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Rack your brains and help!/ 33

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Rack your brains and help!/ 33
Message de here4u posté le 28-10-2018 à 15:12:31 (S | E | F)
Hello, dear Friends,

Another "holiday exercise", but you're going on working, anyway... This work is just "normal", "ordinary"... You'll have to assist my poor student and help him correct his mistakes, then find the mystery words, unscrambling letters, and finally work your vocabulary with a word suggested by Maxwell. This is a and the correction will be online Monday, November 12th 2018, late at night.
I give you THE FORCE.

I)Please, help my student! He really needs you!
Comme la plupart des RYBs précédents, ce texte s'inspire de plusieurs textes de la presse écrite ou orale. Il a été, comme toujours raccourci, remanié, interprété, simplifié, allégé ... pour vous le rendre plus digeste et agréable.
Il n'y a aucun intérêt à rechercher le ou les extraits originels et originaux. Le seul intérêt est de le saisir "à bras le texte", et de vous "battre" avec ... and you'll win!
C'est en faisant ceci que vous pouvez travailler vraiment, et donc, je l'espère, progresser.
Go for it!
(Pour me faciliter la correction, merci de ne pas juxtaposer la forme fausse et celle corrigée. Seule la forme jugée correcte m'intéresse ... )

The online consultation, which ran in Europe from 4 july to 16 august 2018, received 4.6 million of responses from all 28 Member States. According to the results, 84% of respondents are in favour of putting an end to the bi-annual clock change.
In daylight saving time, I come home from the work and still feel that I have some time to enjoy the outdoors, play outside with my daughter, chat with neighbours, go to our pool, eat outdoors, etc.
As soon as it gets dark, our bodies secrete more melatonin signaling the body its time to rest. I don’t want to rest and go to bed when I get home! After a long day, THIS is MY free time. Instead, I am half sleeping by 7:00 p.m., my daughter is glued at her video games (rather than playing outside), and my husband has another excuse for not pruned the trees in the backyard. Depressing!
Along with feeling sleepy, feeling sluggish and down are par for the race. Our routines are off, we are outdoors less, we get fewer exercises. Beyond the fact that our day ends at 5 p.m., it is also the shift in our schedule that has a significant impact on our bodies, and our rythms. The ends of daylight saving time in the fall affect our mood, mental alertness, activity, appetite, attitude, and even our hearth function!
Our bodies are smart. They LIKE consistency and patterns because they build functions from that regularity. Did you know that if you woke every morning at 6:00 a.m., for example, your body begins to produce hormones necessary to help you woke and feel alerter at that time?

II) Find the 11« scrambled words »… Vous semblez bien rodés ... Alors, c’est parti pour la recherche (en s’appuyant bien sur le (petit) contexte… (Pas facile, ... Désolée ...
1) There is a TAIIGSNCFNI TAMICP on our emotional well-being and LAEOLRV health as a result of the EICRCTAP of setting the times forward and back each year. (4)
2) Losing my EIURNTO, my SETSRS release, and my EIRXSCEE is disturbing me a lot.(3)
3) Under the SAOOPLSPR DCUNAENON, the last YOANMRTDA change to EIRMUMTEMS would take place on Sunday 31 March 2019 .(4)
4) Changing European Union SOTLGRNIAUE is RIAESE DAIS than EOND.(4) = 15 words.

III)ANOTHER TORTURE… (de Maxwell) Encore une seule recherche... Maxwell
A partir du mot français suivant : «témoigner», trouver au moins 3 traductions anglaises (différentes) possibles que vous utiliserez chacune dans une phrase qui explicitera le contexte dans lequel on peut l'utiliser, l'éventuel registre de langue associé,
et les nuances de sens. Ces 3 expressions anglaises ne devront (si possible) pas être interchangeables, et chacune devrait apporter quelque chose de différent.

I'm sure the FORCE is with YOU!

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 33 de magie8, postée le 28-10-2018 à 20:28:48 (S | E)
Bonjour je vous espère tous en bonne forme

The online consultation, which ran in Europe from 4 July to 16 August 2018, received 4.6 million of responses from all 28 MEMBER STATES .According to the results, 84% of respondents are in favour of putting an end to the bi-annual clock change.
In SUMMERTIME, I come home AFTER WORK and still feel that I have some time to enjoy the OUTDOOR, play outside with my daughter, chat with neighbours, go to our pool, eat,outdoors etc.
As soon as it gets dark, our bodies secrete more melatonin signaling TO BODIES: IT IS time to rest . I don’t want to rest and go to bed when I get home! After a long day, THIS is MY free time. Instead, I am half ASLEEP by 7:00 p.m., my daughter is glued TO her video games (rather than playing outside), and my husband has another excuse for not PRUNING the trees in the backyard. Depressing!
Along with feeling sleepy, feeling sluggish and down are par WITH RACE. Our routines are off, we are LESS OUTDOORS, we get fewer exercises. Beyond the fact that our day ends at 5 p.m., it is also the shift in our schedule that has a significant impact on our bodies, and our RHYTHMS. The ends of Daylight Saving Time in the fall affect our mood, mental alertness, activity, appetite, attitude, and even our HEART function!
Our bodies are smart. They like consistency and patterns because they build functions from that regularity. Did you know that if you woke UP every morning at 6:00 a.m., for example, your body begins PRODUCING hormones necessary to help you woke UP and feel ALERT at that time?

the outdoor :les activités de plein air
outdoors: à l'extérieur, dehors

ANOTHER TORTURE faire 3 phrases avec le

1)Angkors'Temples in Cambodge BESPEAK the power and artistry of a rich flamboyant civilization
les temples d'Angkor au Cambodge témoignent de la puissance et du talent artistique d'une riche et flamboyante civilisation

2) His behaviour REVEALS his bad education
Son comportement témoigne de sa mauvaise éducation

3)The decoration of her appartment SHOWS her good taste
la décoration de son appartement témoigne de son bon goût

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 33 de taiji43, postée le 30-10-2018 à 16:41:54 (S | E)
Hello Here4U, have a nice day,
This correction is guaranteed without having recourse to internet texts however I don’t promise a guarantee without mistake%-

The online consultation, which ran in Europe from JULY 4TH to AUGUST 16TH 2018, received 4.6 million of RESPONSES from all 28 Member States. According to the results, 84% of respondents are in favour of putting an end to the bi-annual clock change.

