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Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Message de jane37 posté le 13-06-2018 à 07:16:16 (S | E | F)
je souhaiterais annoncer chacune des prestations effectuées par mes chers retraités. Pourriez-vous vérifier la cohérence et la justesse du vocabulaire théâtral ?
Merci beaucoup .

1: Neil Armchair interpreted the poem entitled "Leisure" written by William Henry Davies Welsh poet and writer.
In this poem, William Henry Davies wonders if life is worth living if we do not take the time to observe the beauties that nature offers us

2: John Martin interprets the fable "The raven and the fox" revisited by his care and his humor.

3: Jane April in the role of a caring grandmother and Alex Aston in the role of a disillusioned but nice teenager perform a drama entitled "Dunno"

4: Linette Roy and John Martin perform a couple walking along the beach.
The woman is voluble and the jaded man says nonstop: "OF Course!»

5: In the role of a French tourist Betty Marples asks her way to Neil Armchair performing a Charming Londoner. "How ask one's way? »

6: Mary Daffodyl in the role of a playful wife, asks Alex Aston her husband what would make him happy for the dinner. Absorbed by his diary he answers nonstop: «Why not? »

7: Gise Butterfly interprets the role of a voluble woman who calls her friend Kate Northon to tell her about the meetings she made the day before "Yesterday, I saw. »

Modifié par lucile83 le 13-06-2018 10:30

Réponse : Présentation/spectacle de gerondif, postée le 15-06-2018 à 11:49:27 (S | E)
How to ask one's way.
...make him happy for dinner.
Je ne pense pas qu'on dise to make a meeting.

Réponse : Présentation/spectacle de jane37, postée le 15-06-2018 à 12:16:42 (S | E)

Bonjour! merci beaucoup pour la correction

j'ai ajouté une phrase de conclusion
Is it correct ?
1: Neil Armchair interpreted the poem entitled "Leisure" written by William Henry Davies Welsh poet and writer.
In this poem, William Henry Davies wonders if life is worth living if we do not take the time to observe the beauties that nature offers us

2: John Martin interprets the fable "The raven and the fox" revisited by his care and his humor.

3: Jane April in the role of a caring grandmother and Alex Aston in the role of a disillusioned but nice teenager perform a drama entitled "Dunno"

4: Linette Roy and John Martin perform a couple walking along the beach.
The woman is voluble and the jaded man says nonstop: "OF Course!»

5: In the role of a French tourist Betty Marples asks her way to Neil Armchair performing a Charming Londoner. "How to ask one’s way? »

6: Mary Daffodyl in the role of a playful wife, asks Alex Aston her husband what would make him happy for dinner. Absorbed by his diary he answers nonstop: «Why not? »

7: Gise Butterfly interprets the role of a voluble woman who calls her friend Kate Northon to tell her about her meets she made the day before.
"Yesterday, I saw. »

Thanks to:
Names .........
who participated in this recreation, as well as to their friend public.

Réponse : Présentation/spectacle de gerondif, postée le 15-06-2018 à 15:40:37 (S | E)
who keeps saying, who keeps answering à la place de vos nonstop
Meets ne va pas. She speaks about who she met, what she saw.

The friendly audience pour parler du public.
Who took part in...

Réponse : Présentation/spectacle de jane37, postée le 15-06-2018 à 18:59:27 (S | E)
Thank you very much

A nous de jouer maintenant!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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