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Rack your brains and help!/ 34

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Rack your brains and help!/ 34
Message de here4u posté le 11-11-2018 à 12:30:01 (S | E | F)
Hello dear workers and correctors, Dearest Friends!

Je sais que certains n'ont "que les week-ends et jours fériés" pour pouvoir se consacrer longuement à un de leurs loisirs favoris : Travailler avec nous ! J'anticipe donc un peu cette publication pour que vous puissiez y consacrer ce temps précieux pour vous (et pour nous tous )
Le texte à corriger est un peu long, mais mon élève a fait un GROS EFFORT et il n'y a pas trop de fautes (ce qui ne rend pas l'exercice plus facile ... ) Il y a beaucoup de mots à remettre dans l'ordre, aussi. Certains sont de vrais cadeaux ... d'autres, un peu plus "tricky"... Je vous fais confiance!
Cet exercice est un et la correction sera en ligne le Mardi 27 novembre tard.
I) Please, help my student! He really needs you!
Comme la plupart des RYBs précédents, ce texte s'inspire (mais ne copie pas ... ) de plusieurs textes de la presse écrite ou orale. Il a été, comme toujours raccourci, remanié, interprété, simplifié, allégé ... pour vous le rendre plus digeste et agréable.
Il n'y a aucun intérêt à rechercher le ou les extraits originels et originaux. Le seul intérêt est de le saisir "à bras le texte", et de vous "battre" avec ...
C'est en faisant ceci que vous pouvez travailler vraiment, et donc, je l'espère, progresser. Quant à ce pauvre élève, il a encore fait 12 fautes, mais comme il est "consistent", il en répète toujours un certain nombre ...
Go for it!
ATTENTION ! Ce texte contient des fautes (qu'il convient de corriger ...)
In the days leading up to 11 November, you will see people wearing a puppy. This is a symbol to remember those who have given their life in war. Millions of puppies will be given out over the coming days by tens of thousand of volunteers.
The reason puppies are used to remember those who have died is because they are the flowers which grew on the battlefields after the World War One ended. Ever since then, they’re coming to be a symbol of remembering not just those who gave their life in the World War One, but all those who have died on behalf of their country.
Every year, volunteers make puppies available throughout the country and people make a donation in order to get one. The money raised is used to help servicemen and women who are still living, whose life has been changed by the wars that they fought. It might help them get jobs and somewhere to live, and will also help older war veterans with any support they may need. The donations may also be used to help those who have lost loved ones because of wars.
Wearing puppies like this to raise money to help people who had fought in wars started in 1921. This was the year when the Royal British Legion was founded in 15 May. Back then the puppies weren't made of paper as they are today. They were made of silk.
In 1922, a factory was set up where disabbled old soldiers were employed to make the puppies.This factory is still running - and producing many millions of puppies each year - to this very day.
While the majority of the people wear their puppy on their chest, there is no right or wrong way to wear a puppy. As the Royal British Legion says: "We only ask you to wear it with proudness."

II) Find the 18 «scrambled words»… Vous semblez bien rodés ... Alors, c’est parti pour la recherche (en s’appuyant bien sur le (petit) contexte …

1. At 11am on Sunday, November 11 2018, ITRNABI will come to a LTDASLITNS as SICITE, SWTNO and SGLIEALV stop to EAOEMCMMTRO the 100th YARVNANSREI of the end of WW1. (7)

2. YPPOP painted SEDIKNNS rocks are being DEPARS around as TEEIXECTMN grows for a NIABLCEERTO marking 100 SAYRE since the end of WW1 (6)

3. "This EOWLH TEEVN has brought a real SERHEOSNETGT to the EALVILG and it's great to see so many LOPEPE making an effort."(5)

A partir du mot français suivant : « passage », trouver au moins 3 traductions anglaises (différentes) possibles que vous utiliserez chacune dans une phrase qui explicitera le contexte dans lequel on peut l'utiliser, l'éventuel registre de langue associé, et les nuances de sens. Ces 3 expressions anglaises ne devront (si possible) pas être interchangeables, et chacune devrait apporter quelque chose de différent.

Beaucoup de travail, donc ... N'oubliez pas ... Vous avez TOUJOURS l'option de ne pas tout faire ... I give you THE FORCE...

Edit: En III 2) Bien lire SEDIKNNS.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 34 de chocolatcitron, postée le 11-11-2018 à 18:39:02 (S | E)
Bonjour Here4u !
à l'exo II, 2) : le deuxième mot :
il ne te manquerait pas un U par hasard (ou alors il y a un N en trop ... !) ?! Je les ai tous déjà trouvés, mais quelle galère avec mes pions de scrabble !
Bonne soirée !

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 34 de taiji43, postée le 12-11-2018 à 17:29:11 (S | E)
J'ai trouvé je crois les mots de l'’exercice II Le mot ITRNABI . C'est le B qui ne me permet pas de trouver TRANSIT. Est-ce une erreur ou c'est moi qui ne trouve pas ????

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 34 de taiji43, postée le 12-11-2018 à 17:31:05 (S | E)
Here is my correction Thank you for your correction Dear Here4U


given their LIVES in war. Millions of puppies will be given out over the coming days by tens of thousand of volunteers.

The reason puppies are used to remember those who have died is because they are the flowers which grew on the battlefields

after the World War One ended. Ever since then, they’re coming to be a symbol of remembering not just those who gave their LIVES in the World War One, but all those who have died on behalf of their country.

Every year, volunteers make puppies available throughout the country and people make a donation in order to get one.

The money raised is used to help servicemen and women who are still ALIVE, whose LIVES HAVE been changed by the wars that they fought.

It might help them IN ORDER TO get jobs and somewhere to live, and will also help older war veterans with any support,
they may need.

The donations may also be used to help those who have lost loved ones because of wars.

Wearing puppies like this to raise money to help people who had fought in wars started in 1921. This was the year when the Royal British Legion was founded ON May 15TH.

Back then, the puppies weren't made of paper as they are today. They were made of silk.

In 1922, a factory was set up where DISABLE old soldiers were employed to make the puppies. This factory is still running - and producing many millions of puppies each year - to this very day.

