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Correction/ fautes

Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais || En bas


Correction/ fautes
Message de coco123 posté le 11-11-2018 à 23:41:09 (S | E | F)
Quelqu'un pourrait-il corriger le texte suivant s'il vous plait ?
Je vous remercie par avance

I read the English magazine "I love English World", the number three hundred eight of September two thousand and eighteen. This one evokes various topics: World focus, trending, politics, world news and the debate, with their news and their tendencies.
First, world focus: on the one hand, we learn that a men's football club is recently coached by a woman: Salma al-Majidi. she is recognised by Fifa as the first Arab and Sudanese woman to coach a men's football team in the Arab world.
On the other hand, in Germany this time, we have developed a rock band made up of robots playing with real electric and acoustic instruments, and in several countries. This group is called "Compressorhead".
The trending now: Millie Bobby Brown, performer of Eleven, the main character in the famous "Stranger Things" series. Indeed, the magazine evokes its celebrity: she is on the list of the most influential personalities of two thousand and eighteen, in the world, with Donald Trump and Prince Harry; its maturity and potential; as well as his next projects : she will make her movie debut in next year's blockbuster Godzilla : King of the Monster, and her appearance in season three of "Stranger Things".
Politics : can Trump survive as president with the scandals about him ?: accusations of Russian interference in the US presidential election and the silence bought from the porn star, Stormy Daniels, about their affair.
World news : The legalization of recreational cannabis is debated and voted in two thousand and seventeen for implementation on the seventeenth of october two thousand and eighteen.
I loved reading this magazine because I am aware of the news in the world and I have developed my general knowledge.
What I liked less was the fact that news magazines of this kind tend to exaggerate some points and therefore not to be totally honest.

Modifié par lucile83 le 12-11-2018 07:24

Réponse : Correction/ fautes de laure95, postée le 12-11-2018 à 10:19:51 (S | E)
- the number three hundred (and)eight
- we learn that a men's (enlever 's)football club is recently coached (present perfect) by a woman
- a men's (pas de 's)football team in the Arab (ce n'est pas l'adjectif)world.
- we have developed a rock band: mettre à la voix passive car on ne sait pas qui est "we".
- Millie Bobby Brown, (article) performer of Eleven
- Indeed, the magazine evokes its celebrity: ?
- its maturity and potential; as well as his (pas le bon possessif)next projects
- can Trump survive as (article) president with the scandals about him ?
- (article)accusations of (article)Russian interference
- for (article) implementation on the seventeenth of october two thousand and eighteen.

Réponse : Correction/ fautes de coco123, postée le 12-11-2018 à 11:42:40 (S | E)
Bonjour, merci bcp !

Juste je ne comprends pas votre deuxième tiret (present perfect) et comment est- ce qu'on met cette phrase à la voix passive, au quatrième tiret ? Je vous remercie en avance.

Réponse : Correction/ fautes de coco123, postée le 12-11-2018 à 11:45:54 (S | E)
Le point d'interrogation au sixième tiret aussi* : j'ai oublié de l'introduire dans ma réponse

Réponse : Correction/ fautes de laure95, postée le 12-11-2018 à 14:23:03 (S | E)
a men's football club is recently coached by a woman: il faut conjuguer le verbe au présent perfect car c'est une action commencée dans le passé et qui continue dans le présent.

we have developed a rock band : a rock band devient le sujet à la place de votre "we" et ensuite vous conjuguer le verbe au present perfect à la voix passive: c'est à dire, que vous conjuguer BE au present perfect et ensuite vous mettez le verbe au participe passé.

its maturity and potential: je ne comprends pas votre utilisation de "its".

Réponse : Correction/ fautes de coco123, postée le 12-11-2018 à 16:28:27 (S | E)
D'accord je comprends mieux merci !

J'ai utilisé "its" parce que la maturité et le potentiel sont inanimés ? Est-ce correct ?

Réponse : Correction/ fautes de laure95, postée le 12-11-2018 à 16:54:35 (S | E)
Non, ce n'est pas correct. En anglais, le possessif se choisit en fonction du POSSESSEUR et non pas du nom qui suit, contrairement au français!

Réponse : Correction/ fautes de coco123, postée le 12-11-2018 à 22:37:40 (S | E)
Merci pour votre aide !


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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