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Rack your brains and help!/ 35

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Rack your brains and help!/ 35
Message de here4u posté le 27-11-2018 à 18:53:05 (S | E | F)
Hello, Dear Friends,
Vous aurez ce soir la correction de l'exercice précédent ... Ce nouveau travail est allégé, simplifié, puisque maxwell a suspendu "his TORTURE" Maxwell ; je l'ai approuvé pour les raisons que je vous expliquerai tout à l'heure sur la correction, et parce que la période n'est pas très propice aux trop longs travaux.
Voici de quoi vous triturer les méninges ... N'oubliez pas que vous n'êtes jamais obligés de tout faire, tout rendre, ni de faire du travail supplémentaire !
Cet exercice est un et sa correction sera en ligne le dimanche 9 décembre, tard. (je commence à raccourcir les délais - mais aussi la longueur des exercices ... afin de libérer les quelques jours des Fêtes ... pour d'autres occupations ...

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you!

Comme la plupart des RYBs précédents, ce texte s'inspire (mais ne copie pas ... ) plusieurs textes de la presse écrite ou orale. Il a été, comme toujours raccourci, remanié, interprété, simplifié, allégé ... pour vous le rendre plus digeste et agréable.
Il n'y a aucun intérêt à rechercher le ou les extraits originels et originaux. Le seul intérêt est de le saisir "à bras le texte", et de vous "battre" avec ...
C'est en faisant ceci que vous pouvez travailler vraiment, et donc, je l'espère, progresser. Quant à ce pauvre élève, il a encore fait 13 fautes, mais comme il est "consistent", il en répète toujours un certain nombre ...
Go for it!
*** ATTENTION ! Ce texte contient des fautes (qu'il convient de corriger ...)

From more than 200,000 people who hoped leaving Earth and dye on Mars, only 660 remain in the running. Those who do the final cut earn a seat on the Mars One mission, a one-way trip to the red planet.
The following round involves more filmed interviews and group challenges to see how people work together well. The final selection round will follow the candidates as they cope about living in harsh, remote mocked-up Mars habitats. At the end of the process, Mars One wants six groups of four astronauts to train for the mission.
InSight (short to "Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport" ) is a robotic lander designed to study the deep interior of the planet Mars. The mission launching on 5 May 2018 touched down on the surface of the Red Planet Mars on 26 November 2018, and after a voyage of 485 million km (301 million mi). This machine will extend it’s robot arms and place a seismometer — a device that measures quakes — onto the surface of Mars. For two Earth years (one Mars year), it will listen at vibrations that happen between the surface of the planet, to answer some to fundamental questions about how rocky planets, including our own, formed. The borrowing heat probe was provided by the German Aerospace Center, and France's national space agency CNES. It'll be at least six months before the InSight team even "gets a glimmer of what we're looking for," it was said. And it'll likely take the full two-year mission lifetime, or close to it, to get a really detailed look at the Martian interior. "Once we get to the surface, InSight is a slow-motion mission."

I) Find the 24 «scrambled words»… Vous semblez bien rodés ... Alors, c’est parti pour la recherche (en s’appuyant bien sur le (petit) contexte …

1. NASA's Mars InSight is on its YWA to the Red TNLEAP to explore the NENESU RIENORTI of our ROHINUBGE and listen for " SKUSAEAQRM." (6)

2. The LOAG is to PLVDOEE a AMP of the planet's interior and YLFPHLUEO gain SHINTGSI into the NIARFOTMO of other YCRKO planets, GUICINDLN Earth.(8)

3. The Mars InSight RDAENL FETISL SIRACRE CFTECIISIN SNMRSITEUTN developed as part of an LNIARTIAOTNEN NIAOALCOTRBLO with space agencies and other scientific SOTTTNNIISIU DURNOA the DRWLO. (10)

Bon courage pour ce travail ... J'espère que vous ne vous ennuierez pas ! Of course, I give you THE FORCE!