While the majority of the people wear their puppy on their chest, there is no right or wrong way to wear a puppy. As the Royal British Legion says: "We only ask you to wear it with PRIDE


II) Find the 18 «scrambled words»…

At 11am on Sunday, November 11 2018, BRITAIN??? will come to a STANDSTILL as CITIES,TOWNS and VILLAGES stop to COMMEMORATE the 100th ANNIVERSARY of the end of WW1. (7)

2. POPPY painted KINDNESS rocks are being SPREAD around as EXCITEMENT grows for a CELEBRATION marking 100 YEARS since the end of WW1 (6)

3. "This WHOLE EVENT has brought a real TOGETHERNESS to the VILLAGE and it's great to see so many PEOPLE making an effort."(5)

Sentence with PASSAGE

1.)Fragment, extrait d'un texte, d'une œuvre musicale, d'un film
1 There are passages in Amélie Nothomb’s book" l’hygiène de l’assassin "which are very complex
Il y a des passages dans le livre : "l’hygiène de l’assassin " d’ Amélie Nothomb qui sont très complexes

2.) Action de passer, de franchir une limite
Ils passèrent la douane comme une lettre à la poste malgré leurs lourds bagages
They went through customs without a hitch despite their heavy luggage

3. Lieu par où l’on passe
En octobre, on peut observer le passage des grues cendrées au lac du Der
In October you can watch the cranes flying over the DER lake

4) Passer d'un état dans un autre
Le passage de l’adolescence à l’adulte, n’est pas une simple affaire…
The transition from childhood to adolescence it is not small matter.

5.) Fait de passer dans un lieu
La pluie ne cessa pas durant trois jours, la rivière devint une rivière de boue dévastant tout sur son passage.
it was a three days non-stop rain, the river became a river of mud destroying everything on its path.

6 ). Moment
La vie a ses passages difficiles à surmonter on dit que cela rend plus fort…
Life has its difficult periods to overcome, however it is said that it makes stronger

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 34 de here4u, postée le 15-11-2018 à 23:29:55 (S | E)
Hello! Dear Friends!

Trois de vos co-workers ont fourni un gros travail de finition du Rack Your Brains 33. Il me semble important que vous alliez voir la correction de cet énorme travail.

Lien internet

D'autre part, tant pis si vous pensez que je radote (j'y tiens vraiment!), il me serait vraiment TRES agréable que chacun d'entre vous prenne la main une ou deux fois dans la nouvelle histoire lancée il y a peu. Me ferez-vous ce plaisir ? Merci d'avance à tous ceux qui le feront !

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 34 de magie8, postée le 19-11-2018 à 10:12:04 (S | E)
hello bonjour READY TO CORRECT

ATTENTION ! Ce texte contient des fautes (qu'il convient de corriger ...)

In the days leading up to 11 November, you will see people wearing a pOppy. This is a symbol to remember those who have given their life in war. Millions of pOppies will be given out over the coming days by TEN thousand volunteers.PAS OF
The reason WHY poppies are used to remember those who have died is because THESE WERE the flowers which grew on the battlefields after the World War One ended . Ever since then, they're
BECOMING a symbol OF REMEMBRANCE not just those who gave their LIVES DURING the World War One, but all those who have died on behalf of their country.
Every year, volunteers make pOppies available throughout the country and people make a donation in order to get one. The money raised is used to help servicemen and women who are still ALIVE, whose THE live has been changed by wars that they fought. It might help them get jobs and somewhere to live, and will also help older war veterans with SOME support they MIGHT need. The donations may also be used to help those who have lost loved ones because of wars.
Wearing puppies like this to raise money to help people who had fought in wars started IN 1921. This was the year when the Royal British Legion was founded ON 15TH May. Back then the pOppies weren't made of paper as they are today. They were made of silk.
In 1922, a factory was set up where DISABLED old soldiers were employed to make the pOppies.This factory is still running - and producing many millions of pOppies each year - to this very day.
While the majority of the people wear their pOppIES on their chest, there is no right or wrong way to wear a pOppy. As the Royal British Legion says: "We only ask you to wear it with PRIDE.

an other torture avec le mot passage

1)PASSAGE NAUTIQUE payer son passage
you have to pay ONE'S FAR to go to the lac shore
tu dois payer ton passage pour aller sur l' autre rive du lac

2) PASSAGE transfer
During the CHANGE from day to night the outer temperature is quickly refreshed.
pendant le passage du jour à la nuit la temperature extérieure se rafraichit rapidement

3)passage à vide
After his surgical intervention HE FELT A BIT FAINT

during his police custody , A BEATING UP has been done to him and he is suffering from many injuries
pendant sa garde à vue il a reçu un passage à tabac et il a de nombreuses blessures

5)passage pieton
Be careful to cross the street take the PEDESTRIAN WALKWAY

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 34 de joe39, postée le 21-11-2018 à 17:39:41 (S | E)
Hello, dear here4u,
I have the pleasure to present you my try,
Ready to be corrected

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you!
ATTENTION ! Ce texte contient des fautes (qu'il convient de corriger ...)
In the days leading up to THE 11TH OF - 1 November, you will see people wearing a POPPY- 2. This is a symbol to remember those who have given their life in war. Millions of POPPIES - 3 will be given out over the coming days by tens of THOUSANDS-4 of volunteers.
The reason POPPIES are used to remember those who have died is because they are the flowers which grew on the battlefields after (THE -6) World War 1 ended. Ever since then, they’re coming to be a symbol of remembering not OF-7 just those who gave their LIVES -in (THE) World War 1 -, but all those who have died on behalf of their country.
Every year, volunteers make puppies available throughout the country and people make a donation in order to get one. The money raised is used to help servicemen and women who are still living, whose life has been changed by the wars that they fought. It might help them get jobs and A PLACE WHERE - 8 to live, and will also help older war veterans with any support they WOULD- 9 need. The donations may also be used to help those who have lost THEIR- 10 loved ones because of wars.
Wearing POPPIES like this, to raise money to help people who had fought in wars started in 1921. This was the year when the Royal British Legion was founded ON 15TH OF – 11 May. Back then the puppies weren't made UP of paper as they are today. They were made UP of silk.
In 1922, a factory was set up, where DISABLED- 12 old soldiers were employed to make the POPPIES. This factory is still running - and producing many millions of POPPIES each year - to this very day.
While MOST OF -12 the people wear their POPPY on their chest, there is no right or wrong way to wear a POPPY. As the Royal British Legion says: "We only ask you to wear it with PRIDE."

II) Find the 18 «scrambled words»… Vous semblez bien rodés ... Alors, c’est parti pour la recherche (en s’appuyant bien sur le (petit) contexte …

1. At 11am on Sunday, November 11 2018, BRITAIN will come to a STANDSTILL as CITIES, TOWNS and VILLAGES stop to COMMEMORATE the 100th ANNIVERSARY of the end of WW1. (7)

2.POPPY painted KINDNESS rocks are being SPREAD around as EXCITEMENT grows for a CELEBRATION marking 100 YEARS since the end of WW1 (6)

3. "This WHOLE EVENT has brought a real TOGETHERNESS to the VILLAGE and it's great to see so many PEOPLE making an effort."(5)

A partir du mot français suivant : « passage », trouver au moins 3 traductions anglaises (différentes) possibles que vous utiliserez chacune dans une phrase qui explicitera le contexte dans lequel on peut l'utiliser, l'éventuel registre de langue associé, et les nuances de sens. Ces 3 expressions anglaises ne devront (si possible) pas être interchangeables, et chacune devrait apporter quelque chose de différent.

