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Rack your brains and Help!/ 26

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Rack your brains and Help!/ 26
Message de here4u posté le 14-07-2018 à 21:47:53 (S | E | F)
Hello, Dear Friends

Here is our following exercise and the quietest period in the year… I hope you’ll stay with me, if only with part of this work. Don’t forget you may pick and choose what you want to do, or what you need. Have a great « Holiday-time », even if you’re staying home.
This exercise is a and its correction will be online on Sunday, July 29th, late at night.
In the meantime, here is THE FORCE to help you…

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you!
Pas vraiment d’avalanche de fautes, toujours … Cependant, étant en vacances, mon élève a relâché son attention … et a quand même fait 17 fautes ! Il vous faudra les détecter et les corriger. ( Attention ! Vous pourriez être tentés de trouver plus de fautes que les 17 annoncées, mais ce serait vouloir pénaliser les « régionalismes » et expressions familières. Ne le faites pas ! Ne « sanctionnez » que "la grammaire/ syntaxe/ vocabulaire/ fautifs.")

In US and in France, July is the time for fireworks. They take place after darkness, of course, and are often beautifully reflected in the sea or in rivers.
It was said that the original purpose of Independance Day holiday has been loosened to the midth of time. Nowadays, it's just a day for a barbecue picnic and fireworks.
In much of the world, the big holiday for setting off fireworks is New Year's Day. In England, Guy Fawkes is the traditional excuse for blowing up stuff. Some British people light small bonfires in their own gardens, unlike others light larger ones in a communal space. In some towns and cities, the municipality organises a bonfire and professional firework displays in a park.
Many injuries and even deaths ocurr as a result of fireworks were used incorrectly. For this reason, much safety campaigner call for the sell of fireworks to the public being restricted even more than actually and for more professional displays to be organized.
Known as Bonfire Night, or Guy Fawkes Night, it is a celebration of a plot blowing up the houses of parlement and assassinate King James I of England (VI of Scotland) by a group of Catholics. “Guy” Fawkes was captured in the cellars beneath the houses of parlement while trying to ignite the barrels of gunpowder he and his co-conspirators had hid there. He revealed the identities of his fellow traitors by torture at the Tower of London, before being executed for his crimes.
It’s an irony, isn’t it? In the US, fireworks are used to celebrate « a successfull treason », in the UK, they are used to celebrate « a failed one »…

II) Our beloved abacus is back! = holiday-time! You’ll have to find 10 words-

VOCABULARY: Slide the abacus beads (letters) along the wires (lines) to form 10 related words (belonging to the same theme) reading down. (The beads are on wires, and CANNOT jump over one another!)
Work well! You'll soon realize that this is no game! The theme is : FIREWORKS

1 :----A------S-----A-----F-----P---|
2 :--B----D----E------C------I----- |
3 :---B---- P-----B----R------Z-----|
4 :---L---—A-----R------ O------- Z |
5 -----J----L----A----Z-------L-----|
6 :---O --U---Z---I-----A-----------|
7 :---A---R --L---A----O--C---------|
8 :--E----K---- I-----L-----K----E--|
9 :--Y---Z -L----N----L---O---------|
10 :---E-----E---G---M-----E---P----|

III) ANOTHER TORTURE… (de Maxwell) Encore une seule recherche, cette fois (ce sont toujours les vacances ! ) Maxwell

A partir de l'expression française suivante : «se ranger », trouver au moins 3 traductions anglaises (différentes) possibles que vous utiliserez chacune dans une phrase qui explicitera le contexte dans lequel on peut l'utiliser, l'éventuel registre de langue associé,
et les nuances de sens. Ces 3 expressions anglaises ne devront (si possible) pas être interchangeables, et chacune devrait apporter quelque chose de différent.

IV) (OPTIONAL !) Explain « a successful treason » and « a failed treason » in the Student’s last line (80 words max.)

Let me remind you once again that "you don't have to do the whole thing!" Yet, any effort will be greatly appreciated!
Good luck to all the hard-workers and Lovers of English... THE FORCE is with YOU!

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-07-2018 23:04

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 26 de taiji43, postée le 15-07-2018 à 15:27:05 (S | E)

Hello Here4U
Here is my correction.
I know that it is far from being faultless English, however, here you are .He ad I, both thank you.


In US and in France, July is the time for fireworks. They take place FROM darkness, of course, and are often beautifully reflected ON the sea or ON rivers.

It was said that the original purpose of INDEPENDENCE Day holiday has been LOST IN THE MIDDLE Of TIMES

Nowadays, it's just a day for a barbecue picnic and fireworks.

In much of the world, the big holiday for setting off fireworks THAT is New Year's Day

In England, Guy Fawkes is the traditional excuse for blowing up stuff.

Some British people light small bonfires in their own gardens, unlike others WHO light larger ones in a communal space

In some towns and cities, the municipality organises a bonfire and A professional firework displays IT in a park.
Many injuries and even deaths occur as a result of fireworks THAT were used incorrectly

For this reason, MANY ( safety) SECURITY CAMPIGNERS call for the SALE of fireworks to the public SHOULD BE restricted, even more than CURRENTLY (NOW) and SO THAT professional displays BE organized.

Known as Bonfire Night, or Guy Fawkes Night, it is a celebration of a plot blowing up the houses of PARLIAMENT and assassinate King James I of England AND (VI of Scotland) by a group of Catholics.

Guy Fawkes was captured in the cellars beneath the houses of PARLIAMENT TRYING to ignite the barrels of gunpowder, he and his co-conspirators had HIDDEN here.

He revealed the identities of his fellow traitors by torture at the Tower of London, before being executed for his crimes.
It's an irony, isn't it? In the US, fireworks are used to celebrate a SUCCESSFUL treason, in the UK; they are used to celebrate a failed one.