- Typo corrigé ... merci
- Le typo signalé n'existait pas .... Je suis revenue à l'original qui est bon : (Merci Choco !) Arrêtez, maintenant , sinon, je vais y perdre ... mon latin et la tête ! (pas mon anglais, tout de même ! )

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 35 de chinchilla, postée le 28-11-2018 à 06:36:17 (S | E)
Modifié par lucile83 le 07-12-2018 07:46
Impossible de corriger ce texte qui ne tient pas compte de l'emploi des majuscules malgré une demande de here4u et de moi-même par message privé.
Vous pouvez reposter en respectant les règles de ce topic.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 35 de here4u, postée le 28-11-2018 à 14:59:08 (S | E)
Hello, chinchilla
on this thread... among our hardworkers!
Just a few details... Could you please type your corrections in capitals and specify, in blue, whether your work is finished and ready to be corrected, or not!
Take care.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 35 de maxwell, postée le 28-11-2018 à 16:59:50 (S | E)
Hello Here4U
Petite typo dans le scrambled worlds, troisième phrase, troisième mot en partant de la fin : il manque certainement un U

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 35 de here4u, postée le 01-12-2018 à 12:38:33 (S | E)
Dear all,
Don’t forget that «  Our Story » is expecting your massive and clever participation .... It develops and maintains language (and brain) skills that Learners of all ages need ...

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 35 de magie8, postée le 04-12-2018 à 15:31:45 (S | E)
hello everybody READY TO CORRECT

From more than 200,000 people who hoped TO LEAVE Earth and DIE on Mars, only 660 remain in the running. Those who MAKE the final cut WIN a seat on the Mars One mission, a one-way trip to the red planet.
The NEXT round involves more filmed interviews and group challenges to see how WELL people work together . The final selection round will follow the candidates as they cope WITH living in harsh, remote mocked-up Mars habitats. At the end of the process, Mars One wants six groups of four astronauts to train for the mission.
InSight (short to "Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport" ) is a robotic lander designed to study the dePTH interior of the planet Mars. The mission launchED on 5 May 2018 touched down on the surface of the Red Planet Mars on 26 November 2018, and after a voyage of 485 million km (301 million miLES). This machine will extend ITS robot arms and place a seismometer — a device that measures quakes — onto the surface of Mars. For two Earth years (one Mars year), it will listen FOR vibrations that happen beNEATH the surface of the planet, to answer some(PAS TO) fundamental questions about how rocky planets, including our own, formed. The BURROWING heat probe was provided by the German Aerospace Center, and France's national space agency CNES. It'll TAKE at least six months before the InSight'S team even "gets a glimmer of what we're looking for," it was said. And it'll likely take the full two-year mission lifetime, or close to it, to get a really detailed look at the Martian interior. "Once we get to the surface, InSight is a slow-motion mission."

1)Nasa's Mars inSight is on the Way to the Red PLANET to explore the UNSEEN INTERIOR of our NEIGHBOUR and listen for MARSQUAKES
2)The GOAL is to DEVELOP a MAP of the planet's interior and HOPEFULLY gain INSIGHT into the FORMATION of other ROCKY planets ????? Earth
3)The Mars InSight LANDER ITSELF CARRIES SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS developed as part of an INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION with space agencies and other scientific INSTITUTIONS AROUND the WORLD
TROUVE 24 sur 25 je suis contente de moi avec cela

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 35 de alpiem, postée le 05-12-2018 à 18:53:00 (S | E)

Hello here4u

Réponse au sujet (105335) Rack your brains and help!/ 35...

From more than 200.000 people who hoped TO LEAVE Earth and DIE on Mars, only 660 remain in the running.
Those who do the final cut earn a seat on the Mars One mission, a one-way trip to the red planet.
The following round involves more filmed interviews and group challenges to see how people work together
well.The final selection round will follow the candidates as they cope WITH living in harsh, remote
mocked-up Mars habitats. At the end of the process, Mars One wants six groups of four astronautes to train
for the mission. InSight(short for "Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations,Geodesy and Heat
Transport) is a robotic lander designed to study the deep interior of the planet Mars.The mission launchED
on 5 May 2018, touched down on the surface of the red planet on 26 November 2018, and after a 485 MILLION KM
voyage (301 million ml). This machine will extend it's robot arms and place a seismometer-a device that
measures quakes-onto the surface of Mars.For two Earth years (one Mars year),it will listen TO THE vibrations that happen UNDER the surface of the planet, ANSWERING TO fundamental questions about how rocky
planets, including our own, formed. The borrowing heat probe was provided by the German Aerospace Centre,
and France's national space agency CNES. THERE WILL be at least six months before the InSight team even
gets a glimmer of what we're looking for", it was said.And it will likely take the full two-year mission
lifetime, or close to it, to get a really detailed look at the Martian interior."Once we get to the surface, InSight WILL BE a slow-motion mission".

