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Rack your brains and Help!/ 27

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Rack your brains and Help!/ 27
Message de here4u posté le 29-07-2018 à 12:20:08 (S | E | F)
Hello, Ô vous les courageux qui travaillez pendant vos vacances ...

Voici votre nouvel "exercice" ... de quoi "penser à moi", (en me maudissant ! ) quelque temps ...
N'oubliez pas : vous n'avez pas l'obligation de tout faire pour poster ... Un effort montre votre engagement envers le site qui "ne s'arrête jamais" ...

Merci de montrer tant d'attachement à ces rendez-vous !
The correction will be online on Wednesday, August 15th, late. and to help you a little, I give you THE FORCE...

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you!

Mon pauvre élève montre sa bonne volonté … Même pendant les vacances, il lit puis écrit des petits textes sur ses lectures. Malheureusement, il a encore laissé des fautes dans ce paragraphe. Il y en a 12 (mais lorsqu’il fait une faute, en toute logique, il la répète tout le long de ses écrits. - ça ne "compte" que pour 1 ! ) ( Attention ! Vous pourriez être tentés de trouver plus de fautes que les 12 annoncées, mais ce serait vouloir pénaliser les « régionalismes » et/ ou expressions familières. Ne le faites pas ! Ne « sanctionnez » que "la grammaire/ syntaxe/ vocabulaire/ fautifs.") *** Text with 12 mistakes

When dogs offer a helping leg: the experience.
A new study suggests that dogs not only notice when someones are upset and need help, they too might move more quickly to assist. The findings could help pave the street for better evaluating what influences canines, especially service dogs, to help their human companions in times of need.
In one group, the owner was asked to pronounce "help" in a distressed tone at 15-seconds intervals and to make crying sounds. In the other group, the owner was told to hum and say "help" in a normal tone every 15 second.
Among the dogs who responded, those which owners appeared distressed opened the door on average within 23.43 seconds. The dogs which owners were humming took longer: 95.89 seconds in average. Obviously, dogs are taking an action when their owner is in distress,
They also record whole our facial affectations, our speech patterns, and memorize whole our cognitive blind spots -- when and where we don't make attention," he said. "Dogs profile humans much like a FBI investigator might document the lifestyle of a suspect. Dogs record and memorize every nuance of their human caregivers' lifestyle."

II) Our beloved abacus is back! = holiday-time! You’ll have to find 10 words-
VOCABULARY: Slide the abacus beads (letters) along the wires (lines) to form 10 related words (belonging to the same theme) reading down. (The beads are on wires, and CANNOT jump over one another!)
Work well! You'll soon realize that this is no game! The theme is: ON THE ROAD

1 : -----U------D-------C--------P-------B--------B-------------|-
2 : -----I--------O------T-------P------R-------R--------G------|
3 : -----J--------N--------V--------N--------E-------A----------|
4 : -----L------E--------G--------A---------T--------E------A---|
5 : ---E---------R------E--------U--------A----------K----------|
6 : ----A-------A-------S--------S----------R--------K----------|
7 : ------D-----I--------T------O-------S-------D------I--------|
8 : ------M--------E------O--------I---------O--------O---------|
9 : ------S--------O-------L------E--------L--------W------N----|
10 : -----D-------N------N-----L-------N---------G-------S------|

Good Luck!

III) ANOTHER TORTURE… (de Maxwell) Encore une seule recherche, cette fois (ce sont toujours les vacances ! ) Maxwell
A partir de l'expression française suivante : «installer », trouver au moins 3 traductions anglaises (différentes) possibles que vous utiliserez chacune dans une phrase qui explicitera le contexte dans lequel on peut l'utiliser, l'éventuel registre de langue associé,
et les nuances de sens. Ces 3 expressions anglaises ne devront (si possible ) pas être interchangeables, et chacune devrait apporter quelque chose de différent.

Merci pour ce temps que vous consacrerez à ces exercices.

Modifié par lucile83 le 29-07-2018 13:04

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 27 de alpiem, postée le 01-08-2018 à 11:15:32 (S | E)
When dogs offer a helping leg: the experience.
A new study suggests that dogs not only notice when someone[/ is upset and needs help, they too might/ move more quickly to assist. The findings could help pave the street for better evaluating what influences canines, especially service dogs, to help their human companions in times of need.
In one group, the owners were asked to pronounce "help" in a distressed tone at 15-seconds intervals and make crying sounds. In the other group, the owners were told to hum and say "help" in a normal tone every 15 second.
Among the dogs who responded, those whose owners appeared distressed opened the door on average within 23.43 seconds. The dogs whose owners were humming took longer: 95.89 seconds in average. Obviously, dogs were taking an action when their owners were in distress,
They also record all our facial affectations, our speech patterns, and memorize all our cognitive blind spots -- when and where we don't pay attention," he said. "Dogs profile humans much like a FBI investigator might document the lifestyle of a suspect. Dogs record and memorize every nuance of their human caregivers' lifestyle."