1 - At sunset, hidden amid the Savana's high grass, the pack of lions lie in wait of the PASSAGE of herds of gazelles heading for the ponds for the evening watering.
2 -An important TRANSFER OF SHARES, allowed the financial company to succeed in gaining the full control of the chain of malls.
3 - All vehicles must stop and give the priority to the walkers who are
stepping over the PEDESTRIAN CROSSING.
While thanking you for the fine exercise, I hope you have a pleasant evening.

So long.

Modifié par joe39 le 26-11-2018 17:28

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 34 de icare29, postée le 22-11-2018 à 17:20:33 (S | E)

1) Rack your brain 34

In the days leading up to November 11th you will see people wearing a POPPY .

This ONE is a symbol to remember those who GAVE their LIVES DURING WARS . .

Millions of POPPIES will be given out over the coming days by TEN THOUSAND volunteers.

The reason THAT EXPLAINS POPPIES are used to remember those who DIED is because they are the flowers ,which grew on the battlefields after the END OF World War One

Ever since then, they HAVE BEEN COMING to be a symbol of REMEMBRANCE not ONLY FOR those who gave their LIVES DURING the World War One, but AlSO all those who DIED on behalf of their country.

Every year, volunteers make POPPIES available throughout the country and people make a donation in order to get one.

The RAISED money is used to help servicemen and women who are still living, whose lives HAVE BEEN changed by wars that they fought IN

It might help them TO get jobs and somewhere to live, and will also help older war veterans with any support they MIGHT need.

The donations MIGHT also be used to help those who have lost loved ones because of wars.

Wearing POPPIES like THESE , IN ORDER TO raise money to help people who had fought in wars, started in 1921.

This was the year when the Royal British Legion was founded ON May 15th

Back then the puppies weren't made of paper as they are MADE today. They were made of silk.

In 1922, a factory WAS SETTLED UP , where DISABLED old soldiers were employed to PRODUCE the POPPIES .

This factory is still running - and producing many MILLION POPPIES each year FROM this very day.

While the majority of the people wear their POPPIES on their CHESTS , there is NEITHER right NOR wrong way to wear a POPPY .

As the Royal British Legion says: "We only ask you to wear it PROUDLY.".


Chaque passage du train faisait trembler les vitres .
The Windows shook every time a train went pass

Enlève ton sac du passage move your bag out of the way

J'ai noté au passage que I noticed in passing that

Etre de passage to be passing through

La foule s'est massée sur le passage de la course .
the crowd gathered on the race route.

Dear Here4u , thank you very much for new interesting exercise

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 34 de chocolatcitron, postée le 24-11-2018 à 22:31:44 (S | E)
Rack your brains and help!/ 34 Here4u.
Hello my dear Here4u and Maxwell and I thanks you for your great exercises !
Hi Eveybody !


Here is my work! FINISHED...
I) Please, help my student! He really needs you!
Cet élève a encore fait 12 fautes...
In the days leading up to 11 November, you will see people wearing a POPPY. This is a symbol to remember those who have given their LIVES in war. Millions of POPPIES will be given out over the coming days by tens of THOUSANDS of volunteers. The reason POPPIES are used to remember those who have died is because they are the flowers which grew on the battlefields after the World War One ended. Ever since then, they’VE COME to be a symbol of remembering not just those who gave their LIVES in the World War One, but all those who have died on behalf of their country. Every year, volunteers make POPPIES available throughout the country and people make a donation in order to get one. The money raised is used to help servicemen and women who are still ALIVE, whose LIVES HAVE BEEN changed by the wars that they fought IN. It might help them TO get jobs and somewhere to live, and will also help older war veterans with any support they may need. The donations may also be used to help those who have lost loved ones because of wars. Wearing POPPIES like this to raise money to help people who had fought in wars started in 1921. This was the year when the Royal British Legion was founded ON 15 May. Back then the POPPIES weren't made OUT of paper as they are today. They were made OUT of silk.
In 1922, a factory was set up where DISABLED old soldiers were employed to make the POPPIES. This factory is still running - and producing many millions of POPPIES each year - to this very day. While the majority of the people wear their POPPY on their CHESTS there is no right or wrong way to wear a POPPY. As the Royal British Legion says: "We only ask you to wear it with PRIDE.

II) Find the 18 «scrambled words»… FINISHED.
At 11am on Sunday, November 11 2018, BRITAIN will come to a STANDSTILL as CITIES, TOWNS and VILLAGES stop to COMMEMORATE the 100th ANNIVERSARY of the end of WW1. (7)

POPPY painted KINDNESS rocks are being SPREAD around as EXCITEMENT grows for a CELEBRATION marking 100 YEARS since the end of WW1 (6)

"This WHOLE EVENT has brought a real TOGETHERNESS to the VILLAGE and it's great to see so many PEOPLE making an effort."(5)

A partir du mot français suivant : « passage », trouver au moins 3 traductions anglaises (différentes) possibles que vous utiliserez chacune dans une phrase qui explicitera le contexte dans lequel on peut l'utiliser, l'éventuel registre de langue associé, et les nuances de sens. Ces 3 expressions anglaises ne devront (si possible) pas être interchangeables, et chacune devrait apporter quelque chose de différent.


My sentences: FINISHED.
Point de passage = lieu obligatoire de passage = crossing point.
1) This shopkeeper wanted to set here because this place is a CROSSING POINT.
Ce commerçant veut s'installer ici car cette place est un point de passage.

Passage en caisse = paiement dans un magasin = go through the checkout.
2) Many customers GO THROUGH THE CHECKOUT, but a few people steals.
Beaucoup de clients passent à la caisse mais quelques personnes volent.

Passage à tabac = tabassage = beating up.
3) Look ! There is a BEATING UP down the street : we have to call the Police !
Regarde ! il y a un passage à tabac en bas de la rue : nous devons appeler la Police.

Avis de passage = delivery notice.
4) The postwoman put a DELIVERY NOTICE in our letterbox without ringing our door.
La factrice a mis un avis de passage dans notre boîte aux lettres sans sonner à notre porte.

See you soon !
Modifié par chocolatcitron le 25-11-2018 19:15

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 34 de here4u, postée le 25-11-2018 à 10:50:41 (S | E)

Il vous reste encore plusieurs jours pour poster, mais je commence l'envoi des corrections aujourd'hui.

Ne tardez pas trop pour poster (ou annoncez-vous en mp) afin que je puisse organiser mes corrections et le travail pour les exercices suivants plus facilement. Dites-moi aussi si vous voulez moins long ...
Have a good (rainy?) "Black Sunday!"

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 34 de tereda, postée le 25-11-2018 à 11:17:43 (S | E)
hello everyone
READY for correction.

