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The missing vowels/253

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The missing vowels/253
Message de marit64 posté le 21-03-2018 à 22:54:05 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 9 out of 10 answers.

1- A list showing the work, duties etc that people are to do. ..... (s r r t) 2

2- A bird or birds which live on or beside water. ..... (f w l t w r) 3

3- Enclosed by land. ..... (d d l l k c n) 3

4- Small or fragile and attractive. ..... (n d t) 3

5- A very small insect that lives on plants, especially a greenfly. ..... (h p d) 2

6- To make hot and very dry. ..... (r h p c) 1

7- Low bushes or large plants growing among trees. ..... (d h g n r w t r) 3

8- A deliberately confusing series of paths, often surrounded by walks or hedges, from which it's difficult to find the way out. ..... (z m)

9- To move (the hands, feet etc) restlessly. ..... (d t g f) 2

10- Easy and comfortable. ..... (h c s) 2

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week and a beautiful spring!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/253 de afarodj, postée le 22-03-2018 à 17:41:15 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit . Thank you so much for this not easy at all new exercice, that nearly made me give up even call it quits.
Hi everybody
This is my try. Have a great week.

1- A list showing the work, duties etc that people are to do. ..... (s r r t) 2 .-Raters.-Noteurs.

2- A bird or birds which live on or beside water. ..... (f w l t w r) 3 .-Waterfowl.-Oiseaux aquatiques.

3- Enclosed by land. ..... (d d l l k c n) 3 .-Landlocked.-Enclavé.

4- Small or fragile and attractive. ..... (n d t) 3 .-Dainty.-Délicat.

5- A very small insect that lives on plants, especially a greenfly. ..... (h p d) 2 .-Aphid.-Puceron.- Puceron vert du pêcher.

6- To make hot and very dry. ..... (r h p c) 1.-Parch.- Dessécher.

7- Low bushes or large plants growing among trees. ..... (d h g n r w t r) 3 .-Undergrowth.-Broussaille.- Maquis.

8- A deliberately confusing series of paths, often surrounded by walks or hedges, from which it's difficult to find the way out. ..... (z m) .-Maze.- Labyrinthe.

9- To move (the hands, feet etc) restlessly. ..... (d t g f) 2 .-Fidget.- Remuer- Gigoter.

10- Easy and comfortable. ..... (h c s) 2 .-Cushy.-Peinard.

Réponse : The missing vowels/253 de chocolatcitron, postée le 23-03-2018 à 21:35:10 (S | E)
The missing vowels/253
Message de marit64 posté le 21-03-2018 à 22:54:05
Hello my dear Marit! Thanks for your new but fun exercise...
Hi everybody!

Here is my work:
1- A list showing the work, duties etc that people are to do. (s r r t) 2 roster = tableau de service.
2- A bird or birds which live on or beside water. (f w l t w r) 3 waterfowl = gibier d'eau.
3- Enclosed by land. (d d l l k c n) 3 landlocked = enclavé, pays sans accès maritime.
4- Small or fragile and attractive. (n d t) 3 dainty = délicat.
5- A very small insect that lives on plants, especially a greenfly.(h p d) 2 aphid = puceron.
6- To make hot and very dry. (r h p c) 1 parch = dessécher.
7- Low bushes or large plants growing among trees. (d h g n r w t r) 3 undergrowth = broussailles.
8- A deliberately confusing series of paths, often surrounded by walks or hedges, from which it's difficult to find the way out. (z m) maze = amas confus, dédale, labyrinthe.
9- To move (the hands, feet etc) restlessly. (d t g f) 2 fidget = ne pas tenir en place, remuer dans tous les sens.
10- Easy and comfortable. (h c s) 2 cushy = pépère, peinard.

Have a nice and a very sweet week, and a beautiful spring!
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels/253 de peticha, postée le 23-03-2018 à 21:56:17 (S | E)
The missing vowels/253
Message de marit64 posté le 21-03-2018 à 22:54:05 (S | E | F)
Hello dear marit, thanks for this new exercise !
Hi everybody!

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 9 out of 10 answers.

Here is my try:
1- A list showing the work, duties etc that people are to do. ..... (s r r t) 2 roster: tableau de service.

2- A bird or birds which live on or beside water. ..... (f w l t w r) 3 warterfowl: gibier d'eau.

3- Enclosed by land. ..... (d d l l k c n) 3 landlocked: sans accès maritime, enclavé.

4- Small or fragile and attractive. ..... (n d t) 3 dainty: délicat.

5- A very small insect that lives on plants, especially a greenfly. ..... (h p d) 2 aphid: puceron.

6- To make hot and very dry. ..... (r h p c) 1 parch: dessécher.

7- Low bushes or large plants growing among trees. ..... (d h g n r w t r) 3 undergrowth: broussailles.

8- A deliberately confusing series of paths, often surrounded by walks or hedges, from which it's difficult to find the way out. ..... (z m) maze: labyrinthe, dédale, imbroglio.

9- To move (the hands, feet etc) restlessly. ..... (d t g f) 2 fidget: remuer dans tous les sens.

10- Easy and comfortable. ..... (h c s) 2 cushy: tranquille, peinard.

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week and a beautiful spring!

So long.

Réponse : The missing vowels/253 de sanna6, postée le 24-03-2018 à 10:02:45 (S | E)
Hello Marit Hello Everyone

I thank you very much for this new Missing vowels Marit

1- A list showing the work, duties etc that people are to do. ...Roster - Tableau de service

2- A bird or birds which live on or beside water. ... Waterfowl - Oiseau d'eau

3- Enclosed by land. ...Landlocked - Enclavé !!!! Yes!!! I finally found it !!

4- Small or fragile and attractive. ...dainty - Délicat

5- A very small insect that lives on plants, especially a greenfly. ...Aphid - Puceron

6- To make hot and very dry. ... To parch - Dessécher

7- Low bushes or large plants growing among trees. ... Undergrowth - Broussaille

8- A deliberately confusing series of paths, often surrounded by walks or hedges, from which it's difficult to find the way out. ... Maze - Labyrinthe

9- To move (the hands, feet etc) restlessly. ...Fidget - Gigoter

10- Easy and comfortable. ... Cushy - Tranquille

A nice week for everybody

Réponse : The missing vowels/253 de flowermusic, postée le 28-03-2018 à 18:07:05 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

Here's my try :
1- A list showing the work, duties etc that people are to do. ..... (s r r t) 2 roster

2- A bird or birds which live on or beside water. ..... (f w l t w r) 3 waterfowl

3- Enclosed by land. ..... (d d l l k c n) 3 landlocked

4- Small or fragile and attractive. ..... (n d t) 3 dainty

5- A very small insect that lives on plants, especially a greenfly. ..... (h p d) 2 aphid

6- To make hot and very dry. ..... (r h p c) 1 parch

7- Low bushes or large plants growing among trees. ..... (d h g n r w t r) 3 undergrowth

8- A deliberately confusing series of paths, often surrounded by walks or hedges, from which it's difficult to find the way out. ..... (z m) maze

9- To move (the hands, feet etc) restlessly. ..... (d t g f) 2 fidget

10- Easy and comfortable. ..... (h c s) 2 cushy

See your very soon

Salut à la fine équipe


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