In daylight -saving time =(heure d’été) I come home from WORK and still feel that I have some time to enjoy the OUTDOOR GAMES with my daughter, chat with neighbours, go to our pool, eat outdoors, etc.

As soon as it gets dark, our bodies secrete more melatonin SIGNALING TO the body : IT IS time to rest

I don’t want to rest and TO go to bed when I get home! After a long day, THIS is MY free time. Instead, I am half ASLEEP by 7:00 PM my daughter is glued TO her video games (rather than playing outside), and my husband has another excuse NOT TO PRUNE the trees in the backyard. Depressing!

Along with feeling sleepy, feeling sluggish and down are ON A PAR WITH (être comparable à) race. Our routines are off, we are LESS OUTSIDE, we GET fewer exercises. Beyond the fact that our day ends at 5 pm, it is also the shift in our schedule that has a significant impact on our bodies, and our RHYTHMS

The END of daylight- saving time, in the fall, AFFECTS our mood, mental alertness, activity, appetite, attitude, and even our heart function!

scramble words

1) There is a TAIIGSNCFNI TAMICP on our emotional well-being and LAEOLRV health as a result of the EICRCTAP of setting the times forward and back each year. (4)
2) Losing my EIURNTO, my SETSRS release, and my EIRXSCEE is disturbing me a lot.(3)
3) Under the SAOOPLSPR DCUNAENON, the last YOANMRTDA change to EIRMUMTEMS would take place on Sunday 31 March 2019 .(4)

1). There is a SIGNIFICANT IMPACT on our emotional well-being and OVERALL health as a result of the PRACTICE of setting the times forward and back each year. (4)

2) Losing my ROUTINE, my STRESS release, and my EXERCISE is disturbing me a lot.(3)

3) Under the PROPOSALS ANNONCED, the last MANDATORY change to SUMMERTIME would take place on Sunday 31 March 2019 .(4)

4) Changing European Union REGULATIONS is EASIER than DONE.(4

TEMOIGNER trois différents sens
Manifester montrer des sentiments

1) Mon chien, un Berger Allemand, qui détestait les chats n’hésitait pas à les pourchasser violemment, pourtant il témoignait de l’affection pour son chat, le chat de la maison en lui donnant des coups de langue
My dog, a German shepherd, which hated cats didn’t hesitate to give chase them violently, nevertheless it SHOWED great affection for its cat, the cat of the house, giving it licks

2.) Comparaître en justice contre quelqu’un
Elle avait un dossier en béton pour témoigner en justice contre lui, cependant elle refusa de comparaître en souvenir de certains moments heureux.partagés
She had a watertight case to TESTIFY against him, however she refused to appear in court, in memory of certain shared happy moments

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 33 de here4u, postée le 31-10-2018 à 09:50:30 (S | E)
Hello !

Juste un petit mot pour vous demander A TOUS , de ne pas oublier OUR STORY. Elle se porte bien, très bien même mais s’est complexifiée et j’aimerais VRAIMENT que chacun fasse un effort de participation.
Cela, grâce à la diversité des points de vue, donnerait encore plus d’intérêt à cet exercice que je sais être très formateur .... Il vous obligerait à travailler la souplesse, l’adaptabilité, ainsi que la rigueur dans l’usage de la langue .... ( au moins deux participations de chacun serait souhaitable et bénéfique à tous ....) Allez ! 40 mots pour inventer, délirer si vous le voulez, devenir ou rester « flexible » - one of the best Anglo-Saxon qualities! - )
Merci de nous faire, de VOUS faire ce plaisir !

ET .... aujourd'hui, SUPER BONUS HALLOWEEN...

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 33 de maxwell, postée le 01-11-2018 à 09:59:39 (S | E)
Hello Here4U
Dans l'exercice I, est-ce que Our Student a fait des progrès ? Il en est à combien de fautes ?

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 33 de here4u, postée le 01-11-2018 à 12:00:47 (S | E)
Hello !

Quelques progrès, en effet, (il faut être très patient ...) il y a 12 fautes, mais comme il est "consistent", il en répète toujours certaines ...

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 33 de alpiem, postée le 04-11-2018 à 12:42:06 (S | E)
2e envoi, ça bug but this is the good one
The online consultation, which ran in Europe from the 4th of July to August the 6th 2018, received 4.6 millions of responses from 28 Member States. According to the results, 84% of respondents are in favour of putting an end to the bi-annual clock change.
In daylight saving time, I come home from the work and still feel that I have some time left to enjoy the outdoors, playing outside with my daughter, chatting with neighbours, going to our pool, eating outdoor, etc.
As soon as it gets dark, our bodies secrete more melatonin signaling the body its time to rest. I don't want to rest and go to bed when I get home! After a long day, this is my free time. Instead, I am half sleeping by 7:00 p.m., my daughter is glued at her video games (rather than playing outside), and my husband has another excuse for not having pruned the trees in the backyard. Depressing!
Along with feeling sleepy, feeling sluggish and down are par for the race. Our routines are off, we are less outdoor , we get less exercise. Beyond the fact that our day ends at 5 p.m., it is also the shift in our schedule that has a significant impact on our bodies, and our rythms. The end of daylight saving time in the fall affects our mood, mental alertness, activity, appetite, attitude, and even our heart function!
Our bodies are smart. They LIKE consistency and patterns because they build functions from that regularity. Did you know that if you wake every morning at 6:00 a.m., for example, your body begins to produce hormones necessary to help you wake and feel more alert at that time?

