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Rack your brains and Help!/ 28

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Rack your brains and Help!/ 28
Message de here4u posté le 14-08-2018 à 20:54:26 (S | E | F)
Hello, Dear Lovers of English,

I was pleased to see that many of you had given your time and posted these exercises. You’ve worked well! Congratulations!
Here are the following exercises. You don’t have to do all of them and have a right to concentrate on what you need. (or on what you like…)
This work is a and the correction will be online on Wednesday, August 29th. I’m sure you’ll face the challenge and give me your best, as ever !

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you!
Pas vraiment d’avalanche de fautes, toujours … Cependant, étant toujours en vacances, mon élève a relâché son attention … et a quand même laissé 15 fautes ! Il vous faudra les détecter et les corriger. ( Attention ! Vous pourriez être tentés de trouver plus de fautes que les 15 annoncées, mais ce serait vouloir pénaliser les « régionalismes » et expressions familières. Ne le faites pas ! Ne « sanctionnez » que " la grammaire/ syntaxe/ vocabulaire/ fautifs.")
* * * Attention, ce texte contient des fautes à corriger !
Hot temperatures are basically bad for human fonction," it was said. This is the case across "a broaden suite of things" that scientifics have been studied: sleeping quality, mood, mental wealth, risk of suicide and work productivity are all "armed by hot temperatures."
We might be able to blame the heat for our bad decisions: a small study published this week found that college students who lived in dorms without air conditioning during a heat wave did worth on cognitive assessments that students who had air conditioning.
During the heat wave, students without air conditioning had longer reaction times and scored lower on the tests than students in air-conditioned rooms, the study found.
« Therefore, at a population level, we need to focus on modifying the environment so it's less hot, » it was said. « In a city, it means reducting pavement concrete and those materials that absorb heat, changing the way buildings are constructed that they don't retain heat as many. Those are really that we call environmental interventions. They are what’s going to allow us to protect anyone, regardless to income and vulnerability »= 15 mistakes.

(Optional: You may pick ONE mistake that shocked you and explain why what was written was wrong.)

II) Our beloved abacus is back! = holiday-time! You’ll have to find 10 words-

VOCABULARY: Slide the abacus beads (letters) along the wires (lines) to form 10 related words (belonging to the same theme) reading down. (The beads are on wires, and CANNOT jump over one another!)
Work well! You'll soon realize that this is no game! The theme is : CATASTROPHE

1 ----------------I--------------L-------------B----------------D--------------S-------------------|
2 -----------------C------------W-------------R--------------I-----------------S-------------------|
3 ---------------N---------------I-------------O------------E---------------C----------------A-----|
4 --------------H---------------H-------------S-----------------F----------------------------------|
5 ---------------S---------------L---------------S----------------D------------O-------------------|
6 --------------U----------------A---------------------E---------------------I---------------------|
7 ------------O------------------R-----------------D--------------L--------------O-----------------|
8 --------------A-----------------R------------------F---------------A-------------P---------------|
9 ---------------N-----------------R-----------------I-----------------Z-------------E-------------|
10 ------------S-------------------C-------------------R---------------S-----------E---------------|
11 -----------E------------------E-------------------S------------------K-----------------R--------|
12 ------------E--------------------D----------------------E----------------------E----------------|

III) ANOTHER TORTURE… (de Maxwell) Encore une seule recherche, cette fois (ce sont toujours les vacances !) Maxwell

A partir de l'expression française suivante : « tout à l'heure », trouver si possible 2 (ou 3) traductions anglaises possibles que vous utiliserez chacune dans une phrase qui explicitera le contexte dans lequel on peut l'utiliser, l'éventuel registre de langue associé, et les nuances de sens. Ces 3 expressions anglaises ne devront (si possible) pas être interchangeables, et chacune devrait apporter quelque chose de différent.
Courage à tous ! I give you THE FORCE!

Modifié par lucile83 le 14-08-2018 21:18

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 28 de magie8, postée le 16-08-2018 à 14:52:02 (S | E)
Bonjour , contente de retrouver : un nouveau programme
I°)Help my student corriger les fautes

Hot températures are basically bad for human FUNCTIONS .It was said this is the case across a BROAD SERIES of things that SCIENTISTS have been STUDYING, sleeping quality, mood, mental HEALTH,risk of suicide, and work productivity are all ALTERED by hot températures,we might be able to blame the heat for our bad décisions a SHORT study published this Week found that college students who lived in dorms without air conditioning during a heat wave did WORSE on cognitive assessments THAN students without who had air conditioning.During the heat wave students without air conditioning had longer reaction times and scored lower on the tests than students in air conditioned rooms the study found.Therefore at a population level,we need to focus on modifying the environment so it might BE less hot ,"it was said"in a city,it means REDUCING CONCRETE PAVEMENTS and thoses materials that absorb heat,changing the way buidings are constructed that they do not retain heat as MUCH.Those are really WHAT we call environmental interventions.They are what's going to allow us to protect anyone,regarless OF income and vulnerability.

