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The missing vowels / 279

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The missing vowels / 279
Message de marit64 posté le 31-10-2018 à 21:30:49 (S | E | F)

Happy Halloween to each one of you.

Find the missing vowels and unscramble the consonants in order to get the right word.

The number of vowels is given in 8 out of 10 answers.

1- To (cause to) move from side to side. ..... (g w l g) 2

2- A ship's kitchen. ..... (l g l) 3

3- A long curl of hair. ..... (l r g n t) 2

4- A person who trains and controls an animal (especially a dog). ..... (d h r n l)

5- A synonym of "coffin". ..... (k c s t)

6- A skilled worker in wood who puts doors, stairs etc into buildings. ..... (n r j) 3

7- To avoid doing, accepting responsibility for etc (something one ought to). ..... (h r k s) 1

8- A great change or disturbance. ..... (p v l h) 4

9- Away from the right direction; missing, lost. ..... (t s r) 3

10- Very foolish; ridiculous. ..... (t r r p p s s) 5

Good luck and have fun!

Have a great week!

So long

Réponse : The missing vowels / 279 de daisy50, postée le 31-10-2018 à 22:22:28 (S | E)
Hello Marit,

Here is my try :

1- To (cause to) move from side to side. ..... waggle

2- A ship's kitchen. ..... galley

3- A long curl of hair. ..... ringlet

4- A person who trains and controls an animal (especially a dog). .... handler

5- A synonym of "coffin". ..... casket

6- A skilled worker in wood who puts doors, stairs etc into buildings. ..... joiner

7- To avoid doing, accepting responsibility for etc (something one ought to). ..... shirk

8- A great change or disturbance. ..... upheaval

9- Away from the right direction; missing, lost. ..... astray

10- Very foolish; ridiculous. ..... preposterous

Thanks Marit for this pleasant exercice!

Have a nice week!

Un petit coucou à toute l'équipe!

Réponse : The missing vowels / 279 de flowermusic, postée le 31-10-2018 à 22:39:09 (S | E)
Hello dear Marit

Merci pour la belle image d'halloween Happy Halloween

1- To (cause to) move from side to side. ..... (g w l g) 2 waggle

2- A ship's kitchen. ..... (l g l) 3 galley

3- A long curl of hair. ..... (l r g n t) 2 ringlet

4- A person who trains and controls an animal (especially a dog). ..... (d h r n l) handler

5- A synonym of "coffin". ..... (k c s t) casket

6- A skilled worker in wood who puts doors, stairs etc into buildings. ..... (n r j) 3 joiner

7- To avoid doing, accepting responsibility for etc (something one ought to). ..... (h r k s) 1 shirk

8- A great change or disturbance. ..... (p v l h) 4 upheaval

9- Away from the right direction; missing, lost. ..... (t s r) 3 astray

10- Very foolish; ridiculous. ..... (t r r p p s s) 5 preposterous

Have a sweet sweet week

Et dans la dernière ligne droite ........ Bravo Daisy
Salut à toi et à toute l'équipe

Réponse : The missing vowels / 279 de sanna6, postée le 05-11-2018 à 22:27:02 (S | E)

Here is my try, I thank you very much for this new Missing Vowels Marit

1- To (cause to) move from side to side. ..... (g w l g) 2 To waggle - Se tortiller

2- A ship's kitchen. ..... (l g l) 3 Galley - Cambuse

3- A long curl of hair. ..... (l r g n t) 2 Ringlet - Boucle / Anglaise

4- A person who trains and controls an animal (especially a dog). ..... (d h r n l) Handler - Dresseur

5- A synonym of "coffin". ..... (k c s t) Casket - Cercueil

6- A skilled worker in wood who puts doors, stairs etc into buildings. ..... (n r j) 3 Joiner - Menuisier

7- To avoid doing, accepting responsibility for etc (something one ought to). ..... (h r k s) 1 To shirk - Esquiver

8- A great change or disturbance. ..... (p v l h) 4 Upheaval - Bouleversement

9- Away from the right direction; missing, lost. ..... (t s r) 3 Astray - Égarer

10- Very foolish; ridiculous. ..... (t r r p p s s) 5 Preposterous - Absurde

Hope a nice week for everyone!

Réponse : The missing vowels / 279 de swan85, postée le 06-11-2018 à 21:13:05 (S | E)

Hello Marit
Hi Everybody.

1- To (cause to) move from side to side. WAGGLE (g w l g) 2
2- A ship's kitchen. GALLEY (l g l) 3
3- A long curl of hair. RINGLET (l r g n t) 2
4- A person who trains and controls an animal (especially a dog). HANDLER (d h r n l)
5- A synonym of "coffin". CASKET (k c s t)
6- A skilled worker in wood who puts doors, stairs etc into buildings. JOINER (n r j) 3
7- To avoid doing, accepting responsibility for etc (something one ought to). SHIRK (h r k s) 1
8- A great change or disturbance. UPHEAVEL (p v l h) 4
9- Away from the right direction; missing, lost. ASTRAY (t s r) 3
10- Very foolish; ridiculous. PREPOSTEROUS (t r r p p s s) 5

Thank you for your new exercise.
Have a nice week.


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