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 33 de tereda, postée le 06-11-2018 à 17:46:02 (S | E)
hello friends,
this is my try for 33
READY to be corrected

I)Please, help my student! He really needs you!
The online consultation, which ran in Europe from 4 july to 16 august 2018, received 4.6 million of responses from all 28 Member States. According to the results, 84% of respondents are in favour of putting an end to the bi-annual clock change.
In daylight saving time, I come home from the work and still feel that I have some time to enjoy the outdoors, play outside with my daughter, chat with neighbours, go to our pool, eat OUTDOOR, etc.
As soon as it gets dark, our body secrets more melatonin signaling to the body it's time to rest. I don’t want to rest and go to bed when I get home! After a long day, THIS is MY free time. Instead, I am half sleeping by 7:00 p.m., my daughter is glued at her video games (rather than playing outside), and my husband has another excuse for not PRUNING the trees in the backyard. Depressing!

Along with feeling sleepy, feeling sluggish and down are FAR for the race. Our routines are off, we are outdoor less, we get fewer exercises. Beyond the fact that our day ends at 5 p.m., it is also the shift in our schedule that has a significant impact on our body, and our RHYTHMS. The end of daylight saving time in the fall affect our mood, mental alertness, activity, appetite, attitude, and even our HEART function!

Our bodies are smart. They LIKE consistency and patterns because they build functions from that regularity. Did you know that if you Wake UP every morning at 6:00 a.m., for example, your body begins to produce THE hormones NEEDED to help you Wake UP and BE ALERTED at that time?

II) Find the 11« scrambled words »…
1) There is a TAIIGSNCFNI TAMICP on our emotional well-being and LAEOLRV health as a result of the EICRCTAP of setting the times forward and back each year. (4)
1) There is a SIGNIFICANT IMPACT on our emotional well-being and OVERALL health as a result of the PRACTICE of setting the times forward and back each year. (4)

2) Losing my EIURNTO, my SETSRS release, and my EIRXSCEE is disturbing me a lot.(3)
2. Losing my ROUTINE, my STRESS release, and my EXERCISE is disturbing me a lot.(3)

3) Under the SAOOPLSPR DCUNAENON, the last YOANMRTDA change to EIRMUMTEMS would take place on Sunday 31 March 2019 .(4)
3. Under the PROPOSAL DCUNAENON, the last MANDATORY change to SUMMERTIME would take place on Sunday 31 March 2019 .(4)
pas trouvé le 2e mot !!

4) Changing European Union SOTLGRNIAUE is RIAESE DAIS than EOND.(4)
4. Changing European Union REGULATION is EASIER SAID than DONE.

1. Être témoin de - dire ce que l'on a vu - bear witness - give evidence - testify : I will give evidence at the trial.
2. Montrer - faire connaître - to show - Show me how you like me !
Le temps est venu de témoigner de notre volonté de créer un monde plus sûr et mieux ordonné en reprenant nos travaux.
Now is time to demonstrate our desire to create a safer and more ordered world by restarting our work.
3. Être un soutien pour une cause - to express something - I have expressed my support for the cause by giving money.

thanks a lot

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 33 de icare29, postée le 06-11-2018 à 23:20:24 (S | E)
Hello Here4u , and all hard workers , here is my mork; OK FOR CORRECTION

the online consultation, which ran in Europe from July 4th to August 16th 2018, received 4.6 million of responses from all THE 28 Member States.
According to the results, 84% of respondents IS in favour of putting an end to the bi-annual clock change.
In daylight saving time, I come home from WORK and still feel that I have some time FOR ENJOYING outdoors , PLAYING outside with my daughter, CHATTING with neighbours, GOING to our pool, EATING outdoors, etc.
As soon as it gets DARKER , our bodies secrete more melatonin signaling the body IT IS time to rest.
I don't want to rest and go to bed when I get home! After a long day, this is my free time.

Instead, I am half ASLEEP AT 7 O' CLOCK pm , my daughter is glued at her video games (rather than playing outside), and my husband has another excuse for not PRUNING the trees in the BACK YARD. Depressing!
Along with feeling sleepy, feeling sluggish and FEELING down are par for the race.
Our ROUTINE IS off, we are LESS outdoors , we get fewer exercises. Beyond the fact that our day ends at 5 O' CLOCK pm, it is also the shift in our schedule that has a significant impact on our bodies, and our RHYTHMS
The END of daylight saving time in the fall AFFECTS our mood, mental alertness, activity, appetite, attitude, and even our HEART FUNCTION!
Our bodies are smart. They like consistency and patterns because they build FUNCTION from that regularity.
DO you know that if you WAKE UP every morning at 6 O'CLOCK am, for example, your body begins to produce hormones necessary FOR HELPING YOU to BE AWOKEN and feel YOU MORE ALERT at that time?

During the trial the witness tstified against the défendant
durant le procés le témoin témogna contre l'accusé.

He showed me nothing but contempt in return
il ne m'a montré que du mépris en retour .

He certified to spending the evening with the défendant.
il a témoigné avoir passé la soirée avec l'accusé

Dear Here4u thank you very for your new good exercise

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 33 de joe39, postée le 07-11-2018 à 19:25:23 (S | E)
Hello, dear here4u,
Please find hereunder my try,
ready to be corrected.

The online consultation, which ran in Europe from JULY 4TH to AUGUST 16TH, 2018, received 4.6 million responses from all 28 Member States. According to the results, 84% of respondents are in favour of putting an end to the bi-annual clock change.
In daylight saving time, I come home from the work and still feel that I have some time to enjoy the outdoors, play outside with my daughter, chat with neighbours, go to our pool, eat outdoors, etc.
As soon as it gets dark, our bodies secrete more melatonin signaling TO THEM THAT IT’S time to rest. I don’t want to rest and go to bed when I get home! After a long day, THIS is MY free time. Instead, I am half ASLEEP by 7:00 p.m., my daughter is glued TO her video games (rather than playing outside), and my husband has another excuse for not PRUNING the trees in the backyard. Depressing!
Along with feeling sleepy, feeling sluggish and down are par for the COURSE. Our routines are off, we are LESS OUTDOORS, we TAKE fewer EXERCISE. Beyond the fact that our day ends at 5 p.m., it is also the shift in our schedule that has a significant impact on our bodies, and our RHYTHMS . The END of DST (Daylight Saving Time) IN the fall, affect our mood, mental alertness, activity, appetite, attitude, and even our HEART function!
Our bodies are smart. They LIKE consistency and patterns because they build functions from that regularity. Did you know that if you woke UP every morning at 6:00 a.m., for example, your body begins to produce hormones necessary to help you BE AWAKE and feel MORE ALERT at that VERY time?