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 27 de chocolatcitron, postée le 01-08-2018 à 23:42:02 (S | E)
Rack your brains and Help!/ 27 Here4u 29-07-2018 Wednesday, August 15th, late. FINISHED.

Hello my dear Here4u and Maxwell: thank you both for your great exercises: I Do love them, it was pleasant to rack my brain: you taught me and I've learnt a lot!
Hi everybody!

Here is my work:
I) Please, help my student! He really needs you! FINISHED.
Mon pauvre élève montre sa bonne volonté … Même pendant les vacances, il lit puis écrit des petits textes sur ses lectures. Malheureusement, il a encore laissé des fautes dans ce paragraphe. Il y en a 12. Ne « sanctionnez » que "la grammaire/ syntaxe/ vocabulaire/ fautifs.") *** Text with 12 mistakes.

Here is my marking:
When dogs offer a helping PAW : the experience.
A new study suggests that dogs not only notice when PEOPLE are upset and need help, they might ALSO move more quickly to assist. The findings could help pave the WAY for better evaluating what influences canines, especially service dogs, to help their human companions in HOUR of need.
In one group, the owner was asked to pronounce "help" in a DISTRESSING tone at 15-seconds intervals and to make crying sounds. In the other group, the owner was told to hum and say "help" in a normal tone every 15 second.
Among the dogs WHICH responded, those which owners appeared distressed opened the door on average within 23.43 seconds. The dogs which owners were humming took longer: 95.89 seconds ON average. Obviously, dogs are taking XXX* action when their owner is in distress.
They also record whole our facial EXPRESSION, our speech patterns, and memorize whole our cognitive blind spots -- when and where we don't pay attention to," he said. "Dogs profile humans much like a FBI investigator might document the lifestyle of a suspect. Dogs record and memorize every nuance of their human caregivers' lifestyle."

XXX* = zone corrigée.

Here is my translation: 
Quand les chiens offrent un coup de patte : l'expérience.
Une nouvelle étude suggère que les chiens non seulement repèrent quand quelqu'un est affecté et a besoin d'aide, les chiens s'activeraient aussi pour l'assister. Les découvertes aideront à ouvrir la voie pour mieux évaluer ce qui influence les chiens, en particulier les chiens secouristes, à aider leur compagnon humain au moment du besoin.
Dans un groupe, on a demandé au propriétaire de prononcer « au secours », avec une voix bouleversante à quinze secondes d'intervalles, et d'imiter des bruits de pleurs. Dans l'autre groupe, on a demandé au propriétaire de fredonner et de dire « au secours » sur un ton normal toutes les quinze secondes.
Parmi les chiens qui ont répondu, ceux dont les propriétaires apparaissaient bouleversés ouvrirent la porte en moyenne en 23 secondes et 43 dixièmes. Les chiens dont les propriétaires fredonnaient on pris plus de temps : 95 secondes et 89 dixièmes en moyenne. Assurément, les chiens agissent quand leur propriétaire est bouleversé.
« Ils enregistrent aussi toutes nos mimiques faciales, nos types de langage, et mémorisent tout "ce que nous ignorons à tout moment et à notre insu*" » a-t-il dit.« Les chiens font un portrait robot des humains, bien mieux qu'un agent du FBI pourrait décrire le profil d'un suspect. Les chiens enregistrent et mémorisent chaque nuance du style de vie de la personne humaine qui les soigne ».

"*" = points aveugles de connaissances quand et où nous ne faisons pas attention. (Trop lourd tel quel !)

II) Our beloved abacus is back! = holiday-time! You’ll have to find 10 words- FINISHED.

It's a difficult game of course, but I DO love it. This time, there is no mistake : great ! Thanks !

1 : -------U-----D-----C--------------P----B------B-------|
2 : -------------I-----O----T----P---------R------R----G--|
3 : --J----N-----V-----N--------------E-----------A-------|
4 : -------L-----E-----G---------A----T----E-----------A--|
5 : -------E-----R-----E---------U---------A------K-------|
6 : --A----A-----S-----S--------------R----K--------------|
7 : -------D-----I-----T----O----S---------D------I-------|
8 : --M----E-----O-----I--------------O----O--------------|
9 : --S----------------O----L----E----L----W------N-------|
10 : ------D-----N-----N----L--------------N------G----S--|

Trafic jam = jams = embouteillages.
Unleaded = sans plomb.
Diversion = déviation routière, distraction.
Congestion = encombrement, embouteillage.
Toll = péage.
Pause = arrêt.
Petrol = essence.
Breakdown = tomber en panne.
Braking = freinage.
Gas = essence, accélérateur.