OPTIONAL= THAT SCIENTISTS HAVE BEEN STUDYING = present perfect progressif = action commencée dans le passé , continue a progresser dans le présent , l'étude n'est pas terminée ou elle l'est depuis peu de temps et a duré longtemps. si c'est une action terminée depuis longtemps il n'y aurait pas been et ce serait scientists studied prétérit , ou have studed si l'action se répercute dans le présent : de toutes façons have been study est faux

III Another TORTURE faire 3 phrases de sens différents avec l'expression tout à l'heure
ready to correct

1)You ask me the same question, I have already explained you EARLIER
Tu me poses toujours la même question , je t'ai déjà expliqué tout à l'heure(sens avant , plus tôt)

2) I do not have time right now, we will talk about that LATER
Je n'ai vraiment pas le temps maintenant , nous en reparlerons tout à l' heure (sens plus tard)

3) I have started drafting the document , I am finishing it, and I will give it you to correct JUST NOW
J'ai commencé à rédiger le document , je le termine et te le donnerai tout à l' heure à corriger( sens bientôt, dans un court instant)

Modifié par lucile83 le 22-08-2018 16:03
Bug couleur réparé

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 28 de taiji43, postée le 17-08-2018 à 14:45:54 (S | E)
Hello Here4U and Lucile83
Back from Breuil Cervinia the Magnificent resort and mountain…
It is with pleasure that I send you my correction and the translation of what I understood concerning :Help my student...

Hot temperatures are basically bad for human FUNCTIONS(1)," it was said.
This is the case IN(2)"a WIDE(3) suite of CASES‘(4)"that SCIENTISTS have been STUDYING(5) : sleeping quality, mood, mental HEALTH(6), risk of suicide and work productivity are all "AFFECTED by(7) hot temperatures."

We might be able to blame the heat for our bad decisions : a SHORT(8) study published this week found that college students who lived in dorms without air conditioning during a heat wave did WORSE(9)on cognitive assessments THAN( 10) students who had air- conditioning.

During the heat wave, students without air- conditioning had longer reaction times and scored lower on the tests than students in air-conditioned rooms, the study found.

« Therefore, at a population level, we need to focus on modifying the environment so it WOULD BE less hot,(11) » it was said. «

In a city, it means RECONSIDERING(12 )the pavement concrete and those materials WHICH absorb heat, changing the way buildings are constructed SO THAT(13)they SHOULD NOT (14)retain heat AS MUCH(15)

Those are really that we call environmental interventions. They are what’s going to allow us to protect anyone, regardless OF income and vulnerability

Il a été dit "Les températures chaudes sont essentiellement mauvaises pour les FONCTIONS humaines (1), " C'est le cas à travers" une large suite de cas "que les SCIENTIFIQUES ont étudiés : la qualité du sommeil, l'humeur, la santé mentale, le risque de suicide et la productivité de travail sont tous" altérés par des températures chaudes. "
Nous pourrions pouvoir accuser la chaleur pour nos mauvaises décisions : une courte étude publiée cette semaine trouvait que les étudiants universitaires qui ont vécu dans des dortoirs sans climatisation pendant une canicule faisaient pire sur des évaluations cognitives que les étudiants qui avaient la climatisation.
, L’'étude a trouvé : Pendant la canicule , les étudiants sans climatisation avaient des temps de réaction plus longs et ont eu des notes inférieures sur les tests que des étudiants dans des pièces climatisées.
il a été dit "Donc, au niveau de la population, nous devons faire un effort pour modifier l'environnement donc il ferait moins chaud,". "Dans une ville, cela signifie de reconsidérer le béton des trottoirs et ceux des matériaux qui absorbent la chaleur, changeant la façon dont les constructions sont construites afin qu'ils ne retiennent pas autant de chaleur. Ceux-là sont vraiment ce que nous appelons des interventions environnementales. Elles sont ce qui va nous permettre de protéger n’importe qui indépendamment du revenu et de la vulnérabilité


Courir à la catastrophe
Si vous laisser aller les choses aller trop loin, vous courrez à la catastrophe(au drame,infortune,désastre,calamité…)
If you let things go too far, you are rushing headlong into disaster : (malheur effroyable et brusque : horrifying misfortune : drama, , failure, fiasco, calamity, tragedy…

2. en catastropheles différents sens de catastrophe
(d’urgence pour éviter le pire)
, être forcé de faire quelque chose en urgence pour éviter le pire
to be forced to do something urgently, in a hurry to avoid the worst
en risquant le tout pour le tout il atterrit en catastrophe dans un champs d’avoide
risking everything ,he made a forced landing in a field of oats

3.catastrophe le patron est arrivé( panique)
Panic stations, the boss is here!

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 28 de learner99, postée le 17-08-2018 à 16:45:15 (S | E)
Hello Here4u
This is my work, not that easy to correct your poor pupil
Hello everybody

Hot temperatures are basically bad for human FUNCTION," it was said. This is the case across "a BROAD suite of things" that SCIENTISTS have been STUDYING: SLEEP quality, mood, mental HEALTH, risk of suicide and work productivity are all "armed by hot temperatures."
We might be able to blame the heat for our bad decisions: a SHORT study published this week found that college students who lived in dorms without air conditioning during a heat wave did WORSE on cognitive assessments THAN students who had air conditioning.
During the heat wave, students without air conditioning had longer reaction times and scored lower on the tests than students in air-conditioned rooms, the study found.
« Therefore, at a population level, we need to focus on modifying the environment TO BE less hot, » it was said. « In a city, it means REDUCING pavement concrete and those materials that absorb heat, changing the way buildings are BUILT SO that they don't retain heat as many. THIS IS really WHAT we call environmental interventions. IT IS what’s going to allow us to protect anyone, regardless OF income and vulnerability »

Many thanks for this exercise and to Lucile83 for her advice.

