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Aide/ US immigration

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Aide/ US immigration
Message de yung97 posté le 04-04-2018 à 17:09:38 (S | E | F)
je sollicite votre aide pour savoir si j'ai laissé des fautes dans un devoir que j'ai à rendre.
Merci d'avance

The U.S. Immigration Debate
Nowadays, immigration is an omnipresent and continuous debate because of thee immigrant’s place in a foreign country .The four articles published in the Guardian, the Economist and the Observer and a cartoon, deal with some aspects of this controversial issue. Indeed, we will expose the origin of the debate, and then try to underline and explain the policy of the US on that particular subject.
The three press articles are naturally agreeded about the fact that there is a massive population in the USA territories indeed more than 11 million of illegal immigrants live in the country. This is why the current American policy is focused on this issue. Moreover, the document gives more details on immigrant’s situation; most of them are unauthorized immigrants and few working competence. Thus with this status they can’t obtain any jobs with responsibilities so they are forced to accept labour jobs that American does not accept because they think they are too qualified for them. Furthermore, the migration of foreign population in the United States, past the years is at the origins of the prosperity of the country. The document 2 and 4 expose the mentality of American politics who think immigrants are problems thereby they represent perfect targets. Whereas, the Us economy is mostly based on the low-paid immigrant works who accepts labour jobs in major sectors such as agriculture. Indeed, according to this set of document, that would be a terrible idea to forced immigrants to leave.
So America has to handle with a tricky situation because, there is no sustainable project for immigrant whereas they represent the major part of the workforce in the country. Nevertheless, the document 3 deals with the many solution to face with illegal immigration. Indeed immigration can be a way to encourage skilled immigrants to spread their knowledge and their abilities with well managed plan of employability after different studies. In order to create a long terms peaceful climate .because the fact shown by the document is that immigrants create few problems when they are ensure to not be deported.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-04-2018 22:32

Réponse : Aide/ US immigration de gerondif, postée le 04-04-2018 à 17:40:17 (S | E)
Nowadays, immigration is an omnipresent and continuous debate because of thee immigrant’s place in a foreign country .The four articles published in the Guardian, the Economist and the Observer and a cartoon, deal with some aspects of this controversial issue. Indeed, we will expose the origin of the debate, and then try to underline and explain the policy of the US on that particular subject.
The three press articles are naturally agreeded(ne pas mettre deux ed sur un verbe agree)(you are agreed on/upon a subject) about the fact that there is a massive population in the USA territories indeed more than 11 million of(à ôter) illegal immigrants live in the country. This is why the current American policy is focused on this issue. Moreover, the document gives more details on (soit the immigrant's, soit immigrants')immigrant’s situation; most of them are unauthorized immigrants and(plutôt with) few working competence(pluriel, et comme le dit Laure en dessous skills est plus anglais)). Thus with this status they can’t obtain any jobs with responsibilities so they are forced to accept labour jobs that American(est un adjectif, donc soit American people, soit le nom Americans) does(pluriel) not accept because they think they are too qualified for them. Furthermore, the migration of foreign population in the United States, past the years (n'a pas de sens)is at the origins(singulier) of the prosperity of the country. The(à ôter, 2 et 3 définissent ) document(pluriel) 2 and 4 expose the mentality of American politics (est-ce qu'une politique peut avoir une mentalité?) who think immigrants are problems thereby they represent perfect targets. Whereas,(virgule à ôter) the US economy is mostly based on the low-paid immigrant workers who accepts(pluriel) labour jobs in major sectors such as agriculture (bizarre : 1) vous mettez une subordonnée commençant par whereas (alors que) et il n'y a pas de principale. 2) vous parlez au pluriel de major sectors pour n'accoucher que d'un seul exemple, agriculture, on reste sur sa faim). Indeed, according to this set of document(pluriel), that would be a terrible idea to forced(infinitif !!) immigrants to leave.
So America has to handle with(à ôter) a tricky situation because, there is no sustainable project for immigrant(pluriel) whereas they represent the major part of the workforce in the country. Nevertheless, the(à ôter) document 3 deals with the many solution(pluriel, tant qu'à faire, derrière many!!) to face with illegal immigration. Indeed (virgule) immigration can be a way to encourage skilled immigrants to spread their knowledge and their abilities with well-managed plan(pluriel) of employability after different studies. In order to create a long terms(adjectival, donc singulier) peaceful climate (bizarre, vous commencez une phrase par afin de, et puis pouf, pas de principale...).because the fact shown by the document is that immigrants create few problems when they are ensure(mauvais choix pour dire sûrs de) to not (à inverser) be deported.

Réponse : Aide/ US immigration de laure95, postée le 04-04-2018 à 17:48:59 (S | E)
- because of thee (faute de frappe?,)immigrant’s place
- in the USA (mettre l'adjectif de nationalité au lieu du pays) territories (mettre un point)indeed more than 11 million of (pas de of)illegal immigrants live in the country.
- Moreover, the document gives more details on (mettre un article)immigrant’s (mettre au pluriel)situation;
- few working competence (utiliser skills à la place de competence).
- Thus (virgule)with this status (virgule) they can’t obtain any jobs with responsibilities (point)so (virgule) they are
- that (mettre un article)American does (mettre au pluriel)not accept
- the migration of (article)foreign population
- past the years is at the origins (singulier)of the prosperity of the country.
- The document 2 and 4 expose the mentality of American politics (pas le bon mot ici: chercher le mot politicien) who think immigrants are problems (mal dit)(point)thereby they represent perfect targets.(pas de point) Whereas, (pas de virgule)the Us economy is mostly based on the (pas de the)low-paid immigrant (pluriel)works who accepts (pluriel)labour jobs
- Indeed: chercher un synonyme.
- according to this set of document, (pluriel) that would be a terrible idea to forced (to + infinitif)immigrants
- because, (pas de virgule)there is no sustainable project for immigrant (pluriel)whereas
- Nevertheless, the document 3 deals with the many (pas le bon moit ici) solution (pluriel)
- Indeed
- with (aticle)well managed plan of employability after different studies.
- a long terms (singulier) peaceful climate
-when they are ensure (participe passé) to not be (ordre des mots)deported.

Réponse : Aide/ US immigration de yung97, postée le 05-04-2018 à 01:58:44 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup, je me rends compte que j'ai laissé d'énormes erreurs.

Modifié par lucile83 le 05-04-2018 07:48


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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