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you!
In the days leading up to 11 November, you will see people wearing a pOppy. This is a symbol to remember those who have given their liVES in war. Millions of poppies will be given out over the coming days by tens of THOUSANDS of volunteers.
The reason poppies are used to remember those who have died is because they are the flowers which grew on the battlefields after the FIRST World War ended.
EVER SINCE , they (were coming to be) bECAME a symbol of remembering not just those who gave their life in the FIRST World War , but all those who have died on behalf of their country. Every year, volunteers make poppies available throughout the country and people make a donation in order to get one. The money raised is used to help servicemen and women who are still ALIVE, whose life has been changed by the wars that they fought. It might help them get jobs and somewhere to live, and IT will also help older war veterans with any support they may need. The donations may also be used to help those who have lost loved ones because of wars.

Wearing poppies like this to raise money to help people who had fought in wars started in 1921. This was the year when the Royal British Legion was founded ON May 15. Back then the poppies weren't made of paper as they are today. They were made of silk.
In 1922, a factory was set up where DISABLED old soldiers were employed to make the poppies. This factory is still running - and producing many millions of poppies each year - to this very day.

While the majority of the people wear(s) their poppy on their chest, there is no right or wrong way to wear a poppy. As the Royal British Legion says: "We only ask you to wear it with PRIDE."

passage - Un passage relie la maison au garage. A passage links the house to the garage.
transition - L'adolescence marque le passage de l'enfance à l'âge adulte. Adolescence marks the transition from childhood to adulthood.
crossing - Le piéton a traversé la rue au passage. The pedestrian walked across the street at the crossing.
gateway - Une voiture mal garée bloque le passage. A poorly parked car is blocking the gateway.
Passing of time - Linda was still beautiful despite the passage of the years.

Thanks a lot HERE4U for this correction.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 34 de maxwell, postée le 25-11-2018 à 18:07:11 (S | E)
Hello Here4U
I've just found the last 2 difficult scrambled words (kindness, and then togetherness thanks to the same suffix). I'm glad I did .
I hope I did well
Thanks a lot

I Help my student:
In the days leading up to NOVEMBER 11, you will see people wearing a POPPY. This is a symbol to remember those who have given their LIVES in war. Millions of POPPIES will be given out over the coming days by tens of THOUSANDS of volunteers.
The reason (*) POPPIES are used to remember those who have died is THAT they are the flowers which grew on the battlefields after the World War One ended. Ever since then, they'VE COME to be a symbol of remembering not just those who gave their LIVES in [] World War One, but all those who have died on behalf of their country (**).
Every year, volunteers make POPPIES available throughout the country and people make a donation in order to get one. The money raised is used to help servicemen and women who are still living, whose LIVES HAVE been changed by the wars that they fought. It might help them get jobs and SOMEHOW [] live, and MIGHT also help older war veterans with any support they may need. The donations may also be used to help those who have lost loved ones because of wars.
Wearing POPPIES like THESE to raise money to help people who had fought in wars started in 1921. This was the year when the Royal British Legion was founded in MAY 15. Back then the POPPIES weren't made of paper as they are today. They were made of silk.
In 1922, a factory was set up where DISABLED old soldiers were employed to make the POPPIES.This factory HAS still BEEN running - and producing many millions of POPPIES each year - to this very day.
While the majority of the people wear their POPPIES on their CHESTS, there is no right or wrong way to wear a POPPY. As the Royal British Legion says: "We only ask you to wear it with PROUD."
(*) J'ai failli ajouter WHY mais je crois que c'est inutile bien que très fréquent
(**) Je n'ai pas mis au pluriel country car ils se sont tous battus pour la même patrie

II Find the scrambled words:
1. At 11am on Sunday, November 11 2018, BRITAIN will come to a STANDSTILL as CITIES, TOWNS and VILLAGES stop to COMMEMORATE the 100th ANNIVERSARY of the end of WW1.

2. POPPY painted KINDNESS rocks are being SPARED around as EXCITEMENT grows for a CELEBRATION marking 100 YEARS since the end of WW1

3. "This WHOLE EVENT has brought a real TOGETHERNESS to the VILLAGE and it's great to see so many PEOPLE making an effort."

III) Another torture:
I) extrait d'une oeuvre: fragment, morceau, portion, partie, citation, page : PART, SECTION, SCENE (film), PASSAGE (book), EXTRACT, EXCERPT, PIECE, PARAGRAPH, QUOTATION, SENTENCE, SELECTION
=> "The SCENE in the film where all the main characters are described is not as detailed as the corresponding PASSAGE in the book. But I loved the PART where the detective disproved the culprit's reasoning."

II) changement d'état/milieu, transition, évolution, transfert, transformation, entrée : TRANSITION, PASSAGE, SWITCHOVER, CHANGEOVER, PASSING, CHANGE, CHANGE OF STATE, MOVE, MOVING, SHIFT, SEGUE
=> "How could you explain his ACTING OUT? What a coincidence! It happened just after the PASSAGE from daytime to nighttime and just before the SWITCH to summer time!" "Think again! His TRANSITION to adulthood is growing troubled."

III) Entrée/admission dans une classe supérieure : MOVING UP, ADMISSION, ACCEPTANCE, ENTRANCE
=> "Your MOVING UP to high school is not jeopardised by this low school grade. But you ADMISSION will mainly depend on your success in the ENTRANCE exam.

IV) présence/venue ponctuelle/éphémère/provisoire à un endroit précis : séjour, arrivée, visite, escale, étape, phase, saut (fam.) : PASS THROUGH, VISIT, BRIEF CALL, STOPPING-OFF; TRANSIENT
=> "You can't go to France without making at least a brief CALL at Paris. It's almost like a PREREQUISITE, a must." "Don't worry, I'll be PASSING THROUGH Paris during my holidays. When I GET to your gift shop, I'll buy an Eiffel Tower keyring like the PASSING trade, and pay a lightning VISIT in the capital."

IV)a) Dans le domaine du spectacle, des médias : apparition dans un lieu : APPEARANCE
=> "This humorist's last APPEARENCE on TV during a talk-show was a killer performance!"

V) espace/lieu/voie de communication réservé/dédié/aménagé à la circulation/transit : allée, galerie, chemin, couloir, corridor, accès, pas, col, passerelle, sentier, rue(lle), voie, issue, ouverture, chenal, gorge : PASSAGE, PASS, SUBWAY, BREEZEWAY, CROSSING, CROSSOVER, PASSAGEWAY, PATHWAY , CORRIDOR, LANE, ALLEY, HALL(WAY), LOBBY, DOORWAY, AISLE, CHANNEL, THROAT, ADIT, GANGWAY, GATEWAY, ENTRANCE, EXIT.
=> In order for you to get to the station, walk down this PASSAGEWAY, turn left, head for the BREEZEWAY then use the pedestrian SUBWAY and carry on straight: you'll see the level CROSSING on your left, a FORD down the river on your right, and the GATEWAY to the station ahead. Of course, always use the zebra CROSSING when you cross.