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-08-2018 17:41
...which was to write in capital letters without any colour

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 28 de alpiem, postée le 19-08-2018 à 16:15:51 (S | E)
Hot temperatures are basically bad for human TO fonction," it was said. This is the case AMONG "a broaden suite of things" THAT scientiSTS have been studied: sleeping quality, mood, mental wealth, risk of suicide and work productivity are all "Harmed by hot temperatures."
We might be able to blame the heat for our bad decisions: a small study published this week found that college students who lived in dorms without air conditioning during a heat wave did worth on cognitive assessments thaN students who had air conditioning.
During the heat wave, students without air conditioning had longer reaction times and scored lower on the tests than students in air-conditioned rooms, the study found.
« Therefore, at a population level, we need to focus on modifying the environment so THAT it MAY BE less hot, » it was said. « In a city, it means reducING pavement concrete and OTHER materials that absorb heat, changing the way buildings are constructed SO that they MAY NOT retain heat as MUCH. Those are really What we call environmental interventions. They are what's going ON to allow us to protect anyone, regardless OF income and vulnerability »= 15 mistakes.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 28 de here4u, postée le 20-08-2018 à 20:25:11 (S | E)
Hello Alpiem, and other hard workers!

Do you mean you're ready to correct these exercises ?

Well, I must say I AM THE SOLE CORRECTOR of the two threads (Ex 138 and Rack Your Brains 28). Your tries are sent back to you a few hours/ days before the given deadline, and the collective correction is posted online on D day!
As for "Our Story", everyone is invited to correct their co-writers, but I have the final say!

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 28 de taiji43, postée le 22-08-2018 à 14:36:08 (S | E)
je viens de m'apercevoir que j'ai traité le mot catastrophe au lieu de tout à l'heure;Je ne sais pas où j'ai la tête c'est ABACUS Qui me joue des tours...
donc brièvement je traite : tout à l'heure READY TO BE CORRECTED

1.I‘ll show you my photos just now ,(in a very short time) action in future!

2.Je vous verrai tout à l’heure
I’ll see you later ( dans peu de temps ou dans un moment plus éloigné / action dans le future)

3. A tout à l’heure,
salutation au même niveau que : A bientôt ,
See you soon !I’ll see you in a bit !(sens : dans un moment)

4.J’ai vu un magnifique bouquetin tout à l’heure près du refuge.
Toujours le sens de : il y a un court moment mais l’action est passée
I saw a magnificent ibex earlier near the refuge
I saw a magnificent ibex ,a few minutes ago

5.Je vais revenir tout à l’heure
I’ll be back in a while

6. je reviendrai sur la phrase tout à l’heure
I’ll come back to this sentence shortly (toujours le sens de court moment)action future

ABACUS In progress pour les mots dans un tableau . ils sont sur un brouillon pour l'instant
Bon courage aux autres.

Les mots que j'ai trouvés
Hose (tuyau d'arrosage en cas d'incendie
wide ou wild?
bier (brancard)
10: ???

1 -----------------------I -----------------------------L----------------B----------------------S-----|
2 -----------------------------------------W-------------- -----R-------I-----------------------------|
3 -------------- -------N -----------------I-----------O-----------------E----------------------A----|
4 -------------H--------------H----------------------S ------------------------------F----------------|
5 ----------------------S------------------L------------------------------------------------------------|
6 ----------------------U-------A---------------------E---------I-------------------------------------|
7 ------------O--------R------------------D-----------------------------------------------------------|
8 ----------------------A-------R----------------------------------------------------------------F---
9 ----------------------N--------------------------------------------------R----------I------------------|
10 ------------S-------C------------------------------R----------S------------------------------------|
11 ---------------------E------------------------------S----------K-----------------R----------------|
12 ------------E----------------D-----------------------------------------------------E----------E--|

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 28 de tereda, postée le 24-08-2018 à 10:39:40 (S | E)
Hello dear all,
I Hope I have helped your student, dear HERE4U, but I must say that I need help for your ABACUS, I have not found enough words, I give up this time

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you!

Hot temperatures are basically bad for human "FUNCTION," it IS said. This is the case across "a BROAD suite of things" that SCIENTISTS have studied: SLEEP quality, mood, mental HEALTH, risk of suicide and work productivity are all " HARMED by hot temperatures."
We might be able to blame the heat for our bad decisions: a small study published this week found that college students who lived in dorms without air conditioning during a HEATWAVE did WORSE on cognitive assessments THAN students who had air conditioning.
During the HEATWAVE, students without air conditioning had longer reaction times and scored lower on the tests than students in air-conditioned rooms, the study found.
« Therefore, at THE population level, we need to focus on modifying the environment TO MAKE it less hot, » it IS said. « In a city, it means reducing pavement concrete and those ALL materials that absorb heat, changing the way buildings are constructed SO THAT they don't retain heat AS MUCH. Those are THIS IS really What we call environmental interventions. THIS IS what’s going to allow us to protect anyone, regardless OF income and vulnerability.


