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Order of adjectives/help

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Order of adjectives/help
Message from redcrocodile21 posted on 23-03-2018 at 15:15:12 (D | E | F)
Hello everyone!
I pass took the test about order of adjectives and it happens that I got 20/100. One question appeared : is there in English only ONE right order of placing adjectives?
example :
"An interesting small Spanish book", will it right if I write : "An small interesting Spanish book?"
or another one : "An ugly modern rectangular picture". Could be correct this variant : "A modern ugly rectangular picture?"
Help me to get things clear, please!

Edited by lucile83 on 23-03-2018 22:12

Re: Order of adjectives/help from violet91, posted on 23-03-2018 at 18:27:03 (D | E)
Hello red crocodile ,

Just look for 115908 ...Link

It is very clearly explained . There is a precise order , for sure . And I shall add , the farther from the noun the adjective is , the more subjective it is . I mean a judgement you would express which could be discussed by anyone : impressions , tastes, opinions , personal feelings , relating or denoting ( beauty, interest , fun ...)
What everybody sees the same way or is a ' general truth ' goes in a determined rank following a proper rule ( that) you have got to learn first .
Example :
A smart big Victorian ( XIXth century ) dark green English ( genuine ) leather armchair .
opinion / size / age / colour / nationality / made of , material / thing .
Hope this helps . Bye .

PS : speaking of choosing the indefinite article in the singular : 'a ' or 'an ' : a small ..( article 'a ' before a consonant sound / an + vowel sound # an interesting ...) and mind tricky words such as university, union, European ...( = a 'you ' sound like a consonant ..) and others like hour , honour , an SOS ( = an ess-o-ess ) message = an ess...whose first letters are mute .

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Forum > English only


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