Aux États-Unis et en France, juillet est le temps pour les feux d'artifice. Ils ont lieu dès l'obscurité, bien sûr et sont souvent admirablement reflétés sur la mer ou sur les fleuves (rivières)

On a dit que l’initial objectif du jour férié de l’Indépendance s’est perdu (au milieu) (au cours) des temps
.De Nos jours, c'est juste un jour pour un pique-nique de barbecue et un feu d'artifice.
Dans une grande partie du monde, le grand jour férié pour déclencher un feu d'artifice c’est le Jour de l'an.

En Angleterre, Guy Fawkes est l'excuse traditionnelle pour faire éclater le truc

Quelques Britanniques allument de petits feux de joie dans leurs propres jardins, contrairement à d'autres qui allument des plus grands dans un espace commun.

Dans quelques petites villes et grandes villes, la municipalité organise un feu de joie et des feux d'artifice Un professionnel l’installe dans un parc.

Beaucoup de blessures et même des morts se produisent en conséquence de feux d'artifices qui sont utilisés incorrectement

C'est pourquoi, beaucoup de militants de la sécurité demandent que la vente de feux d'artifices au public soit limitée encore d’avantage que maintenant et pour que des affichages plus professionnels soient organisés.

Connue comme la (Nuit du Feu de joie,)( la commémoration) ou la Nuit de Guy Fawkes, c'est la célébration d'un complot faisant exploser la maison du parlement et assassiner le Roi Jacques Ier d’Angleterre et (Jacques VI d’Écosse) par un groupe de Catholiques.
Guy Fawkes fut capturé dans les caves au-dessous du parlement en essayant d'enflammer les barils de poudre que lui et ses co-conspirateurs avaient cachés là.

Il a révélé les identités de ses compagnons, traîtres par la torture à la Tour de Londres, avant d'être exécuté pour ses crimes.
C'est une ironie, n'est-ce pas? Aux EU, le feu d'artifice est utilisé pour célébrer une trahison réussie, au Royaume-Uni, ils sont habitués à célébrer un trahison ratée


Here are the 4 sentences READY TO BE CORRECTEED
1.) Le voilier accosta (se stationna) le long du quai de cette île paradisiaque entourée d’eaux turquoises où l’on, pouvait nager avec des tortues géantes..
The sailboat MOORED alongside the quay of this paradise island surrounded by turquoise waters, where you can swim with giant turtles.

2.) Après des années de vols avec violence il décida de se ranger des voitures et il fonda une famille.
After years of robberies with violence, he decided TO GO STRAIGHT, and he started a family.

3.) La foule se massa (se rangea) derrière les barrières afin de voir les vainqueurs de la Coupes du Monde.
The crowd GATHERED behind barriers to see the World Cup winners.

4.) En fin de compte tu as raison, je me range (se rallier) de ton côté pour cette fabuleuse idée de faire de la randonnée, mais nous ne marcherons pas à vive allure.

After all, you are right, I SIDE WITH you for this fabulous idea to go hiking, However we shall not walk at a brisk pace.

Dear Here 4U
Actually, I have to leave now, I have been working on ABACUS for long , however I have no time to finish it.
I have found 6 words that may be will help the others if I didn’t a mistake
Joy, ablaze, sparkle, dazzling, aerial, folk
Sorry I have no time to tabulate all these words and I can’t send my draft

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 26 de here4u, postée le 18-07-2018 à 21:46:01 (S | E)
Bravo pour ta célérité à poster avant de partir ... et

Profite bien de ces vacances !

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 26 de magie8, postée le 21-07-2018 à 00:24:49 (S | E)

in US and in France, July is the time for fireworks. They take place after darkness, of course, and are often beautifully reflected in the sea or in rivers.
It was said that the original purpose of Independance Day holiday has been loosened to the midth of time. Nowadays, it's just a day for a barbecue picnic and fireworks.
In much of the world, the big holiday for setting off fireworks is New Year's Day. In England, Guy Fawkes is the traditional excuse for blowing up stuff. Some British people light small bonfires in their own gardens, unlike others light larger ones in a communal space. In some towns and cities, the municipality organises a bonfire and professional firework displays in a park.
Many injuries and even deaths ocurr as a result of fireworks were used incorrectly. For this reason, much safety campaigner call for the sell of fireworks to the public being restricted even more than actually and for more professional displays to be organized.
Known as Bonfire Night, or Guy Fawkes Night, it is a celebration of a plot blowing up the houses of parlement and assassinate King James I of England (VI of Scotland) by a group of Catholics. “Guy” Fawkes was captured in the cellars beneath the houses of parlement while trying to ignite the barrels of gunpowder he and his co-conspirators had hid there. He revealed the identities of his fellow traitors by torture at the Tower of London, before being executed for his crimes.
It’s an irony, isn’t it? In the US, fireworks are used to celebrate « a successfull treason », in the UK, they are used to celebrate « a failed one »…

mon travail READY TO CORRECT

In THE US and in France, July is the time for fireworks.They take place after darkness, of course,and are often beautifully reflected in the sea or in rivers.
It was said that the original purpose of THE Independance Day holiday has been LOST IN THE MIST OF time.Nowadays, its just a day for a barbecue, picnic and fireworks.
In much of the world , the big holiday for setting off fireworks is New Year's day.In England, Guy Fawkes is the traditional excuse for blowing up stuff.Some British people light small bonfires in their own gardens, unlike others WHO
light larger ones in a communal space.In some towns and cities,the municipality organises a bonfire and professional firework displays in a park.
Many injuries and even deaths OCCUR as a result of fireworks used ( pas were)incorrectly.For this reason MANY safety CAMPAIGNERS call for the SELLING of fireworks TO the public TO BE restricted even more than AT PRESENT and for more professional displays to be organised .Known as Bonfire Night or Guy Fawkes Night, it is celebration of a plot TO BLOW up the houses of parlement and assassinate King James I England (VI of Scotland)by a group of Catholics. "Guy" Fawkes was captured in the cellars beneath the houses of PARLIAMENT while trying to ignite the barrels of gunpowder he and his co-conspiratos had HIDDEN there.He revealed the identities of his fellow traitors UNDER torture at the Tower of London,before being executed for his crimes.
It's IRONIC (pas an ), isn't it ? In the US, fireworks are used to celebrate successful( un seul L)treason" in the UK , they are used to celebrate "a failed one".

