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Sentences/ below

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Sentences/ below
Message de vaiana posté le 16-07-2018 à 16:19:12 (S | E | F)
je dois trouver la mauvaise réponse parmi ces phrases:
1. This old sailor roamed the sea for ten years before coming back to land
2. This old sailor has roamed the sea for ten years before coming back to land
3. This old sailor was roaming the sea for ten years before coming back to land
4. This old sailor had been roaming the sea for ten years when he came back to land

I think it's the 3rd
Pouvez-vous me dire si j'ai bon ?
Mais surtout m'expliquer pourquoi les 3 autres phrases sont bonnes (et leurs différences )? J'ai des problèmes avec les temps, même en ayant consulté 300000 fois les leçons du site et celles présentes sur internet C'est ma plus grosse lacune.

Modifié par lucile83 le 16-07-2018 21:38

Réponse : Sentences/ below de jade77, postée le 16-07-2018 à 23:21:43 (S | E)
Changing the verb tense, affects the context of the event and of course the time of happening .
1-This old sailor roamed the sea for ten years before coming back to land. (roam in simple past)
It is correct, a complete past event, the sailor finished with roaming the sea and that was for ten years.
2-The old sailor has roamed the sea for ten years before coming back to land. (roam in present perfect)
It is correct, that means the sailor finished roaming the sea in a near present , it is not an old event.
3-The old sailor was roaming the sea for ten years before coming back to land. (roam in past continuous tense)
It is incorrect, because we can't indicates a length of an action expressed in past continuous, since it's not complete yet
4-The old sailor had been roaming for ten years when he came back to land. (roam in past perfect continuous)
It is correct, a past event plus past perfect continuous is used in case of an action that started in the past and continued up until another time in the past too. Here the sailor completed ten years of roaming the sea once he came back to land
I hope that was helpful!


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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