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Notion/Places and forms of power

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Notion/Places and forms of power
Message de lucille posté le 04-05-2018 à 15:50:28 (S | E | F)
Bonjour à tous,
J'ai tapé le script de la notion Places and forms of power pour mon bac, mais je n'ai pas pu me la faire corriger.
Si quelqu'un a un peu de temps pour me répondre, pour donner son avis... cela m'aiderait énormément.
Merci d'avance !


First of all, I'd like to give a definition of power. So, in politics and social science, power is the ability to influence the behavior of people. In order to live together members of a community accept rules, regulations, laws. This helps to create social cohesion but can also lead to conflicts and tensions. Even when authority seems absolute, there are always counter-powers which question it, aim at limiting its excesses and resist it. Power can have different forms, like the power of people such as the fight against segregation and the Civil Rights movement, the financial power and the power of media, like internet or print. Power can also have many representations, places of power could be important buildings or institutions, for example Buckingham Palace. But it can also be a country or a state, like the USA or China. I’ll present this notion by focusing on the topic of relations between genders, especially in mobster films.
Concerning this theme, the main questions can be the following : How are women portrayed in mobster films ? How do they cope with male dominance ? I will take several extracts from four films : The Godfather, the original and the remake of Scarface and Prizzi’s Honor, which we studied in class, to illustrate my arguments.

There is a power imbalance between men and women. Indeed, men are valued more than women, as illustrated by Luca Brasi’s wedding wish to Connie Corleone in the Godfather : « May your first child be a masculine child ». Gangster movies reflect the traditional role of men as the heads of the family, this is a patriarchal form of power. Moreover, there are separate spheres for men (the business sphere) and women (the domestic sphere). Indeed, a good mafia wife never asks her husband about his business. One can quote Michael's reply: « Don’t ask me about my business, Kay ». In fact, mafia women are mothers, they have biological functions, their main role is to give birth and raise kids. Furthermore, they have to put up with their husband’s infidelities. For example, Sonny Corleone is a womanizer who has a mistress and Connie Corleone’s husband cheats on her and beats her. She gets hysterical when she discovers that Michael ordered the death of her husband but she’s powerless. Futhermore, a woman is also regarded as a status symbol for her husband, they are trophy wives as Poppy in the original Scarface and Elvira in the remake. Nevertheless, Michael Corleone married Kay Adams, a WASP, because he wanted a real American wife who would give birth to American kids. However, he still expects her to behave as a true Sicilian wife. Kay Adams is an outsider, a rebel, because in The Godfather part II she breaks free, she reveals to Michael that her miscarriage was actually an abortion and they get a divorce.

More recently, there is a takeover by women. Especially in the movie Prizzi’s Honor, which offers new female representations. In fact, this film portrays two strong-willed and independent women who are female mobsters : Maerose Prizzi, an interior-designer, and Irene Walker, a hitwoman. Both have careers, both are successful businesswomen and both challenge male authority and dominance. They want to be men’s equals. The character of Maerose shows this empowerment of women trough her choices and her lifestyle : she has been shunned by her family because of her sexual transgressions and she takes her revenge on her hated father. The new Prizzi Don might be a woman…

Mobster films show most often a male-dominated world but the woman is the center of the family, and a mobster will do anything to protect the interests of the family. Moreover, one can quote a line from The Godfather : « women are more dangerous than shotguns ». In fact, the beauty of women makes men vulnerable. Finally, women are increasingly presented as power figures, especially in recent works of fiction like Breaking Bag with Skyler White for example.

Modifié par lucile83 le 04-05-2018 16:01

Réponse : Notion/Places and forms of power de laure95, postée le 04-05-2018 à 16:51:21 (S | E)
Dans l'introduction, réduire la définition de "power", trop longue.

- Power can also have many representations,(article) places of power could be important buildings or institutions,
- I’ll present this notion by focusing on the topic of (article)relations between genders, especially in mobster films.

- There is a power imbalance: ?
- men are valued more (more n'est pas à la bonne place) than women,
- She gets hysterical when she discovers that Michael ordered (présent perfect)the death of her husband
- Futhermore,(chercher un synonyme) a woman is also regarded

- Both have careers, both are (pas besoin de répéter "both are")successful businesswomen
- They want to be men’s equals: pas de "s" à equals.
- trough: orthographe.