III) ANOTHER TORTURE… ( de Maxwell) Encore une seule recherche, cette fois (ce sont toujours les vacances ! ) Maxwell

A partir de l'expression française suivante : «se ranger », trouver au moins 3 traductions anglaises (différentes) possibles que vous utiliserez chacune dans une phrase qui explicitera le contexte dans lequel on peut l'utiliser, l'éventuel registre de langue associé,
et les nuances de sens. Ces 3 expressions anglaises ne devront (si possible) pas être interchangeables, et chacune devrait apporter quelque chose de différent.

1) getting tired of its multi-adventure, he has finally met a lovely lady and he has promised TO SETTLE DOWN.
fatigué de ses multiples aventures il a finalement rencontré une femme charmante, et il a promis de se ranger ( s'installer , se caser)

2)To avoid the rush at the canteen door , the supervisor said:GET INTO ROWS OF TWO
Pour éviter la cohue à la porte de la cantine la surveillante a dit:"rangez vous par deux" (se mettre en rang)

3)The parking space was so small,that he had to go back and forth a number of times TO PARK the car next to the kerb.
La place de parking était si petite, qu'il avait dû faire plusieurs manoeuvres pour que la voiture se range au bord du trottoir.( stationner )

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 26 de joe39, postée le 22-07-2018 à 13:45:23 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u,
Here I’m with my try, ready to be corrected.

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you!
Pas vraiment d’avalanche de fautes, toujours … Cependant, étant en vacances, mon élève a relâché son attention … et a quand même fait 17 fautes !
In THE- 1 US and in France, July is the time for fireworks. They take place after darkness, of course, and are often beautifully reflected in the sea or in THE 2 rivers.
It was said that the original purpose of INDEPENDENCE- 3 Day holiday has been LOST- 4 IN-5 the MID-6 of time. Nowadays, it's just a day for a barbecue picnic and fireworks.
In MOST-7 of the world, the big holiday for setting off fireworks is New Year's Day. In England, Guy Fawkes is the traditional excuse for blowing up stuff.
Some British people light small bonfires in their own gardens, unlike others light larger ones in a communal space. In some towns and cities, the municipality ORGANIZES -8 a bonfire and professional firework displays in a park.
Many injuries and even deaths OCCUR - 9 as a result of fireworks WHICH -10 were used incorrectly. For this reason, MANY 11 safety CAMPAIGNER -12 call for the SALE- 13 of fireworks to the public being restricted even more than actually and for more professional displays to be organized.
Known as Bonfire Night, or Guy Fawkes Night, it is a celebration of a plot blowing up the houses of PARLIAMENT – 14 and assassinate King James I of England (VI of Scotland) by a group of Catholics. “Guy” Fawkes was captured in the cellars beneath the houses of PARLIAMENT - while trying to ignite the barrels of gunpowder, he and his co-conspirators had HIDDEN -15 there. He revealed the identities - of his fellow traitors by torture IN -16 the Tower of London, before being executed for his crimes.
It’s an irony, isn’t it? In the US, fireworks are used to celebrate « a SUCCESSFUL - 17 treason », in the UK, they are used to celebrate « a failed one »…

II) Our beloved abacus is back! = holiday-time! You’ll have to find 10 words-
Work well! You'll soon realize that this is no game! The theme is : FIREWORKS

1 :---- A------S----        A----                     F---P-|
2 :--    B----         D--  -E------     C--        -I----- |
3 :---        B--P---- -             B----R--       -Z----- |
4 :---   L --- —      A---  R----O----           - Z |
5 --j----     L--A-- -Z------ -                        L----- |
6 ---    U-        Z---  I---          A----------      -|
7 :-- -  A---    R -  -L---  A----O-    C-------- -        |
8 :--          E--K--  -I---  L---- -      K---       E--     |
9 :-Y---Z -      L--  -N---                -L--             O--|
10 :--- E-----  E---  G-- -        M----E--             -P--|

The words I found are, in the order from left to right:

III) ANOTHER TORTURE… (de Maxwell) Encore une seule recherche,
cette fois (ce sont toujours les vacances !

A partir de l'expression française suivante : «se ranger », trouver au moins 3 traductions anglaises (différentes) possibles que vous utiliserez chacune dans
une phrase qui explicitera le contexte dans lequel on peut l'utiliser, l'éventuel registre de langue associé,
et les nuances de sens. Ces 3 expressions anglaises ne devront (si possible)
pas être interchangeables, et chacune devrait apporter quelque chose de

On April 19, 1775 a column of 700 British soldiers directed to Concord to destroy the military depot established there by the Continental Congress, entered the village of Lexington and found 70 armed minutemen* DRAWN UP astride of the village common. Although there was no official command, the British opened fire, killing eight and wounding ten Americans. This was the opening battle of the American Revolutionary War.
*Nickname given to the American militiamen in the first stage of the war,because they were able to gather to fighting after a very short pre-advice.

The French national football team was the best one who have been LINED UP in the field, during the 2018 World Cup, winning the championship.

The policemen of the check-point, signalled to the approaching vehicles they had TO PULL OVER to the right to let them controlled.