VI) parcours, trajet, itinéraire, route, chemin, voie, sillage. WAY, COURSE, ROAD, ROUTE, PATH, THOROUGHFARE
=> Streams swept away everything in their PATH. Upside down wrecks and tee trunks were blocking the WAY and I had to fight my WAY through to get to my house.

VII) - au sens figuré : court moment : SPELL
- au passage (à propos, au fait, dans le même temps, par la même occasion) : By the way, incidentally, in passing, in doing so, that reminds me, while I'm thinking of it, while you're at it
=> "I'm all right, I'm going through a dry SPELL, that's all. I think I'll go out to clear the mind. IN DOING SO, I'll go get some bread." "IN PASSING, don't forget to buy a chocolate cake."

VIII) Fait de remettre, transmettre qqch à qqn (le ballon, le témoin) : HANDING OVER, HANDOVER, PASSING, BRINGING, DELIVERY, RELAY
=> "After ten years teaching the baton PASSING to children, I'm introducing you to your new instructor : It's a HANDOVER before a new life for me: I'll become a postman and will leave DELIVERY notices in your letter boxes"

IX) Fait de soumettre à un traitement particulier :
Ex :
-passage à tabac : beating (up)/beatdown
-passage au crible : screening, scrutinising, scrutiny,
-passage à la flamme = passing the flame through sth, flaming
=> This new case of BEATING should not remain unresolved this time: the SCRUTINISING of the views has revealed the picture of the aggressor.

X) action, fait de passer quelque part en parlant des sujets au moment où ils se déplacent (Ex : passage du train/des oiseaux migrateurs): PASSING, PASSAGE, AS SB/STH GOES/PASSES BY/PAST, TRAVERSAL, FLOW, MOVEMENT, ADVANCE, PROGRESS, TRANSIT, PROGRESSION, MOVING, MOTION
=> After a five-minute PASSING time to get to their PE class, pupils started their first half marathon. And as they were GOING PAST the schoolteacher, they were taken their LAP time.

XI) Franchissement d'une limite/obstacle, traversée. (ex: passage de la douane/du pont/du fleuve) : PASS/GO THROUGH ; PASSAGE, CROSSING.
=> We used to have to pay for the right of PASSAGE when we got to the CROSSING point. There is no longer PASSING THROUGH customs between those two countries.

XII) voyage/traversée/transport maritime ou fluvial, somme payée pour emprunter ce moyen de transport : billet de passage, payer son passage : PASSAGE (BY SHIP), VOYAGE, TRANSIT, JOURNEY, TOUR, TRIP, TRAVELLING, CROSSING
=> Immigrants who want to cross the Ocean in a saiboat have to save up enough money to pay for the PASSAGE.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 34 de quaine, postée le 26-11-2018 à 10:24:15 (S | E)

I)Help the student
In the days leading up to the 11th of November, you will see people wearing a poppy (puppy = young dog). This is a symbol to remember those who have given their lives in war. Millions of poppies will be given out over the coming days by tens of thousands of volunteers.
The reason poppies are used to remember those who have died is that they are the flowers which grew on the battlefields after the World War One ended. Ever since then, they have come (present perfect : it became and still is) to be a symbol for remembering not just those who gave their life in the World War One, but all those who have died for on behalf of their country.
Every year, volunteers make poppies available throughout the country and people make a donation in order to get one. The money raised is used to help servicemen and women who are still alive living, whose lives were changed by the wars that they fought. It might help them get jobs and somewhere to live, and will also help older war veterans with any support they may need. The donations may also be used to help those who have lost loved ones because of wars.
Wearing poppies like this to raise money to help people who had fought in wars started in 1921. This was the year when the Royal British Legion was founded the 15th of May. Back then the poppies weren't made of paper as they are today. They were made of silk.
In 1922, a factory was set up where disabled old soldiers were employed to make the poppies. This factory is still running - and producing many millions of poppies each year - to this very day.
While the majority of the people wear their poppy on their chest, there is no right or wrong way to wear a poppy. As the Royal British Legion says: "We only ask you to wear it with proudness pride."

Modifié par lucile83 le 26-11-2018 11:01

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 34 de boubouille, postée le 26-11-2018 à 18:21:21 (S | E)
Hello Here, Maxwell ! Hello everybody

Here is my wok

In the days leading up November 11 TH, you will see people wearing a puppy. This is a symbol to remember those who have given their LIVES in war. DOZENS of puppies will be given out over the coming days by DOZENS of THOUSANDS of volunteers.The reason puppies are used to remember those who have died is because they are the flowers which GROW on the battlefields after the World War One ended. Ever since then, they’re coming to be a symbol of remembering not just those who gave their LIVES in the World War One, but all those who ARE died on behalf of their country.
Every year, volunteers PUT puppies available throughout IN the country and people make a donation in order to get one.
The money raised is used to help servicemen and women who are still living, whose life has been changed by the WAR that they fought OFF. It might help them get jobs and somewhere to live, and will also help older war veterans with any support they may need. The donations may also be used to help those who have lost loved ones because of WAR.
Wearing puppies like this, to raise money to help people who had fought in WAR  WHICH  started in 1921. This was the year,  when the Royal British Legion was founded in MAY 15TH. Back then,  the puppies weren't made of paper as they are today. They were made of silk.
In 1922, a factory HAD BEEN set up,  where DISABLED old soldiers HARD BEEN employed to make the puppies.This factory is still running - and producing many millions of puppies each year - to this very day.
While the majority of the people wear their puppy on their chest, there is no right or wrong way to wear a puppy. As the Royal British Legion says: "We only ask you to wear it with PRIDE."

I love this tradition that touched me a lot. I hope I have done honor to this exercise.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 34 de here4u, postée le 27-11-2018 à 23:52:54 (S | E)
Hello, dear Friends,

Voici votre correction ! Quelques remarques ...

J'ai toujours besoin de VOLONTAIRES pour faire le "follow-up work" que vous réclamez toujours ... (Trois ou 4 pour le texte (5 ou 6 lignes chacun ...) et un ou deux volontaire(s) pour les phrases mélangées ... Merci d'avance ! Je demande, je demande ... et ô merveille, (et Félicitations à vous! ), vous répondez toujours !

I)Please, help my student! He really needs you!
In the days leading up to 11 November, you will see people wearing a poppy(1). This is a symbol to remember those who have given their lives(2) in war. Millions of poppies will be given out over the coming days by tens of thousands of volunteers.
The reason poppies are used to remember those who have died in battle is because they are the flowers which grew on the battlefields after World War One (3) ended. Ever since then, they have come (4) to be a symbol of remembering not just those who gave their lives in World War One, but all those who have died on behalf of their country.
Every year, volunteers make poppies available throughout the country and people make a donation in order to get one.The money raised is used to help servicemen and women who are still alive(5), whose lives have (6) been changed by the wars that they fought in (7). It might help them get jobs and somewhere to live, and will also help older war veterans with any support they may need. The donations may also be used to help those who have lost loved ones because of wars.
Wearing poppies like this to raise money to help people who had fought in wars started in 1921. This was the year when the Royal British Legion was founded on 15 May(8) . Back then the poppies weren't made out of (9) paper as they are today. They were made out of (9) silk.
In 1922, a factory was set up where disabled former soldiers(10) were employed to make the poppies.This factory is still running - and producing many millions of poppies each year - to this very day.
While the majority of XXX people (11) wear their poppy on their chest, there is no right or wrong way to wear a poppy. As the Royal British Legion says: "We only ask you to wear it with pride(12)."