A partir de l'expression française suivante : « tout à l'heure », trouver au moins 3 traductions anglaises (différentes)

Just now - a bit earlier - Just now, I came across my aunt at the bakery
Later ! See you later !
Earlier - when you told me earlier that you weren't coming, I didn't understand!

ready to be corrected.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 28 de icare29, postée le 24-08-2018 à 18:39:19 (S | E)
Hello Here4u and all hard workers , here is my work, OK FOR CORRECTION.

Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at twenty or eighty.( Henry Ford )

Help our student :

It is said :" Hot temperatures are basically bad for human FUNCTIONS ".
This is the case across a LARGE suite of things that SCIENTISTS HAVE STUDIED: sleeping quality, mood, mental HEALTH, risk of suicide and work productivity are all CAUSED by hot temperatures.
We might be able to blame the heat for our bad decisions: A SHORT study published this week HAVE FOUND that college students who lived in dorms without air conditioning during a HEATWAVE did WORSE on cognitive assessments THAN students who had air conditioning.
The study SHOWS : " During the HEATWAVE, students without air conditioning had longer reaction times and scored LESS HIGH on the tests than students in air-conditioned rooms".
It is said : " Therefore, at a population level, we need to focus on modifying the environment SO AS TO BE less hot ."
In a city, it means REDUCING CONCRETE PAVEMENT and ALL materials that absorb heat, changing the way buildings are constructed so that they RETAIN NOT AS MUCH HEAT .
Those LAST SUGGESTIONS are really WHAT we call environmental INTERVENTION AND are what WILL allow us to protect anyone, regardless OF income and vulnerability ».....

1) right now en ce moment a burglary is happening Inside the store right now
2) a short time ago il y a un court instant I saw a man walking in the street a short time ago.
3) in a short time dans un instant I will call you in a short time

Dear Here4u , thank you very for your very interesting exercise

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 28 de here4u, postée le 25-08-2018 à 13:41:29 (S | E)

Je commence les transferts de vos corrections aujourd'hui.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 28 de chocolatcitron, postée le 25-08-2018 à 14:06:38 (S | E)
Rack your brains and Help!/ 28 Wednesday, August 29th. Here4u posté le 14-08-2018 à 20:54:26.

FINISHED : 1 ; 3.

Hello, Dear Here4u and Maxwell! Many thanks for you both, but I become crazy with your abacus ! Really difficult, because there are so many possible catastrophes on and around the Earth! I offer you these exercises, I am diving and have been getting lost for days, but it may be wrong!

Hi everybody!

Here is my work:
I) Please, help my student! He really needs you! Il a quand même laissé 15 fautes ! FINISHED.
* * * Attention, ce texte contient des fautes à corriger ! 
Hot temperatures are basically bad for human fonction," it was said. This is the case across "a broaden suite of things" that scientifics have been studied: sleeping quality, mood, mental wealth, risk of suicide and work productivity are all "armed by hot temperatures."
We might be able to blame the heat for our bad decisions: a small study published this week found that college students who lived in dorms without air conditioning during a heat wave did worth on cognitive assessments that students who had air conditioning.
During the heat wave, students without air conditioning had longer reaction times and scored lower on the tests than students in air-conditioned rooms, the study found.
« Therefore, at a population level, we need to focus on modifying the environment so it's less hot, » it was said. « In a city, it means reducting pavement concrete and those materials that absorb heat, changing the way buildings are constructed that they don't retain heat as many. Those are really that we call environmental interventions. They are what’s going to allow us to protect anyone, regardless to income and vulnerability »= 15 mistakes.

My marking:
Hot temperatures are basically bad for human 1°FUNCTIONING," it 2°IS said. This is the case across "a 3°BROAD suite of things" that 4° SCIENTISTS 5°HAVE (pas de been!) STUDIED: 6°SLEEP quality, mood, mental 7° HEALTH, risk of suicide and work productivity are all 8° "HARMED by hot temperatures."
We might be able to blame the heat for our bad decisions: a small study published this week found that college students who lived in dorms without air conditioning during a heat wave did 9° WORSE on cognitive assessments 10°THAN students who had air conditioning.
During the heat wave, students without air conditioning had longer reaction times and scored lower on the tests than students in air-conditioned rooms, the study found.
« Therefore, at a population level, we need to focus on modifying the environment so it's less hot, » it 2°bis IS said. « In a city, it means 11° REDUCING pavement concrete and those materials that absorb heat, changing the way buildings are constructed 12° SO they don't retain heat as 13° MUCH. Those are really 14° WHAT we call environmental interventions. They are what’s going to allow us 15° OF protect anyone, regardless to income and vulnerability »= 15 mistakes.