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 35 de joe39, postée le 05-12-2018 à 19:33:17 (S | E)
Good evening, dear here4u
Here I’m,
back from the mission on Mars,
ready to be examined,
By the NASA scientists team

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you!
13 mistakes
OF THE more than 200,000 people who hoped leaving Earth and dye on Mars, only 660 remain in the running. Those who MAKE the final cut earn a seat on the Mars One mission, a one-way trip to the red planet.
The following round involves more filmed interviews and group challenges to see how MANY people work together well. The final selection round will follow the candidates as they cope about living in harsh, remote mocked-up Mars habitats. At the end of the process, Mars One wants six groups of four astronauts to train for the mission.
InSight (short to "Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport" ) is a robotic lander designed to study the deep interior of the planet Mars. The mission launching LAUNCHED on 5 May 2018 MAY 5, 1918/5TH OF MAY 1918, touched down on the surface of the Red Planet Mars on 26TH OF November/November 26, 2018, and after a voyage of 485 million km (301 million mi). This machine will extend ITS robot ARM and place a seismometer — a device that measures quakes — onto the surface of Mars. For two EARTHLY years (one MARTIAN year), it will listen TO THE vibrations that ARE PASSING ALONG the surface of the planet, to answer some OF THE fundamental questions about how rocky planets, including our own, formed. The borrowing heat probe was provided by the German Aerospace Center, and France's national space agency CNES. THERE WILL be at least six months before the InSight team even "gets a glimmer of what we're looking for," it was said. And it'll likely take the WHOLE two-year mission lifetime, or close to it, to get a really detailed look at the Martian interior. "Once we get to the surface, InSight is a slow-motion mission."

Find the 24 “scrambled words”
1. NASA's Mars InSight is on its WAY to the Red PLANET to explore the UNSEEN INTERIOR of our NEIGHBOUR and listen for " MARSQUAKES." (6)

2. The GOAL is to develop a MAP of the planet's interior and HOPEFULLY gain INSIGHT into the FORMATION of other TROCKY planets, INCLUDING Earth.(8)

3. The Mars InSight LANDER ITSELF TRACERS SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS developed as part of an INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION with space agencies and other scientific INSTITUTIONS AROUND the WORLD. (10)

Frankly said, i'm doubtful about the word "tracers" as suitable in this context, and I would also exclude, "craters", opting for the word "traces", but, in this case "stracre" should be a misprint.
Anyway I've racked enough my brains and, thanking you for the very nice exercise, I remain, dear friend, wishing you a pleasant evening.
So long.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 35 de tereda, postée le 06-12-2018 à 10:16:24 (S | E)
hello everyone
This is my input to this exercise, the second one a little difficult for me !

I) Please, help my student! He really needs you!
From more than 200,000 people who hoped to LEAVE EARTH and DIE
on Mars, only 660 remain in the running. Those who do the final cut earn a seat on the Mars One mission, a one-way trip to the red planet.
The following round involves more filmed interviews and group challenges to see how WELL people work together. The final selection round will follow the candidates as they cope about living in harsh, remote mocked-up Mars habitats. At the end of the process, Mars One wants six groups of four astronauts to train for the mission.

InSight (short to "Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport" ) is a robotic LANDER, ? (LANDING gear ) designed to study the deep interior of the planet Mars.
The mission launchED on 5 May 2018 touched down on the surface of the Red Planet Mars on 26 November 2018, and after a voyage of 485 million km (301 million mi). This machine will extend ITS robot arms and place a seismometer — a device that measures quakes — onto the surface of Mars.