A partir de l'expression française suivante : «installer », trouver au moins 3 traductions anglaises (différentes) possibles que vous utiliserez chacune dans une phrase qui explicitera le contexte dans lequel on peut l'utiliser, l'éventuel registre de langue associé, et les nuances de sens. Ces 3 expressions anglaises ne devront (si possible ) pas être interchangeables, et chacune devrait apporter quelque chose de différent.

Here are my three sentences:
installer⇒ (agencer) place, order, arrange, (UK) organise.
1) My long and narrow new flat gave us headhache to ORGANISE its space : there are only four narrow and small halls in fact, and no cupboard : I had to make a strict choice about what I had to keep or give!
Mon nouvel appartement tout en longueur, nous a donné mal à la tête pour l'aménager : il y a seulement quatre petits couloirs, et aucun placard : j'ai dû faire une sélection sévère entre ce que je garde ou donne !

2) Installer (mettre en place) install, put [sth] in, (esp. Kitchen) fit (appliance) set [sth] up.
A friend of mine INSTALLED two ceramic plates in my kitchen, last year and at the beginning, I didn't correctly succeed in cooking… how many raw or burnt meals I had to eat !
Un de mes amis a installé deux plaques vitrocéramiques dans ma cuisine, l'année dernière, et au début, je n'arrivais pas à cuire mes aliments correctement... combien de plats crus ou brûlés, j'ai dû manger !

3) Installer vtr (établir) establish vtr
Cities have ESTABLISHED their commercial zone and their trading estate in their suburbs.
Les villes ont installé leurs zones commerciale et artisanale dans leurs périphéries.

D'autres sens :
installer vtr (placer [qqn]) appoint, put in place.
Installer (=loger).
[+ blessés] to lay.
(=mettre en place, monter) [+ accessoire, rideau, étagère] to put up.
[+ gaz, électricité] to put in, to install.
faire installer [+ gaz, électricité] to have put in.
[+ appartement] to furnish.

I did my very best, of course, but you know that with me… everything is possible: I can send the cat among the pigeons; it's hot, the pond is better in summer than in winter!
I give the force back to you my dear Here4u, for marking and sending back our forum ! Be careful with your back up : just keep our fingers crossed.

See you soon, have a great but very sweet week everybody ! Good luck for these exercises.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 27 de joe39, postée le 03-08-2018 à 18:43:36 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u,
The dice is cast,
The fingers are crossed,
This work left me embossed,
But not so much to hamper,
Its posting with the mark:
Ready to be corrected

I) Please help my student. He really needs you!
Text with 12 mistakes.
When dogs offer a helping leg: the experience.
A new study suggests that dogs not only notice when someones are upset and need help, they too might move more quickly to assist. The findings could help pave the street for better evaluating what influences canines, especially service dogs, to help their human companions in times of need.
In one group, the owner was asked to pronounce "help" in a distressed tone at 15-seconds intervals and to make crying sounds. In the other group, the owner was told to hum and say "help" in a normal tone every 15 second.
Among the dogs who responded, those which owners appeared distressed opened the door on average within 23.43 seconds. The dogs which owners were humming took longer: 95.89 seconds in average. Obviously, dogs are taking an action when their owner is in distress,
They also record whole our facial affectations, our speech patterns, and memorize whole our cognitive blind spots -- when and where we don't make attention," he said. "Dogs profile humans much like a FBI investigator might document the lifestyle of a suspect. Dogs record and memorize every nuance of their human caregivers' lifestyle."

When dogs offer a helping HAND 1 -: the experience.
A new study suggests that dogs not only notice when PEOPLE-2 are upset and need help, they too might move more quickly to assist. The findings could help pave the WAY- 3 for better evaluating, what influences CANIDS - 4, especially service dogs, to help their human companions in times of need.
In one group, the OWNERS -5 WERE- 6 asked to pronounce "help" in a distressed tone at 15-seconds intervals and MADE-7 crying ALOUD-8 . In the other group, the OWNERS –WERE - told to hum and say "help" in a normal tone every 15 second.
Among the dogs WHICH- 9 responded, those WHOSE- 10 owners appeared distressed, opened the door on average within 23.43 seconds. The dogs WHOSE -owners were humming took longer: 95.89 seconds ON-11 average. Obviously, dogs are taking an action when their owner is in distress,
They also record whole our facial affectations, our speech patterns, and memorize whole our cognitive blind spots -- when and where we don't PAY-12 attention," he said. "Dogs profile humans much like a FBI investigator might document the lifestyle of a suspect. Dogs record and memorize every nuance of their human caregivers' lifestyle."