IV) (OPTIONAL !) Explain « a successful treason » and « a failed treason » in the Student’s last line (80 words max.)
A “successful treason” , celebrated with fireworks in the US, is that related to the adoption of the Declaration of Independence from Great Britain, on July 4, 1776, when the Continental Congress declared the thirteen American colonies as free and independent states and no more subjected to the British Crown. 49
A “failed treason” is related to the Gunpowder Plot, a failed attempt to blow up England’s King James I ,and the houses of Parliament, on November 5, 1605, cited by the student. 31

I do hope that there are no many mistakes and, thanking very much for your involving work, I remain wishing you a pleasant Sunday evening.
So long.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 26 de chocolatcitron, postée le 22-07-2018 à 17:12:28 (S | E)
Rack your brains and Help!/ 26 Here4u 14/07 2018- Sunday, July 29th, FINISHED.
Hello my dear Here4u and Maxwell : thank you both for your great exercises.
Hi Everybody!

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you!
Pas vraiment d’avalanche de fautes, toujours … Cependant, étant en vacances, mon élève a relâché son attention … et a quand même fait 17 fautes ! Il vous faudra les détecter et les corriger. Ne «sanctionnez» que "la grammaire/syntaxe/vocabulaire/ fautifs.")

In THE US and in France, July is the time for fireworks. They take place after darkness, of course, and are often beautifully reflected in the sea or in rivers.
It was said that the original purpose of Independance Day holiday has been LOST IN THE MIDST of time* (= with time). Nowadays, it's just a day for a barbecue picnic and fireworks.
In much COUNTRIES of the world, the big holiday for setting off fireworks is New Year's Day. In England, Guy Fawkes is the traditional excuse for blowing up stuff. Some British people light small bonfires in their own gardens, unlike others light larger ones in a communal space. In some towns and cities, the municipality organises a bonfire and professional firework displays in a park.
Many injuries and even deaths OCCUR as a result of fireworks were used incorrectly. For this reason, MANY safety CAMPAIGNERS call for the SELLING of fireworks to the public being restricted even more than NOW and for more professional displays to be ORGANISED (GB).
Known as Bonfire Night, or Guy Fawkes Night, it is a celebration of a plot FOR blowing up the HOUSES of PARLIAMENT and assassinate King James I of England (VI of Scotland) by a group of Catholics. “Guy” Fawkes was captured in the cellars beneath the HOUSES OF PARLIAMENT while trying to ignite the barrels of gunpowder he and his co-conspirators had HIDDEN there. He revealed the identities of his fellow traitors UNDER torture at the Tower of London, before being executed for his crimes.
It’s IRONIC, isn’t it? In the US, fireworks are used to celebrate «a SUCCESSFUL treason», in the UK, they are used to celebrate «a failed one»…

II) Our beloved abacus is back! = holiday-time! You’ll have to find 10 words-
VOCABULARY: Slide the abacus beads (letters) along the wires (lines) to form 10 related words (belonging to the same theme) reading down.
Work well! You'll soon realize that this is no game! The theme is : FIREWORKS

1 :-------A-----------S------------A-------------------F-----P---|
2 :-------B-----------------D------E-----------C-------I---------|
3 :-------------B-----P-----------------B------R-------Z---------|
4 :-------L-----------------A------R----O--------------Z---------|
5 ---J----------L-----A-----Z--------------------------L---------|
6 :--O ---------U-----------Z------I-----------A-----------------|
7 :-------A-----------R ----L------A----O------C-----------------|
8 :-------------E-----K-----I------L-----------K-------E---------|
9 :--Y----Z ----------L-----N------------------L-------------O---|
10 : -----E-----------E-----G-----------M------E-------------P---|

Joy= joie.
Ablaze= en flammes, en feu.
Blue= bleu.
Sparkle= scintiller.
Dazzling= éblouissant.
Aerial= aérien.
Boom= grondement, tonner.
Crackle= crépiter.
Fizzle= pétiller.
Pop= boum ! Bruit sec, éclater, détonation, écarquiller les yeux, populaire.

III) ANOTHER TORTURE… (de Maxwell) Encore une seule recherche, cette fois (ce sont toujours les vacances !) Maxwell
A partir de l'expression française suivante : «se ranger », trouver au moins 3 traductions anglaises (différentes) possibles que vous utiliserez chacune dans une phrase qui explicitera le contexte dans lequel on peut l'utiliser, l'éventuel registre de langue associé, et les nuances de sens. Ces 3 expressions anglaises ne devront (si possible) pas être interchangeables, et chacune devrait apporter quelque chose de différent.

Se ranger ⇒ (se mettre en ordre) line up, stand in line, get into line.
On July, 14th, troops LINE UP to march past in the Champs Elysées avenue until the Concorde place.
Le 14 juillet, les troupes militaires se rangent pour défiler sur l'avenue des Champs Elysées jusqu'à la place de la Concorde.

Se ranger (avoir une place habituelle) go, belong.
Please can you give me the fresh bottle BELONGED in this fridge : I'm so thirsty!
S'il te plaît, peux tu me donner la bouteille froide rangée dans le réfrigérateur : j'ai si soif !

Se ranger : se pousser sur le côté, piétons, step/stand aside. Pull in, pull over (conducteurs).
When the Firefighters or the Police's siren horn, drivers have to PULL OVER to let them progress.
Quand les sirènes des pompiers ou de la police retentissent, les conducteurs doivent se ranger pour leur permettre de progresser.

Se ranger = (adopter une meilleure conduite) settle down.
That unfaithful man had finally SETTLED DOWN since he had fallen in love with his wife and has got children!
Cet homme infidèle s'était enfin rangé depuis qu'il était tombé amoureux de sa femme et qu'il a eu des enfants!

Se ranger à ⇒ (rejoindre l'avis de [qqn]) come round to [sth], fall in with [sth]
se ranger du côté de [qqn](prendre le parti de [qqn]) take [sb]'s side, align yourself with [sb].
I prefer ALIGNING MYSELF WITH Teresa because she said something I think fair rather than rally behind Stella's unfair causes.
Je préfère me ranger aux côtés de Teresa car elle a dit quelque chose que je trouve juste plutôt que de me rallier aux causes injustes de Stella.