Lien internet

(1) Attention de ne pas confondre "a poppy"= a red flower and " a puppy"= a young dog.
(2) "... given their lives..." = pluriel concret (que vous n'aimez pas du tout ... )Chacun n'a qu'UNE vie, mais en tout, ça en fait beaucoup (hélas ! )
(3) ATTENTION ! = 3è essai ... non transformé pour certains : on dit et écrit "the first World War ", mais "World War One"= WW1.
(4) "They have come to be a symbol" : ici, un present perfect de bilan s'imposait.
(5) to be alive// to be dead // but : they're living a difficult experience...
(6) A nouveau le présent concret => pluriel. "... lives have been changed" et encore une fois un present perfect de bilan.
(7) to fight IN a war: => "the wars they fought in."
(8) Devant une date = ON=> on 15th May. (Il faut utiliser IN devant une année seule, ou devant un mois seul (IN 2010 / IN June)
(9) Lien internet
(Here, the article is referring to "a surprising use of the original material.") ("Made of" n'est bien sûr, pas faux, mais c'était un usage que j'avais envie de vous faire remarquer - ou connaître) - !
(10) Faites bien la différence entre "former" et "old" (you can be a former soldier and be young if you have changed activities. You can be a soldier and even a former soldier and be old... Yet, making a disabled "old" soldier "work in a factory" would really be hard on him...
(11) "... the majority of the people... " = il ne s'agit pas des gens en général, mais des gens dont il a été question dans tout le texte.
(12) "Proud" is the adjective; the abstract noun is "pride".

Ce poème de John McCrae, en forme de rondeau, rend hommage aux individus, tant civils que militaires, qui sont morts lors de la Première Guerre mondiale.

Texte original
In Flanders fields the poppies grow
Between the crosses row on row,
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead. Short days ago
We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow,
Loved and were loved and now we lie
In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:
To you from failing hands we throw
The torch; be yours to hold it high.
If ye break faith with us who die
We shall not sleep, though poppies grow
In Flanders fields.

Traduction littérale
Dans les champs de Flandre, les coquelicots fleurissent
Entre les croix qui, une rangée après l'autre,
Marquent notre place ; et dans le ciel,
Les alouettes, chantant valeureusement encore, sillonnent,
À peine audibles parmi les canons qui tonnent.

Nous, les morts, il y a quelques jours encore,
Nous vivions, goûtions l'aurore, contemplions les couchers de soleil,
Nous aimions et étions aimés ; aujourd'hui, nous voici gisant
Dans les champs de Flandre.

Reprenez notre combat contre l'ennemi :
À vous, de nos mains tremblantes, nous tendons
le flambeau ; faites-le vôtre et portez-le bien haut.
Si vous nous laissez tomber, nous qui mourons,
Nous ne trouverons pas le repos, bien que les coquelicots fleurissent
Dans les champs de Flandre.

II) Find the 18 «scrambled words»…

1. At 11am on Sunday, November 11 2018, BRITAIN will come to a STANDSTILL as CITIES, TOWNS and VILLAGES stop to COMMEMORATE the 100th ANNIVERSARY of the end of WW1. (7)

2.POPPY painted KINDNESS rocks are being SPREAD around as EXCITEMENT grows for a CELEBRATION marking 100 YEARS since the end of WW1 (6)

3. "This WHOLE EVENT has brought a real TOGETHERNESS to the VILLAGE and it's great to see so many PEOPLE making an effort."(5)

III) ANOTHER TORTURE… Comme je vous l'ai annoncé sur le RYB 34, Maxime a décidé de faire une pause dans la "TORTURE"... Je suis d'autant plus d'accord avec lui que je trouve qu'un certain nombre d'entre vous (par excès d'application) étiez en train de "dériver" par rapport aux "consignes" et au but initial de l'exercice.
De plus en plus, je trouvais des listes entières de dictionnaires, très impersonnelles (normal !) alors que je vous rappelle que la demande d'origine était : "Trouver TROIS expressions qui expriment trois nuances différentes (et si possible non-interchangeables) de l'expression donnée au début ET, et c'était fondamental : les employer dans TROIS phrases de votre création.
Nous avons besoin de "peu", mais de qualité personnelle, assimilé et réemployable, plutôt que d'être étouffés d'une masse de mots ou expressions que vous ne pourrez pas vous approprier et qui seront donc inutiles ... OK??? No hard feelings for the break, I hope !

Autrement dit, nous ne voulions pas de "thèse" de 1000 pages sur un mot ou une expression, mais de trois sens différents, astucieusement choisis, et réemployés ... LECTURE, CHOIX, ORGANISATION et EXPRESSION PERSONNELLE. : c'était déjà un gros travail ...
Par "perfectionnisme" et désir de donner un travail complet, Maxwell était en train de s'épuiser (et donc, quelque part de se lasser...) à faire cet énorme travail sur les mots qu'il avait choisis ...

C'est pourquoi je pense qu'un intermède avec des exercices plus courts conviendra mieux à la période et nous verrons comment redémarrer plus fort en janvier ... Un mois de répit modéré pour préparer vos cadeaux, et vous amuser, tout en faisant des exercices plus légers ...
Correction très complète de son exercice (vérifiée) faite par Maxwell. Un gros merci à lui.

