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The missing vowels/278

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The missing vowels/278
Message de marit64 posté le 24-10-2018 à 23:44:29 (S | E | F)

à chacun et chacune de vous pour vos bons voeux d'anniversaire. Vous avez su réchauffer mon coeur et me permettre de traverser le temps plus facilement. Malgré la distance entre nous, le lien que nous avons développé ne s'effacera jamais.

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

This week, all the numbers of vowels are given.

1- A gramophone needle. ..... (l s s t) 2

2- To cause to think or act in an abnormal way. ..... (p w r) 1

3- A room used for sleeping in, with many beds. ..... (m d r t r) 4

4- (The door or cover of) an opening in a wall, floor, ship's deck etc. ..... (c h h t) 1

5- A synonym of "shy". ..... (f b s l h) 2

6- Merciful or punishing only lightly. ..... (n n l t) 3

7- A type of prickly plant with purple flowers, which grows in fields etc. ..... (h s t t l) 2

8- To make an urgent request. ..... (d l p) 2

9- A lazy person. ..... (r l d) 2

10- Very careless; acting or done without any thought of the consequences. ..... (k r s l c s) 2

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels/278 de daisy50, postée le 25-10-2018 à 18:11:12 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Here is my try :

1- A gramophone needle. ..... stylus

2- To cause to think or act in an abnormal way. ..... warp

3- A room used for sleeping in, with many beds. ..... dormitory

4- (The door or cover of) an opening in a wall, floor, ship's deck etc. ..... hatch

5- A synonym of "shy". ..... bashful

6- Merciful or punishing only lightly. ... lenient

7- A type of prickly plant with purple flowers, which grows in fields etc. ..... thistle

8- To make an urgent request. ..... plead

9- A lazy person. ..... idler

10- Very careless; acting or done without any thought of the consequences. ..... reckless

Thanks a lot Marit for this new exercise.

Have an excellent week! See you soon!

Un salut amical à toute "la fine équipe" laquelle à mon grand étonnement, n'est pas encore intervenue!

Réponse : The missing vowels/278 de swan85, postée le 25-10-2018 à 21:34:11 (S | E)

Hello Marit

Hi Daisy and Everybody

1- A gramophone needle. ..... (l s s t) 2 STYLUS
2- To cause to think or act in an abnormal way. ..... (p w r) 1 WARP
3- A room used for sleeping in, with many beds. ..... (m d r t r) 4 DORMITORY
4- (The door or cover of) an opening in a wall, floor, ship's deck etc. ..... (c h h t) 1 HATCH
5- A synonym of "shy". ..... (f b s l h) 2 BASHFUL
6- Merciful or punishing only lightly. ..... (n n l t) 3 LENIENT
7- A type of prickly plant with purple flowers, which grows in fields etc. ..... (h s t t l) 2 THISTLE
8- To make an urgent request. ..... (d l p) 2 PLEAD
9- A lazy person. ..... (r l d) 2 IDLER
10- Very careless; acting or done without any thought of the consequences. ..... (k r s l c s) 2 RECKLESS

Thank you Marit.
Have a nice week.
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels/278 de flowermusic, postée le 26-10-2018 à 10:31:00 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

That's my try :

1- A gramophone needle. ..... (l s s t) 2 stylus

2- To cause to think or act in an abnormal way. ..... (p w r) 1 warp

3- A room used for sleeping in, with many beds. ..... (m d r t r) 4 dormitory

4- (The door or cover of) an opening in a wall, floor, ship's deck etc. ..... (c h h t) 1 hatch

5- A synonym of "shy". ..... (f b s l h) 2 bashful

6- Merciful or punishing only lightly. ..... (n n l t) 3 lenient

7- A type of prickly plant with purple flowers, which grows in fields etc. ..... (h s t t l) 2 thistle

8- To make an urgent request. ..... (d l p) 2 plead

9- A lazy person. ..... (r l d) 2 idler

10- Very careless; acting or done without any thought of the consequences. ..... (k r s l c s) 2 reckless

Have a sweet sweet week

Coucou, Daisy, on arrive !!!

Réponse : The missing vowels/278 de chocolatcitron, postée le 26-10-2018 à 17:24:53 (S | E)
The missing vowels - 278
Message de marit64 posté le 24-10-2018 à 23:44:29 (S | E | F)
Hello my dear Marit, thanks for coming to play with us!
Hi Everybody! On arrive Daisy..., parfois des urgences s'imposent...

Here is my work:
1- A gramophone needle. (l s s t) 2 stylus = saphir.
2- To cause to think or act in an abnormal way. (p w r) 1 warp = pervertir.
3- A room used for sleeping in, with many beds. (m d r t r) 4 dormitory = dortoir.
4- (The door or cover of) an opening in a wall, floor, ship's deck etc. (c h h t) 1 hatch = écoutille, trappe, passe-plats.
5- A synonym of "shy". (f b s l h) 2 bashful = timide, pudique.
6- Merciful or punishing only lightly. (n n l t) 3 lenient = indulgent, clément, tolérant.
7- A type of prickly plant with purple flowers, which grows in fields etc. (h s t t l) 2 thistle = chardon.
8- To make an urgent request. (d l p) 2 plead = supplier, implorer.
9- A lazy person. (r l d) 2 idler = paresseux.
10- Very careless; acting or done without any thought of the consequences. (k r s l c s) 2 reckless = irresponsable.

Have a great week!
See you soon.

Réponse : The missing vowels/278 de sanna6, postée le 29-10-2018 à 13:32:34 (S | E)

Here is my try and I thank you very much for this new Missing Vowels Marit

1- A gramophone needle. ..... (l s s t) 2 Stylus - Pointe de lecture

2- To cause to think or act in an abnormal way. ..... (p w r) 1 To warp - Déformer

3- A room used for sleeping in, with many beds. ..... (m d r t r) 4 Dormitory - Dortoir

4- (The door or cover of) an opening in a wall, floor, ship's deck etc. ..... (c h h t) 1 Hatch - Trappe

5- A synonym of "shy". ..... (f b s l h) 2 Bashful - Timide

6- Merciful or punishing only lightly. ..... (n n l t) 3 Lenient - Tolérant

7- A type of prickly plant with purple flowers, which grows in fields etc. ..... (h s t t l) 2 Thistle - Chardon

8- To make an urgent request. ..... (d l p) 2 To plead - Plaider

9- A lazy person. ..... (r l d) 2 Idler - Paresseux

10- Very careless; acting or done without any thought of the consequences. ..... (k r s l c s) 2 Reckless - Imprudent

Hope a very nice week for everyone!


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