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Swinging sixties/aide

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Swinging sixties/aide
Message de bbj17 posté le 03-04-2018 à 19:36:55 (S | E | F)
je suis en 1ère S et ma prof d'anglais m'a demandé de parler de ce que nous avions fait durant la séquence.
Serait-il possible de corriger les fautes.

The third leçon which we have talk is the swinging sixities.
In this leçon, we had seen a front cover of Times wich is a London news paper and it was the introduction of the leçon. Iremember, with this magazine we had study the description of a picture and in this news paper, there is two part : yong and old people.
We had also study on pirate radio and BBC ; The teacher gave to us three document about this subjet and we must set up them because we did a oral.
We saw a trealer of a movie « Made in Dagenham » ; with this movie, the class did a reading comprehension.
We play a game with Seldom and we sayed two throuth and one lie.

Merci par avance

Modifié par lucile83 le 03-04-2018 21:51

Réponse : Swinging sixties/aide de laure95, postée le 04-04-2018 à 10:05:37 (S | E)
(il manque une préposition)The third leçon which (enlever which et mettre une virgule à la place) we have talk (participe passé)is (enlever is et mettre une préposition à la place) the swinging sixities.
In this leçon (mot français), we had (mettre au présent)seen a front cover of Times wich (orthographe) is a (pas de a)London (marque de l'appartenance) news paper (en un seul mot) and it was the introduction of the leçon (mot français). Iremember,(pas attachés) with this magazine we had study (mettre le verbe study au present perfect)the description of a picture and in this news paper (en un seul mot), there is two part (pluriel!): yong (orthographe) and old people.
We had also study (temps)(study what?)on pirate radio and BBC ; The teacher gave to (enlever to) us three document (pluriel) about this subjet and we must set up them because we did a oral (on ne fait pas un oral: on écoute un document audio).
We saw a trealer of a movie « Made in Dagenham » ; with this movie, the class did a reading comprehension.
We play (passé)a game with Seldom and we sayed (verbe irrégulier!)two throuth and one lie.

Un conseil: ajoute des mots de liaison.

Réponse : Swinging sixties/aide de bluestar, postée le 04-04-2018 à 13:00:02 (S | E)
Trailer.... pas trealer

Réponse : Swinging sixties/aide de gerondif, postée le 04-04-2018 à 13:08:53 (S | E)
lesson à la place de leçon, sixties à la place de sixities, et two truths à la place de two throuth

Réponse : Swinging sixties/aide de bbj17, postée le 04-04-2018 à 18:21:48 (S | E)
Bonjour, j'ai normalement corrigé le texte et rajouté quelles que éléments.

On The third lesson, we had talked on the swinging sixties. The general subject is: “London - The swinging City”. The twentieth century had a lot of big change for example: music, culture, clothes…

In this lesson, we have seen a front cover of Times which is London’s newspaper and it was the introduction of the lesson. Also I remember, with this magazine we have studied the description of a picture. In this newspaper, there is two parts : young and old people. After that, we have also studied a document on pirate radio and BBC so the teacher gave us three documents about this subject and we must set up them because we listened to an audio document. Then, we saw a trailer of a movie « Made in Dagenham » ; with this movie, the class did a reading comprehension. In the end, we played a game with Seldom and we said two throat and one lie. It was an exchange which was funny with the other students.For finish the sequence, we did an oral on Isle of Wight which is a Rock and pop music festival.

In conclusion, this period was characterized by a tech-révolution, a rapidly changing society because of drugs and sexual freedom given by the pill and the baby boomers being a powerful cultural and economical force. It was the beginning of the consumerist society with the emergence of marketed bounds.

Merci d'avance

Réponse : Swinging sixties/aide de gerondif, postée le 04-04-2018 à 19:19:10 (S | E)
J'ai quand même un peu de mal à penser que vous pouvez être en première s, donc savoir que derrière beaucoup de, ou trois, on mettra un pluriel, et ne pas le mettre. C'est quand même de la logique mathématique, non ?
Bonjour, j'ai normalement corrigé le texte et rajouté quelles que(quelques) éléments.
erreurs en bleu
On The third lesson, we had(à enlever) talked on(au sujet de) the swinging sixties. The general subject is(prétérit): “London - The swinging City”. The twentieth century had(ou saw) a lot of big change (pluriel derrière beaucoup de !) for example: music, culture, clothes…

In this lesson, we have seen (ou un prétérit) a front cover of Times which is London’s (a London newspaper, mais voir la remarque de here4u et la confusion entre The Times et Time magazine un weekly) newspaper and it was the introduction of the lesson. Also I remember, with this magazine we (have)(I remember vous plante l'action au passé, un souvenir, donc prétérit) studied the description of a picture. In this newspaper, there is(pluriel!!) two parts : young and old people. After that, we (have)(idem, souvenir = prétérit) also studied a document on pirate radio and the BBC so the teacher gave us three documents about this subject and we must(à mettre au prétérit irrégulier) set up them (inverser)because we listened to an audio document. Then, we saw a trailer of a movie « Made in Dagenham » ; with this movie, the class did a reading comprehension. In the end, we played a game with Seldom and we said two throat(throat, c'est la gorge, en anatomie. Et pourquoi ne pas mettre de pluriel derrière deux ?? ) and one lie. It was an exchange which was funny with the other students.For finish (mettez l'infinitif complet, et pas for + nom qui ne va pas)the sequence, we did an oral (fait français traduit) on the Isle of Wight which is a Rock and pop music festival.(non, the Isle of Wight reste une ile où a eu lieu un festival de musique, donc ...which is an island where a rock and pop music festival took place))

In conclusion, this period was characterized by a tech-révolution (je ne sais pas si cette expression abrégée existe en anglais), a rapidly changing society because of drugs and sexual freedom given by the pill and the baby boomers being a powerful cultural and economical force. It was the beginning of the consumerist society with the emergence of marketed bounds(vous êtes sûr de ce bounds, des limites, des frontières ? j'aurais dit marketed goods, des produits mis sur le marché).

Réponse : Swinging sixties/aide de here4u, postée le 04-04-2018 à 19:44:55 (S | E)

Attention ! "a front cover of Times which is London’s newspaper"... "with this magazine"

"The Times" is a British newspaper whereas "Time" is an American magazine...

Réponse : Swinging sixties/aide de roroy, postée le 06-04-2018 à 12:24:43 (S | E)

voici quelques suggestions:
- (...)that we talked about is (...)
- (...) the lesson's introduction
- I remember that we had to study a picture from the magazine. You could see old and young people in the picture.

A plus tard!



Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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