I) Extrait d'une œuvre : fragment, morceau, portion, partie, citation, page : PART, SECTION, SCENE (film), PASSAGE (book), EXTRACT, EXCERPT, PIECE, PARAGRAPH, QUOTATION, SENTENCE, SELECTION
=> "The SCENE in the film where all the main characters are described is not as detailed as the corresponding PASSAGE in the book. But I loved the PART where the detective disproved the culprit's reasoning »
II) Changement d'état/ milieu, transition, évolution, transfert, transformation, entrée : TRANSITION, PASSAGE, SWITCHOVER, CHANGEOVER, PASSING, CHANGE, CHANGE OF STATE, MOVE, MOVING, SHIFT, SEGUE
=> "How could you explain his ACTING OUT? What a coincidence! It happened just after the PASSAGE from daytime to nighttime and just before the SWITCH to Summer Time!" "Think again! His TRANSITION to adulthood is growing troubled."
III) Entrée/ admission dans une classe supérieure : MOVING UP, ADMISSION, ACCEPTANCE, ENTRANCE
=> "Your MOVING UP to high school is not jeopardised by this low school grade. But your ADMISSION will mainly depend on your success in the ENTRANCE exam."
IV) Présence/ venue ponctuelle/ éphémère/ provisoire à un endroit précis : séjour, arrivée, visite, escale, étape, phase, saut (fam.) : PASS THROUGH, VISIT, BRIEF CALL, STOPPING-OFF; TRANSIENT
=> "You can't go to France without making at least a brief CALL to Paris. It's almost like a PREREQUISITE, a must." "Don't worry, I'll be PASSING THROUGH Paris during my holidays. When I GET to your gift shop, I'll buy an Eiffel Tower keyring like the PASSING trade, and pay a lightning VISIT in the capital.
IV) Dans le domaine du spectacle, des médias : apparition dans un lieu : APPEARANCE
=> "This humorist's last APPEARENCE on TV during a talk-show was a killer performance!"
V) Espace/ lieu/ voie de communication réservé/ dédié/ aménagé à la circulation/ transit : allée, galerie, chemin, couloir, corridor, accès, pas, col, passerelle, sentier, rue(lle), voie, issue, ouverture, chenal, gorge : PASSAGE, PASS, SUBWAY, BREEZEWAY, CROSSING, CROSSOVER, PASSAGEWAY, PATHWAY , CORRIDOR, LANE, ALLEY, HALL(WAY), LOBBY, DOORWAY, AISLE, CHANNEL, THROAT, ADIT, GANGWAY, GATEWAY, ENTRANCE, EXIT.
=> To get to the station, walk down this PASSAGEWAY, turn left, head for the BREEZEWAY then use the pedestrian SUBWAY and carry on straight: you'll see the level CROSSING on your left, a FORD down the river on your right, and the GATEWAY to the station ahead. Of course, always use the zebra CROSSINGs along the way.
VI) Parcours, trajet, itinéraire, route, chemin, voie, sillage. WAY, COURSE, ROAD, ROUTE, PATH, THOROUGHFARE
=> Streams swept away everything in their PATH. Upside down wrecks and tree trunks were blocking the WAY and I had to fight my WAY through to get to my house.
VII) - Au sens figuré : court moment : SPELL
- Au passage (à propos, au fait, dans le même temps, par la même occasion) : By the way, incidentally, in passing, in doing so, that reminds me, while I'm thinking of it, while you're at it
=> "I'm all right, I'm going through a dry SPELL, that's all. I think I'll go out to clear my mind. (IN) DOING SO, I'll go and get some bread." "IN PASSING, don't forget to buy a chocolate cake."
VIII) Fait de remettre, transmettre qqch à qqn (le ballon, le témoin) : HANDING OVER, HANDOVER, PASSING, BRINGING, DELIVERY, RELAY
=> "After ten years teaching HOW TO PASS ON the baton to children, I'm introducing you to your new instructor: it's a HANDOVER before a new life for me: I'll become a postman and will leave DELIVERY notices in your letter boxes"
IX) Fait de soumettre à un traitement particulier :
Ex : -passage à tabac : beating (up)/beatdown
-passage au crible : screening, scrutinising, scrutiny,
-passage à la flamme = passing the flame through sth, flaming
=> This new case of BEATING should not remain unresolved this time: SCRUTINISING the views has revealed the picture of the attacker.
X) Action, fait de passer quelque part en parlant des sujets au moment où ils se déplacent (Ex : passage du train/des oiseaux migrateurs): PASSING, PASSAGE, AS SB/STH GOES/PASSES BY/PAST, TRAVERSAL, FLOW, MOVEMENT, ADVANCE, PROGRESS, TRANSIT, PROGRESSION, MOVING, MOTION
=> After a five-minute PASSING time to get to their PE class, pupils started their first half marathon. And as they were GOING PAST the schoolteacher, their LAP time was taken .
XI) Franchissement d'une limite/obstacle, traversée. (ex: passage de la douane/du pont/du fleuve) : PASS/GO THROUGH ; PASSAGE, CROSSING.
=> We used to have to pay for the right of PASSAGE (also called "duties" for goods)when we got to the CROSSING point. There is no longer PASSING THROUGH the customs between those two countries
XII) Voyage/ traversée/ transport maritime ou fluvial, somme payée pour emprunter ce moyen de transport : billet de passage, payer son passage : PASSAGE (BY SHIP), VOYAGE, TRANSIT, JOURNEY, TOUR, TRIP, TRAVELLING, CROSSING
=> Immigrants who want to cross the Ocean on a saiboat have to save up enough money to pay for the PASSAGE

Merci, Maxwell pour ce travail très complet sur le III. Merci aussi à vous tous qui avez tant travaillé ... et toujours aussi bien !

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 34 de maxwell, postée le 28-11-2018 à 07:46:32 (S | E)
Je prends les scrambled words: first come, first served
1. At 11am on Sunday, November 11 2018, BRITAIN will come to a STANDSTILL as CITIES, TOWNS and VILLAGES stop to COMMEMORATE the 100th ANNIVERSARY of the end of WW1.
A 11H le dimanche 11 novembre 2018, la Grande-Bretagne s'immobilisera car les agglomérations, les villes et les villages s'arrêteront pour commémorer le centième anniversaire de la fin de la première guerre mondiale.

2. POPPY painted KINDNESS rocks are being SPREAD around as EXCITEMENT grows for a CELEBRATION marking 100 YEARS since the end of WW1
Des galets de l'amitié peints de coquelicots sont en train d'être étalés à mesure que l'émoi grandit pour une célébration marquant les cent ans de la fin de la première guerre mondiale.

3. "This WHOLE EVENT has brought a real TOGETHERNESS to the VILLAGE and it's great to see so many PEOPLE making an effort."
"Tout cet événement a fait naître un sentiment de fraternité dans le village et c'est remarquable de voir tant de gens faire un effort."

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 34 de magie8, postée le 28-11-2018 à 08:09:42 (S | E)
bonjour je traduis la 1ere partie du texte

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 34 de magie8, postée le 28-11-2018 à 08:24:51 (S | E)
Dans les jours précédant le 11 novembre, vous verrez des gens porter un coquelicot. Ceci est un symbole pour se souvenir de ceux qui sont morts au combat. Des millions de coquelicots seront distribués au cours des prochains jours par des dizaines de milliers de bénévoles.
La raison pour laquelle les coquelicots sont utilisés pour se souvenir de ceux qui sont morts , c'est parce que ce sont les fleurs qui ont poussé sur les champs de bataille après la fin de la Première Guerre mondiale. Depuis lors, ils sont devenus un symbole de souvenir pas seulement de ceux qui ont donné leur vie pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, mais de tous ceux qui sont morts au nom de leur pays.
Chaque année, des bénévoles mettent des coquelicots à disposition dans tout le pays et les gens font un don pour en obtenir un.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 34 de tereda, postée le 28-11-2018 à 10:02:48 (S | E)
THANKS a lot HERE4U for the correction and the poetry.
my participation in the translation of the text