(Optional: You may pick ONE mistake that shocked you and explain why what was written was wrong.)FINISHED.
Oh, there are many mistakes which hurted me, as « broaden » (verb) instead of a broad name, « much » because « heat » is uncountable, worse than (comparative), to reduce, a scientist, to function but after for we have to put ing to the verb, mental health, harmed but no armed, sleep quality (2 names = qualité de sommeil).

II) Our beloved abacus is back! = holiday-time! You’ll have to find 10 words- FINISHED. 
VOCABULARY: Slide the abacus beads along the wires to form 10 related words reading down. Work well! You'll soon realize that this is no game!  The theme is : CATASTROPHE
1 ----------I-------------------L-----B-------------D------S---------|
2 -----------------C-----W-----------------R-------I-------------S---|
3 ----------N------------I-----O-------------------E-------C-----A---|
4 ----H-----------H-----------S----------------------------------F---|
5 ----------S------------L-----S--------------------D------O---------|
6 ----------U-----A-----------E-------------I------------------------|
7 ----O----R------------D------------L---------------------O---------|
8 ----------A-----R-----F------------A---------------------P---------|
9 ----------N-----R-----I------------Z---------------------E---------|
10 --S-----C------------R-------------------S--------------------E---|
11 ---------E-----E------------S------------K--------------R---------|
12-- E------------D-----E-----------E--------------------------------|

1) Hose = tuyau d'arrosage, lance d'incendie.
2) Insurance = assurance.
3) Charred = carbonisé, calciné.
4) Wildfire = feu de forêt, incendie.
5) Losses = pertes.
6) Blaze = embrasement, flambée, incendie, brasier.
7) Risk = risque.
8) Died = mort.
9) Scooper = crotte.??????? CANADAIR ! Merci à Here4u et Maxwell !
10) Safe = sécurité, sain

III) ANOTHER TORTURE… (de Maxwell) Encore une seule recherche, cette fois (ce sont toujours les vacances !)  Maxwell FINISHED.

A partir de l'expression française suivante : « tout à l'heure », trouver au moins 3 traductions anglaises (différentes) possibles que vous utiliserez chacune dans une phrase qui explicitera le contexte dans lequel on peut l'utiliser, l'éventuel registre de langue associé, et les nuances de sens. Ces 3 expressions anglaises ne devront pas être interchangeables, et chacune devrait apporter quelque chose de différent.
1) Tout à l'heure : in a while = un peu plus tard = a short while from now = a bit later on/a bit later = in a bit UK/shortly (informal).

2) Tout à l'heure = un peu plus tôt = just now, a bit earlier.

3) Tout à l'heure = à l'instant (désuet), tout de suite, = directly, right away, straight away, immediately. (informal).

4) See you later! Informal = Goodbye for now! À plus ! À tout à l'heure ! À toute !

My sentences:
1) Could you enter the house STRAIGHT AWAY, please, come on Julie ! Hurry up, chop chop ! ( c'est un ordre, et tout à l'heure signifie ici tout de suite).
Pourrais-tu rentrer immédiatement à la maison, s'il te plaît, allez Julie,dépêche-toi, et que ça saute !

2) « Hard cheese Angy! Your father has just forbidden you to drive his car, A BIT EARLIER in the morning and now, it's broken: you'll have to make it repaired and pay for the whole bill ! Fortunately, you haven't killed or injured anyone ! »
« Tant pis pour toi, Angy ! Ton père vient juste de t'interdire de conduire sa voiture, un peu plus tôt ce matin, et maintenant elle est cassée : tu devras la faire réparer et payer toute la facture ! Heureusement que tu n'as pas tué ou blessé ! »

3) I'm so busy and late right now, you should ask your brother for any help, as he is watching the television with laziness, slemped on the couch, or come to me IN A WHILE, I'll explain it to you.
Je suis si pressée et en retard maintenant, tu devrais demander à ton frère de t'aider, comme il regarde la télévision avec paresse, avachi sur le canapé, ou reviens me voir dans un moment, je te l'expliquerai.

Have a very sweet week!
See you soon! Many thanks to you both ! Your abacus IS FINISHED BUT IS WRONG ? ...

Modifié par chocolatcitron le 28-08-2018 00:07

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 28 de joe39, postée le 26-08-2018 à 11:46:19 (S | E)
Hello dear here4u,
Here is my try, ready to be corrected,
with exception for the Abacus, to whose solution I preferred to renounce.

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you!
Pas vraiment d’avalanche de fautes, toujours … Cependant, étant toujours en vacances, mon élève a relâché son attention … et a quand même laissé 15 fautes * * * Attention, ce texte contient des fautes à corriger !
Hot temperatures are basically bad for human fonction," it was said. This is the case across "a broaden suite of things" that scientifics have been studied: sleeping quality, mood, mental wealth, risk of suicide and work productivity are all "armed by hot temperatures."
We might be able to blame the heat for our bad decisions: a small study published this week found that college students who lived in dorms without air conditioning during a heat wave did worth on cognitive assessments that students who had air conditioning.
During the heat wave, students without air conditioning had longer reaction times and scored lower on the tests than students in air-conditioned rooms, the study found.
« Therefore, at a population level, we need to focus on modifying the environment so it's less hot, » it was said. « In a city, it means reducting pavement concrete and those materials that absorb heat, changing the way buildings are constructed that they don't retain heat as many. Those are really that we call environmental interventions. They are what’s going to allow us to protect anyone, regardless to income and vulnerability »= 15 mistakes.

