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The missing vowels /275

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The missing vowels /275
Message de marit64 posté le 03-10-2018 à 23:36:27 (S | E | F)

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 9 out of 10 answers.

1- The drifting of a ship etc away from its true course, or the amount of this. ..... (w l) 4

2- To punish by beating etc. ..... (s s h t c) 3

3- A position in chess in which a player cannot move without putting his king in danger. ..... (l m s t t) 4

4- A large iron stake with a bend at the end, used to lift heavy stones etc. ( b c w r r)

5- A person who fishes with a rod and line. ..... (g r n l) 2

6- To fix (skin, bone etc) from one part of the body on to or into another part of the body. ..... (f g t r) 1

7- To make a quick, tapping sound (of rain, footsteps etc). ..... (t p r t) 2

8- A room with a bed or beds for patients in a hospital etc. ..... (r w d) 1

9- To avoid giving a clear answer to a question. ..... (d h g) 2

10- A plant with small flowers and fern-like leaves which close when touched (also called sensitive plant). ..... (m s m) 3

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels /275 de daisy50, postée le 04-10-2018 à 15:16:11 (S | E)
Hello Marit and everybody,

Here is my try :

1- The drifting of a ship etc away from its true course, or the amount of this. ..... leeway

2- To punish by beating etc. ..... chastise

3- A position in chess in which a player cannot move without putting his king in danger. .... stalemate

4- A large iron stake with a bend at the end, used to lift heavy stones etc. crowbar

5- A person who fishes with a rod and line. ..... angler

6- To fix (skin, bone etc) from one part of the body on to or into another part of the body. ..... graft

7- To make a quick, tapping sound (of rain, footsteps etc). ..... patter

8- A room with a bed or beds for patients in a hospital etc. ..... ward

9- To avoid giving a clear answer to a question. ..... hedge

10- A plant with small flowers and fern-like leaves which close when touched (also called sensitive plant). ..... mimosa

Thanks again Marit for this new "missing vowels". Not always easy, but always pleasant!

Have an excellent, sunny week and...

See you later!

Réponse : The missing vowels /275 de chocolatcitron, postée le 04-10-2018 à 18:14:31 (S | E)
The missing vowels /275
Message de marit64 posté le 03-10-2018 à 23:36:27 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks a lot for this interesting exercise: I've learnt a lot ! I've been running after your missing vowels for hours this time, for sure I'll remember all of them: thanks!
Hi Everybody!

Here is my work:
1- The drifting of a ship etc away from its true course, or the amount of this. (w l) 4 leeway = marge de manœuvre.
2- To punish by beating etc. (s s h t c) 3 chastise = réprimander, punir, châtier.
3- A position in chess in which a player cannot move without putting his king in danger. (l m s t t) 4 stalemate = pat. (Là aussi beaucoup cherché depuis hier soir, car je ne connais pas les échecs.)
4- A large iron stake with a bend at the end, used to lift heavy stones etc. ( b c w r r) crowbar = barre à mine, pince monseigneur, pied-de-biche.
5- A person who fishes with a rod and line. (g r n l) 2 angler = pêcheur à la ligne.
6- To fix (skin, bone etc) from one part of the body on to or into another part of the body.(f g t r) 1 graft = greffer.
7- To make a quick, tapping sound (of rain, footsteps etc). (t p r t) 2 patter = crépitement de la pluie.
8- A room with a bed or beds for patients in a hospital etc. (r w d) 1 ward = salle à l'hôpital.
9- To avoid giving a clear answer to a question. (d h g) 2 hedge = contourner.
10- A plant with small flowers and fern-like leaves which close when touched (also called sensitive plant). (m s m) 3 mimosa = mimosa seul le pudica réagit au toucher, pas les autres : mimosa d'hiver, mimosa quatre saisons).
J'ai terminé cet exercice par l'odeur du mimosa… en écoutant un cd sur la pluie : détente assurée, merci.