IV) (OPTIONAL !) Explain « a successful treason » and « a failed treason » in the Student’s last line (80 words max.)
« A failed treason » miss the target, or wide of the mark. It's quite a positive view because the project had been unsuccessful! The British always see positive things.
« A sucessful treason » a traitor hits the target, achieves his objectif by killing someone to get the power, spitefully to hurt or ruin or still replace someone because of jealousy, shit stir. He dared and did it! For the Americans, impossible tasks are not a part of the American Dream. 79 words.

Let me remind you once again that "you don't have to do the whole thing!" Yet, any effort will be greatly appreciated!

Yes, I DID it! Thanks for spending time with you, I've learnt a lot: you're great!
Have a sweet and great week ! See you soon.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 26 de icare29, postée le 23-07-2018 à 19:11:33 (S | E)
Hello Here4u and all hard workers , here is my mork OK FOR CORRECTION.

In the UNITED STATES and in France, July is the time for fireworks.
They take place after darkness, of course, and are often beautifully reflected ON the sea or ON rivers.
It IS said that the original purpose of INDEPENDENCE Day holiday has been loosened IN THE MIDST OF TIME.

Nowadays, it's just a day for barbecue PICNICS and fireworks.

In much of the world, the BEST holiday TO setting off fireworks is New Year's Day.

In England, Guy Fawkes is the traditional excuse for blowing up stuff. Some British people light small bonfires in their own gardens, unlike others light larger ones in a communal space. In some towns and cities, MUNICIPALITIES ORGANISE BONFIRES and PROFESSIONALS DISPLAY FIREWORKS in park.

Many injuries and even deaths OCCUR as a result of fireworks used incorrectly. For this reason, much safety CAMPAIGNERS call for the SALE of fireworks to the public being restricted even more than actually and for more professional displays BEING organized.

Known as Bonfire Night, or Guy Fawkes Night, it is a celebration of a plot blowing up the HOUSES of PARLIAMENT and ASSASSINATING King James I of England (VI of Scotland) by a group of Catholics. Guy Fawkes was captured in the CELLAR beneath the HOUSES of PARLIAMENT while trying to ignite the barrels of gunpowder THAT he and his co-conspirators HAD HIDDEN there. He revealed the identities of his fellow traitors by torture IN the Tower of London, before being executed for his crimes.

It's an irony, isn't it? In the USA, fireworks are used to CELEBRATING « a successfull treason », in the UK, they are used to CELEBRATING « a failed one »?


Another torture, le verbe se ranger .
1- SE METTRE DE CÖTE: TO PULL OVER As soon as he saw the robber walking in the street the policeman pulled over his car aside of the kerb ,then he went out of the car and began to follow the guy with caution in order not to be seen

2 SE METTRE EN RANG : TO LINE UP Before entering the classroom the schoolmaster made all children stop chatting , put their phone cell in their back pack and line up quietly .

3-S'ASSAGIR : TO SETTLE DOWN After an idle and loose youth, it's about time Raymond got married ,settled down , were more sensible and did something in his life

IV) Optional Explain : Successful treason et failed treason
let's begin by defining the word "treason "; it means action to betray his country , his engagement etc , by the means of plot , lie , crime etc
In our text the action is a plot by Guy Fawkes, this one was discovered in a cellar and captured , and we can say that the plot was failed as the action against the Kinddomm was finished ....
In the USA , on the contrary, the treason was successful . The action was finished by a success for the glory of the plotters ...( at least I do think so ).

Dear Here4u ,thank you once again for your competence , your availability and your indulgence when correction my mistakes.....

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 26 de here4u, postée le 25-07-2018 à 22:22:50 (S | E)
Hello Dears,

Pffff... Je viens à l'instant d'écraser mes corrections du RYB 36, du 136 ET ma copie de sauvegarde ...
Un peu écoeurée ... Je pense que je n'aurai pas le temps de tout refaire en deux temps et vais tout reprendre "en direct" par mp sans transférér ... Fingers crossed ...

Désolée de devoir envoyer les corrections si tôt ...

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 26 de alpiem, postée le 26-07-2018 à 09:57:54 (S | E)
Hello , try.

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you!
In US and in France, July is the time for fireworks. They take place after darkness, of course, and are often beautifully reflected in the sea or in rivers.
It was said that the original purpose of Independance Day holiday has been LOST IN the MISTS of time. Nowadays, it's just a day for a barbecue picnic and fireworks.
In much of the world, the favorite holiday for setting off fireworks is New Year's Day. In England, Guy Fawkes is the traditional excuse for blowing up stuff. Some British people light small bonfires in their own gardens, WHEREAS others light larger ones in a communal space. In some towns and cities, the municipality organises a bonfire and professional fireworkS ARE displayED in a park.
Many injuries and even deaths ocurrED as a result of fireworks BEING used incorrectly. For this reason, MANY safety campaigner callED for the sell of fireworks to the public being restricted even more SO than actually and for more professionnall PURPOSE displays ARE organized.
Known as Bonfire Night, or Guy Fawkes Night, it is a celebration of a plot blowing up the houses of parlement and assassinate King James I of England (VI of Scotland) by a group of Catholics. Guy Fawkes was captured in the cellars beneath the houses of parlement while trying to ignite the barrels of gunpowder he and his co-conspirators had hidDEN there. He revealed the identities of his fellow traitors by torture at the Tower of London, before being executed for his crimes.
It's an irony, isn't it? In the US, fireworks are used to celebrate « a successfull treason », in the UK, they are used to celebrate « a failed one »?