II) Find the 11« scrambled words »… Vous semblez bien rodés ... Alors, c’est parti pour la recherche (en s’appuyant bien sur le (petit) contexte… (Pas facile, ... Désolée ...
1) There is a SIGNIFICANT IMPACT on our emotional well-being and OVERALL health as a result of the PRACTICE of setting the times forward and back each year. (4)
2) Losing my ROUTINE, my STRESS release, and my EXERCISE is disturbing me a lot.(3)
3) Under the PROPOSALS ANNOUNCED, the last MANDATORY change to SUMMERTIME would take place on Sunday 31 March 2019 .(4)
4) Changing European Union REGULATIONS is EASIER SAID than DONE.(4) = 15 words.
A partir du mot français suivant : «témoigner», trouver au moins 3 traductions anglaises (différentes) possibles que vous utiliserez chacune dans une phrase qui explicitera le contexte dans lequel on peut l'utiliser, l'éventuel registre de langue associé,
et les nuances de sens. Ces 3 expressions anglaises ne devront (si possible) pas être interchangeables, et chacune devrait apporter quelque chose de différent.
1 - After the breaking of the negotiation by the company, the union proclaimed an all- out strike which led the workers to DEMONSTRATE against the announced dismissal of many of them.
2 - Though submitted to a hard pressure by his party, the
opposition leader TESTIFIED for the Chancellor of Exchequer, accused of malversation who, thanks to the fair evidence given, was acquitted of the charge for not having committed the crime.
3- After knowing the serious financial troubles in which his best friend was, he EXPRESSED his firm purpose to help him to sort out his predicament.

Thank a lot dear friend and have a pleasant evening.

So long.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 33 de here4u, postée le 09-11-2018 à 16:22:14 (S | E)
J'ai commencé à poster les corrections ...Il reste encore du temps pour poster, cependant il me manque encore quelques "habitués" ... J'espère que tout va bien et que vous n'avez pas souffert du mauvais temps ...

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 33 de chocolatcitron, postée le 10-11-2018 à 00:38:28 (S | E)
Rack your brains and help!/ 33
Message de here4u posté le 28-10-2018 à 15:12:31 (S | E | F) Monday, November 12th 2018.
Hello my dear Here4u and Maxwell! Thanks, it was difficult, but they are great exercises!
Hi Everybody!


Here is my work:
I give you THE FORCE.
I)Please, help my student! He really needs you! 12 FAULTS...
The online consultation, which ran in Europe from 4 JULY to 16 AUGUST 2018, received 4.6 million of responses from all 28 Member States. According to the results, 84% of respondents are in favour of putting an end to the bi-annual clock change.
In daylight saving time, I come BACK home from the work and still feel that I have some time to enjoy the outdoors, PLAYING outside with my daughter, CHATTING with neighbours, GOING to our pool, EATING outdoors, etc.
As soon as it gets dark, our bodies secrete more melatonin signaling its time to rest TO the body. I don’t want to rest and go to bed when I get home! After a long day, THIS is MY free time. Instead, I am half sleeping by 7:00 p.m., my daughter is glued TO her video games (rather than playing outside), and my husband has another excuse for not PRUNING the trees in the backyard. Depressing!
Along with feeling sleepy, feeling sluggish and down are PAR FOR THE COURSE. Our ROUTINE IS off, we are outdoors less, we get fewer exercises. Beyond the fact that our day ends at 5 p.m., it is also the shift in our schedule that has a significant impact on our bodies, and our RHYTHMS. The ends of daylight saving time in the fall affect our mood, mental alertness, activity, appetite, attitude, and even our HEART function!
Our bodies are smart. They LIKE consistency and patterns because they build functions from that regularity. Did you know that if you WAKE every morning at 6:00 a.m., for example, your body begins to produce hormones necessary to help you WAKE and feel alerter at that time?

My translation: your text is for me… thanks !
La consultation en ligne, qui va en Europe du 4 juillet au 16 août 2018, a reçu 4,6 millions réponses de tous les 28 États Membres. Si on en croit les résultats, 84% des réponses penchent pour mettre fin au changement horaire bisannuel.
A l'heure d'été, du travail je rentre à la maison, et je ressens toujours que j'ai du temps pour profiter de l'extérieur. En jouant dehors avec ma fille, en discutant avec les voisins, en allant à notre piscine, en mangeant à l'extérieur, etc.
Dès que la nuit tombe, nos corps secrètent plus de mélatonine, nous signifiant que c'est l'heure où le corps doit se reposer. Je ne veux pas me reposer et aller me coucher dès que je rentre chez moi ! Après une longue journée, c'est MON TEMPS LIBRE. Plutôt, je suis sommeillant vers les 19 h, ma fille est clouée à/scotchée à/hypnotisée par ses jeux vidéos, (plutôt que de jouer dehors), et mon époux a une autre excuse pou ne pas élaguer les arbres au fond du jardin. (de l'arrière cour).
Avec la sensation d'être au radar, (de vouloir dormir) on se sent ralentie/molle/apathique et abattue, c' est normal. Notre routine est brisée, moins nous sommes en plein air, moins nous faisons d'exercices. Au-delà du fait que votre journée s'achève à 17 h, c'est aussi les variations de notre emploi du temps qui ont un impact significatif sur nos corps et nos rythmes. Les fins de journée épargnant du temps, finalement affecte votre humeur, vos alertes mentales, votre attitude face à l'activité et votre appétit, et même vos fonctions cardiaques !
Nos corps sont intelligents. Ils apprécient la régularité et les constances types car, de cette régularité se construisent nos fonctions vitales. Savez vous que si vous vous réveillez chaque matin à 6 h, par exemple, vote corps commence à produire des hormones nécessaires pour vous maintenir éveillés et vous permettre de vous sentir plus vifs,/alertes dès cet instant ?