“Hot temperatures are basically bad for human FUNCTIONS -1 “, it was said. This is the case across “ a WIDE RANGE– 2 of things” that SCIENTISTS–3 have (BEEEN-4) studied:
sleeping quality, mood, mental HEALTH -5, suicide risk, work productivity are all “HARMED 6 – by hot temperatures”.
We might be able to blame the heat for our bad decisions: a small study published this week found that college students who lived in dorms without air conditioning during a heat wave did WORK -7 on LESSER -8 cognitive assessments THAN -9 students who had air conditioning.
During the heat wave, students without air conditioning had longer reaction times and scored lower on the tests than students in air-conditioned rooms, the study found.
« Therefore, at a population level, we need to focus on modifying the environment so it's less hot, » it was said. « In a city, it means REDUCING -10 pavement concrete and those materials that absorb heat, changing the way buildings are constructed, SO -11 that they don't retain HOT-12 as TO THIS EXTENT-13. THESE are really WHAT-14 we call environmental interventions. They are THAT’s-15 going to allow us to protect anyone, regardless to income and vulnerability »= 15 mistakes.
( Optional: You may pick ONE mistake that shocked you and explain why what was written was wrong.)
“all armed…”, instead of ” all harmed…”, as if the hot temperatures were weapons with which the human functions could be armed.

1 – As EARLIER told you, your complaint has already been taken into consideration by this committee, who will examine it, giving you an answer until next week.

2 – Don’t worry, the fault in the stereo was repaired JUST NOW, so that the
concert can start as planned.

3 – I’m very grateful to you for what YOU’RE ABOUT to make for me.

Thanking a lot for the nice exercise, I wish you a great week.
So long.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 28 de maxwell, postée le 27-08-2018 à 20:34:58 (S | E)

Hello Here4U
Thanks a lot! The abacus was enough to make you tear your hair out! But I finally got away with it

I) Help my student:
Hot temperatures are basically bad for human FUNCTIONING," it was said. This is the case across "a BROAD SERIES of things" that scientifics have been STUDYING : sleeping quality, mood, mental HEALTH, risk of suicide and work productivity are all "DISRUPTED by hot temperatures."
We might be able to blame the heat for our bad decisions: a small study published this week found that THE college students who lived in dorms without air conditioning during a heat wave did WORSE on cognitive assessments THAN THE students who had air conditioning.
During A heat wave, THE students without air conditioning had longer reaction times and scored lower on [] tests than THE students in air-conditioned rooms, the study found.
« Therefore, at a population level, we need to focus on modifying the environment so THAT it's less hot, » it was said. « In a city, it means REDUCING pavement concrete and those materials that absorb heat, changing the way buildings are constructed SO that they don't retain heat as MUCH. Those are really WHAT we call environmental interventions. They are what's going to ENABLE us to protect EVERYONE, regardless OF income and vulnerability "

Scientifics have studied things for a long, long time, so we emphasize that with the progressive form : "Have been studying". We are not studying scientifics, are we?

II) Abacus:

HOSE : lance d'incendie
INSURANCE : assurance
CHARRED : carbonisé, calciné
WILDFIRE : feu de forêt
LOSSES : pertes
RISK : risque
BLAZE : incendie
DIED : être mort/mourut
SCOOPER : canadair
SAFE : en sécurité

III) Another torture:
* Dans un petit moment, dans un instant, prochainement, dans qq mn ou qq heures, d'ici peu : in a (short/little) while/moment, (a bit) later (on), in a bit, very soon, shortly, before long, presently, any minute now,
=> "Our meeting is starting IN A WHILE and John hasn't shown up yet. Do you think he'll make it?" "He's just called to say he should be coming BEFORE LONG. I'm sure we'll see him ANY MINUTE NOW." "I hope so, because I'm due home for dinner A BIT LATER ON..."
- à tout à l'heure ! : see you soon/later/in a while/in a bit
=>"All right then, see you IN A BIT" "OK. See you IN A WHILE". "Well, so long, fellas".

* Il y a un petit moment, récemment, il y a qq mn ou qq heures, il y a peu : (a bit) earlier (on), (just) a (short/little) while/time ago, a few minutes/hours ago, (just) a moment ago, just before, just now, just, recently
=> "As Helen said JUST NOW and Patrick JUST BEFORE, you don't need to worry about Suzy : she left A MOMENT AGO to go on errands, as she told us EARLIER ON." "But I saw two men forced her into a car JUST A SHORT WHILE AGO, so I've JUST called the police..."

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 28 de here4u, postée le 30-08-2018 à 17:26:37 (S | E)
Hello all of You, Dear Friends !

C'EST UNE PREMIERE ! De gros problèmes d'Internet hier à cause d'un orage terrible (et pluie de mousson ... ) où je terminais mes vacances ... et pas de possibilité de poster depuis ... Désolée ...

