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Correction/ CV

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ CV
Message de anaicha posté le 17-07-2018 à 11:27:25 (S | E | F)
pouvez-vous m'aider à corriger mon CV en anglais s'il vous plait ?
Merci pour vos réponses.

- A great welcome is the fisrt step to succes -
I allowed my greeter qualities both in Prestigious welcome reception that in airport. I'm lokking for new opportunities.
Special Skills :
- Training – Deal with conflicts in hospitality profession
- Perfect command of French, reading, writing and speaking
- Professional knowledge of English, reading, writing and speaking
- Quickly master of new programs
- Computeur literacy
- Prestigious welcome
※ Training Adviser IFA - Metz
04/2018 06/2018
Double portfolio management – Advise – Administrative file gestion – Job dating planification – Marketing efforts

※ Luggage Service xxx Airport - xxx
11/2015 à 01/2018
Welcoming visitors (physic and phone) – Administrative file creation and management – Creation and implementation of working documents – Trade relationship - Compliance with procedures

※ Prestigious welcome Phone Régie xxx
11/2012 09/2013
Ministry of Foreign Affairs, xxx headquarter and xxx
Prestigious welcome - Visitor management compliance with the procedure – Administrative management

※ AVS's Coordinator Assistant xxx School Board
03/2011 05/2011
Observation tool creation – administrative management

※ Secretary - Archivist xxx assurance / ING Life xxx
07-08 2007-2010
Various reception ans secretarial tasks – Managing incoming calls - Scanning and Archiving

xxx University, xxx – magna cum laude
xxx University, xxx – cum laude
xxxHigh Scool, xxx – magna cum laude

2011 : Master's Degree Human Studies
2008 : Bachelor's Degree
2005 : High Scool Diploma
Social and economics Sciences

Modifié par lucile83 le 17-07-2018 12:45


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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