II) Our beloved abacus is back – holiday time! You’ll have to find 10 words.
You'll soon realize that this is no game! The theme is: ON THE ROAD

5:-------E----R----E----------U--------- A-----K--------/

The words I found are, from left to right:
A partir de l'expression française suivante : «installer », trouver au moins 3 traductions anglaises (différentes) possibles que vous utiliserez chacune dans une phrase qui explicitera le contexte dans lequel on peut l'utiliser, l'éventuel registre de langue associé,
et les nuances de sens. Ces 3 expressions anglaises ne devront (si possible ) pas être interchangeables, et chacune devrait apporter quelque chose de différent.

1 -The refugees were PUT UP provisionally in a reception centre, where a team of
the red cross volunteers will provide to check their health status.

2 - Don't be pinned down to this obsolete technology and let INSTALL a new generation software!

3 – After being appointed to general manager of the company, he is going TO SETTLE
in a top hotel, located near Central Park.

Hoping that you’ll receive the abacus scheme unscrambled, I thank you very much
for the nice exercise and I hope you have a very pleasant weekend.
So long.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 27 de magie8, postée le 04-08-2018 à 09:44:00 (S | E)

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you!
Mon pauvre élève montre sa bonne volonté ? Même pendant les vacances, il lit puis écrit des petits textes sur ses lectures. Malheureusement, il a encore laissé des fautes dans ce paragraphe. Il y en a 12 (mais lorsqu'il fait une faute, en toute logique, il la répète tout le long de ses écrits. - ça ne 'compte' que pour 1 ! ) ( Attention ! Vous pourriez être tentés de trouver plus de fautes que les 12 annoncées, mais ce serait vouloir pénaliser les « régionalismes » et/ ou expressions familières. Ne le faites pas ! Ne « sanctionnez » que 'la grammaire/ syntaxe/ vocabulaire/ fautifs.') *** Text with 12 mistakes

When dogs offer a helping leg: the experience.
A new study suggests that dogs not only notice when someones are upset and need help, they too might move more quickly to assist. The findings could help pave the street for better evaluating what influences canines, especially service dogs, to help their human companions in times of need.
In one group, the owner was asked to pronounce 'help' in a distressed tone at 15-seconds intervals and to make crying sounds. In the other group, the owner was told to hum and say 'help' in a normal tone every 15 second.
Among the dogs who responded, those which owners appeared distressed opened the door on average within 23.43 seconds. The dogs which owners were humming took longer: 95.89 seconds in average. Obviously, dogs are taking an action when their owner is in distress,
They also record whole our facial affectations, our speech patterns, and memorize whole our cognitive blind spots -- when and where we don't make attention,' he said. 'Dogs profile humans much like a FBI investigator might document the lifestyle of a suspect. Dogs record and memorize every nuance of their human caregivers' lifestyle

hello my correction  READY TO CORRECT THANK YOU

When dogs offer a helping HAND! the experience.
A new study suggests that dogs not only notice when SOMEONE IS upset and NEEDS help,they ALSO might move quickly to assist.The findings could help pave the street for better evaluating what influences CANIDS? especially service dogs, to help their human companions.
In one group, the OWNERS WERE asked to pronounce 'help' in a DISTRESS tone IN SUB-15 seconds intervals and to make crying sounds.In the other group the OWNERS WERE told to hum and say 'help' in a normal tone every 15 SECONDS.Among the dogs who responded,those WHOSE owners appeared distressed opened the door on average within 23,43 seconds.The dogs WHOSE owners were humming took longer!95,89seconds ON average, obviously, dogs are taking an action when their ownerS ARE in distress.
They also record whole our facial affectations,our speech patterns,and memorize whole our cognitives blind spots..when and were we don't PAY attention, 'he said'.'Dogs profile humans much like a FBI investigator might document the lifestyle of a suspect.Dogs record and memorize every nuance of their human caregivers'lifestyle.


1)I visited my friends, although newlyweds, I was pleased to see that they already HAD A COMFORTABLE HOME
Jai rendu visite à mes amis , bien que jeunes mariés,j'ai vu avec plaisir qu'ils étaient déjà bien installés

2) As soon as he completed his studies and graduated he SET UP ON ONE'S OWN
Dès qu'il a eu fini ses études et obtenu ses diplômes , il s'est installé à son compte.

