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Cover letter/Correction

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Cover letter/Correction
Message de miixdy posté le 23-11-2018 à 15:35:27 (S | E | F)
Salut les Anglophones! Bonjour,
Auriez-vous du temps libre s'il vous plait pour corriger ma lettre de motivation en anglais afin que je puisse candidater au plus vite à certaines offres ? C'est dur l'anglais.
Ne vous moquez pas si certaines phrases ne veulent rien dire.
Merci pour votre aide.
Miss Cindy

Subject : Application for the post of Sales Coordinator or Sales Specialist

Dear Sir or Madam,
Your Australian Hotel Group “” was principally located in xxx where the business clientele increased by almost % in 2017 which represents a considerable domestic demand growth. You are looking for a sales representative for joining your team, which is picky about the organization and the priorities. In the preoccupations with meeting business customers’ expectations, I am receptive to the values of your brand image and to xxx for that reason I submit my application.
Wishing to give a new expansion to my professional career, I strongly strive to work in the commercial service of your hotel. Due to my education in the field of xxx industry and in International Trade Relations along with my professional experiences, I personally recognise that the stakes of Sales Specialist job are important.

In overall, open-mindedness on Hotel Industry and analysis or decisions method in the field of Management are some abilities we learned and reinforced during the first year of Master’s. However, in my International Trade Relations program, I have implemented Direct Marketing and Canvassing Plan in the city of xxx in xxx for developing Negotiation skills during my internship.
My professional background in France and abroad (xxx), allowed me to apprehend and to target business customers, also the array of services that are dedicated to them (source of proposals). The reactivity and the anticipation developed are the results of the genuine observation and the constant listening to this clientele. In addition, adaptability and discernment helped me to cope with critical situations and to find a suitable remedy to the issue with diplomacy and at times on a lucrative basis. Regarding the teamwork that I attach, it is a real booster in the creation of new concepts. In that respect, when I worked for hotel du xxx I have learned to federate a team along with how to optimize the processes for a better productivity thanks to Opera software settings by printing the Group envelopes.

I am convinced that the position you will offer me to work within your valuable hotel, will enable me acquire extensive knowledge on the requirement of the professional world of sales. I am willing to evolve by being open to new tools for learning and new working methods. For those reasons I hope to be able to discuss my application and my determination with you in more detail in the near future. I remain at your disposal to provide any additional information you deem necessary. I look forward to hearing from you.

Modifié par lucile83 le 23-11-2018 15:55


Cours gratuits > Forum > Forum anglais: Questions sur l'anglais


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