II) Find the 11« scrambled words »… Vous semblez bien rodés ... Alors, c’est parti pour la recherche (en
s’appuyant bien sur le (petit) contexte… (Pas facile, ... Désolée ...
1) There is a SIGNIFICANT IMPACT on our emotional well-being and OVERALL health as a result of the PRACTICE of setting the times forward and back each year. (4)
2) Losing my ROUTINE, my STRESS release, and my EXERCISE is disturbing me a lot.(3)
3) Under the PROPOSALS ANNOUNCED, the last MANDATORY change to SUMMERTIME would take place on Sunday 31 March 2019 .(4)
4) Changing European Union REGULATIONS is EASIER SAID than DONE.(4) = 15 words.

III)ANOTHER TORTURE… (de Maxwell) Encore une seule recherche... Maxwell
A partir du mot français suivant : «témoigner», trouver au moins 3 traductions anglaises (différentes) possibles que vous utiliserez chacune dans une phrase qui explicitera le contexte dans lequel on peut l'utiliser, l'éventuel registre de langue associé, et les nuances de sens. Ces 3 expressions anglaises ne devront (si possible) pas être interchangeables,
et chacune devrait apporter quelque chose de différent.

1) Témoigner (de) : dire ce qu'on a vu (Droit : à la Cour de Justice) = to bear witness (to), to give evidence, to testify (to).
Have you ever given evidence at the trial ?
Avez-vous déjà témoigné au procès ?

2) Témoigner que : assurer, certifier = to testify to.
We have testified to hearing our neighbour to threaten her children with death.

3) Témoigner : montrer, faire connaître une émotion : (langage soutenu) = to show, to give.
Our mother gave us all her love, before dying.
Notre mère nous a témoigné tout son amour avant de mourir.

4) Témoigner que : (sujet, chose) to go to show that, to testify to the fact that.
The French situation GOES TO SHOW THAT this governement is absolutely not interesting in improvement of animals' lifes.
La situation française témoigne que ce gouvernement n'est absolument pas intéressé à améliorer la vie animale.

Témoigner de : démontrer = be testament to sth, be evidence of sth, show, demonstrate, prove.
Témoigner de l'affection pour qqn : prouver son affection pour qqn = show affection for sb, show sb affection.
Témoigne de l'intérêt pour qqn/qqch : montrer de l'intérêt pour qqn/qqch = show an interest fo sb/sth.
Témoigne de la confiance à qqn : prouver sa confiance en qqn = express confidence in sb, give a vote of confidence to sb.
Témoigner sous X : l'identité de la personne est cachée = give evidence anonymously.

I'm sure the FORCE is with YOU! I give the force back to you my dear Here4u, for marking and sending back our woks : good luck with your computers !

Have a very sweet, but also a great week, each of you !
See you soon.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 33 de maxwell, postée le 10-11-2018 à 08:30:52 (S | E)
Hello Here4U
I hope I've found out all of our student's mistakes. That's an excellent exercise

I) Help my student:
The online consultation, which ran in Europe from JULY 4 to AUGUST 16, 2018, received 4.6 million [] responses from all (*) 28 Member States. According to the results, 84% of respondents are in favour of putting an end to the bi-annual clock change.
In daylight saving time, I come home from [] work and still feel that I have some time to enjoy the outdoors, play outside with my daughter, chat with neighbours, go to our pool, eat outdoors, etc.
As soon as it gets dark, our bodies secrete more melatonin signaling the body its time to rest. I don't want to rest and go to bed when I get home! After a long day, THIS is MY free time. Instead, I am half ASLEEP by 7:00 p.m., my daughter is glued TO her video games (rather than playing outside), and my husband has another excuse for not PRUNING the trees in the backyard. Depressing!
Along with feeling sleepy, feeling sluggish and down are par for the COURSE. Our routines are off, we are outdoors less OFTEN, we get fewer exercises. Beyond the fact that our day ends at 5 p.m., it is also the shift in our schedule that has a significant impact on our bodies, and our RHYTHMS. The END of daylight saving time in the fall AFFECTS our mood, mental alertness, activity, appetite, attitude, and even our HEART function!
Our bodies are smart. They LIKE consistency and patterns because they build functions from that regularity. Did you know that if you WAKE UP every morning at 6:00 a.m., for example, your body begins to produce hormones necessary to help you WAKE and feel alerter at that time?
(*) j'ai énormément hésité à rajouter "the"... mais comme je dépasse déjà les 12 fautes, je choisis de laisser en l'état.

II) Find the « scrambled words "
1) There is a SIGNIFICANT IMPACT on our emotional well-being and OVERALL health as a result of the PRACTICE of setting the times forward and back each year.
2) Losing my ROUTINE, my STRESS release, and my EXERCISE is disturbing me a lot.
3) Under the PROPOSALS ANNOUNCED, the last MANDATORY change to SUMMERTIME would take place on Sunday 31 March 2019 .
4) Changing European Union REGULATIONS is EASIER SAID than DONE.

III) Another torture : "témoigner"
1) Sujet = personne. verbe intransitif. Déposer/attester en justice en tant que témoin sur un fait précis. Venir à la barre, comparaître, paraître : TESTIFY; GIVE TESTIMONY; BEAR WITNESS; SAY IN EVIDENCE; GIVE EVIDENCE; BE PUT UNDER OATH; TAKE THE STAND; ATTEST
=> A police officer was called to GIVE EVIDENCE in court in a criminal case. A DNA expert appeared as a witness in the same case and TESTIFIED: the DNA left at the crime scene matched the chief witness's DNA, confirming the police officer's statement.