3)After all these burglaries occured in our area ,my husband decided TO INSTALL a security camera and an alarm .
Après tous ces cambriolages qui ont eu lieu dans notre quartier , mon mari a décidé d'installer une camera de surveillance et une alarme.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 27 de here4u, postée le 04-08-2018 à 10:56:24 (S | E)

Merci à tous les courageux qui travaillent vite (et bien !) et me permettent d'étaler mes corrections et éviter la "panique" des derniers jours ...

P. S. : N'oubliez pas Our Story qui s'endort sous la chaleur depuis le début des vacances ... Elle aussi a besoin de vous !

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 27 de icare29, postée le 06-08-2018 à 18:19:42 (S | E)
Hello Here4u and all hard workers , here is my work .

When dogs offer a helping leg: the EXPERIMENT
A new study suggests that dogs not only notice when SOMEONE IS upset and need help BUT ALSO they might move more quickly to assist TOO
The findings could help pave the WAY for better evaluating THAT INFLUENCE canines, especially service dogs, to help their human companions in times of need.

In one group, the owner was asked to pronounce "help" in a distressed tone at 15- SECOND intervals and to make crying sounds.
In the other group, the owner was told to hum and SAID "help" in a normal tone every 15 SECONDS.
Among the dogs WHICH responded, WERE THOSE WHOSE owners appeared distressed ,AND ONLY THOSE DOGS opened the door on average within 23.43 seconds.
The dogs WHOSE owners were humming took longer: 95.89 seconds ON average.

Obviously, dogs WERE taking an action when their OWNERS WERE in distress,

They also record our WHOLE facial affectations, our speech patterns, and memorize our WHOLE cognitive blind spots -- when and where we don't make attention," he said. "Dogs profile humans much like a FBI investigator might document the lifestyle of a suspect
. Dogs record and memorize every nuance of their human caregivers' lifestyle."

1) to install to put in
before we dwelt in our new houset ,which we had just bought , we had had to put in furniture , water , electricity and gas .

2) to set up =implanter
So as to fight against the unemployment , the govermenr decided to set up a new factory in the countryside , near a town to have a better means of transport.

3) to install .to put to place faire asseoir allonger
Once he is installed in front of the TV there is no talking to him , he is like fascinated by all the pictures he can see on the screen , we have to shout to him so as to he decides himself to stand up to have dinner with us in family

Dear Here4u, thank you very much for your excellent esercise for which I did my best

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 27 de here4u, postée le 08-08-2018 à 16:55:26 (S | E)
Hello Lovers of English!
Il vous reste encore beaucoup de temps pour vous creuser les méninges ... et poster! De mon côté, je commencerai demain à transférer les corrections des devoirs déjà faits pour ne pas avoir à le faire "au dernier moment", en même temps que les travaux de corrections collectives.
N'oubliez pas, non plus, que malgré les vacances, la canicule, les orages, les bouchons etc. Our Story 37 aussi a besoin de vous et vous attend ...

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 27 de vaiana, postée le 10-08-2018 à 00:32:07 (S | E)

When dogs offer a helping PAW: the EXPERIMENT.
A new study suggests that dogs not only notice when SOMEONE IS upset and NEEDS help BUT ALSO might move QUICKER to assist. The findings could help pave the WAY for better evaluating what influences canines, especially service dogs, to help their human companions in times of need.
In one group, the owner was asked to pronounce "help" in a distressed tone at 15-SECOND intervals and to make crying sounds. In the other group, the owner was told to hum and say "help" in a normal tone every 15 SECONDS.
Among the dogs WHICH/WHO responded, those WHOSE owners appeared distressed opened the door on average within 23.43 seconds. The dogs WHOSE owners were humming took longer: 95.89 seconds ON average. Obviously, dogs TAKE an action when their owner is in distress.
They also record ALL our facial EXPRESSIONS, our speech patterns, and memorize ALL our cognitive blind spots -- when and where we don't PAY attention," he said. "Dogs profile humans MORE THAN a FBI INVESTIGATORS might document the lifestyle of a suspect. Dogs record and memorize every nuance of their human caregivers' lifestyle."