For two Earth years (one Mars year), it will listen TO at vibrations that happen ON the surface of the planet - or maybe UNDER THE SURFACE ????, to answer 'TO' some fundamental questions about how rocky planets, including our own, HAVE BEEN formed. The BURROWING heat probe was provided by the German Aerospace Center, and France National Space Agency "CNES". It'll be at least six months before the InSight team even "gets a glimmer of what we're looking for," it was said. And it'll likely take the full two-year mission lifetime, or close to it, to get a really detailed look at the Martian interior. "Once we get to the surface, InSight is a slow-motion mission."

I) Find the 25 «scrambled words»
I am very sorry, I have only found 13 words !!
I hope to do better next time.....

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 35 de icare29, postée le 06-12-2018 à 17:58:22 (S | E)
Hello Here4u and all hard workers here is my work OK FOR CORRECTION

Among more than 200,000 people who hoped TO LEAVE FROM Earth and DIE on Mars, only 660 HAVE REMAINED in the running.
Those who HAVE DONE the final cut HAVE WON a seat ON the MISSION - Mars- One -, a one-way trip to the Red Planet.
The following round involves more filmed interviews and group challenges to see how WELL people work together.
The final selection round will follow the candidates as they cope WITH living in harsh, remote mocked-up MARTIAN habitats.
IN the end of the process, Mars_- One wants six groups of four astronauts to train for the mission.
InSight (ACRONYM FOR "Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport" ) is a robotic lander designed to study the DEEPTH interior of the planet Mars..
InSight was launched on 5 May 2018 and touched down on the surface of the Red Planet Mars on 26 November 2018, and after a TRIP of 485 million km (301 million MILES )

This machine will extend its ROBOTIC arms and place a seismometer , a device that measures quakes INTO the GROUND of Mars. During two Earth years (one Mars year), it will listen FOR vibrations that CAN happen UNDER the surface of the planet, to answer some of fundamental questions about how rocky planets, including our own, HAVE BEEN formed..
The BURROWING heat probe HAS BEEN provided by the German Aerospace Center, and France's national space agency CNES.
It'll be at least six months before the InSight team even "gets a glimmer of what we're looking for," it was said.
And it'll likely take the full two-year mission lifetime, or close to it, to get a really detailed look INTO the Martian interior.
"Once we get to the surface, InSight is a slow-motion mission."

Dear Here4u thanks a lot for this new interesting test

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 35 de maxwell, postée le 08-12-2018 à 09:43:21 (S | E)
Hello Here4U
Great exercise! I've had such a hard time wondering which tenses I should correct! I'm really not at ease in this text. Many times, I would have changed for a future tense instead of the present (but I had already found 13 corrections...)

I Help my student:
From more than 200,000 people who hoped leaving Earth and DIE(*) on Mars, only 660 remain in the running. Those who MAKE the final cut earn a seat on the Mars One mission, a one-way trip to the [R]ed [P]lanet.
The following round involves more filmed interviews and group challenges to see how people work WELL together. The final selection round will follow the candidates as they cope WITH living in harsh, remote mocked-up Mars habitats. At the end of the process, Mars One wants six groups of four astronauts to train for the mission.
InSight (short FOR "Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport" ) is a robotic lander designed to study the deep interior of the planet Mars. The mission LAUNCHED on May [5,] 2018 touched down on the surface of the Red Planet Mars on November, [26,] 2018, and after a voyage of 485 million km (301 million mi). This machine will extend ITS robot arms and place a seismometer ? a device that measures quakes ? onto the surface of Mars. For two Earth years (one Mars year), it will BE LISTENING (**) TO vibrations that happen ON the surface of the planet, to answer some to fundamental questions about how rocky planets, including our own, formed. The BURROWING heat probe was provided by the German Aerospace Center, and France's national space agency CNES. It'll be at least six months before the InSight team even "gets a glimmer of what we're looking for," it HAS BEEN said. And it'll likely take the full two-year mission lifetime, or close to it, to get a really detailed look at the Martian interior. "Once we get to the surface, InSight is a slow-motion mission."
(*) Vu le contexte (leave Earth, one-way trip), je me dis que c'est la bonne réponse...
(**) quand je vois "FOR + période", mon réflexe, c'est de mettre une forme progressive !