Où est la conclusion?

Réponse : Notion/Places and forms of power de lucille, postée le 04-05-2018 à 17:28:59 (S | E)

Je réduirai la définition de "power" dans l'introduction, mais je ne comprends pas quelques-unes de vos corrections :

- Pourquoi mettre order au présent perfect dans cette phrase ? -> She gets hysterical when she discovers that Michael has ordered the death of her husband
- Les articles en vert sont-ils indispensables ? Car mon professeur ne les a jamais utilisés en cours, dans des phrases similaires... the places of power (could be important buildings or institutions) et the topic of the relations between genders
- There is a power imbalance signifie qu'il y a un pouvoir déséquilibré entre les hommes et les femmes (c'est une expression de mon professeur)
- Dans men are valued more than women, vous m'avez dit qu'il faudrait écrire men are more valued than women, mais j'ai vérifié, c'est écrit ainsi dans le cours de mon professeur, est-ce qu'il se peut que les deux soient utilisables ?
- Dans They want to be men’s equals, vous m'aviez dit qu'il ne fallait pas de "s" à equals, mais comme ce sont deux femmes, il ne serait pas plus logique de dire qu'elles veulent être égaleS aux hommes ?

Pour moi, les dernières lignes constituaient la conclusion... (Mobster films show most often a male-dominated world but the woman is the center of the family, and a mobster will do anything to protect the interests of the family. Moreover, one can quote a line from The Godfather : « women are more dangerous than shotguns ». In fact, the beauty of women makes men vulnerable. Finally, women are increasingly presented as power figures, especially in recent works of fiction like Breaking Bag with Skyler White for example.)

Désolée de poser autant de questions mais je voudrai comprendre plutôt que de suivre une correction sans me poser de questions...
Merci énormément pour votre correction !

Réponse : Notion/Places and forms of power de laure95, postée le 05-05-2018 à 14:06:56 (S | E)
Bonjour Lucille,
Pourquoi mettre order au présent perfect dans cette phrase ? -> She gets hysterical when she discovers that Michael has ordered the death of her husband: il y a une conséquence de la mort de son mari: elle devient hystérique.

- Les articles en vert sont-ils indispensables ? Car mon professeur ne les a jamais utilisés en cours, dans des phrases similaires... the places of power (could be important buildings or institutions) et the topic of the relations between genders: si ton professeur ne les a pas utilisé, ne les mets pas.

- There is a power imbalance signifie qu'il y a un pouvoir déséquilibré entre les hommes et les femmes (c'est une expression de mon professeur) OK

- Dans men are valued more than women, vous m'avez dit qu'il faudrait écrire men are more valued than women, mais j'ai vérifié, c'est écrit ainsi dans le cours de mon professeur, est-ce qu'il se peut que les deux soient utilisables ? je ne sais pas. Il faudrait l'avis d'une personne anglophone!

- Dans They want to be men’s equals, vous m'aviez dit qu'il ne fallait pas de "s" à equals, mais comme ce sont deux femmes, il ne serait pas plus logique de dire qu'elles veulent être égaleS aux hommes ? : equal est un adjectif et tous les adjectifs en anglais sont invariables!

Pour moi, les dernières lignes constituaient la conclusion... (Mobster films show most often a male-dominated world but the woman is the center of the family, and a mobster will do anything to protect the interests of the family. Moreover, one can quote a line from The Godfather : « women are more dangerous than shotguns ». In fact, the beauty of women makes men vulnerable. Finally, women are increasingly presented as power figures, especially in recent works of fiction like Breaking Bag with Skyler White for example.) : Ok, mais on ne peut pas le savoir si tu ne dis pas "in conclusion", ou "to conclude".

Désolée de poser autant de questions mais je voudrai comprendre plutôt que de suivre une correction sans me poser de questions... : tu as bien fait.

Réponse : Notion/Places and forms of power de lucille, postée le 05-05-2018 à 14:39:40 (S | E)
Bonjour Laure,

Merci à vous pour ces explications, elles m'ont été très utiles et je vous en remercie sincèrement !


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