Good luck to all of you!
Have a sweet but also a great week!
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels /275 de flowermusic, postée le 08-10-2018 à 05:45:55 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

Et salut les valeureuses

1- The drifting of a ship etc away from its true course, or the amount of this. ..... (w l) 4 leeway

2- To punish by beating etc. ..... (s s h t c) 3 chastise

3- A position in chess in which a player cannot move without putting his king in danger. ..... (l m s t t) 4 stalemate

4- A large iron stake with a bend at the end, used to lift heavy stones etc. ( b c w r r) crowbar

5- A person who fishes with a rod and line. ..... (g r n l) 2 angler

6- To fix (skin, bone etc) from one part of the body on to or into another part of the body. ..... (f g t r) 1 graft

7- To make a quick, tapping sound (of rain, footsteps etc). ..... (t p r t) 2 patter

8- A room with a bed or beds for patients in a hospital etc. ..... (w r d) 1 ward

9- To avoid giving a clear answer to a question. ..... (d h g) 2 hedge

10- A plant with small flowers and fern-like leaves which close when touched (also called sensitive plant). ..... (m s m) 3 mimosa

Have a sweet sweet week

Réponse : The missing vowels /275 de afarodj, postée le 08-10-2018 à 08:25:33 (S | E)
Hi dear Marit Thank you for this new exercise.
Hi everybody
Hi the Slim Team.
This is my try. Have a nice week.
1- The drifting of a ship etc away from its true course, or the amount of this. ..... (w l) 4. .-Leeway.-Dérive.
2- To punish by beating etc. ..... (s s h t c) 3.- .-Chastise.-Châtier.
3- A position in chess in which a player cannot move without putting his king in danger. ..... (l m s t t) 4. .-Stalemate.-Immobilisme.
4- A large iron stake with a bend at the end, used to lift heavy stones etc. ( b c w r r)
.-Crowbar.-Pied de biche.
5- A person who fishes with a rod and line. ..... (g r n l) 2 .-Angler.-Pêcheur à la ligne.
6- To fix (skin, bone etc) from one part of the body on to or into another part of the body. ..... (f g t r) 1 .-Graft.-Greffer.
7- To make a quick, tapping sound (of rain, footsteps etc). ..... (t p r t) 2.-Patter.-Tambouriner, crépiter (pluie)- Trottiner.
8- A room with a bed or beds for patients in a hospital etc. ..... (r w d) 1.-Ward.-Salle .
9- To avoid giving a clear answer to a question. ..... (d h g) 2 .-Hedge.-Eluder.
10- A plant with small flowers and fern-like leaves which close when touched (also called sensitive plant). ..... (m s m) 3.-Mimosa.-Mimosa.

Réponse : The missing vowels /275 de swan85, postée le 08-10-2018 à 13:08:17 (S | E)

Hello Marit
Hi Everybody

1- The drifting of a ship etc away from its true course, or the amount of this. (w l) 4 LEEWAY
2- To punish by beating etc. (s s h t c) 3 CHASTISE
3- A position in chess in which a player cannot move without putting his king in danger. (l m s t t) 4 STALEMATE
4- A large iron stake with a bend at the end, used to lift heavy stones etc. ( b c w r r) CROWBAR
5- A person who fishes with a rod and line. (g r n l) 2 ANGLER
6- To fix (skin, bone etc) from one part of the body on to or into another part of the body. (f g t r) 1 GRAFT
7- To make a quick, tapping sound (of rain, footsteps etc). (t p r t) 2 PATTER
8- A room with a bed or beds for patients in a hospital etc. (r w d) 1 WARD
9- To avoid giving a clear answer to a question. (d h g) 2 HEDGE
10- A plant with small flowers and fern-like leaves which close when touched (also called sensitive plant). (m s m) 3 MIMOSA

Thank you and have a nice week.

Réponse : The missing vowels /275 de sanna6, postée le 09-10-2018 à 19:39:26 (S | E)

1- The drifting of a ship etc away from its true course, or the amount of this. ..... (w l) 4 Leeway - Marge de manoeuvre ?

2- To punish by beating etc. ..... (s s h t c) 3 To chastise - Battre pour punir

3- A position in chess in which a player cannot move without putting his king in danger. ..... (l m s t t) 4 Stalemate - Pat

4- A large iron stake with a bend at the end, used to lift heavy stones etc. ( b c w r r) Crowbar - Pied de biche

5- A person who fishes with a rod and line. ..... (g r n l) 2 Angler - Pêcheur à la ligne

6- To fix (skin, bone etc) from one part of the body on to or into another part of the body. ..... (f g t r) 1 To graft - Greffer

7- To make a quick, tapping sound (of rain, footsteps etc). ..... (t p r t) 2 To patter - Bruit

8- A room with a bed or beds for patients in a hospital etc. ..... (r w d) 1 Ward - Service / Chambre d'hôpital

9- To avoid giving a clear answer to a question. ..... (d h g) 2 To hedge - Être évasif

10- A plant with small flowers and fern-like leaves which close when touched (also called sensitive plant). ..... (m s m) 3 Mimosa - Mimosa...Unbelievable and really surprising !!
Lien internet

Thank a lot Marit!

A very nice week everyone!


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