II Scrambled words:
Some of them were really difficult : ITSELF, UNSEEN, SCIENTIFIC, INSTRUMENTS. Others were a piece of cake (WAY, NEIGHBOUR, MAP, ROCKY, INCLUDING, LANDER, AROUND, WORLD)
1. NASA's Mars InSight is on its WAY to the Red PLANET to explore the UNSEEN INTERIOR of our NEIGHBOUR and listen for " MARSQUAKES."

2. The GOAL is to DEVELOP a MAP of the planet's interior and HOPEFULLY gain INSIGHTS into the FORMATION of other ROCKY planets, INCLUDING Earth.

3. The Mars InSight LANDER ITSELF CARRIES SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS developed as part of an INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION with space agencies and other scientific INSTITUTIONS AROUND the WORLD.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 35 de chocolatcitron, postée le 08-12-2018 à 21:30:08 (S | E)
Rack your brains and help! 35 Here4u posté le 27-11-2018 à 18:53:05. FINISHED.
Hello my dear Here4u ! Thank you !

Here is my work:
I) Please, help my student! He really needs you! Quant à ce pauvre élève, il a encore fait 13 fautes.

From more than 200,000 people who hoped TO LEAVE Earth and DIE on Mars, only 660 remain in the running. Those who MAKE the final cut earn a seat on the Mars One mission, a one-way trip to the red planet.
The following round involves more filmed interviews and group challenges to see how WELL people work together. The final selection round will follow the candidates as they cope about living in harsh, remote mocked-up Mars habitats. At the end of the process, Mars One wants six groups of four astronauts to train for the mission.
InSight (short FOR "Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport" ) is a robotic lander designed to study the INTERNAL DEPTH of the planet Mars. The mission launching on May 5TH 2018 touched down on the surface of the Red Planet Mars on November 26 TH 2018, and after a voyage of 485 million km (301 million mi). This machine will extend ITS robot arms and place a seismometer — a device that measures quakes — onto the surface of Mars. For two Earth years (one Mars year), it will listen FOR vibrations that happen BENEATH the surface of the planet, to answer some TOO fundamental questions about how rocky planets, including our own, formed. The borrowing heat probe was provided by the German Aerospace Center, and France's NATIONAL SPACE AGENCY CNES. It'll be at least six months before the InSight team even "gets a glimmer of what we're looking for, " it was said. And it'll likely take the full two-year mission lifetime, or close to it, to get a really detailed look at the Martian interior. "Once we get to the surface, InSight is a slow-motion mission."

II) Find the 24 «scrambled words».
Voici le décodage de ton message martien : .

1. NASA's Mars InSight is on its WAY to the Red PLANET to explore the UNSEEN INTERIOR of our NEIGHBOUR and listen for " MARSQUAKES" (6)

2. The GOAL is to DEVELOP a MAP of the planet's interior and HOPEFULLY gain INSIGHTS into the FORMATION of other ROCKY planets, INCLUDING Earth.(8)

3. The Mars InSight LANDER ITSELF CARRIES SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS developed as part of an INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION with space agencies and other scientific INSTITUTIONS AROUND the WORLD. (10)

I give the force back to you, Here4u.
See you soon.

Modifié par chocolatcitron le 09-12-2018 19:11

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 35 de here4u, postée le 09-12-2018 à 23:42:40 (S | E)
Hello, Dear Friends,

Voici votre correction. Celle-ci sera « à temps » … Pour le moment, je ne peux rien garantir pour le devoir de demain. Je vais essayer de vous poster le prochain RYB ce soir(c'est fait et le 146 est prêt aussi ... ), mais j'ai « quelques » problèmes indépendants de ma volonté …
Croyez-le, je fais de mon mieux pour tenir les délais que j’ai fixés … Cependant, à l’impossible, nul n’est tenu et we’ll « wait and see »… Fingers crossed...