Thanks here4u

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-08-2018 21:47
Vert inutile donc effacé. Les commentaires sont à noter à part.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 27 de learner99, postée le 10-08-2018 à 10:35:48 (S | E)
Hello Here4u
Je relève le défit…
Hello everybody and friends
Ready to be corrected

When dogs offer a HELP: the EXPERIMENT.
A new study suggests that dogs, not only, notice when PEOPLE are upset and need help, they ALSO might move more quickly to assist. The findings could help TO pave the WAY for better EVALUATION what influences CANIDS, especially service dogs, to help their human companions in times of need.
In one group, the DOG OWNERS WERE asked to pronounce "help" in a distressed tone at 15-SECOND intervals and to make crying sounds. In the other group, the dog owners were told to hum and say "help" in a normal tone every 15 SECONDS.
Among the dogs THAT responded, those WHOSE dog owners appeared distressed opened the door on average within 23.43 seconds. The dogs whose dog owners were humming took longer: 95.89 seconds ON average. Obviously, dogs are taking an action when their owner is in distress,
They also record ALL our facial affectations, our speech patterns, and memorize our all cognitive blind spots -- when and where we don't PAY attention," IT IS said. "Dogs profile humans much like a FBI investigator WHO might document the lifestyle of a suspect. Dogs record and memorize every nuance of their human caregivers' lifestyle."

Trop de fautes!
Merci pour ce très intéressant exercice

Modifié par lucile83 le 10-08-2018 21:38
Bleu inutile donc effacé.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 27 de here4u, postée le 10-08-2018 à 21:20:12 (S | E)
Hello !
Petit rappel. Evitez de mettre trop de couleurs sur le Forum ... ( sauf pour écrire «  Ready for correction! » et «  In progress ») Il n’aime pas vraiment ... En plus, lorsque je fais les transferts du Forum à mon dossier de corrections, les couleurs disparaissent (elles disparaissent aussi sur le Forum, d’ailleurs ...), donc, ça m’arrange vraiment si vous mettez les mots modifiés en capitales.
Je vous rappelle que la convention de correction est : erreur en bleu, correction en vert.
Bravo à tous - habitués et nouveaux - pour tous vos travaux ...

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 27 de mrnobody, postée le 11-08-2018 à 16:37:40 (S | E)
Bonjour, aller, je m'attaque à cette correction !!!

When dogs offer a helping leg: the experience.
A new study suggests that dogs not only notice when someone is upset and needs help, they too might move more quickly to assist. The findings could help pave the way for better evaluating what influences canines, especially service dogs, to help their human companions in times of need.
In one group, owners were asked to pronounce "help" in a distressed tone at 15-seconds intervals and to make crying sounds. In the other group, owners were told to say "help" in a normal tone every 15 second.
Among the dogs who responded, those whose owners appeared distressed opened the door on average within 23.43 seconds. The dogs whose owners were humming took longer: 95.89 seconds on average. Obviously, dogs are taking an action when their owners are in distress,
They also record whole our facial affectations, our speech patterns, and memorize whole our cognitive blind spots -- when we are not attentive," he said. "Dogs profile humans much like a FBI investigator might document the lifestyle of a suspect. Dogs record and memorize every nuance of their human caregivers' lifestyle."

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 27 de maxwell, postée le 12-08-2018 à 20:35:52 (S | E)
Hello Here4U
Thanks to your remark, I've just corrected the plural of their owner, and their lifestyle. Fingers crossed!

I) Help my student:
When dogs offer a helping leg: the experience.
A new study suggests that dogs not only notice when SOMEONE IS upset and NEEDS help, they ALSO might move more quickly to assist. The findings could help pave the WAY for better evaluating what influences canines, especially service dogs, to help their human companions in times of need.
In one group, the owner was asked to pronounce "help" in a distressed tone at 15-SECOND intervals and to make crying sounds. In the other group, the owner was told to hum and say "help" in a normal tone every 15 SECONDS.
Among the dogs WHICH responded, those WHOSE owners SOUNDED distressed opened the door on average within 23.43 seconds. The dogs WHOSE owners were humming took longer: 95.89 seconds ON average.

"Obviously, dogs are taking ACTIONS when their OWNERS ARE in distress,
They also record ALL our facial EXPRESSIONS, our speech patterns, and memorize ALL our cognitive blind spots -- when and where we don't PAY attention," he said. "Dogs profile humans much like a FBI investigator WOULD document the lifestyle of a suspect. Dogs record and memorize every nuance of their human COMPANIONS' LIFESTYLES."

II) Abacus:

JAMS : bouchons, embouteillages
UNLEADED : essence sans plomb
DIVERSION : déviation
CONGESTION : embouteillage
TOLL : péage
PAUSE : pause
PETROL : essence
BRAKING : action de freiner
GAS : accélérateur, champignon

III) Another torture:
* Placer dans un lieu précis : poser, placer, mettre en place, disposer, aménager, agencer, organiser, arranger, accrocher, fixer, monter, ranger, dresser, caser : place, emplace, order, arrange, organise, put sth up, put, set up, lay, station, position, spot, set
=>I had to ask for help in order to MOUNT a greenhouse, PUT UP a fence and SET UP a hammock in the garden...
- pour une personne (temporairement) : loger, placer : put, place, lay, set, sit, lodge, position
=> the teacher SAT us in the center of the front row, so that she could keep an eye on us.

