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Describe/ painting

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Describe/ painting
Message de jane37 posté le 19-10-2018 à 06:54:28 (S | E | F)
Bonjour .
J'ai écrit une scénette en rapport avec la description d'une peinture (Pour mon équipe de "jeunes retraités").
Serait il possible d'en vérifier les éventuelles fautes ou incohérences grammaticales ? Merci beaucoup .

Painting by Thomas Alain
1) Oh! Look at this picture Honey. I’m going to explain to you how to observe it.
Listen to me: First it is a winter landscape, a naïve style painting by Alain Thomas. Do you see?
Yes Grandma, I see.

2) Observe this picture: in the foreground there are children who are playing with snow. Do you see?
Yes, Grandma, I see

3) In the bottom right-hand corner, there is a little gate which closes the corner. Do you see?
Yes Grandma, I see.

4) In the bottom left- hand there are a pig, a little dog, a horse and even a decorated tree that tells you that it's Christmas! Do you see?
Yes Grandma, I see

5) In the second plan, you have a church, a lot of many people, and animals, a tree half covered by snow. Do you see?
Yes Grandma, I see.

6) In the middle there are trees, houses and a mill with its wings. Do you see?
Yes Grandma, I see.

7) In the top left- hand we can see snow-covered branches as well as in the top right. Do you see?
Yes Grandma, I see

8) And in the background there is a nice red winter sky with black birds. Do you see?
Yes Grandma, I see.

9) And you Honey , what else do you see?
I see the Christmas Father in the sky. Do you see?

10) No, I don’t see.
I see his big white beard, do you see?

11) No, I don’t see.
Its normal Grandma, this painting looks with children's eyes. Do you see?

12) Oh yes Honey, now , I see! Thanks for this lesson!

Modifié par lucile83 le 19-10-2018 08:00

Réponse : Describe/ painting de laure95, postée le 19-10-2018 à 17:01:37 (S | E)
(article)Painting by Thomas Alain
1)Do you see?: avec les verbes de perception,on utilise CAN à la place de DO.
Yes Grandma, I see: même remarque.

2) Do you see?
Yes, Grandma, I see

3) Do you see?
Yes Grandma, I see.

4) In the bottom left- hand (corner?) there are a pig, a little dog, a horse and even a decorated tree that tells you that it's Christmas! Do you see?
Yes Grandma, I see

5) a lot of many people: choisir entre a lot of et many.
Do you see?
Yes Grandma, I see.

6) Do you see?
Yes Grandma, I see.

7) In the top left- hand (corner?)we can see snow-covered branches as well as in the top right. Do you see?
Yes Grandma, I see

8) Do you see?
Yes Grandma, I see.

9) what else do you see?
I see the (pas de the) Christmas Father in the sky. Do you see?

10) No, I don’t see.
I see his big white beard, do you see?

11) No, I don’t see.
Its (orthographe) normal Grandma,
this painting looks with children's eyes: ?
Do you see?

Réponse : Describe/ painting de jane37, postée le 20-10-2018 à 05:13:56 (S | E)
Merci beaucoup pour ces informations.Bonne journée


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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