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Aide/Places and power

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Aide/Places and power
Message de ldomingues posté le 23-05-2018 à 14:28:12 (S | E | F)
Pourriez-vous m'aider s'il vous plait?

Mes oraux approchent et j'aimerais bien savoir si ma fiche n'a pas beaucoup de fautes d'orthographe, sachant que je ne suis pas très très forte en anglais .
Merci d'avance pour vos réponses.

I'm going to talk about of seats and form of power. i'd like to begin by giving a definition of power. Power is an ability to influence people's and to control events.We can ask ourselves how the university can be seat of power? we shall see in first time the prestige of university, and their influence on the students then the role of money. To illustrate this notion i have chosen: the speach of B.Gates ", the extract "what is the matter with that kid " and the extract of a report "i don't care what it costs".

First of all, The reputation of universities influences the students for their choice of study. Indeed, a renowned university attracts more people because after the graduation they thought it easer to find job. Furthermore, the prestige of universities can help the buisness of these. This reputation is possible thanks to the intervention with famous personalities as Bill Gates. In his speach adressed to new Harvard student is sharing his experience in order to encourage them to appreciate their prestigious university. So, as he is powerfully man, he can influence students to go in prestigious university.
The higher education can change your behavior with your family but can make you take new interest who you didn't care before. In "what is the letter with that kids" Chapter 11 had changed physically he looks like John Lennon, and his personality changed too for example he has a new interest to his sister.

Moreover, in Usa or in england, go to a university requires to have money to pay it. Students have to suffer the power of money. Indeed, the cost of university can be a real preoccupation for some students, because they have to pay their tuitions fees, so they work like Annabelle in " i don't care what it coast" who had 2 job to pay her debt sixty seven thousand dollar. So, not everybody can have the chance to access higher education.

I' m convinced that everybody must be able to go to higher education not only the elite because everybody have their chance. The power of money has a important control on the students future.

To conclude i would like to says that in university we can found different forms of power as the power given to individual. furthermore, The university as an elite institution holding power. And the power of paying university.

Modifié par lucile83 le 23-05-2018 15:52

Réponse : Aide/Places and power de laure95, postée le 24-05-2018 à 11:30:13 (S | E)
- I'm going to talk about of (enlever of)seats and form (mettre au pluriel)of power.
- i (majuscule)'d like to begin by giving a definition of power.
- Power is an ability to influence people's (pas de 's)
- .We can ask ourselves: mal construit, chercher le verbe se demander.
- how the university can be seat of power?: pas de point d'interrogation: question indirecte)
- and their influence on the (pas de the) students
- i (majuscule) have chosen

- The reputation of universities influences the (pas de the) students for their choice (pluriel)of study (pluriel).
- after the (pas de the)graduation they thought it easer to find (article)job.
- the prestige of universities can help the buisness of these: ?
- This reputation is possible thanks to the intervention with (pas la bonne préposition)famous personalities as (like pas as) Bill Gates.
- new Harvard (marque de la possession)student (pluriel)is sharing his experience
- to appreciate their (their?)prestigious university.
- So, as he is (article)powerfully man,
- he can influence students to go in (pas la bonne préposition) (article)prestigious university.
-can make you take new interest (pluriel)who (pas le bon relatif)you didn't care before.
- In "what is the letter with that kids" Chapter 11 had (pas de had) changed physically
- and his personality (has)changed too for example he has a new interest to (pas la bonne préposition) his sister.

- Moreover, in (article)Usa or in england (majusucule), go (gérondif) to a university requires
- Students have to suffer (préposition)the power of money.
- Annabelle in " i don't care what it coast" who had (présent)2 job to pay her debt sixty seven thousand dollar (pluriel).
- So, not everybody can have the chance to access (préposition)higher education.

-I' m convinced that everybody must be able to go to (mal dit)higher education
- everybody have (faute de conjugaison)their chance.
- The power of money has a (a + mot commençant par une consonne)important control on the students (marque de la possession) future.

- i (majuscule)would like to says (to + infinitif) that in (article)university we can found (can + infinitif)different forms of power as the power given to individual (pluriel).
- furthermore, The university as an elite institution holding power: c'est une phrase?
- And the power of paying university.


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