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Soutenance orale/aide
Message de louis9991 posté le 01-04-2018 à 17:55:10 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
Je souhaiterais de l'aide concernant l'orthographe et la grammaire pour le texte ci-dessous en vue d'une soutenance orale ayant lieu dans moins d'une semaine. Je n'ai également pas dû utiliser le meilleur choix de mots pour définir ce que je souhaite définir donc si c'est incompréhensible, dites-le moi ! Merci de votre aide d'avance.

Texte :
My internship took place within a sign La Halle aux chaussure which is a sign owned by the group Vivarte. Vivarte is a grouping of French companies positioned on the sector of the ready-to-wear clothing, the shoe as well as the leather goods, which counts, in 2017, 10 000 collaborators.
La Halle aux chaussures is the flagship of the group and the leader of the distribution of shoes in France. The sign includes:
- 10,5 % of the market of the shoes in volume
- 37 % of the market of the GSS ( specialized Hypermarket) in volume
- About 3000 collaborators.
The store La Halle aux chaussures, within which I made my internship is in "..." in "..."street "...".
La Halle is a member of the European Company of the Shoe (CEC), the store of "..." is integrated into the network as branch, and takes the shape of a SARL(Limited company with Responsibility Limited). The store has a surface of 600 m ², that is a medium-sized store, have a reserve about 50 m ² and of a space of relaxation to eat in noon south or during the break of the afternoon.

As branch thus, the store of "...." is strongly connected to the head office and does not have is own legal identity. There is in the field that the inventory management is not assured by the branch which takes care only of the reception of the deliveries and of the on shelf while following the merchandising predefined by the head office.

Also, there are daily quotas to meet as the loyalty cards which must exceed the year N-1 but once again, the branch does not handling the analysis and all the information which can be held by this one is sent to the head office.

To finish with my observations, I was also able to notice that the store of "..." follows the orders of the Regional office which depends on the head office. The Regional office gives then directives on the promotions as well as the seasonal merchandising and more globally, transmits the important information coming from the head office.
Thus the autonomy of the store is limited but nevertheless presents because the representative of the store can make decisions as trainee's recruitment as it is the case for me or the recruitment of staff generally. He can also be autonomous in the layout of the store if this one follows the rules of merchandising defined by the head office.
The merchandising of La Halle is very specific. The objective of this one is to clarify the reading of the offer and to facilitate the search for the product. For that purpose, we distinguish 5 important elements:

· There is only 1 shoe to present a model.
· The shoe is positioned in 45 °.
· The front of the shoe is managed inward by the beam.
· The outside of the shoe has to be for the visibility of the customer.
· The mark LH will always be the first one to be also implanted, within beams, we distinguish three floors.
· The third floor is intended for the display model · The second floor corresponds to the stock of the display model so as to create a verticality of the offer (=the boxes of a single model are situated on 2 or 3 floors). Generally, the display model corresponds to the models which we want to put forward, that is the new collection.
· the first one stages corresponds to the models which we do not wish to put forward particularly, we place then a display model over the stock.
Concerning the inventory management, the objective of the seller is to have a very wide pallet of shoes within its shelves. The reserve must have a debit of entrance and exit of the regular and relatively fast products if the store works perfectly. Within the store La Halle aux chaussures of "...", reduction in sales of the whole group Vivarte is flagrant in the view of the reserve. We have a very important proportion of products of old collections not having found a buyer.
According to me, the inventory management can be to improve more still within La Halle aux chaussures, because there is no person in charge of stocks for every store. The regional manager estimates stocks according to its whole sector but it does not answer a precise need for a store. I sometimes tidied up certain models even though we arranged all the sizes and the restocking amply self-important while certain models were sorely lacking restocking and sizes.
Twice, I was not able to propose a model to a customer because I had no size at his/her disposal.
We thus notice a problem of:
- Overstocking
- Stock shortage for certain sizes
It is not due to a problem with the suppliers because La Halle has not it, it produces itself via production plants in France or relocated in China for example. It is, thus, an internal problem to the group and the extern to the store of "..." that has no power on the deliveries, this one applies literally what imposes the regional office which follows the trends(tendencies) of purchase of the consumers of a global point of view.
From a point of view customer relationships, no particular instruction. It is just necessary to approach the things of the way " the customer is a king " and thus act as such, that is, of being attuned, courteous and helpful in any circumstances. We notice that the main customers come mainly of 91190, 91940, 78460, 78470 who are situated near the Shopping mall "...." as can be seen on the graph.

