watch during all day at the TV? (TV during the entire day. ou TV all day.)

Réponse : Dialogue/ futur de juju2111, postée le 18-03-2018 à 19:33:34 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour votre aide votre correction est extrêmment claire et précise.
Je ne comprends juste pas lorsqu'il faut utiliser form to have..
Voilà ma correction:

J : Hello and welcome to the CNN’s channel ! Here is the lastest international news for the 21th century ! Indeed today is Friday the 31 st of December 2099, so before passing to a new century we wanted to summarize what it happened during the last 99 years . This evening the news headlines will talk about Japan’s eradication, another topical issue and source of conflict nowadays: the sixth continent made of waste, then we will come on to the second part, the main political event of the XXI century. Finally we will broach the March colonisation. Let’s begin our first topic : Japan’s eradication. Let’s join our correspondent who is reporting in live from Asia, she will enlighten us about this event.
E : yes Marie I’m in Asia as well. The disaster has still left its mark on the inhabitants. Indeed, recall that twenty years ago an american atomic bomb which was meant for North Korea accidently touched Japan. This huge mistake brought about Japan’s entire destruction and created millions of victims.
J : Thank you Sarah for this little recap of this terrible event which marked this century. Let’s talk about the 6th continent of waste through the intermediary of our correspondent who reports on the ground. JE ne comprends pas ??
E : Yes I’m actually on the biggest mountain of waste that the world has never known. Indeed, this continent made of waste is now as big as China and scientists’ previsions had planned that this continent will continue to grow larger and will attain the size of Russia in 2150.
J : Do we have any solutions to fight against this disaster ? Are we condamed to death by choking under our own waste ?
E : This last century, a lot of scientists had created clever machines able to recycle our waste and even to cleanse the sea. Moreover, these machines are only useful to destroy some kilos of wastes not several million tonnes of waste! Moreover, each day science is making progress and in 50 years, we will probably be able to recycle about 70% of our dishes. But it’s very far from sufficient.
J : Thank you for this very interesting recap. Despite this progress, Earth is each day a little more polluted and the number of humans who live here constantly increases: about 10 billion today. This need for space has lead to Mars colonisation, 15 years ago. 600 people had accepted to take part in this experience. But what did they begin ? Let’s see the report in pictures.

E : See like ?? inhabitable and inaccessible in the past, Mars (ahh Mars? la planete?) is utilise "form of to have" now become the lastest hope of humanity’s survival. It is also the opportunity for humanity to start all over again, with a healthy planet and not to reproduce the past errors. Waste, pollution and industries do not exist on Mars. Here is a photo of a Martian village .His inhabitants say they are very happy and proud to participate in the construction of a New World, purer and more environmentally friendly.

J :Thank you very much for this report , I hope that the Martians will keep being as respectful as now with nature. Let us speak now about the main progress in politics of the century: a woman was elected at the head of Europe, the most powerful country of the world! Let us receive her on the TV set: welcome Mrs President, we are very happy to have you among us this evening.

E: Hello and thank you for your invitation.

J: Mrs president, you are at the head of the world's most major power today.

E: Indeed.

J: It has been now 12 years that you are president. How do you explain this popularity?

E: Before being a president I was already very known because I participated in the biggest reality TV shows and I won twice Secret Story! I think that it is my intelligence which seduced the European people.

J: Let us speak now about your reforms. What did you do for the European people?

E: Well … I eliminated the law which made school compulsory because it hindered the freedom of the European young people. Why go to school if they prefer to watch TV during the entire day ?

J: It is true it is an excellent idea.
E: Yes I do not understand why nobody thought of it before me. I am probably a genius. Unfortunately, I o have to leave you, it is the hour of my bath.
J Euh.. OK thank you for this interview and see you soon.
Our special newspaper year of 2099 and now ended, thank you for having looked and see you next year!