J’ai tout de même quelques certitudes, dont celle d’avoir besoin de plusieurs volontaires pour le "follow up work". Le texte vous a semblé difficile … S’il en est ainsi, peut-être serait-il bien de vous mettre par « équipes de 2 » et de partager le texte en TROIS parties (inégales tant pour la difficulté que pour le nombre de corrections à faire.) A vous de voir. (J'ai mis des // aux limites ...)
Pour les phrases, j’ai déjà demandé à un de vos co-workers de s’y pencher, mais sans aucune obligation, bien sûr … En classe, je désigne souvent des volontaires mais c'est plus facile : je « vois dans leurs yeux qu’ils souhaitent l’être ! » (I'm kidding but they like it!) Donc, en plus de "mon volontaire-désigné,-mais-pas-obligé", il faudrait au moins deux autres travailleurs ...
Comme toujours vos travaux étaient très bons ... et je vous en remercie et vous félicite.

From more than 200,000 people who hoped to leave(1) Earth and die(2) on Mars, only 660 remain in the running. Those who make (3) the final cut earn a seat on the Mars One mission, a one-way trip to the red planet.
The following round involves more filmed interviews and group challenges to see how well people work together(4). The final selection round will follow the candidates as they cope with living (5) in harsh, remote mocked-up Mars habitats. At the end of the process, Mars One wants six groups of four astronauts to train for the mission.//
InSight (short for (6)"Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport") is a robotic lander designed to study the deep interior of the planet Mars. The mission launched (7) on 5 May 2018 touched down on the surface of the Red Planet Mars on 26 November 2018, and after a journey(8) of 485 million km (301 million mi). This machine will extend its (9) robot arms and place a seismometer — a device that measures quakes — onto the surface of Mars.// For two Earth years (one Mars year), it will listen for (10) vibrations that happen beneath (11) the surface of the planet, to answer XX (12) some fundamental questions about how rocky planets, including our own, formed. The burrowing heat probe(13) was provided by the German Aerospace Center, and France's national space agency CNES. It'll be at least six months before the InSight team even "gets a glimmer of what we're looking for," it was said. And it'll likely take the full two-year mission lifetime, or close to it, to get a really detailed look at the Martian interior. "Once we get to the surface, InSight is a slow-motion mission."(13 mistakes)

(1) Attention à la confusion entre les deux verbes : leave, I left, left ; et to live=> lived (régulier)
To hope TO DO something est la construction correcte. (la forme en –ing et/ou l’infinitif sans to sont tous deux faux !)
(2) to dye = teindre ; to die= dying => to be dead.
* to earn: (pas "win" ici, car le voyage se méritait vraiment)
(3)To MAKE a cut (not to do)
(4) Faute la plus grave du texte : place de well (après un adjectif, ici) Revoir N°106634
Lien internet
Ce n’est pas exactement VOTRE problème dans le texte, mais il devrait quand même vous aider à mieux manier la construction.
(5) to cope with (N’oubliez pas d’apprendre les particules en même temps que les verbes.)
(6) RSPCA is SHORT FOR Royal Society for the Protection of Cruelty to Animals.
(7) « The mission launched » car la date est précisée clairement.
(8) a voyage= plutôt par mer => a journey; a trip est trop court.
(9) Attention encore a une confusion : it’s = it is ; its = adjectif possessif.
(10) Listen TO voudrait dire qu’il y a effectivement des vibrations. On ne le sait pas => listen FOR.
(11) a quake starts under a surface, not on it!
(12) To answer a question… se construit sans particule. C’était la deuxième faute très grave à ne PAS faire. Bravo à ceux qui ont débusqué les deux fautes.
(13) Encore une fois : Ne pas confondre to borrow (money from someone)= emprunter à qq1 et to bUrrow …

Ce texte d’actualité, n’était pas facile car il était assez technique … Vous vous en êtes pour la plupart bien tirés, voire très bien. BRAVO !
II Scrambled words:

1. NASA's Mars InSight is on its WAY to the Red PLANET to explore the UNSEEN INTERIOR of our NEIGHBOUR and listen for "MARSQUAKES."

2. The GOAL is to DEVELOP a MAP of the planet's interior and HOPEFULLY gain INSIGHTS into the FORMATION of other ROCKY planets, INCLUDING Earth.