Appel à deux volontaires pour traduire le texte corrigé ... Merci à eux !

Voici votre correction avec quelques heures de retard ! Sorry, sorry, sorry!

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you! Voici la correction :

Hot temperatures are basically bad for human functioning,(1)" it was said. This is the case across "a broad (2) suite of things" that scientists(3) have studied: Sleep (4) quality, mood, mental health(5), risk of suicide and work productivity are all "harmed (6) by hot temperatures."
We might be able to blame the heat for our bad decisions: a small study published this week found that college students who lived in dorms without air conditioning during a heat wave did worse(7) on cognitive assessments than(7) students who had air conditioning.
During the heat wave, students without air conditioning had longer reaction times and scored lower on the tests than students in air-conditioned rooms, the study found..
« Therefore, at a population level, we need to focus on modifying the environment so it's less hot," it was said. "In a city, it means reducing(8) pavement concrete and those materials that absorb heat, changing the way buildings are constructed so they(9) don't retain heat as much.(10) Those are really what (11) we call environmental interventions. They are what’s going to allow us to protect everyone(12), regardless of(13) income and vulnerability »

(1) Pour le fonctionnement humain = la bonne marche du corps humain. « fonction » n’est pas anglais => fUnctioning ».
(2) « broad » est un adjectif = wide. Si l’on rajoute –n à un adjectif, l’on forme un verbe. « broaden » = élargir.
(3) A scientist = un scientifique. « scientists have studied » = ont étudié. Si vous rajoutez « been » vous faites un passif = « ont été étudiés » et bien sûr, dans ce texte, c'est faux.
(4) « sleep quality » = qualité du sommeil.
(5) Ne pas confondre « wealth »= la richesse et « health »= la santé.
(6) « armed » = armé ; « harmed » = damaged.
(7) « worth »=> to be worth= valoir la peine de // worse est le comparatif de « bad=>to be worse thaN …=> the worst ».
(8) « To reduce », le verbe, donne le nom « a reduction ».
(9) « so they… » "so that they..." = afin qu’ils ne …
(10) « heat » est indénombrable singulier => not so much heat.
(11) « What"= ce qui/ ce que (annonce ce qui va être dit dans une proposition).
(12) Everyone= tout le monde (explicité par la fin de phrase…) // «anyone»=n’importe qui.
(13) « regardless OF ».

Certains ont eu des XXXXXXX sur leur correction ... La Machine ne supportait pas (et c'est bien normal), le mot "suicide" en mp et me "remontait le moral", ce qui était fort sympathique ... Mais j'ai eu peur qu'elle me signale à Laurent pour rien, et étais certaine qu'il avait autre chose à faire ...
NEVER GIVE UP! Ceci est vrai pour tout ! (y compris pour mon "abacus"

II) Abacus: Our beloved abacus is back! = still holiday-time! You’ll have to find 10 words-
Désolée de vous avoir si fortement contrariés … Un grand nombre a renoncé … Certains ont trouvé en partie … Vous n’êtes que deux à avoir été jusqu’au bout. Un seul d’entre vous a trouvé grâce a beaucoup de persévérance et après s’être arraché pas mal de cheveux … BRAVO à tous.

1 --------I------------------------L----------------------B------D--------------S-------|
2 ----------------C-------W-----------------------R--------------I-------S--------------|
3 --------N---------------I--------O-----------------------------E-------C------A-------|
4 H-------------H----------------S--------------------------------------------F-------|
5 --------S---------------L--------S-----------------------------D-------O--------------|
6 --------U-------A----------------E--------------I-------------------------------------|
7 O-----R---------------D-------------------------------L--------------O--------------|
8 --------A-------R-------F-------------------------------A--------------P--------------|
9 --------N-------R-------I-------------------------------Z---------------------E-------|
10- S-----C---------------R-----------------------S----------------------E--------------|
12- E-------------D-------E-------------------------------E-----------------------------|

HOSE : une lance d'incendie
INSURANCE : une assurance
CHARRED : carbonisé, calciné
WILDFIRE : un feu de forêt
LOSSES : des pertes
RISK : un risque
BLAZE : un incendie
DIED : mourut
SCOOPER : un canadair
SAFE : en sécurité

III) Another torture: Merci maxwell « tout à l'heure » . En français, la même expression fait référence soit au passé, soit à l’avenir …
* Dans un petit moment, dans un instant, prochainement, dans qq mn ou qq heures, d'ici peu : in a (short/little) while/moment, (a bit) later (on), in a bit, very soon, shortly, before long, presently, any minute now,
=> "Our meeting is starting IN A WHILE and John hasn't shown up yet. Do you think he'll make it?" "He's just called to say he should be coming BEFORE LONG. I'm sure we'll see him ANY MINUTE NOW." "I hope so, because I'm due home for dinner A BIT LATER ON..."
- à tout à l'heure ! : see you soon/ later/ in a while/ in a bit
=>"All right then, see you IN A BIT" "OK. See you IN A WHILE". "Well, so long, fellas".