Modifié par lucile83 le 01-04-2018 17:56

Réponse : Soutenance orale/aide de dsmith, postée le 02-04-2018 à 04:33:21 (S | E)

My internship took place within a sign (store? retailer? brand?) La Halle aux chaussure which is a sign owned by the group Vivarte. Vivarte is a grouping of French companies positioned on (in) the sector of the ready-to-wear clothing, the shoe (shoes) as well as the leather goods, which counts, in 2017, 10 000 collaborators (employees).
La Halle aux chaussures is the flagship of the group and the leader of the distribution of shoes in France. The sign includes:
- 10,5 % of the market of the shoes in volume
- 37 % of the market of the GSS ( specialized Hypermarket (specialized retailers) ) in volume
- About 3000 collaborators.
The store La Halle aux chaussures, within which I made my internship is in "..." in "..."street "...".
La Halle is a member of the European Company of the Shoe (CEC) Lien internet
, the store of "..." is integrated into the network as branch, and takes the shape of a SARL(Limited company with Responsibility Limited). The store has a surface of 600 m ² "dit: square meters", that is a medium-sized store, have a reserve about 50 m ² and of a space of relaxation to eat in (at) noon south?? or during the break of the afternoon (50 m2 for a break room to relax and eat meals).

As branch thus, the store of "...." is strongly connected to the head office and does not have is own legal identity. There is in the field that the inventory management is not assured by the branch which takes care only of the reception of the deliveries and of the on shelf (stocking the shelves) while following the merchandising predefined by the head office.

Also, there are daily quotas to meet such as the loyalty cards which must exceed the year N-1 but once again, the branch does not handling (handle) the analysis and all the information which can be held by this one is sent to the head office.

To finish with my observations, I was also able to notice that the store of "..." follows the orders of the Regional office which depends on the head office. The Regional office gives then directives on the promotions as well as the seasonal merchandising and more globally, transmits the important information coming from the head office.
Thus the autonomy of the store is limited but nevertheless presents because the representative of the store can make decisions such as trainee's recruitment (mieux: the recruitment of trainees) as it is the case for me or the recruitment of staff generally. He "It" pour "The store" ou "The manager" can also be autonomous in the layout of the store if this one "it" or "he" follows the rules of merchandising defined by the head office.
The merchandising of La Halle is very specific. The objective of this one is to clarify the reading of the offer and to facilitate the search for the product. For that purpose, we distinguish 5 important elements:

· There is only 1 shoe to present a model.
· The shoe is positioned in 45 °.
· The front of the shoe is managed inward by the beam.
· The outside of the shoe has to be for the visibility of the customer.
· The mark LH will always be the first one to be also implanted, within beams, we distinguish three floors.
· The third floor is intended for the display model · The second floor corresponds to the stock of the display model so as to create a verticality of the offer (=the boxes of a single model are situated on 2 or 3 floors). Generally, the display model corresponds to the models which we want to put forward, that is the new collection. not floor...I think you mean "shelves" The top shelf...second shelf...third shelf...bottom shelf...etc.
· the first one stages corresponds to the models which we do not wish to put forward particularly, we place then a display model over the stock.
Concerning the inventory management, the objective of the seller is to have a very wide pallet of shoes within its shelves. The reserve must have a debit "turnover" of entrance and exit of the regular and relatively fast products if the store works perfectly. Within the store La Halle aux chaussures of "...", reduction in sales of the whole group Vivarte is flagrant?? in the view of the reserve. We have a very important proportion of products of old collections not having found a buyer.
According to me, the inventory management can be to improve (past participle) more still within La Halle aux chaussures, because there is no person in charge of stocks for every store. The regional manager estimates stocks according to its whole sector but it does not answer a precise need for a store. I sometimes tidied up certain models even though we arranged all the sizes and the restocking amply self-important?? (were overstocked) while certain models were sorely lacking restocking and sizes.
Twice, I was not able to propose a model to a customer because I had no size at his/her disposal.
We thus notice a problem of:
- Overstocking
- Stock shortage for certain sizes
It is not due to a problem with the suppliers because La Halle has not it "no suppliers", it produces itself via production plants in France or relocated in China for example. It is, thus, an internal problem to the group and the extern (external) to the store of "..." that has no power on the deliveries, this one applies literally what imposes the regional office which follows the trends(tendencies) of purchase of the consumers of a global point of view. (instead of understanding what each store needs).
From a "the" point of view of customer relationships, il y a no particular instruction. It is just necessary to approach the things of the way " the customer is a king " and thus act as such, that is, of being attuned, courteous and helpful in any circumstances. We notice that the main customers come mainly of (from postal codes) 91190, 91940, 78460, 78470 who (who is for a person..."which" are situated near the Shopping mall "...." as can be seen on the graph.
voir: Lien internet


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