2) Sujet = personne; verbe transitif. Rapporter un fait en attestant sa vérité. Assurer/certifier qqch comme réel pour l'avoir observé ; être en mesure d'affirmer qqch; certifier, attester : TO TESTIFY TO, TO ATTEST TO, TO SPEAK TO sth, TO GUARANTEE, TO ASSURE, TO CERTIFY, TO ATTEST, TO BEAR WITNESS TO sth, TO WITNESS to sth, TO VOUCH FOR (= se porter garant de)
=> I've been to his show and I can SPEAK TO his amazing talents as a singer. I can ATTEST TO his being a born performer.

3) Sujet = personne, verbe transitif. Manifester, exprimer, faire connaître/paraître ses sentiments. Démontrer, prouver : SHOW, GIVE, EXPRESS, DEMONSTRATE, DISPLAY
=> World leaders SHOWED their sympathy for her family after her tragic death and the family EXPRESSED her gratitude for the support given since then.

4) Sujet = chose. verbe transitif. Constituer le signe, la marque, la preuve, la confirmation de qqch, être révélateur de, manifester, indiquer, montrer, être témoin, porter témoignage, rendre compte de : GO TO SHOW THAT, TESTIFY TO THE FACT THAT, BEAR WITNESS TO/OF, WITNESS, BE A TRIBUTE TO sth, BE TESTAMENT TO sth , EVIDENCE, BE EVIDENCE OF sth, SHOW, DEMONSTRATE, PROVE, REFLECT, DOCUMENT
=>This gesture of good will WENT TO SHOW that both countries were striving for peace. Their joint agenda BEARS WITNESS TO their strong will to reach agreement.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 33 de here4u, postée le 12-11-2018 à 23:26:41 (S | E)
Hello, Dear hardworking friends,

Here is your correction.
My poor Student has given you a hard time but on the whole you could correct his English quite well. Congratulations to all of you!
The "scrambled words" were not easy either... I must admit you're now extremely good!
Same thing for "Maxwell's torture" which is becoming more and more complete.

Comme toujours, j'ai besoin de VOLONTAIRES pour le "follow up work" (DEUX pour le texte: First volunteer, down to "Depressing"!, and second one will do the end of the text. A third volunteer will work on the sentences with the words with scrambled letters ...

I)Please, help my student! He really needs you!

The online consultation, which ran in Europe from 4 July to 16 August (1) 2018, received 4.6 million responses (2) from all 28 Member States. According to the results, 84% of respondents are in favour of putting an end to the bi-annual clock change.
In daylight saving time, I come home from work(3) and still feel that I have some time to enjoy the outdoors*, play outside with my daughter, chat with neighbours, go to our pool, eat outdoors*, etc.
As soon as it gets dark, our bodies secrete more melatonin signaling to the body it’s time(4) to rest. I don’t want to rest and go to bed when I get home! After a long day, THIS is MY free time. Instead, I am half asleep (5) by 7:00 p.m., my daughter is glued to (6) her video games (rather than playing outside), and my husband has another excuse not to prune(7) the trees in the backyard. Depressing!
Along with feeling sleepy, feeling sluggish and down are par for the course. Our routines are off, we are outdoors* less, we get less exercise(7). Beyond the fact that our day ends at 5 p.m., it is also the shift in our schedule that has a significant impact on our bodies, and our rhythms(8). The end of daylight-saving time in the fall affects(8) our mood, mental alertness, activity, appetite, attitude, and even our heart (9) function!
Our bodies are smart. They LIKE consistency and patterns because they build functions from that regularity. Did you know that if you wake (10) every morning at 6:00 a.m., for example, your body begins to produce the(10) hormones necessary to help you wake (11) and feel more alert (12) at that time?

(1) Les mois de l’année prennent une majuscule, les jours de la semaine aussi, mais pas les saisons.
(2) «Quatre, virgule six millions de réponses » = 4.6 million responses; mais des millions de réponses = millions OF responses.
(3) « Travail » ici, est employé en général. Il n’est pas déterminé comme dans : « the work which is exhausting me » ou « the work of the day » => pas d’article.
* = « outdoor » is an adjective and « outdoors » is a noun. You can have « outdoor fun » or you can « have fun outdoors ».
(4) "signaling it’s time to rest"= it is time = sujet + verbe et non pas "its time" qui voudrait dire « son temps » ("its"= possessif neutre.).
(5) L’expression est : «to be half-asleep» => to be asleep= être endormi.
(6) To be glued to TV= être collé à
(7) To prune the trees=> not to prune the trees. (Here, he won’t do it because it’s too dark.)
(8) "To be par for the course"= to be normal/ not to be extraordinary/ not to be unusual/ (Le "piège était "grossier" - confusion de "course" et "race", mais il suffisait de chercher l'expression.
(9) "on earth"= sur terre ; hearth= le foyer, l’âtre ; heart= le coeur
(10) To wake, I woke, woken=> to help someone wake
(12) The adjective alert (comparative form = "more alert", superlative form= "(the)most alert")

II) Find the 11« scrambled words »…

1)There is a SIGNIFICANT IMPACTon our emotional well-being and OVERALL health as a result of the PRACTICE of setting the times forward and back each year. (4)

2)Losing my ROUTINE, my STRESS release, and my EXERCISE is disturbing me a lot.(3)

3)Under the PROPOSALS ANNOUNCED, the last MANDATORY change to SUMMERTIME would take place on Sunday 31 March 2019 .(4)

4)Changing European Union REGULATIONS is EASIER SAID than DONE.(4) = 15 words.

III)ANOTHER TORTURE… (de Maxwell) «témoigner», Maxwell!

* Sujet = personne. verbe intransitif. Déposer/ attester en justice en tant que témoin sur un fait précis. Venir à la barre, comparaître, paraître : TESTIFY; GIVE TESTIMONY; BEAR WITNESS; SAY IN EVIDENCE; GIVE EVIDENCE; BE PUT UNDER OATH; TAKE THE STAND; ATTEST

=> A police officer was called to GIVE EVIDENCE in court in a criminal case. A DNA expert appeared as a witness in the same case and TESTIFIED: the DNA left at the crime scene matched the chief witness's DNA, confirming the police officer's statement.