Réponse : Dialogue/ futur de dsmith, postée le 18-03-2018 à 23:43:35 (S | E)

J : Hello and welcome to the CNN’s channel ! Here is the lastest international news for the 21th (1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th - 21st Twenty-First) century ! Indeed today is Friday the 31 st of December 2099, so before passing to a new century we wanted to summarize what it happened during the last 99 years . This evening the news headlines will talk about Japan’s eradication, another topical issue and source of conflict nowadays: the sixth continent made of waste, then we will come on to the second part, the main political event of the XXI century. Finally we will broach the March colonisation. (the colonization of ...) Let’s begin our first topic : Japan’s eradication. Let’s join our correspondent who is reporting in live from Asia, she will enlighten us about this event.
E : yes Marie I’m in Asia as well (as you know). The disaster has still left its mark on the inhabitants. Indeed, recall that twenty years ago an american atomic bomb which was meant for North Korea accidently touched Japan. This huge mistake brought about Japan’s entire destruction and created millions of victims.
J : Thank you Sarah for this little recap of this terrible event which marked this century. Let’s talk about the 6th continent of waste through the intermediary of our correspondent who reports on the ground. JE ne comprends pas ??
E : Yes I’m actually on the biggest mountain of waste that the world has never known. Indeed, this continent made of waste is now as big as China and scientists’ previsions had planned that this continent will continue to grow larger and will attain the size of Russia in 2150 "Twenty-on Fifty".
J : Do we have any solutions to fight against this disaster ? Are we condamed (misspelled) to death by choking under our own waste ?
E : This last century, a lot of scientists had (mauvaise conjugation - plural) created clever machines able to recycle our waste and even to cleanse the sea. Moreover, these machines are only useful to destroy some kilos of wastes not several million tonnes of waste! Moreover, each day science is making progress and in 50 years, we will probably be able to recycle about 70% of our dishes (dishes = plats, assiettes??). But it’s very far from sufficient.
J : Thank you for this very interesting recap. Despite this progress, Earth is each day a little more polluted and the number of humans who live here constantly increases: about 10 billion today. This need for space has lead to Mars colonisation, 15 years ago. 600 people had accepted to take part in this experience. But what did they begin ? Let’s see the report in pictures.

E : You see like ?? uninhabitable and inaccessible in the past, Mars (ahh Mars? la planete?) is utilise "form of to have" has now become the lastest hope of humanity’s survival. It is also the opportunity for humanity to start all over again, with a healthy planet and not to reproduce the past errors. Waste, pollution and industries do not exist on Mars. Here is a photo of a Martian village .His (His = a man, use "Its" inhabitants say they are very happy and proud to participate in the construction of a New World, purer and more environmentally friendly.

J :Thank you very much for this report , I hope that the Martians will keep being as respectful as now with nature. Let us speak now about the main progress in politics of the century: a woman was elected at the head of Europe, the most powerful country of the world! Let us receive her on the TV set: welcome Mrs President, we are very happy to have you among us this evening.

E: Hello and thank you for your invitation.

J: Mrs president, you are at the head of the world's most major power today.

E: Indeed.

J: It has been now 12 years that you are president. How do you explain this popularity?

E: Before being a president I was already very well known because I participated in the biggest reality TV shows and I won twice Secret Story! I think that it is my intelligence which seduced the European people.

J: Let us speak now about your reforms. What did you do for the European people?

E: Well … I eliminated the law which made school compulsory because it hindered the freedom of the European young people. Why go to school if they prefer to watch TV during the entire day ?

J: It is true it is an excellent idea.
E: Yes I do not understand why nobody thought of it before me. I am probably a genius. Unfortunately, I o have to leave you, it is the hour of my bath.
J Euh.. OK thank you for this interview and see you soon.
Our special newspaper year of 2099 and (un verbe ici) now ended, thank you for having looked (look c'est pour des choses qui ne bougent pas. Utilise "watched" pour TV, Cinema, ou quand on regarde des gens) and see you next year!


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