* Il y a un petit moment, récemment, il y a qq mn ou qq heures, il y a peu : (a bit) earlier (on), (just) a (short/ little) while/ time ago, a few minutes/ hours ago, (just) a moment ago, just before, just now, just, recently
=> "As Helen said JUST NOW and Patrick JUST BEFORE, you don't need to worry about Suzy: she left A MOMENT AGO to go on errands, as she told us EARLIER ON." "But I saw two men forcing her into a car JUST A SHORT WHILE AGO, so I've JUST called the police..."

Un exercice pas très facile donc ... mais c'est ce que vous attendez, non ?
Encore MERCI et Bravo ...

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 28 de maxwell, postée le 30-08-2018 à 20:42:39 (S | E)
Je suis volontaire pour la Ière partie :

Hot temperatures are basically bad for human functioning" it was said. This is the case across "a broad suite of things" that scientists have studied: Sleep quality, mood, mental health, risk of suicide and work productivity are all "harmed by hot temperatures."
We might be able to blame the heat for our bad decisions: a small study published this week found that college students who lived in dorms without air conditioning during a heat wave did worse on cognitive assessments than students who had air conditioning.

"Des températures élevées sont globalement néfastes pour le bon fonctionnement humain" a-t-on dit. C'est le cas pour une longue liste de choses que des scientifiques ont étudiées : la qualité du sommeil, l'humeur, la santé mentale, le risque de suicide et la productivité du travail sont toutes mises à mal par des températures élevées."
On pourrait rendre responsable la chaleur de nos mauvaises décisions : une petite étude publiée cette semaine, a révélé que des étudiants qui vivaient dans des dortoirs sans air conditionné durant une vague de chaleur ont fait pire lors d'évaluations cognitives que des étudiants qui avaient l'air conditionné.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 28 de chocolatcitron, postée le 30-08-2018 à 22:02:51 (S | E)
Bonjour ma chère Here4u ! , et merci pour tout ce travail fourni en dépit de ta connexion mauvaise !
Bonjour à tous ! :-)

Je suis ta deuxième volontaire ! Toujours fidèle : attention, j'arrive. (…)

During the heat wave, students without air conditioning had longer reaction times and scored lower on the tests than students in air-conditioned rooms, the study found..
« Therefore, at a population level, we need to focus on modifying the environment so it's less hot," it was said. "In a city, it means reducing(8) pavement concrete and those materials that absorb heat, changing the way buildings are constructed so they(9) don't retain heat as much.(10) Those are really what (11) we call environmental interventions. They are what’s going to allow us to protect everyone(12), regardless of(13) income and vulnerability »

Durant la vague de chaleur, les étudiants sans air conditionné ont eu des temps de réaction plus lents et des notes plus basses sur leurs tests que les étudiants bénéficiant de salles climatisées, a reporté l'étude.
"Toutefois, au niveau de la population, nous avons besoin de nous focaliser sur les modifications de l'environnement, s'il fait moins chaud," a t-on précisé. En ville, cela signifie de réduire les chaussées bétonnées, et ces matériaux qui absorbent la chaleur, modifier la façon dont sont construits les immeubles, afin qu'ils ne retiennent pas autant la chaleur. Celles-là sont vraiment ce que nous appelons des interventions environnementales. Elles sont ce qui va nous permettre de protéger tout le monde, quels que soient les bénéfices et la vulnérabilité."

J'espère ne pas avoir fait de contresens, et laisse la main à Here4u pour terminer son forum.

Réponse : Rack your brains and Help!/ 28 de here4u, postée le 31-08-2018 à 13:37:17 (S | E)

Bravo et merci à nos deux volontaires pour cette très bonne traduction !

Maxwell : j'ai simplement changé la notion de "dorm" : il s'agit d'étudiants qui vivent dans des "maisons" sur le campus ... pas des bons vieux dortoirs à 40 ou 50 ...

"so it's less hot,"= so= so that= afin que.

"Des températures élevées sont globalement néfastes pour le bon fonctionnement du corps humain" a-t-on dit. C'est le cas pour une longue liste de phénomènes que des scientifiques ont étudiés : la qualité du sommeil, l'humeur, la santé mentale, le risque de suicide et la productivité du travail sont tous mis à mal par des températures élevées."
On pourrait rendre la chaleur responsable de nos mauvaises décisions : une petite étude publiée cette semaine, a révélé que des étudiants qui vivaient sur le campus sans air conditionné durant une vague de chaleur ont fait pire lors d'évaluations cognitives que des étudiants qui avaient l'air conditionné.
Durant la vague de chaleur, les étudiants sans air conditionné ont eu des temps de réaction plus lents et des notes plus basses à leurs tests que les étudiants bénéficiant de salles climatisées, a reporté l'étude.
"Aussi, au niveau de la population, nous avons besoin de nous concentrer sur les modifications de l'environnement, afin qu'il fasse moins chaud," a t-on précisé. En ville, cela signifie de réduire les chaussées bétonnées, et ces matériaux qui absorbent la chaleur, de modifier la façon dont sont construits les immeubles, afin qu'ils ne retiennent pas autant la chaleur. Ce sont vraiment ce que nous appelons des interventions sur l'environnement. Elles sont ce qui va nous permettre de protéger tout le monde, quels que soient leur revenus et leur vulnérabilité."



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