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 26 de here4u, postée le 28-07-2018 à 10:02:11 (S | E)
Message de boubouille (58 ans) envoyé le vendredi 27 juillet 2018 à 14:37:27

I) In THE US and in France, July is the time for fireworks. They take place after darkness, of course, and are often beautifully reflected in the sea or in rivers. It was said that the original purpose of THE Independence Day holiday has been loosened to the MIDST of THEM.
Nowadays, it's just a day for a barbecue picnic and fireworks. IS New Year's Day.
In England, Guy Fawkes is the traditional excuse for blowing up stuff. Some British people light small bonfires in their own gardens, unlike others light larger ones in a communal space. In some towns and cities, the municipality ORGANIZES a bonfire and professional FIREWORKS displays in a park. Many injuries and even deaths OCCUR are a result of fireworks
were used incorrectly. For this reason, much safety CAMPAIGNERS call for the SALE of fireworks to the public being restricted even more than actually and for more professional displays to be organized.
Known as Bonfire Night, or Guy Fawkes Night, it is a celebration of a plot blowing up the houses of PARLIAMENT and assassinate King James I ST of England (VI of Scotland) by a group of Catholics. "Guy" Fawkes was captured in the cellars beneath the houses of PARLIAMENT while trying to ignite the barrels of gunpowder he and his co-conspirators had HAD there. He revealed the identities of his fellow traitors by torture at the Tower of London, before being executed for his crimes.
It's an irony, isn't it? In the US, fireworks are used to celebrate « a SUCCESSFUL treason », in the UK, they HAVE used to celebrate « a failed one »?
It was said that the original purpose

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 26 de boubouille, postée le 28-07-2018 à 18:34:32 (S | E)
Thank you very much dear Here

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 26 de maxwell, postée le 29-07-2018 à 07:59:22 (S | E)
Hello Here4U
What a great pleasure to work on your exercises ! Thanks a lot! I hope I haven't made too many mistakes...

I) Help my student:
In THE US and in France, July is the time for fireworks. They take place after DARK, of course, and are often beautifully reflected ON the sea or ON rivers.
It IS said that the original purpose of INDEPENDENCE Day holiday has been loosened UP to the MIDST of time. Nowadays, it's just a day for a barbecue picnic and fireworks.
In much of the world, the big holiday for setting off fireworks is New Year's Day. In England, Guy Fawkes is the traditional excuse for blowing up stuff. Some British people light small bonfires in their own gardens, WHEREAS others light larger ones in a communal space. In some towns and cities, the municipality organises a bonfire and professional firework displays in a park.
Many injuries and even deaths OCCUR as a result of fireworks BEING used incorrectly. For this reason, MANY safety CAMPAIGNERS call for the SALE of fireworks to the public TO BE restricted even more than CURRENTLY and for more professional displays to be ORGANISED.
Known as Bonfire Night, or Guy Fawkes Night, it is a celebration of a plot blowing up the houses of PARLIAMENT TO assassinate King James I of England (VI of Scotland) by a group of Catholics. ?Guy? Fawkes was captured in the cellars beneath the houses of PARLIAMENT while trying to ignite the barrels of gunpowder he and his co-conspirators had HIDDEN there. He revealed the identities of his fellow traitors UNDER torture at the Tower of London, before being executed for his crimes.
It's an irony, isn't it? In the US, fireworks are used to celebrate « a SUCCESSFUL treason », in the UK, they are used to celebrate « a failed one »?

J'aurais pu laisser organized...

II) Abacus:

Joy = Joie
Blue = Bleu
Ablaze = briller
Sparkle = scintiller, briller
Dazzling = éblouissant
Aerial = aérien
Boom = résonner, tonner, gronder
Crakle = crépiter, grésiller
Fizzle = pétiller (fizzle out = s'éteindre en crépitant)
Pop = éclater ; bruit sec, boum

III) Another torture: "Se ranger ":

1) avoir comme place habituelle : go, belong, fit, be kept, be located, be situated
=> "Where do the plates GO?" "In the cupboard just in front of you." "What about the glasses?" "They FIT in the wall cupboard, and the silverware IS KEPT in the drawer underneath..."

2) se disposer, s'organiser :
* se mettre en rang (soldats, écoliers, sportifs) : line up, queue up, stand in line, get in line, fall in line
=> "Please, children, LINE UP in twos! Better than that, that's not what I call GETTING IN LINE!"
* se ranger/rassembler autour de : gather around; se ranger/rassembler derrière qqn : gather behind
=> All his colleagues GATHERED AROUND him for this last picture before he started his new job."

* s'organiser, se répartir, se classer : be classified, be categorized, be arranged, be ordered
=> Fragrances can be CLASSIFIED in two types: the natural ones and the artificial ones.

3) s'écarter, se pousser sur le côté pour laisser le passage, se garer (se ranger sur le bas-côté de la route) :
* pour les piétons : step aside, stand aside
=>He STEPPED ASIDE to let pass a pregnant mother who was pushing her baby in a pushchair.

* pour les conducteurs : (s'arrêter) : pull in , pull over
=>The police officer instructed the speeding motorist to halt at the side of the road, so he PULLED OVER and received a fine for driving too fast.

4) rejoindre l'avis de, se soumettre, se ranger à, se ranger parmi les défenseurs de..., adopter : come round to sth, fall in with sth; fall in line; take sb's side; side with; come down on sb's side; align yourself with sb; support; join; follow
=> "John has SIDED WITH Peter and against you. Mark has TAKEN Peter's SIDE as well. And Hugh has finally COME DOWN on Peter's SIDE. What makes you think Bob will FALL IN LINE WITH you?" "Because he's sensible! I know he'll COME ROUND TO thinking I'm right."

5) adopter une manière de vivre plus ordonnée, plus régulière, s'assagir, (familier: se caser) : settle down, steady down, to establish a settled lifestyle
=> Maybe one day, I'll SETTLE DOWN, take up a permanent post, buy a house, get married and have a family but not yet.