3. The Mars InSight LANDER ITSELF CARRIES SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS developed as part of an INTERNATIONAL COLLABORATION with space agencies and other scientific INSTITUTIONS AROUND the WORLD.

Bravo encore à tous et

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 35 de magie8, postée le 10-12-2018 à 12:30:18 (S | E)
bonjour je prends la traduction de la 1ére partie du texte

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 35 de magie8, postée le 10-12-2018 à 12:56:19 (S | E)
traduction de la 1ére parie du texte

bonjour à tous
Sur plus de 200000 personnes qui espéraient quitter la terre et mourir sur Mars seulement 660 restent dans la course .Ceux qui font la finale gagne une place sur la mission Une de la planète Mars.L'étape suivante comprend plus d'entrevues filmées et des défis de groupe pour voir si les gens s'entendent bien ensemble.La sélection finale suivra les candidats qui devront faire face en vivant dans les difficiles conditions des habitats éloignés.A la fin du processus Mars Une veut que 6 groupes de 4 astronautes soient formés pour la mission.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 35 de tereda, postée le 10-12-2018 à 15:04:15 (S | E)
hello everyone,

If someone wants to share with me the translation of the text, no problem,
I am wainting for you....

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 35 de maxwell, postée le 10-12-2018 à 20:45:36 (S | E)
Je regarde Here4U pour être volontaire. Je prends la 2ème partie du texte
InSight (short for (6)"Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations, Geodesy and Heat Transport") is a robotic lander designed to study the deep interior of the planet Mars. The mission launched (7) on 5 May 2018 touched down on the surface of the Red Planet Mars on 26 November 2018, and after a journey(8) of 485 million km (301 million mi). This machine will extend its (9) robot arms and place a seismometer — a device that measures quakes — onto the surface of Mars.

EIURSGTC (raccourci pour "Exploration Intérieure Utilisant les Recherches Sismiques, la Géodésie et le Transport de Chaleur") est un module d'atterrissage automatique conçu pour étudier l'intérieur profond de la planète Mars. La mission lancée le 5 mai 2018 se posa sur la planète rouge Mars le 26 novembre 2018, et après un périple de 485 millions de kilomètres (301 millions de miles). Cet appareil déploiera ses bras robotisés et placera un sismomètre - un dispositif qui mesure les tremblements- sur la surface de Mars.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 35 de tereda, postée le 11-12-2018 à 10:03:56 (S | E)
suite et fin du texte

Pendant deux années terrestres (une année martienne), il écoutera les vibrations qui se produisent à la surface de la planète Mars, pour répondre à des questions fondamentales sur la formation des planètes rocheuses, dont la nôtre.

..... La sonde thermique a été fournie par le Centre aérospatial allemand et le CNES. Il faudra au moins six mois avant que l'équipe d'InSight n'ait une idée de ce que nous recherchons", dit-on. Et il faudra probablement toute la durée de vie d'une mission de deux ans, ou presque, pour avoir un aperçu très détaillé de l'intérieur martien. "Une fois à la surface, InSight est une mission au ralenti."

- un petit ajout si je peux me permettre dans le premier paragraphe, il y aurait lieu de rajouter : un aller simple vers la planète rouge.

Sur plus de 200 000 personnes qui espéraient quitter la Terre et mourir sur Mars, seules 660 sont encore en lice. Ceux qui feront partie de la finale gagneront une place pour la mission Mars One, un aller simple vers la planète rouge.

Réponse : Rack your brains and help!/ 35 de joe39, postée le 11-12-2018 à 12:04:44 (S | E)
Bonjour Here4u,
Bonjour à tout le monde!

"Scrambled words" - Traduction
1 -Mars InSight de la Nasa est en route pour la planète rouge pour explorer le sous-sol du sol de notre voisine et écouter des « tremblements ».

2 – Le but est de tracer une carte de l’intérieur de la planète et avec un peu de chance, d’acquérir des connaissances concernant la formation d’autres planètes rocheuses, y compris la Terre.

3 – La sonde spatiale Mars Insight transporte des instruments scientifiques développés dans la cadre d’une collaboration internationale entre les agences spatiales et autres institutions scientifiques du monde entier.

Je vous souhaite une très bonne journée


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