L'argent recueilli sert à aider les militaires encore en vie, ou dont la vie a été changée par les guerres auxquelles ils ont participé. Il pourrait les aider à trouver un emploi et un logement, et il aidera aussi les anciens combattants plus âgés à obtenir tout le soutien dont ils peuvent avoir besoin. Les dons peuvent aussi servir à aider ceux qui ont perdu des êtres chers à cause des guerres.
Arborer des coquelicots comme celui-ci pour recueillir des fonds afin d'aider les gens qui ont combattu dans les guerres a commencé en 1921. Cette année-là, la Royal British Legion a été fondée le 15 mai . À l'époque, les coquelicots n'étaient pas faits de papier comme c'est le cas aujourd'hui. Ils étaient faits de soie.
En 1922, une usine de fabrication de coquelicots a été créée dans laquelle d'anciens soldats handicapés étaient employés pour fabriquer les coquelicots, et cette usine fonctionne encore aujourd'hui - et produit plusieurs millions de coquelicots chaque année.
Bien que la majorité des gens portent leur coquelicot sur la poitrine, il n'y a pas de bonne ou de mauvaise façon de porter un coquelicot. Comme le dit la Légion royale britannique : "Nous vous demandons seulement de le porter avec fierté."

To end, I would like to share with you these few words,
It came without ribbons,
it came without tags.
It came without packages, boxes, or bags.
Maybe Christmas doesn’t come from a store.
Maybe Christmas (he thought) means a little bit more.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 34 de here4u, postée le 30-11-2018 à 23:34:56 (S | E)
Hello, dear Volunteers, and You All,

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 34 de maxwell, postée le 28-11-2018 à 07:46:32 (S | E)
Je prends les scrambled words: first come, first served
1. At 11am on Sunday, November 11 2018, BRITAIN will come to a STANDSTILL as CITIES, TOWNS and VILLAGES stop to COMMEMORATE the 100th ANNIVERSARY of the end of WW1.
A 11H le dimanche 11 novembre 2018, la Grande-Bretagne s'immobilisera car(alors que/ pendant que) les agglomérations, les villes et les villages s'arrêteront pour commémorer le centième anniversaire de la fin de la première guerre mondiale. TTB

2. POPPY painted KINDNESS rocks are being SPREAD around as EXCITEMENT grows for a CELEBRATION marking 100 YEARS since the end of WW1
Des galets de l'amitié peints de coquelicots sont (en train d'être) étalés à mesure que l'émoi grandit pour une célébration marquant les cent ans de la fin de la première guerre mondiale.TTB (en train de fait trop "traduit" et est déjà contenu dans "au fur et à mesure" ...)

3. "This WHOLE EVENT has brought a real TOGETHERNESS to the VILLAGE and it's great to see so many PEOPLE making an effort."
"Tout cet événement a fait naître un sentiment de fraternité dans le village et c'est remarquable de voir tant de gens faire un effort."TTB (je pense que "l'effort" signifie qu'ils oeuvrent tous au même but ... = solidaires.

Bravo et merci Max! Very good work...

In the days leading up to 11 November, you will see people wearing a poppy(1). This is a symbol to remember those who have given their lives(2) in war. Millions of poppies will be given out over the coming days by tens of thousands of volunteers.
The reason poppies are used to remember those who have died in battle is because they are the flowers which grew on the battlefields after World War One (3) ended. Ever since then, they have come (4) to be a symbol of remembering not just those who gave their lives in World War One, but all those who have died on behalf of their country.
Every year, volunteers make poppies available throughout the country and people make a donation in order to get one.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 34 de magie8, postée le 28-11-2018 à 08:24:51 (S | E)
Dans les jours précédant le 11 novembre, vous verrez des gens porter un coquelicot. Ceci est un symbole pour se souvenir de ceux qui sont morts au combat. Des millions de coquelicots seront distribués au cours des prochains jours par des dizaines de milliers de bénévoles. TTTB
(La raison pour laquelle= trop calqué) lLes coquelicots sont utilisés pour se souvenir de ceux qui sont morts, c'est parce que ce sont les fleurs qui ont poussé sur les champs de bataille après la fin de la Première Guerre mondiale.TB Depuis lors, ils sont devenus un symbole de souvenir (pas)non seulement de ceux qui ont donné leur vie pendant la Première Guerre mondiale, mais aussi de tous ceux qui sont morts au nom de leur pays. TTB
Chaque année, des bénévoles mettent des coquelicots à disposition dans tout le pays et les gens font un don pour en obtenir un.TTB

Bravo Magie ... très bon travail ....

The money raised is used to help servicemen and women who are still alive(5), whose lives have (6) been changed by the wars that they fought in (7). It might help them get jobs and somewhere to live, and will also help older war veterans with any support they may need. The donations may also be used to help those who have lost loved ones because of wars.
Wearing poppies like this to raise money to help people who had fought in wars started in 1921. This was the year when the Royal British Legion was founded on 15 May(8) . Back then the poppies weren't made out of (9) paper as they are today. They were made out of (9) silk.
In 1922, a factory was set up where disabled former soldiers(10) were employed to make the poppies.This factory is still running - and producing many millions of poppies each year - to this very day.
While the majority of XXX people (11) wear their poppy on their chest, there is no right or wrong way to wear a poppy. As the Royal British Legion says: "We only ask you to wear it with pride(12)."

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 34 de tereda, postée le 28-11-2018 à 10:02:48 (S | E)
THANKS a lot HERE4U for the correction and the poetry.
my participation in the translation of the text

L'argent recueilli sert à aider les militaires encore en vie, ou dont la vie a été changée par les guerres auxquelles ils ont participé. Il pourrait les aider à trouver un emploi et un logement, et il aidera aussi les anciens combattants plus âgés à obtenir tout le soutien dont ils peuvent avoir besoin. TTTB Les dons peuvent aussi servir à aider ceux qui ont perdu des êtres chers à cause des guerres. TB
Arborer des coquelicots comme celui-ci pour recueillir des fonds afin d'aider les gens qui ont combattu dans les guerres a commencé en 1921. Cette année-là, la Royal British Legion a été fondée le 15 mai. À l'époque, les coquelicots n'étaient pas faits de papier comme c'est le cas aujourd'hui. Ils étaient faits de soie. TTB
En 1922, une usine de fabrication de coquelicots a été créée dans laquelle d'anciens soldats handicapés étaient employés pour fabriquer les coquelicots, et cette usine fonctionne encore aujourd'hui - et produit plusieurs millions de coquelicots chaque année.TB
Bien que la majorité des gens portent leur coquelicot sur la poitrine, il n'y a pas de bonne ou de mauvaise façon de porter un coquelicot. Comme le dit la Légion royale britannique : "Nous vous demandons seulement de le porter avec fierté." PARFAIT

Un grand BRAVO à toi également, Tereda ! C'est un TRES BON TAVAIL !


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