IV) Optional:
In the UK, they celebrate on the 5th of November, the failure of a plot by a group of Catholics to assassinate the Protestant King and replace him with a Catholic head of State, in 1605.
Whereas in the US, they celebrate the Independence Day on the 4th of July: the thirteen American colonies regarded themselves as no longer connected to the British Crown in 1776. (66W)

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 26 de here4u, postée le 29-07-2018 à 22:29:51 (S | E)

Bravo et à vous qui avez consacré de longs moments à travailler sur ces exercices (qui n'étaient pas faciles !) Ils ont été bien réussis (souvent même TRES BIEN réussis ).
Vous avez, dans l'ensemble, bien compris et bien corrigé le texte de "My Student", les fautes principales restantes portant sur les temps.
Le vocabulaire des feux d'artifice a été très bien trouvé et la recherche de vocabulaire a été très positive. Certains donnent même l'impression d'apprécier la "Torture" et y réussissent parfaitement.
A nouveau, comme d’habitude, je lance un APPEL à 2 VOLONTAIRES pour se partager la traduction du texte corrigé.

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you!
In the US (1) and in France, July is the time for fireworks. They take place after dark, of course, and are often beautifully reflected in the sea or in rivers.
It was said that the original purpose of Independence Day holiday has been lost to the mists of time.(2)° Nowadays, it's just a day for a barbecue picnic and fireworks.
In much of the world,(3) the big holiday for setting off fireworks is New Year's Day. In England, Guy Fawkes is the traditional excuse for blowing up stuff. Some British people light small bonfires in their own gardens, while others light larger ones in a communal space. In some towns and cities, the municipality organises a bonfire and professional firework displays in a park.
Many injuries (4) and even deaths occur as a result of fireworks being used incorrectly. For this reason, many safety campaigners call for the sale(5) of fireworks to the public to be restricted even more than at present (6) and for more professional displays to be organized.
Known as Bonfire Night, or Guy Fawkes Night, it is a celebration of a plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament and assassinate King James I of England (VI of Scotland) by a group of Catholics. “Guy” Fawkes was captured in the cellars beneath the Houses of Parliament while trying to ignite the barrels of gunpowder he and his co-conspirators had hidden there. He revealed the identities of his fellow traitors under torture at the Tower of London, before being executed for his crimes.
It’s an irony, isn’t it? In the US, fireworks are used to celebrate a successful treason, in the UK, they are used to celebrate a failed one.

(1) the USA ; Les pays formés de plusieurs états prennent l’article défini (et le verbe au singulier!) .
(2) Lien internet
= les brumes du temps.
(3) Attention : much employé avec un indénombrable singulier ; au contraire, many + dénombrables pluriels = many countries.
(4) « injuries »= FAUX AMI.
(5) TO SELL, I sold, sold = vendre => sale = le nom dérivé.
(6) actually= FAUX-AMI ! = réellement ! Mon élève voulait, bien sûr, utiliser « presently », « nowadays ».

II) Our beloved abacus is back! = holiday-time! You’ll have to find 10 words-

Joy = Joie
Blue = Bleu
Ablaze = briller
Sparkle = scintiller, briller
Dazzling = éblouissant
Aerial = aérien
Boom = résonner, tonner, gronder
Crakle = crépiter, grésiller
Fizzle = pétiller (fizzle out = s'éteindre en crépitant)
Pop = éclater ; bruit sec, boum
III) ANOTHER TORTURE… (de Maxwell) Encore une seule recherche, cette fois (ce sont toujours les vacances ! ) Maxwell
"Se ranger ":
1) avoir comme place habituelle : go, belong, fit, be kept, be located, be situated
=> "Where do the plates GO?" "In the cupboard just in front of you." "What about the glasses?" "They FIT in the wall cupboard, and the silverware IS KEPT in the drawer underneath..."
2) se disposer, s'organiser :
* se mettre en rang (soldats, écoliers, sportifs) : line up, queue up, stand in line, get in line, fall in line
=> "Please, children, LINE UP in twos! Better than that, that's not what I call GETTING IN LINE!"
* se ranger/rassembler autour de : gather around; se ranger/rassembler derrière qqn : gather behind
=> All his colleagues GATHERED AROUND him for this last picture before he started his new job.
* s'organiser, se répartir, se classer : be classified, be categorized, be arranged, be ordered
=> Fragrances can be CLASSIFIED into two types: the natural ones and the artificial ones.
3) s'écarter, se pousser sur le côté pour laisser le passage, se garer (se ranger sur le bas-côté de la route) :
* pour les piétons : step aside, stand aside
=> He STEPPED ASIDE to give way to a pregnant mother who was pushing her other baby in a pushchair.
* pour les conducteurs : (s'arrêter) : pull in , pull over
=>The police officer instructed the speeding motorist to halt at the side of the road, so he PULLED OVER and received a fine for driving too fast.
4) rejoindre l'avis de, se soumettre, se ranger à, se ranger parmi les défenseurs de..., adopter : come round to sth, fall in with sth; fall in line; take sb's side; side with; come down on sb's side; align yourself with sb; support; join; follow
=> "John has SIDED WITH Peter and against you. Mark has TAKEN Peter's SIDE as well. And Hugh has finally COME DOWN on Peter's SIDE. What makes you think Bob will FALL IN LINE WITH you?" "Because he's sensible! I know he'll COME ROUND TO thinking I'm right."
5) adopter une manière de vivre plus ordonnée, plus régulière, s'assagir, (familier: se caser) : settle down, steady down, to establish a settled lifestyle
=> Maybe one day, I'll SETTLE DOWN, take up a permanent job, buy a house, get married and have a family but not yet.

IV) (OPTIONAL !) Explain « a successful treason » and « a failed treason » in the Student’s last line (80 words max.).

In the UK, on the 5th of November: commemoration of the failure of a plot by a group of Catholics to assassinate the Protestant King and replace him by a Catholic head of State, in 1605.
On the contrary, in the US, Independence Day is celebrated on the 4th of July: the thirteen American colonies regarded themselves as no longer connected to the British Crown in 1776.=> success of a revolution.

