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Would/ could

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Would/ could
Message from mohammad51 posted on 12-10-2018 at 23:39:28 (D | E | F)
Please help with this sentence:
Jim ………. (come) to the party if you invited Mary.
According to the ( if clause type) I suggest would come.
Is could possible here ?
Thank you in advance.

Edited by lucile83 on 13-10-2018 08:19

Re: Would/ could from jade77, posted on 13-10-2018 at 01:54:56 (D | E)
Basic grammar rule for second conditional appears with "would", however it is possible to use other modal verbs like could.
"would" is used to express actions that are impossible or unlikely to happen but are possible to happen if circumstances change.
"could" expresses possibility, but not a certain possibility.

Re: Would/ could from mohammad51, posted on 13-10-2018 at 12:32:12 (D | E)
Thank you jade77 for your reply.
Is using could possible in my sentence?
Jim ………. (come) to the party if you invited Mary.
Or: which one do you think "better" would or could?

Re: Would/ could from gerold, posted on 13-10-2018 at 12:59:05 (D | E)

Is using could possible in my sentence?
Jim ………. (come) to the party if you invited Mary.
Or: which one do you think "better" would or could?

Both are correct:

Jim would come to the party if you invited Mary: if the condition is fulfilled, Jim will come.
Jim could come to the party if you invited Mary: if the condition is fulfilled, Jim will come maybe.
In the first sentence, the condition is necessary and sufficient (or considered sufficient).
In the second sentence, the condition is necessary but (maybe) not sufficient.

Re: Would/ could from mohammad51, posted on 13-10-2018 at 14:24:52 (D | E)
Thank you very much dear teacher gerold
I appreciate your efforts and would admit to your explanation to say:
( not sufficient ) yes not sufficient as the matter of conditional does not meet the purposes successfully.

Re: Would/ could from gerondif, posted on 13-10-2018 at 14:56:49 (D | E)
And if the condition is not sufficient, you could use might.

Re: Would/ could from lucile83, posted on 13-10-2018 at 15:42:39 (D | E)
That test is basically about verbs and tenses, not about modals. Why do you want to split hairs?

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Forum > English only


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