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Correction /grammaire

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction /grammaire
Message de aleexie6 posté le 06-10-2018 à 11:46:49 (S | E | F)
J'ai un oral à faire pour la semaine prochaine. Est-il possible de me dire les erreurs de grammaire que j'ai commises svp s'il vous plait ?
Merci d'avance.

Introduction: I will talk about natural disasters and the different impacts they can have. As you may know, natural disasters are more and more common and increasingly destructive. Unfortunately, we have sad statements with the 2010 Haiti earthquake, last year with the hurricane Irma and more recently with hurricane Florence. So, I will develop starting with: how to explain the recurrence of these phenomena? What are the consequences? To finish we’ll see what could be the solutions.

1. How can we explain the recurrence of these phenomena?
First, there is a factor which is the geographic location. Indeed, there are places where natural disasters are more frequent. For example, because they’re above tectonic plates, or because of monsoons, or because they have an active volcano.
But it’s not just that. It can be explained by global warming. In fact, it warms the climate or the oceans, causes cyclones, tsunamis and floods. Climate change will heighten the severity of extreme weather events. These phenomena have many consequences.

2. Consequences?
There are 2 major consequences: first there are economic consequences that can quickly take huge proportions. Besides, the cost of natural disasters in the world in 2017 is $ 330 billion according to the German reinsurer Munich Ré which is double compared to 2016 ($ 175 billion). There are a lot of costs especially related to agricultural damages, water damages. But most of the costs are due to reconstruction which is needed during destructive disasters.
In addition to the economic impact, there are social consequences. Natural disasters can be terrible in term of human losses. For example, Haiti earthquake made more than 230,000 dead and 220,000 wounded. Moreover, it’s very often that’s the poorest people who are affected. Mortality rates are generally higher among populations with the lowest incomes. They are more likely to live in areas at risk or in fragile homes.
We can see that social consequences have an impact on the economy because
natural disasters destroy farms, livestock, workshops and equipment. So, people can’t work without that and it has an impact – a bad impact – for them, for their country and so on the economy.
And there is especially the cost of human losses too.

3. What are the solutions?
Different solutions can be brought, before natural disasters happen and after they happen.
So upstream, to prevent these kinds of thing to happen, things have to be done to fight against global warming. Because if we can’t do anything against tectonic plates or volcanoes for example, we can change things with global warming and it’s the subject of the Conference of Parties. Moreover, stricter environmental policies can be put in place but is it for now? I’m not so sure.
Downstream, there is a need for early and effective action, both to support economic growth and general well-being in disaster-stricken countries, and to alleviate the suffering of directly affected communities. We must better help the poorest people to cope with natural disasters. For that we have to rebuild with adapted materials, and also doing some prevention.

Modifié par lucile83 le 06-10-2018 16:01

Réponse : Correction /grammaire de here4u, postée le 06-10-2018 à 16:21:13 (S | E)

Introduction: I will talk about(Boff!) natural disasters and the different impacts they can have. As you may know, natural disasters are more and more common and increasingly destructive. Unfortunately, we have sad statements with the 2010 Haiti earthquake, last year with (the) hurricane Irma and more recently with hurricane Florence. So, I will develop starting with: how to explain the recurrence of these phenomena? What are the consequences? To finish we’ll see what could be the solutions.

1. How can we explain the recurrence of these phenomena?
First, there is a factor which is the geographic location. Indeed, there are places where natural disasters are more frequent. For example, because they’re above tectonic plates, or because of monsoons, or because they have an active volcano. maladroit.
But it’s not just that. It can be explained by global warming. In fact, it warms the climate or the oceans, causes cyclones, tsunamis and floods. Climate change will heighten the severity of extreme weather events. These phenomena have many consequences.

2. Consequences?
There are 2 major consequences: first there are economic consequences that can quickly take huge proportions. Besides, the cost of natural disasters in the world in 2017 is $ 330 billion according to the German reinsurer Munich Ré which is double compared to 2016 ($ 175 billion). There are a lot of costs especially related to agricultural damages, water damages. But most of the costs are due to THE reconstruction which is needed during destructive disasters.(reconstruction= déterminée ici!)
In addition to the economic impact, there are social consequences. Natural disasters can be terrible in termS of human losses. For example, Haiti earthquake made more than 230,000 dead and 220,000 wounded. Moreover, it’s very often that’s (clumsy again)= most ot the time ) the poorest people (who) are affected. Mortality rates are generally higher among populations with the lowest incomes. They are more likely to live in areas at risk or in fragile homes.
We can see that social consequences have an impact on the economy because natural disasters destroy farms, livestock, workshops and equipment. So, people can’t work without that and it has an impact – a bad impact – for them, for their country and so (consequently/ as a result)on the economy.
And there is especially the cost of human losses too.

3. What are the solutions?
Different solutions can be brought, before natural disasters happen and after they happen.
So upstream, to prevent these kinds of thingS to happen, things have to be done to fight against global warming. Because if we can’t do anything (nothing can be done) against tectonic plates or volcanoes for example, we can change things with global warming and it’s the subject of the Conference of Parties. Moreover, stricter environmental policies can be put in place but is it for now? I’m not so sure.
Downstream, there is a need for early and effective action, both to support economic growth and general well-being in disaster-stricken countries, and to alleviate the suffering of directly affected communities. We must better help the poorest people to cope with natural disasters. For that we have to rebuild with adapted materials, and also doing some prevention.

Not bad at all, though sounding Frenchy, at times...

Réponse : Correction /grammaire de aleexie6, postée le 11-10-2018 à 18:55:45 (S | E)
Super merci ! J'ai corrigé tout ça je pense que c'est bon


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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