*Sujet = personne; verbe transitif. Rapporter un fait en attestant sa vérité. Assurer/ certifier qqch comme réel pour l'avoir observé ; être en mesure d'affirmer qqch; certifier, attester : TO TESTIFY TO, TO ATTEST TO, TO SPEAK TO sth, TO GUARANTEE, TO ASSURE, TO CERTIFY, TO ATTEST, TO BEAR WITNESS TO sth, TO WITNESS to sth, TO VOUCH FOR (= se porter garant de)

=> I've been to his show and I can SPEAK TO his amazing talents as a singer. I can ATTEST TO his being a born performer.

* Sujet = personne, verbe transitif. Manifester, exprimer, faire connaître/ paraître ses sentiments. Démontrer, prouver : SHOW, GIVE, EXPRESS, DEMONSTRATE, DISPLAY

=> World leaders SHOWED their sympathy for her family after her tragic death and the family EXPRESSED their gratitude for the support given since then.

* sujet = chose. verbe transitif. Constituer le signe, la marque, la preuve, la confirmation de qqch, être révélateur de, manifester, indiquer, montrer, être témoin, porter témoignage, rendre compte de : GO TO SHOW THAT, TESTIFY TO THE FACT THAT, BEAR WITNESS TO/OF, WITNESS, BE A TRIBUTE TO sth, BE TESTAMENT TO sth , EVIDENCE, BE EVIDENCE OF sth, SHOW, DEMONSTRATE, PROVE, REFLECT, DOCUMENT

=>This gesture of good will WENT TO SHOW that both countries were striving for peace. Their joint agenda BEARS WITNESS TO their strong will to reach an agreement.

Encore à tous et aux TROIS volontaires que nous attendons très vite !

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 33 de tereda, postée le 13-11-2018 à 11:44:04 (S | E)
Hello everyone,
I suggest a translation for the 4 sentences.

II) Find the 11« scrambled words »…

1)There is a SIGNIFICANT IMPACT on our emotional well-being and OVERALL health as a result of the PRACTICE of setting the times forward and back each year. (4)
Il y a un impact significatif sur notre bien-être émotionnel et notre santé globale lié à la coutume d'avancer ou de reculer l'heure chaque année.

2)Losing my ROUTINE, my STRESS release, and my EXERCISE is disturbing me a lot.(3)
Perdre mes habitudes de relâcher mon stress et de pouvoir faire mes EXERCICEs me dérangent beaucoup.
Ou bien
Ça me dérange beaucoup de perdre mes habitudes, de pouvoir relâcher mon stress, et de faire mes exercises....

3)Under the PROPOSALS ANNOUNCED, the last MANDATORY change to SUMMERTIME would take place on Sunday 31 March 2019 .(4)
Dans le cadre des PROPOSITIONS ANNONCÉES, le dernier changement OBLIGATOIRE à l'HEURE D'ÉTÉ aurait lieu le dimanche 31 mars 2019.

4)Changing European Union REGULATIONS is EASIER SAID than DONE.(4) = 15 words.
Changer la réglementation de l'Union européenne est plus facile à dire qu'à faire.

thank you HERE4U

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 33 de maxwell, postée le 13-11-2018 à 21:28:27 (S | E)
Je tente la 1ère moitié
The online consultation, which ran in Europe from 4 July to 16 August 2018, received 4.6 million responses from all 28 Member States. According to the results, 84% of respondents are in favour of putting an end to the bi-annual clock change.
In daylight saving time, I come home from work and still feel that I have some time to enjoy the outdoors, play outside with my daughter, chat with neighbours, go to our pool, eat outdoors, etc.
As soon as it gets dark, our bodies secrete more melatonin signaling to the body it’s time to rest. I don’t want to rest and go to bed when I get home! After a long day, THIS is MY free time. Instead, I am half asleep by 7:00 p.m., my daughter is glued to her video games (rather than playing outside), and my husband has another excuse not to prune the trees in the backyard. Depressing!

La consultation en ligne qui se déroula en Europe du 4 juillet au 16 août 2018, reçut 4,6 millions de réponses de la part des 28 Etats membres. D'après les résultats, 84% des répondants sont favorables à mettre un terme au changement d'heure biannuel.
A l'heure d'été, je rentre du travail et je sens quand même que j'ai du temps pour profiter du plein air, jouer dehors avec ma fille, discuter avec des voisins, aller à notre piscine, manger dehors, etc...
Dès que la nuit tombe, nos organismes sécrètent de la mélatonine signalant à notre corps qu'il est temps de se reposer. Je ne veux pas me reposer et aller au lit quand je rentre à la maison ! Après une longue journée, c'est MON temps libre. Au lieu de cela, je suis à moitié endormie vers 19H, ma fille est collée à ses jeux vidéo (plutôt que de jouer dehors) et mon mari a une nouvelle excuse pour ne pas tailler les arbres dans l'arrière-cour. Déprimant !

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 33 de magie8, postée le 14-11-2018 à 00:47:02 (S | E)
hello voici la suite

Along with feeling sleepy, feeling sluggish and down are par for the course. Our routines are off, we are outdoors* less, we get less exercise(7). Beyond the fact that our day ends at 5 p.m., it is also the shift in our schedule that has a significant impact on our bodies, and our rhythms(8). The end of daylight-saving time in the fall affects(8) our mood, mental alertness, activity, appetite, attitude, and even our heart (9) function!
Our bodies are smart. They LIKE consistency and patterns because they build functions from that regularity. Did you know that if you wake (10) every morning at 6:00 a.m., for example, your body begins to produce the(10) hormones necessary to help you wake (11) and feel more alert (12) at that time?