* Mettre en état de service un appareil en assurant les travaux nécessaires pour les réseaux de distribution : installer l'eau, le gaz, le chauffage central, le téléphone, les prises de courant, l'ascenseur, un poste de TV, une machine à laver, un dispositif d'alarme... ; raccorder, brancher, monter, équiper, mettre en place, poser : install, put in, fit, set sth up, set (a trap), rig (up), rough in, put up, fix, hook up (a computer)
=> I had the central heating PUT IN, the plumbing INSTALLED and solar panels FITTED but I could still SET UP a shed or RIG UP a rough shelter with mud and branches myself... if I wanted.

* Etablir durablement dans un lieu :
- une personne dans une demeure = loger, caser : settle, move, install, establish
=> After searching for years for a much better place to live in permanently, he finally SETTLED his family in the very town where I live!

- une usine, un bureau, un atelier = implanter, baser, situer, établir, fixer : establish, situate, locate, base, set up, move, open
=> He decided to ESTABLISH his factory near its major outlets to provide his products easily.

* établir solennellement qqn dans une fonction, une dignité : introniser, investir, placer, accréditer, affecter, asseoir, nommer, titulariser : induct sb into sth, vest sb with sth, enthrone, inaugurate sb into sth, instate, install, appoint sb as sth, invest, put in place, seat ; (religion) ordain
=> A president who has just been elected but has not been INDUCTED into office yet is called a president-elect.

* En informatique : intégrer un logiciel sur l'ordinateur pour le rendre opérationnel, implémenter, mettre en place : install, mount (a drive, a disk)
=> The technical documentation of the installer specifies that the end-user must check that the computer where he will INSTALL the software meets the minimum requirements.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 27 de here4u, postée le 15-08-2018 à 23:36:37 (S | E)
Hello! Dear correctors!

Merci de tous vos travaux et du dynamisme que vous mettez tous à l'ouvrage.
Voici votre correction.

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you!

When dogs offer a helping paw (1): the experiment.(2)
A new study suggests that dogs not only notice when someone is upset (3) and needs help(3), they also might move more quickly to assist. The findings could help pave the way (4) for better evaluating what influences canines, especially service dogs, to help their human companions in times of need.
In one group, the owner was asked to pronounce "help" in a distressed tone at 15-second intervals (5) and to make crying sounds. In the other group, the owner was told to hum and say "help" in a normal tone every 15 seconds.(5)
Among the dogs who (6) responded, those whose owners(7) appeared distressed opened the door on average within 23.43 seconds. The dogs whose owners (7) were humming took longer: 95.89 seconds on average. Obviously, dogs are taking an action when their owner is in distress,
They also record all of our facial affectations(8), our speech patterns, and memorize all of our cognitive blind spots(8) -- when and where we don't pay attention,"(9) he said. "Dogs profile humans much like an FBI investigator(10) might document the lifestyle of a suspect. Dogs record and memorize every nuance of their human caregivers' lifestyle(s)."(11)

(1) "To give/ offer a helping hand"= donner un coup de main ; le « problème » étant que les chiens n’ont pas de « mains » … mais ils ont des «paws».
(2) Attention ! Bien faire la différence entre « experience » et « experiment ». Lesson : 114191. Ici, la description donnée était clairement celle d'une "expérience" scientifique.
(3) «Someone » = 3è personne du singulier => "someone is upset" ; "someone needs help".
(4) «To pave the way» = ouvrir la voie ;
(5) 15-second intervals = des intervals de 15 secondes (au pluriel en français. Reste invariable en anglais car c’est un adjectif composé. Lesson N° 116892 et 118675.
- Every fifteen seconds / every two days ( = every other day)= toutes les 15 secondes/ tous les deux jours.
(6) … the dogs who/ the dogs which… : who = pronom relatif employé lorsque l’antécédent est une personne ; which = l’antécédent est neutre ; à vous de savoir si le chien dont il est question mérite (ou non) d’être personnifié. Je l’ai considéré comme une personne, car (tout de même … ) il semble très dévoué à son maître !
(7) the dogs whose owners = rapport de « possession » entre les chiens et leur propriétaire … Attention à la construction de « whose » + objet possédé sans article.
(8) All ou whole! Lessons N° 106353 et 116939 ; « whole » = une entité ; all (of) + nom pluriel.
(9) Faire attention = to PAY attention.
(10) « An FBI investigator » ; Personne n’a trouvé cette faute ! Dommage ! L’article est « an », non pas à cause du nom «investigator» (an investigator), MAIS à cause du « F » de FBI. En effet, la PRONONCIATION du mot a un son voyelle = «an F» à rapprocher aussi du son M, dans «an MP»= a Member of Parliament.
(11) J’ai redonné la règle du « pluriel concret » : « men came into the house with hats on their heads and pipes in their mouths. » Ici, le –s à life style se discutait dans la mesure où le mot n’est pas vraiment « concret ».

