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Oral/Voyage Initiatique

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Oral/Voyage Initiatique
Message de thewanderer posté le 09-06-2018 à 11:38:20 (S | E | F)
je passe bientôt mon oral d'anglais pour le Bac et je me demandais si vous pouviez corriger mes erreurs, s'il vous plaît ?
J'ai choisi le thème du Voyage Initiatique,
merci et bonne journée !

The theme of Initiation Journey is about travelling which has been an essential topos of literature since Antiquity (the Odyssey, for instance). Though it can be just wandering, travelling is usually described as an initiatory trip, educating the protagonist through experiences. To illustrate this theme, three documents will be used, Life of Pi written by Yann Martel, the movie Into the wild by Sean Penn and the novel Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. So, in what way do we see that they are initiatory journey ?

Life of Pi is a novel of Yann Martel, Pi is a young boy who live with is parents but a day, they decide to go in Canda on a ship and they will be wrecked in the middle of the ocean and only Pi will escape alive with some animals. The animals are maybe was created by Pi himself because the orang-utan symbolize his mother, the hyena is the ship's cook and is a form of pure evil, she eats zebra and kills orang-utan. And the tiger Richard Parker is a part of PI's personality and when Pi fights against Richard Parker that symbolize the entering into adulthood to survive on this lifeboat. But Pi don’t simply acquiesce to his fate: he actively fight against it as Pi abandons his lifelong vegetarianism and eats fish to sustain himself. At the end Pi raises the possibility that the fierce tiger, Richard Parker, is actually an aspect of his own personality, and that Pi himself is responsible for some of the horrific events he has narrated.

The movie Into the wild written and directed by Sean Penn which is inspired by a true story. The protagonist Christopher McCandless lives in luxury but one day he no longer supports this consumer society and he decides to leave alone in nature. He destroys all credit cards and identification documents, burned his money. Throughout his adventure, he meet a lot of people who will give him advice on his new life, as the old man who makes Chris understand that what he's doing is a mistake. And at the end, Chris finally understands his mistake and he wants to go back home, because he realizes that he can not just give up his life like that so he writes a letter to his sister but he dies shortly thereafter while he is in Alaska.

The novel Robinson Crusoe was written by Daniel Defoe in 1719. Robinson Crusoe shipwrecked on a deserted island, to live and not lose his head he makes a calendar by making cuts in the wood, he learns to make pottery to conserve water and food, he raises goats so that he can feed himself, he learns that the cannibals that come on the island are not bad because they do not know that eating man is bad, he teaches english to Friday and the convert him to Catholicism.

To conclude, the initiation journey is constitute of lessons about the life and that often during a desperate moment where the people will learn important things that will help them grow and improve themselves, like survive to a disaster.

Modifié par lucile83 le 09-06-2018 12:53

Réponse : Oral/Voyage Initiatique de laure95, postée le 10-06-2018 à 14:45:07 (S | E)
- an essential topos of literature

- Life of Pi is a novel of (pas la bonne préposition)Yann Martel,
- a young boy who live: faute de conjugaison.
- is (orthographe) parents
- but a (one pas a)day, they decide to go in (pas la bonne préposition)Canda
- The animals are maybe was created: ?
- the orang-utan symbolize: faute de conjugaison.
- she (pas le bon pronom)eats (article)zebra and kills (article)orang-utan.
- that symbolize: faute de conjugaison.
- But Pi don’t (faute de conjugaison)simply acquiesce to his fate:
- he actively fight: faute de conjugaison.

- The movie Into the wild written and directed by Sean Penn which (pas de which) is inspired by a true story.
- He destroys all (mettre un possessif)credit cards and identification documents, burned (présent)his money.
- he meet: faute de conjugaison.

- eating (article)man is bad, he teaches english (majuscule)to Friday and the convert (faute de conjugaison) him to Catholicism.

- To conclude, the initiation journey is constitute (participe passé) of lessons about the (pas de the)life
- moment where (pas le bon relatif)the (pas de the) people will learn important things
- like survive (gérondif) to a disaster.

Réponse : Oral/Voyage Initiatique de here4u, postée le 10-06-2018 à 18:11:43 (S | E)

The theme of XXX Initiation Journey/ the initiatory journey/ is about travelling which has been an essential topos (topic? ) of literature since Antiquity (the Odyssey, for instance). Though it can be just wandering, travelling is usually described as an initiatory trip, educating the protagonist through experiences. To illustrate this theme, three documents will be used, Life of Pi written by Yann Martel, the movie Into the wild by Sean Penn and the novel Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe. So, in what way do we see that they are initiatory journey ?

Life of Pi is a novel of Yann Martel, Pi is a young boy who live with is parents but a (one?)day, they decide to go in Canda on a ship and they will be wrecked in the middle of the ocean and only Pi will escape alive with some animals. The animals are maybe was created (revoir la construction du modal!) by Pi himself because the orang-utan symbolize his mother, the hyena is the ship's cook and is a form of pure evil, she eats zebra and kills orang-utan. And the tiger Richard Parker is a part of PI's personality and when Pi fights against Richard Parker that symbolize the entering into adulthood to survive on this lifeboat. But Pi don’t simply acquiesce to his fate: he actively fight against it as Pi abandons his lifelong vegetarianism and eats fish to sustain himself. At the end Pi raises the possibility that the fierce tiger, Richard Parker, is actually an aspect of his own personality, and that Pi himself is responsible for some of the horrific events he has narrated.

The movie Into the wild written and directed by Sean Penn which (Attention! il faut : supprimer "which" ou ponctuer .. sinon l'antécédent n'est pas le bon!) is inspired by a true story. The protagonist Christopher McCandless lives in luxury but one day he no longer supports this consumer society and he decides to leave alone (live or leave to ...)in nature. He destroys all credit cards and identification documents, burned(mélange des temps!) his money. Throughout his adventure, he meet a lot of people who will give him advice on his new life, as the old man who makes Chris understand that what he's doing is a mistake. une narration se fait au passé ... Si vous choisissez cependant le présent, stick to it!) And at the end, Chris finally understands his mistake and he wants to go back home, because he realizes that he can not just give up his life like that so(very clumsy!) he writes a letter to his sister but he dies shortly thereafter while he is in Alaska.

The novel Robinson Crusoe was written by Daniel Defoe in 1719. Robinson Crusoe shipwrecked on a deserted island, to live and not lose his head he makes(même remarque!) a calendar by making cuts in the wood, he learns to make pottery to conserve water and food, he raises goats so that he can feed himself, he learns that the cannibals that come on the island are not bad because they do not know that eating X man is bad, he teaches english to Friday and the convert him to Catholicism.

To conclude, the initiation journey is constitute of lessons about the life and that often during a desperate moment where the people will learn important things that will help them grow and improve themselves, like survive to a disaster.


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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