En plus avec l'envie de dormir, se sentir apathique,déprimé,pas extraordinaires.Notre routine est cassée, nous sommes moins dehors, nous faisons moins d'exercice.Au dela du fait que notre journée se termine à 17 heures, c'est aussi le changement d'horaire qui a un impact significatif sur notre corps et nos rythmes.La fin de l'heure d'été en automne affecte notre humeur,notre vivacité d'esprit,notre activité,notre appétit,notre attitude et même notre fonction cardiaque .Nos corps sont intelligents,ils aiment la cohérence et les standards,parce qu'is construisent leurs fonctions de cette régularité.Saviez- vous que: par exemple, si tous les matins vous vous révéillez à 6h, votre corps commence à produire les hormones necessaires pour vous aider à vous réveiller et à vous sentir plus alerte à cette heure là .

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 33 de here4u, postée le 15-11-2018 à 23:19:40 (S | E)

ouf ! Un petit moment de répit ... C'est parti !

Merci à nos volontaires et

II) Find the 11« scrambled words »…

1)There is a SIGNIFICANT IMPACT on our emotional well-being and OVERALL health as a result of the PRACTICE of setting the times forward and back each year. (4)
Il y a un impact significatif sur notre bien-être émotionnel et notre santé globale lié à la coutume d'avancer ou de reculer l'heure chaque année. TTB

2)Losing my ROUTINE, my STRESS release, and my EXERCISE is disturbing me a lot.(3)
Perdre mes habitudes de relâcher(tu n'as pas respecté la virgule !) mon stress et de pouvoir faire mes EXERCICEs me dérangent beaucoup.
Ou bien
Ça me dérange beaucoup de perdre mes habitudes, de pouvoir de ne pas pouvoir relâcher mon stress, et de faire mes exercises....= de l'exercice ! (= au singulier! du sport!)
Renoncer à mes habitudes, à évacuer mon stress et à faire de l'exercice me dérange beaucoup !

to release stress= réduire le stress/ soulager le stress/ se détendre/ évacuer le stress/

3)Under the PROPOSALS ANNOUNCED, the last MANDATORY change to SUMMERTIME would take place on Sunday 31 March 2019 .(4)
Dans le cadre des PROPOSITIONS ANNONCÉES, le dernier changement OBLIGATOIRE à l'HEURE D'ÉTÉ aurait lieu le dimanche 31 mars 2019.TTB

4)Changing European Union REGULATIONS is EASIER SAID than DONE.(4) = 15 words.
Changer la réglementation de l'Union européenne est plus facile à dire qu'à faire. Parfait.

I) Correction:

The online consultation, which ran in Europe from 4 July to 16 August 2018, received 4.6 million responses from all 28 Member States. According to the results, 84% of respondents are in favour of putting an end to the bi-annual clock change.
In daylight saving time, I come home from work and still feel that I have some time to enjoy the outdoors, play outside with my daughter, chat with neighbours, go to our pool, eat outdoors, etc.
As soon as it gets dark, our bodies secrete more melatonin signaling to the body it’s time to rest. I don’t want to rest and go to bed when I get home! After a long day, THIS is MY free time. Instead, I am half asleep by 7:00 p.m., my daughter is glued to her video games (rather than playing outside), and my husband has another excuse not to prune the trees in the backyard. Depressing!

La consultation en ligne qui se déroula en Europe du 4 juillet au 16 août 2018, reçut 4,6 millions de réponses de la part des 28 Etats membres. D'après les résultats, 84% des répondants sont favorables à mettre un terme au changement d'heure biannuel.(WR donne bisannuel/ biennal - ... mais je l'ai trouvé comme tu l'écris y compris sur un texte émanant du Sénat !) cependant, le TLF informatisé le refuse et donne les 2 autres propositions !) Let's play it safe!
A l'heure d'été, je rentre du travail et je sens quand même que j'ai du temps pour profiter du plein air, jouer dehors avec ma fille, discuter avec des voisins, aller à notre piscine, manger dehors, etc...
Dès que la nuit tombe, nos organismes sécrètent(C'est un pluriel concret = anglicisme ! = singulier en français ...)= notre corps secrète ... de la mélatonine signalant à notre corpsainsi qu'il est temps de se reposer. Je ne veux pas me reposer (et) ni aller au lit quand je rentre à la maison ! Après une longue journée, c'est MON temps libre. Au lieu de cela, je suis à moitié endormie vers 19H, ma fille est collée à ses jeux vidéo (plutôt que de jouer dehors) et mon mari a une nouvelle excuse pour ne pas tailler les arbres dans l'arrière-cour. Déprimant !

et C'est TB !

Along with feeling sleepy, feeling sluggish and down are par for the course. Our routines are off, we are outdoors* less, we get less exercise(7). Beyond the fact that our day ends at 5 p.m., it is also the shift in our schedule that has a significant impact on our bodies, and our rhythms(8). The end of daylight-saving time in the fall affects(8) our mood, mental alertness, activity, appetite, attitude, and even our heart (9) function!
Our bodies are smart. They LIKE consistency and patterns because they build functions from that regularity. Did you know that if you wake (10) every morning at 6:00 a.m., for example, your body begins to produce the(10) hormones necessary to help you wake (11) and feel more alert (12) at that time?

En plus avec de l'envie de dormir, se sentir apathique, déprimé, pas extraordinaires est pévisible/ normal. Notre routine (d'avoir détecté le pluriel concret !)est cassée Boff! troublée , nous sommes moins dehors, nous faisons moins d'exercice. Au delaAu-delà) du fait que notre journée se termine à 17 heures, c'est aussi le changement d'horaire(notre modification de programme) qui a un impact significatif sur notre corps et nos rythmes. La fin de l'heure d'été en automne affecte notre humeur, notre vivacité d'esprit, notre activité, notre appétit, notre attitude et même notre fonction cardiaque.
Nos corps sont intelligents, ils aiment(= pluriel concret !) la cohérence et les standardsrites/ habitudes,parce qu'iLs/ elles? construisent leurs son fonctionNEMENTs de(grâce à) cette régularité. Saviez- vous que: par exemple, si tous les matins vous vous révéillez à 6h, votre corps commence à produire les hormones necessaires pour vous aider à vous réveiller et à vous sentir plus alerte à cette heure là .

Bravo d'avoir osé te confronter à cette partie très difficile et d'avoir bien réussi !

You're 3 champions!


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