Je vous l’accorde … certaines fautes n’étaient pas faciles à trouver … bravo à vous tous.

II) Our beloved abacus is back! = holiday-time! You’ll have to find 10 words-
VOCABULARY: Slide the abacus beads (letters) along the wires (lines) to form 10 related words (belonging to the same theme) reading down. (The beads are on wires, and CANNOT jump over one another!)
Work well! You'll soon realise that this is no game! The theme is : ON THE ROAD.

1 : -------U-----D-----C----------------P------B------B----------|
2 : ---------------I------O----T----P------------R-----R------G--|
3 : --J---N-----V-----N----------------E-------------A-----------|
4 : -------L-----E-----G----------A----T------E--------------A--|
5 : -------E-----R-----E----------U-----------A------K----------|
6 : --A---A-----S-----S----------------R----- K-----------------|
7 : -------D-----I------T----O----S-----------D------I-----------|
8 : --M---E-----O------I----------------O-----O------------------|
9 : --S------------------O----L----E----L-----W------N----------|
10 : ------D-----N-----N----L-----------------N------G------S--|

Trafic jam = jams = embouteillages.
Unleaded = sans plomb.
Diversion = déviation routière.
Congestion = encombrement, embouteillage.
Toll = péage.
Pause = arrêt.
Petrol = essence .
Breakdown = tomber en panne.
Braking = freinage/ freiner/ freinant.
Gas = essence

III) ANOTHER TORTURE… (de Maxwell) Encore une seule recherche, cette fois (ce sont toujours les vacances ! ) Maxwell pour l’idée, et … la correction !
A partir de l'expression française suivante : «installer».

* Placer dans un lieu précis : poser, placer, mettre en place, disposer, aménager, agencer, organiser, arranger, accrocher, fixer, monter, ranger, dresser, caser : place, emplace, order, arrange, organise, put sth up, put, set up, lay, station, position, spot, set
=>I had to ask for help in order to MOUNT a greenhouse, PUT UP a fence and SET UP a hammock in the garden...
- pour une personne (temporairement) : loger, placer : put, place, lay, set, sit, lodge, position
=> the teacher SAT us in the center of the front row, so that she could keep an eye on us.

* Mettre en état de service un appareil en assurant les travaux nécessaires pour les réseaux de distribution : installer l'eau, le gaz, le chauffage central, le téléphone, les prises de courant, l'ascenseur, un poste de TV, une machine à laver, un dispositif d'alarme... ; raccorder, brancher, monter, équiper, mettre en place, poser : install, put in, fit, set sth up, set (a trap), rig (up), rough in, put up, fix, hook up (a computer)
=> I had the central heating PUT IN, the plumbing INSTALLED and solar panels FITTED but I could still SET UP a shed or RIG UP a rough shelter with mud and branches myself... if I wanted.

* Etablir durablement dans un lieu :
- une personne dans une demeure = loger, caser : settle, move, install, establish
=> After searching for years for a much better place to live in permanently, he finally SETTLED his family in the very town where I live!

- une usine, un bureau, un atelier = implanter, baser, situer, établir, fixer : establish, situate, locate, base, set up, move, open
=> He decided to ESTABLISH his factory near its major outlets to provide his products easily.

* établir solennellement qqn dans une fonction, une dignité : introniser, investir, placer, accréditer, affecter, asseoir, nommer, titulariser : induct sb into sth, vest sb with sth, enthrone, inaugurate sb into sth, instate, install, appoint sb as sth, invest, put in place, seat ; (religion) ordain
=> A president who has just been elected but has not been INDUCTED into office yet is called a president-elect. (Pour moi, INAUGURATED convient mieux ici)

* En informatique : intégrer un logiciel sur l'ordinateur pour le rendre opérationnel, implémenter, mettre en place : install, mount (a drive, a disk)
=> The technical documentation of the installer specifies that the end-user must check that the computer where he will INSTALL the software meets the minimum requirements.

Encore maxwell, et à tous et pour cet excellent travail.


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