Encore Bravo à tous et merci de cet excellent travail.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 26 de here4u, postée le 01-08-2018 à 22:58:10 (S | E)
Hello !

Voyons, les volontaires ... ce sont les vacances, mais on ne se bat pas, s'il vous plaît !

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 26 de chocolatcitron, postée le 02-08-2018 à 07:18:14 (S | E)
Pas de volontaire ?
Je ne me propose que pour la première partie, (et la plus grosse): laissant le libre champ à celle ou celui qui veut progresser. C'est un sacré cadeau qui nous est offert ! Merci Here4u, Lucile83 et le site !

In the US (1) and in France, July is the time for fireworks. They take place after dark, of course, and are often beautifully reflected in the sea or in rivers.
It was said that the original purpose of Independence Day holiday has been lost to the mists of time. Nowadays, it's just a day for a barbecue picnic and fireworks.
In much of the world,(3) the big holiday for setting off fireworks is New Year's Day. In England,
Guy Fawkes is the traditional excuse for blowing up stuff. Some British people light small bonfires in their own gardens, while others light larger ones in a communal space.In some towns and cities, the municipality organises a bonfire and professional firework displays in a park. Many injuries (4) and even deaths occur as a result of fireworks being used incorrectly.
For this reason, many safety campaigners call for the sale(5) of fireworks to the public to be restricted even more than at present (6) and for more professional displays to be organized.

Aux USA et en France, juillet est le temps des feux d'artifices. Ils prennent place à la nuit tombée, bien sûr, et sont souvent merveilleusement réfléchis dans la mer et les rivières.
On a dit que la raison originale des congés du Jour de l'Indépendance s'était perdue dans les brumes du temps/la nuit des temps/depuis belle lurette.
De nos jours, c'est juste un jour pour pique-niquer devant un barbecue, et lancer des feux d'artifices.
Dans la plupart des pays du monde, le grand jour pour déclencher des feux d'artifices, est le jour du Nouvel An. Guy fawkes est l'excuse traditionnelle pour faire exploser des trucs. Quelques britanniques allument des petits feux dans leur propres jardins, tandis que d'autres en allument de plus gros dans un espace communal. Dans quelques villes, la municipalité organise un feu de joie et un feu d'artifice professionnel est tiré depuis un parc.
De nombreux accidents, et même des morts arrivent du fait de l'utilisation incorrecte des feux d'artifices.
Pour cette raison, beaucoup de militants appellent à réduire la vente au public des feux d'artifices, bien plus qu'actuellement, et pour que le développement des feux tirés par des professionnels soit organisé.

La suite pour un(e) autre que moi...

Je sais que ce n'est pas parfait, mais j'ai répondu à ton appel, afin de terminer cette quinzaine de forum très enrichissants et pour lesquels j'ai eu un vrai plaisir à travailler. La suite est aussi plaisante…
See you very soon.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 26 de here4u, postée le 02-08-2018 à 09:32:44 (S | E)
Hello You All!
D'abord, un grand merci à Toi, Choco à la fois pour t'être portée "volontaire", pour la traduction (qui est excellente ! mais personne ne va oser continuer derrière toi ! ) et pour les mots, extrêmement gentils que tu écris !

Juste parce que je suis un peu puriste et pour "mettre le(s) futur(s) volontaire(s) à l'aise je remplacerais "Quelques britanniques allument des petits feux ... "par "Certains Britanniques allument ..."

Bravo encore, MERCI ! and "now it's your turn, guys!"

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 26 de maxwell, postée le 02-08-2018 à 20:34:48 (S | E)
Je prends la suite en essayant de faire aussi bien que Choco

Known as Bonfire Night, or Guy Fawkes Night, it is a celebration of a plot to blow up the Houses of Parliament and assassinate King James I of England (VI of Scotland) by a group of Catholics. “Guy” Fawkes was captured in the cellars beneath the Houses of Parliament while trying to ignite the barrels of gunpowder he and his co-conspirators had hidden there. He revealed the identities of his fellow traitors under torture at the Tower of London, before being executed for his crimes.
It’s an irony, isn’t it? In the US, fireworks are used to celebrate a successful treason, in the UK, they are used to celebrate a failed one.

Connue sous le nom de la nuit du feu de joie ou la nuit de Guy Fawkes, c'est une célébration d'un complot pour faire sauter les chambres du Parlement et assassiner le roi James Ier d'Angleterre (James VI d'Ecosse) par un groupe de catholiques. "Guy" Fawkes fut capturé dans les caves sous les chambres du Parlement tandis qu'il essayait de mettre le feu aux barils de poudre que lui et ses complices avaient cachés à cet endroit. Il révéla les identités de ses compagnons traîtres sous la torture à la Tour de Londres, avant d'être exécuté pour ses crimes. C'est ironique, non ? Aux Etats-Unis, les feux d'artifice sont utilisés pour fêter une trahison réussie, au Royaume-Uni, ils sont utilisés pour célébrer une trahison manquée.

(j'ai hésité à traduire ou non Bonfire Night et Guy Fawkes Night)

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 26 de here4u, postée le 02-08-2018 à 21:58:47 (S | E)

Eh oui, c'est excellent, comme le début ! Bravo à tous les deux !

Je vais encore jouer "ma puriste" ...

"Il révéla les identités de ses compagnons" est la merveilleuse illustration inversée du "pluriel concret anglais" ... Chaque compagnon n'a qu'une identité qui doit rester au singulier en français ... (Nous n'avons pas de pluriel concret ! ) Au contraire, en anglais, chaque compagnon ayant sa propre identité, en tout il y en a plusieurs => pluriel ! Elementaire mon cher maxwell, non ?

Encore BRAVO et merci ...


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