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The missing vowels/273

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The missing vowels/273
Message de marit64 posté le 19-09-2018 à 22:34:42 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscrample the consonants in order to get the right word.

I'm giving you the number of vowels in 8 out of 10 answers.

1- Hay built up into a large pile. ..... (r h k c) 3

2- The solid substance formed when milk turns sour used in making cheese. ..... (r c d)

3- To fall or sink suddenly and heavily. ..... (m s p l) 1

4- A rich and powerful businessman. ..... (c n t) 3

5- Abandoned and left to fall to pieces. ..... (l r t d c) 3

6- A split or crack. ..... (f r t) 1

7- In India and East Asia, a warehouse, or a storehouse for goods at a port. ..... (w d g n) 2

8- The harness on a horse's head to which the reins are attached. ..... (d r l b) 2

9- In chess, one of the small pieces of lowest rank. ..... (w p n) 1

10- A stupid person. ..... (s s)

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/273 de afarodj, postée le 20-09-2018 à 21:20:49 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit Thank you for this new exercise.
Hi everybody
This is my try. Have a nice week.

1- Hay built up into a large pile. ..... (r h k c) 3 .-Hayrick.- Meule de foin.
2- The solid substance formed when milk turns sour used in making cheese. ... (r c d) .-Curd.-Cailler (de lait).
3- To fall or sink suddenly and heavily. ..... (m s p l) 1 .-Slump.- S'effondrer.
4- A rich and powerful businessman. ..... (c n t) 3 .-Tycoon.-Nabab.
5- Abandoned and left to fall to pieces. ..... (l r t d c) 3 .-Derelict.- Abandonné-en ruines.
6- A split or crack. ..... (f r t) 1 .-Rift.- Crevasse.
7- In India and East Asia, a warehouse, or a storehouse for goods at a port. ..... (w d g n) 2 .-Godown.- Entrepôt dans un port.
8- The harness on a horse's head to which the reins are attached. ..... (d r l b) 2 .Bridle.- Bride.
9- In chess, one of the small pieces of lowest rank. ..... (w p n) 1 .-Pawn.- Pion.
10- A stupid person. ..... (s s) .-Ass.-Andouille.

Réponse : The missing vowels/273 de sanna6, postée le 23-09-2018 à 09:49:23 (S | E)

Here is my try.

1- Hay built up into a large pile. ..... (r h k c) 3 Hayrick - Meule de foin

2- The solid substance formed when milk turns sour used in making cheese. ..... (r c d) Curd - Lait caillé

3- To fall or sink suddenly and heavily. ..... (m s p l) 1 To slump - S'effondrer

4- A rich and powerful businessman. ..... (c n t) 3 Tycoon - Magnat

5- Abandoned and left to fall to pieces. ..... (l r t d c) 3 Derelict - Épave

6- A split or crack. ..... (f r t) 1 Rift - Fissure

7- In India and East Asia, a warehouse, or a storehouse for goods at a port. ..... (w d g n) 2 Godown - Entrepôt

8- The harness on a horse's head to which the reins are attached. ..... (d r l b) 2 Bridle - Bride

9- In chess, one of the small pieces of lowest rank. ..... (w p n) 1 Pawn - pion

A stupid person. ..... (s s) Ass - Idiot

I thank you very much for this weekly Missing Vowels Marit

Hope everything's going well for each of you and have a very nice week!

Réponse : The missing vowels/273 de swan85, postée le 23-09-2018 à 21:53:00 (S | E)
Hello Marit
Hi Everybody

1- Hay built up into a large pile. HAYRICK (r h k c) 3
2- The solid substance formed when milk turns sour used in making cheese. CURD (r c d)
3- To fall or sink suddenly and heavily. SLUMP (m s p l) 1
4- A rich and powerful businessman. TYCOON (c n t) 3
5- Abandoned and left to fall to pieces. DERELICT (l r t d c) 3
6- A split or crack. RIFT (f r t) 1
7- In India and East Asia, a warehouse, or a storehouse for goods at a port. GODOWN (w d g n) 2
8- The harness on a horse's head to which the reins are attached. BRIDLE (d r l b) 2
9- In chess, one of the small pieces of lowest rank. PAWN (w p n) 1
10- A stupid person. ASS (s s)

Thank you for this new exercise.
Have a nice week.

Réponse : The missing vowels/273 de daisy50, postée le 24-09-2018 à 19:34:49 (S | E)
Hello Marit and everybody,

Here is my try :

1- Hay built up into a large pile. ..... hayrick

2- The solid substance formed when milk turns sour used in making cheese. ..... curd

3- To fall or sink suddenly and heavily. ..... slump

4- A rich and powerful businessman. ..... tycoon

5- Abandoned and left to fall to pieces. ..... derelict

6- A split or crack. ..... rift

7- In India and East Asia, a warehouse, or a storehouse for goods at a port. ..... godown

8- The harness on a horse's head to which the reins are attached. ..... bridle

9- In chess, one of the small pieces of lowest rank. .... pawn

10- A stupid person. ..... ass

Thanks a lot again Marit for your work!

Have an excellent week!

See you soon!

Réponse : The missing vowels/273 de flowermusic, postée le 25-09-2018 à 10:36:21 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

Here's my try

Salut la fine équipe

1- Hay built up into a large pile. ..... (r h k c) 3 hayrick

2- The solid substance formed when milk turns sour used in making cheese. ..... (r c d) curd

3- To fall or sink suddenly and heavily. ..... (m s p l) 1 slump

4- A rich and powerful businessman. ..... (c n t) 3 tycoon

5- Abandoned and left to fall to pieces. ..... (l r t d c) 3 derelict

6- A split or crack. ..... (f r t) 1 rift

7- In India and East Asia, a warehouse, or a storehouse for goods at a port. ..... (w d g n) 2 godown

8- The harness on a horse's head to which the reins iare attached. ..... (d r l b) 2 bridle

9- In chess, one of the small pieces of lowest rank. ..... (w p n) 1 pawn
10- A stupid person. ..... (s s) ass

See you soon, very soon


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